Master of Fist

Chapter five hundred and seventh crushing

When the golden light passed by Zhang Shitong's flanks, Zhang Shitong's pupils shrank slightly.

Did I read it wrong?

Zhang Shitong's eyes were a little confused and a little shocked.

What just flew over was not a person, but a roc with fluttering wings! Golden Wing Roc!

"Beast... Beast Race?!"

Zhang Shitong spit out the thoughts in his heart as soon as his mouth trembled.

But how could the orcs appear here? This is the hinterland of the alliance, not too far from the headquarters of the alliance, the orcs actually infiltrated here?

Zhang Shitong looked around in a hurry, although he was relieved that he didn't see the beast clan, he still didn't dare to be careless and hurried back to the flying boat of the Flying Pigeon Chamber of Commerce.

"What happened to Uncle Zhang?"

Shang Qianqian hurriedly stepped forward and asked inexplicably, what happened just now was too sudden. With her strength, she could hardly see Zhang Shitong and the Dragon King confronting each other. But soon the Dragon King turned around and ran away, as if there was still a flash of light.

"Go! Go!"

Zhang Shitong didn't have time to elaborate, now he just felt that he was like a tiger's lair just after he came out of the wolf's mouth. A strong beast clan strong enough to make even the Dragon King appear here, which means that there must be a large-scale beast clan around him army.

Shang Qianqian was still ignorant at first, but seeing Zhang Shitong's anxious and uneasy expression, she knew that things might be getting worse.

I have to hurry people to leave this place quickly...

The Dragon King only felt very inexplicable, and there was also a deep fear. He glanced back at the golden bird that was getting closer, and the Dragon King frowned.

Who is it?


How could the orcs appear here? wrong!

Soon the Dragon King was keenly aware of something, "The opponent's aura is a bit wrong. Although it is similar to the flying Lei Peng in the orc clan, the aura is human! Is he a human?!"

But this made the Dragon King even more confused. He had never heard of such an alliance master who could change the form of the beast race, except of course himself.

Such a person who doesn't know the details at all, let alone enmity with him, who has no grudges in the past and has no grudges in the present, what exactly is he thinking?

"No, hurry up! Hurry up!"

Seeing that the speed of the figure in the back was approaching beyond common sense, the Dragon King kept urging him.

"Already... already the fastest speed, fast... can't be faster!" The person in charge of operating the flying boat responded loudly, and at the same time, he was beating his heart.

Looking at the golden light approaching from behind, everyone now knew that their king was afraid of that golden light, a guy who could make even the king afraid, his strength can be imagined.

"Damn it!"

The Dragon King cursed, gritted his teeth and jumped up.

"Don't slow down, keep speeding up!"

The Dragon King stood on the star sail, his whole body muscles tensed and already in a state of high combat readiness, pieces of scales squirmed rapidly, and soon covered his body with a thick layer of blue scales.

At the same time, the characteristics of the dragon on the body became more and more obvious, especially the pair of horns. Even the corners of the mouth grew two slender dragon beards. Thick white hair flutters slightly.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the Dragon King turned into a monster with a dragon head and a body covered in cyan scales.


Following a burst of crackling thunder and a dazzling golden light shining on the entire spaceship, a gigantic monster with a wingspan of a kilometer swooped down.

But at the moment Feitian Lei Peng swooped down, there was a loud thunder, and the golden light converged in an instant, and countless golden wings quickly swooped back. Instead, dense dark brown hair grew out, and a giant ape suddenly appeared, and the fangs of the giant ape opened its mouth. With a roar, it was like a monstrous demon ape punching downwards.

Seeing this, the Dragon King, who had already turned into a half-dragon man, aroused fierceness in his heart. Ever since he had such means, he had never lost anyone in terms of strength.

The figure flashed and shot upwards suddenly, the scales on the right fist began to squirm more violently, the arm became thicker out of thin air, and the cyan scales covered a layer, and a layer of indestructible cannon hammer burst out suddenly.


The two fists intersected, and a terrifying invisible force spread in all directions. The flying boat trembled violently due to violent fluctuations, and dense cracks appeared on the deck instantly. At the same time, fine cracks appeared in the keel of the flying boat.

Although it didn't really hit the flying boat, the dissipated force of these two giant forces still trembled the space and caused a chain reaction.

The two fists intersected in a stalemate for a moment, and then the face of the Dragon King suddenly changed several times, and the layers of scales covering the front of the fist exploded inch by inch. fly out.


