Master of Fist

Chapter 437: Done with her

Entering the inner courtyard, we can see that the scale of this villa is not small. Looking around, there are rockery ponds with willows and bamboo forests planted on both sides, separating the outside world as if turning this place into an independent paradise.

Jiang Heng's group stopped after taking a few steps, because there were rows of maidservants standing in front of them, and these servants had been selected since they passed back to Jiang Heng. Now they are waiting here half a month in advance, and the other garden has already been cleaned up in an orderly manner.

"This is your future master, Jiang Heng!" Elder Yan was clearly prepared for such a situation.

"Meet the master!"

All of a sudden, everyone fell to their knees in front of them, and at a glance, there were as many as twenty or thirty people. One by one, they prostrated respectfully on the ground, their heads hanging down, looking very respectful.

In fact, such a scale is still too small for a high-level warrior, but this place is no different than others, but the city of Tianchen, which is in a state of combat readiness. Even some of the elders here have just a few servants who take care of daily life.

It's not that the city of Tianchen is short of manpower, but that the other garden is not particularly big, and it can't accommodate hundreds of servants. But considering that the Bieyuan is located near the city lord's mansion, it doesn't matter.

"This..." Seeing this, Jiang Heng frowned slightly.

"Brother Jiang Heng is satisfied with this mansion?" Old Yan came over with a smile and said, "If you are not satisfied, I will ask the city lord to change it for you. It's just that there are bigger ones, but it's far away from the city lord's mansion and other places. The mansion of the senior brother is far away."

"A few other senior brothers? Brother Lin Heng, are they all back?"

"Yes, I just returned in the middle of last month. The mansion over there is Lin Heng's mansion, and the mansions of Senior Brother Lu Hui, Senior Brother Hou Fusheng, and Senior Sister Lin Yanwei are all nearby." Mr. Gong Yan patiently introduced He said, "I heard that Senior Brother Jiang made a triumphant return. Today, Senior Brother Lin has already prepared a banquet for Senior Brother Jiang to go to the banquet to welcome you."

"Brothers, you are bothering." Jiang Heng was touched slightly, of course he knew the intentions of senior brother Lin Heng and senior sister Lin Yanwei, but he didn't know about those two. .

But no matter what, today's banquet cannot be avoided.

"As for the servants in Senior Brother's mansion, if you are not satisfied, you can change a batch at any time. For example, Senior Brother Hou Fusheng, you can replace them all with young and beautiful women. Of course, Senior Brother Jiang also has this demand, so you can do whatever you want. These servants are Senior Brother today. The property can be used at will. And the alliance's top fighters like Senior Brother Jiang only need to put all their thoughts on how to improve their strength.

As for some trivial matters, just leave them to these servants. "Old Yan said.

"Are they voluntary?" Jiang Heng was a little curious. These people in front of him were not only ordinary people, but some were even inferior or even close to middle-level warriors.

Such a character is definitely at the level of a big brother in some gymnasiums. Now life and death are in his hands, let him choose.

"Haha! Senior Brother Jiang is worrying too much." Wen Yanyan stroked his beard and laughed loudly, "There is no need to worry too much, these are all willing to follow Senior Brother Jiang. These maidservants are sold by their families to the alliance, and these guards But it was heard that he was recruiting servants and guards for Senior Brother Jiang. He even gave up his life and death autonomy to follow Senior Brother Jiang.

Most of these guards are homeless wandering warriors. Their own martial arts level is too low. What they want to follow their seniors is only a stable environment and a set of martial arts that seniors despise.

Of course, if senior brother Ruo Jiang was not satisfied, he would kill him. Since they joined the senior brother's sect, they already had a choice in their hearts and could not blame others. "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng nodded thoughtfully, so it doesn't matter, if his conscience can't help it, then just give them a martial arts in the future.

"Okay. Brother Jiang's mission for Yan has been completed this time. Senior brother still needs to worry about many things when he first arrives, so don't bother me!" said Yan Lao, clasping his hands.

"Excuse me, why don't you go in for a tea break?" Jiang Heng said politely.

Old Yan shook his head and said, "Another day! Another day! Brother Lin Heng will probably invite him to a banquet later, so I won't stay!"

Jiang Heng nodded slightly, but didn't hold back anymore.

After Yan Lao said his farewell, he left slowly, looking at a group of servants and maidservants standing in front of him.

"You all go to your own business, let me go shopping by myself!"

"It's the master!"

Hearing that these servants did not dare to disobey, they all walked away quickly with their heads down, only Xiaoqin's beautiful eyes glanced at Jiang Heng from time to time.

At this time, only Jiang Heng and Zhou Fu were left in the courtyard, and Zhou Fu followed behind without speaking, very reserved.

Jiang Heng began to walk around in the courtyard, Zhou Fu followed behind.

It has to be said that although this other garden is not big, it has all internal organs and internal organs, and the garden style of the inner courtyard is quite artistic. Being in it makes Jiang Heng feel like he is still in the Jiang Mansion in Qinglan Realm.

"Zhou Fu, you will live next door to me from now on. If there is anything you don't understand, you can come to me. These are some of my cultivation experience in recent years. You should take it to watch first."

After visiting the Bieyuan, Jiang Heng took Zhou Fu to the study and took out a book of martial arts comprehension written during the return flight.

