Master of Fist

Chapter four hundred and ninety fourth makes me very upset

"Junior brother Jiang is really young! I'm afraid such arrogant words are inappropriate?" The white-haired and white-bearded Lian Lao was a little displeased. He has always been used to relying on the old and selling the old, and he has never seen such an arrogant young junior. .

"Is it inappropriate? I think it's appropriate!" Jiang Heng shook his head, and without giving the other party a chance to speak, he continued: "I don't know if Jiang is called this time, but because of the battle of the iron ring, he is rewarded for his merits?"

This head start made the three of them slightly stagnant, and the three of them were obviously shocked by Jiang Heng's unscrupulous attitude.

"A reward for meritorious deeds?"

Lian Lao sneered, "That boy Yue Shan should have told you already? Now he is talking about meritorious deeds, and he is so arrogant and domineering. It seems that the change of the alliance is not a bad thing.

According to the old man, these loose people who are used to idleness should have been restrained a long time ago. It is easy to cause trouble if you are used to being scattered, which is not a good thing! "

The elegant middle-aged man and Li Miaozhen nodded calmly and looked at Jiang Heng with a sneer.

"Is this the way the alliance behaves? Crossing the river and demolishing bridges and beating them up? A certain person has made such great contributions to the alliance, not to mention that there is no reward, so why should he be convicted?"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, and his momentum was not lost to the three present.

"Well, you are a sharp-tongued boy. I didn't know that your strength is worthy of your mouth!" Lian Lao didn't like Jiang Heng's first impression, and he hated young people who jumped out. Moreover, Jiang Heng uttered wild words one after another, which was even more unbearable.

As soon as the words fell, even the boss slapped his hands, and his figure suddenly flew into the air and made a side spin in mid-air, and at the same time, his figure was like an awl, and he kicked Jiang Heng fiercely.

I haven't even seen any kind of genius at my age, and those from the ancient family are all extremely talented. I am used to seeing geniuses from ancient families at the alliance headquarters, and I disdain Jiang Heng, a genius from a wild family background.

As for the rumors that Jiang Heng beheaded half-step Dao Realm, he didn't believe it even more. How strong is the half-step road realm? It is definitely not something that warriors from Yeluzi can beat. This is only possible unless the advanced late stage of the ancient family uses some Taoist tools.

He reckoned that it might be true that Jiang Heng beheaded Xuan Qi, but it was definitely the result of Xuan Qi's dying. Although this kind of situation is rare in fighting, it is not impossible!

"This old man will teach you a good lesson for your parents today!"

While sneering, Lian Lao's figure was so fast that it was unbelievable. He almost moved and seemed to be traveling through space, and he came to Jiang Heng's front door in the blink of an eye. break out.

This kick is called Star Destroyer, and with this move, Lian Lao even kicked out the ancestors of the orc clan at the upper and later levels.

He has absolute self-confidence, the young man in front of him will be seriously injured if he does not die from this blow!

The momentum of thunder just struck.

However, Jiang Heng just watched quietly.

"court death!"

Lian Lao coldly snorted and stepped up his strength again, the whole body's energy and blood gathered together like a dragon and suddenly burst out!

It's just that when this kick landed heavily on Jiang Heng's body, Lian Lao felt that the force he originally poured into Jiang Heng's body had just been blasted out, as if he had encountered an invisible barrier of trembling and rebounding.

This results in direct feedback of force back.


The sound of frying beans was heard continuously from the leg bones.

A shrill scream burst out from Old Lian's mouth.

His figure was thrown away like a broken sack.

Lian Lao had already used 10% of his strength for this blow, although not all of his strength was rebounded for such a rebound, it was still nearly 80% of his strength. How could his old arms and legs bear such strength?

After rolling around on the ground a few times, he covered his calf in pain and kept wailing.


Seeing this scene, Li Miaozhen's beautiful eyes flickered slightly, but she quickly scolded in a cold voice.

"The old thing can't help but fight, right? Oh, yes, I haven't made a move yet." Jiang Heng shrugged with a helpless face, just relying on the rebound characteristics of the overlord body to achieve such an effect, this is considered Jiang Everything was a little unexpected.

In fact, Jiang Heng still overestimated these big figures from the alliance headquarters.

Although this Lian Lao is in the advanced late stage, in fact, he did more hands-on work in his early years.

After often sitting in the headquarters of the alliance, it has been nearly a thousand years since he has not used force, and coupled with the severe decline of blood, it is more than a few streets behind when he is in the middle of his prime!

It is also very unbearable for the physical body to be in a state of deficit at the same level for a long time due to the decline in qi and blood.

Even if it is an ordinary upper-middle stage, as long as it is a person with rich experience in fighting, he can win the old one-on-one.

"a shame!"

With a swipe of Li Miaozhen's palm, Lian Lao who was crying on the ground was taken into the side. At the same time, with a flick of the finger, a pill was sent into Old Lian's mouth with great precision.

After a while, Lian Lao's wailing weakened a lot, but his body was still full of strength that could not be released for a long time.

"Jiang Heng's Japanese handprint originally planned to persuade you with good words, but I never thought that you would be so rampant. Not only is it arrogant and rude, but you also shot and wounded the alliance envoy. May I ask what the crime is for this!"