The figure that flew upside down directly smashed through the railing on one side of the airship, and at the same time, the figure also escaped from the high-speed flight of the airship.

The giant ape ignored the flying boat and let it go, and suddenly rushed towards the Dragon King again in a flash.

The dragon king's burly body is like dust compared to the giant ape's body, which is hundreds of meters long. The whole person glides freely in space as if he has lost consciousness.

But just when the giant ape stretched out its big palm and was about to grab it into the palm of its hand, a sudden change occurred, and it was seen that the blue scales on the Dragon King's body and the characteristics of dragons were quickly dissipating and retracting into the body, and then his Open eyeballs began to appear on the surface of the body, as if deformed creatures were enough to drive people with trypophobia crazy.

At this time, the Dragon King's body seemed to have its own consciousness in every piece of skin. Eyeballs kept popping out. At the same time, a layer of mucus tissue spread out on the body surface, and the arms and limbs began to become soft like tentacles.

Before the giant ape could react, a black vortex suddenly appeared behind the Dragon King, and the vortex sucked him into it instantly, and quickly disappeared in place.

It's like evaporating.

This scene was so sudden that the giant ape was stunned.

Tens of millions of miles away, in a pitch-black cosmic space, a vortex emerged out of thin air, and then the figure of the Dragon King gradually emerged.

The Dragon King was in a rather embarrassing state at this time, his chest heaved violently, and his appearance looked terrifying, but the Dragon King didn't bother to look back at this time, his eyes were full of fear.

Looking down at his right arm, his right arm was shaking constantly, and he could clearly feel that there was a terrifying force inside that was constantly destroying his muscle tissue and bones.

"Where did the monster come from? His situation seems to be a little different from mine."

The Dragon King cursed in a low voice, shook his head, but soon his face changed suddenly.

But out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a small golden dot that suddenly appeared, and the small dot was rapidly enlarging.

Seeing this, the Dragon King couldn't care less about resting anymore, and a black vortex appeared behind him again, swallowing it instantly.

And at the moment the Dragon King disappeared, a Flying Lei Peng with golden lightning all over his body rushed towards him, but it missed nothing.

Fei Tian Lei Peng looked around in a very human way, as if he was closing his eyes to feel something, and soon opened his eagle-like eyes again to look in a certain direction, and his eyes were already full of human joy.

Immediately after the golden thunder jumped, Flying Lei Peng disappeared into this space.

"Hoo hoo!"

Thousands of miles away, the Dragon King gasped again more violently, and his whole body was weaker than before.

"Damn it, hehe! I knew those guys were unreliable! The restrictions are too great!"

Cursing again, he caught a glimpse of the rapidly approaching golden spot from the corner of his eye, and the Dragon King suddenly showed despair.

He is confident that with his strength and ability, he is almost invincible at the same level, even if he encounters a late-stage player, he will be invincible, but this mysterious strong man who suddenly appeared and chased him is simply outrageous!

"This king is fighting!"

Seeing that the golden figure was only a short distance away, the Dragon King simply didn't bother to run away.

However, this time when Flying Lei Peng came close, he didn't make an instant attack as before. Instead, after the thunder flashed, he turned into a burly black-haired young man.

A head of black hair fluttered without wind in the weightless cosmic space, silently looking down at the Dragon King below.

"Your ability gives me a very familiar feeling!"

The black-haired man was naturally Jiang Heng, who had successfully practiced and left the customs for the first time. At this time, he was staring at the Dragon King quietly, as if he was not afraid of any traps around him or that the other party would continue to escape.

"Who the hell are you? It seems that this king has no enmity with Your Excellency, right?" Dragon King gritted his teeth and frowned.

Anyone who is chased and beaten like this will not lose his temper, except of course that old turtle Zhang Shitong.

"It seems that you still don't understand the current situation!"

As soon as the words fell, Jiang Heng's figure suddenly changed, and a giant ape stood across the sky, with a terrible sense of oppression hitting him instantly.

The Dragon King, who had been on high alert, reacted instantly, and saw his body squirming for a while, those eyeballs instantly retracted into his body, and at the same time his body swelled up, turning into a giant with a length of several kilometers in just an instant, and at the same time, a hideous monster appeared on his forehead. eye pupil.

The pupils stared at the giant ape suddenly, and at the same time punched out with extremely strong force.

The giant ape was stared at by the third eye and froze for a moment, but soon got rid of it, grinning ferociously.

"Three-eyed giant? It's getting more and more interesting!"

Both fists clashed suddenly.