For this newly recruited disciple, Jiang Heng, he didn't intend to deliberately train him. It's actually not very useful to teach martial arts by hand. In particular, Zhou Fu's martial arts has reached the point where he has entered the middle level, and he has his own martial arts system. Forcibly following Jiang Heng's changes is counterproductive.

"'s Master! Many...thank you Master!"

After receiving the brochure, Zhou Fu was a little incoherent with excitement, and the truth is that he couldn't help being excited.

The martial arts comprehension of any high-level martial artist is a rare treasure. After Jiang Heng received Lin Heng's personal guidance, his martial arts comprehension improved by leaps and bounds, and finally stepped into the upper level quickly.

This is due to the factors of Jiang Heng's own cheating and extremely high talent, and of course Lin Heng's mention has a huge effect.

Like Zhou Fu, who gained Jiang Heng's understanding of martial arts this time, not to mention that he will definitely step into the upper level, at least he can avoid many detours in the middle level in the future.

This is very rare.

Zhou Fu looked at Jiang Heng movedly, he thought that this usually quiet master had something against him. I didn't expect this move to be such a great gift.

You must know that this kind of martial arts perception is often passed down to the direct line or very close people.

"Okay, don't be a mother-in-law. If you want to thank you, you should improve your strength as soon as possible. The situation in Tianchen City is unknown at the moment. The beast clan in the Iron Ring Star Field is powerful, and there will inevitably be a few fierce battles in the future.

As a teacher and as a superior, you must take the lead. Since you have joined my sect, you will definitely face opponents far superior to those in the past. Time is running out, improve your strength as soon as possible! "

Jiang Heng stroked the armrest of the seat with a solemn tone, and his words could be regarded as telling the truth, there was no falsehood, and becoming his disciple was not such a simple matter.

While becoming a high-ranking disciple will gain a lot of envious eyes, he will also bear the pressure far superior to his peers.

Unless Zhou Fu started a war regardless of Jiang Heng's face, he would be a coward. In this way, let alone the city lord's displeasure, Jiang Heng would be the first to spare him.

This can be seen from the fact that the disciples of Lu Hui's senior brothers rushed forward at the beginning of the war. Sometimes, even if you don't move forward, there are countless people pushing you forward.

Otherwise, the upper-class direct descendants are afraid of their hands and feet, so what do the people at the bottom think? If that's the case, there's no need to fight this battle.

Zhou Fu was also aware of this, and nodded emphatically upon hearing the words.

"Master, please rest assured, I will definitely improve my strength as soon as possible, so as not to embarrass Master!"

In fact, Zhou Fu's strength wasn't too bad, at least he was much better than those who had just entered the middle class, but he was still a lot worse than the senior middle class.

"You take this too, learn as much as you can."

Jiang Heng handed over another booklet, this time it was a simplified version of Jiuji.

After Jiuji was further perfected by the sphere, Jiang Heng's understanding of this secret method rose sharply, and it is naturally possible to make a slight cut.

The huge negative effect was deleted. After all, Jiang Heng's physique cannot be imitated by others, otherwise Zhou Fu's body would collapse if he added a layer of it.

Similarly, the increase in strength is not so obvious. The increase in strength by superimposing one layer is only about 30%, but this is not bad.

At least it can save your life at critical moments!

Zhou Fu, who had acquired martial arts again, was really moved beyond measure, and his definition of Jiang Heng as a master also skyrocketed, second only to his father.

After waving his hand to let Zhou Fu comprehend it by himself, Jiang Heng was about to settle down and figure out the basic operation method of Qingtian Transformation first, when a maid knocked on the door.

It's just that someone else came in.


"How did you come?"

Looking at the beauty in front of him, Jiang Heng never expected that she would come in person.


Hearing the delicate voice of the person in front of him, the words Jiang Heng was about to open stopped in his mouth.

The person who came was his future daughter-in-law, Lin Yanwei!

There was a faint smile on Jiang Heng's face, but he couldn't help frowning slightly in his heart. In fact, he really wanted to ask what was going on in this woman's mind.

Lin Yanwei is a very fickle woman.

Jiang Heng still had a fresh memory of the woman's first conversation.

But after a series of experiences, Jiang Heng has always been ruthless towards this woman, and he has indeed accepted their Lin family's great favor, and this woman may not be able to get rid of her in the future.

"Husband, grandpa asked you to go to the Lin Mansion to have a banquet tonight. Grandpa has specially prepared a banquet for you. At that time, several senior brothers and the man from the empire will also be there!"

Lin Yanwei stood in front of Jiang Heng and said charmingly.

I have to say that Lin Yanwei is a very attractive woman, with exquisite and glamorous facial features, delicate red lips, fair skin, exquisite figure, and slender, white and tender long legs that can be seen under the skirt .

It is very in line with Jiang Heng's aesthetics.

At least at this moment, Jiang Heng saw a slight evil fire in his lower abdomen.

Jiang Heng is not a monk, on the contrary, the fire in his heart is stronger than that of ordinary people. The demand for martial arts practitioners like them is extremely strong.

Otherwise, why are most of the upper-class families in groups of maidservants in addition to wives and concubines?


Jiang Heng was a little dazed, and Lin Yanwei blinked suspiciously.

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