Li Miaozhen's pretty face was full of evil, and the original state of immortality instantly turned into a glaring Bodhisattva, and an invisible power spread out to overwhelm Jiang Heng.

"Injured the alliance envoy? Did someone do something? Master Palm Print, please don't swear!"

Jiang Heng grinned ironically.

"Bold!" Hearing that the elegant middle-aged man couldn't hold back his indifferent expression, he got up immediately and was about to make a move.

However, Li Miaozhen stopped the elegant middle-aged man with his hand. next move.

She knew very well that it was very difficult for an ordinary envoy to be Jiang Heng's opponent.

You can't even test the depth of the other party, so there is no need to be ashamed for nothing.

"Hmm! Very good! Since you don't listen to good words, then the palm print has to convince people with virtue!"

As soon as the words fell, Li Miaozhen stretched out her hand out of thin air, and just grabbed it in front of her.

It was as if the palm of his hand was pressed directly on Jiang Heng's chest when he stepped directly across the space.

Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly, and the empty palm that was so treacherous and completely unresponsive was here.

Like a needle piercing into a balloon, a terrifying power that condensed the power of the surrounding space instantly poured into Jiang Heng's body from the palm print.


A muffled thunderous explosion resounded through the room.

I saw Jiang Heng staggering back one after another, taking dozens of steps back before using his back heel to push back the strength.

Hoo hoo!

Sweat dripped from Jiang Heng's forehead, and the opponent's strength gave him a very strange feeling, as if it was a blow from a higher level.

The product of the perfect fusion of potential field space, and the other party's use of Qi machine is obviously not at the same level as Jiang Heng.

Accurately find the weakest point of the overlord body and penetrate a little bit.

Secondly, the opponent uses fast to fight slow, which reduces the effect of the super body's resonance and unloading force rebound to a negligible level.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Heng quickly stabilized the slightly chaotic Qi and blood in his body. At the same time, the overlord body operates silently to transfer and make up for the previous weaknesses.

This is also the strength of the Overlord Body. It can move the door on its body, and it has the effect of greatly weakening the damage, so even if it hits the door, it can live in peace.

"You can receive my palm without changing your face, it seems that you really have something!"

Li Miaozhen's expression was flat, but there was a hint of disappointment between her brows.

"It seems that this person's beheading of half-step Dao Realm is really exaggerated."

Li Miaozhen shook her head slightly, and her interest in Jiang Heng was greatly reduced. She could clearly feel that the other party's use of potential field aura was very shallow.

Maybe it's not bad for those loose warriors. But it's not enough to look at her from such an ancient family.

The background of the ancient family makes them often walk ahead of ordinary people. Even more, the martial arts experience left by the powerful Daoists directly opened up a huge gap between them and ordinary warriors.

"Master Palm Print! Come and don't reciprocate!"

Jiang Heng yelled softly, but raised his hand and punched out in a flash!

It is not Jiang Heng's style not to fight back after being beaten!

This punch was extremely terrifying in terms of momentum, in stark contrast to Li Miaozhen's previous palm that seemed to be otherworldly.

The potential field of space tremors is mixed with blood and blood like a flood.

"It's too superficial, but this punch has fallen into the bottom line!"

Looking at this punch, Li Miaozhen shook her head in disappointment.

The opponent's punch seemed to be powerful, but it was actually similar to Lian Lao's previous kick. It looks huge, but it is actually just a simple mixing of several energies.

In Li Miaozhen's eyes, what is crude is like mud in the hands of a child.

Disappointment is disappointment, but Li Miaozhen still waved his hand and greeted him with the same palm.

The opponent's moves were poor and poor, but the amount of the explosion still surprised Li Miao.

The fists and palms intersected, there was no massive collision, and the two separated with just one touch.

"The palm seal of your moves can be easily broken. I advise you not to be obsessed with it. If you join the alliance with your hands tied, this palm seal may still be able to read your previous credits and let you go!"

Li Miaozhen's tone was cold, and she had completely lost interest in Jiang Heng.

It's just a mid-term reckless man whose combat power is comparable to the peak of the advanced late stage.

"The way you look really annoys me!"

Jiang Heng landed heavily, a little displeased with the low-minded eyes of this bitch.

Aloof! Contempt! As if everything was an ant in her eyes!

"Is Li Miao really? An ancient family, right?"

Listening to Jiang Heng's continuous questioning, Li Miaozhen frowned slightly.

"Then what do you want?" Li Miaozhen glanced at Jiang Heng lightly, as if to say what can you do?

"I've endured you for a long time! You don't think I've used all my strength just now, do you?"

Jiang Heng casually tore off the martial arts uniform on his body, revealing the ferocious and strong muscles inside.

It's like swimming dragons are constantly swimming!

"Oh! How about that?"

Li Miaozhen's expression remained unchanged, the other party didn't use all his strength, why didn't she?

"Forget it, it's useless to keep such a palm print like yours. Since this palm print is like this, let you completely give up!"

Li Miaozhen shook her head helplessly, her figure had floated silently into the air.

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