The Dragon King already realized that something was wrong when he saw the giant ape break free of control after only a moment's pause. The next moment, an unimaginable force was almost in a crushing posture, and the terrifying force poured into the body along the arm again.

The giant let out a miserable howl, and his arms twisted unnaturally, and his huge body shrank rapidly when he flew upside down.

Restored the original handsome appearance of the Dragon King again, and before he could react, a big hand had already grasped him tightly.

He still wanted to resist, but an extremely solid energy erupted from the opponent's big hand in an instant. The Dragon King let out a muffled snort, and completely lost control of the energy in his body. All the energy in his body was directly defeated by the opponent in an instant.

Looking at the Dragon King who had fallen into a coma in his hands, Jiang Heng's eyes flickered slightly, and his figure quickly returned to normal.

At the same time, a big purple and black snake tattoo spread out from the arm, and the tattoo suddenly jumped out of the arm and turned into a big purple snake that wrapped around the Dragon King like a rope and grabbed him.

Just now, he used the condensed energy of Huntian Jin to instantly crush the energy in the opponent's body, which is equivalent to directly making the opponent lose control of his body. This move is very useful against those weaker than himself.


Feeling the flying boat sailing at high speed, Zhang Shitong heaved a sigh of relief, mainly because he had not seen the follow-up attack of the orcs after waiting for a long time, which made his hanging heart gradually relax.

But he still stood on the deck and kept vigilant all around, for fear that a space behemoth of the orc race would suddenly appear nearby.

Shang Qianqian also followed Zhang Shitong all the time, she didn't understand what made Uncle Zhang so nervous. This tense atmosphere affected her too.


And at this moment, the sound of a heavy object falling suddenly came from the rear deck.

This was particularly harsh on the somewhat quiet deck. Looking for the reputation, Zhang Shitong suddenly felt that the blood in his whole body was coagulated, from the cold to the soles of his feet.

This is a mysterious black-haired man who has never been seen before. Although he does not know the identity of this man, Zhang Shitong is very familiar with the figure thrown on the ground like a dead dog by the other party.

Dragon King!

At this time, the Dragon King's right arm was twisted into a ball, his hair was messy, and he just lay on the deck motionless, if not for his slightly heaving chest. Zhang Shitong thought that the Dragon King was dead.

Shang Qianqian was also a little horrified, but she didn't recognize the black-haired man in front of her, nor did she know that the one lying on the ground was the Dragon King. But this does not prevent her from knowing that the mysterious man in front of her is very strong!

"Temporarily recruit this flying boat."

Jiang Heng said to himself, "By the way, where are you planning to go?"

There was silence, and no one responded for a long time.

"Uncle Zhang?"

It was Shang Qianqian who was the first to regain consciousness without knowing it, and hurriedly tugged at the corner of Zhang Shitong's clothes.

Only then did Zhang Shitong seem to come alive.

"Li...Li Family...Zu Xing..."

Stuttering out these words, Zhang Shitong felt as if he had exhausted all his energy. Telling the truth like this, in fact, he was also thinking whether the name of the Li family could scare off the person in front of him.

"Li Family Ancestor Star? It's a coincidence, it happened to be on the way!"

It's just that what the mysterious man said surprised Zhang Shitong again, and he wanted to ask something, but Jiang Heng had already dragged the dead dog Dragon King away with a snake rope.

"I'm going to retreat for a while, don't bother me if you have nothing to do!"

Looking at the figure gradually disappearing on the deck, Zhang Shitong opened his mouth, but he didn't have the guts to say no after all.

"Uncle Zhang, this man..." Shang Qianqian could tell even if she didn't understand at this moment, it seemed that Uncle Zhang was very afraid of that black-haired man.

"Do your best to meet all the requirements of the other party. The origin of this person is unknown. Since the other party is going to the Li family, he may be from the Ji family of the winner. Remember to draw a clear line with the Li family at that time!"

Zhang Shitong, who forced himself to think for a moment, quickly made an inference he thought.

"Uncle Zhang, you mean..."

"This person is so powerful, it seems that the Li family is in big trouble this time. Our Flying Pigeon Chamber of Commerce absolutely cannot get involved."

Wen Yan Shang Qianqian vaguely felt that something was wrong, but still nodded in a ignorant way.

At this time, in a relatively spacious cabin in the airship——

Jiang Hengzheng sat on the chair with a strong sword, and at the same time withdrew the Huntian energy that had penetrated into the Dragon King's body.

Without Huntian Jin constantly shaking the energy in his body, the Dragon King gradually regained some consciousness.

He opened his eyes, a little confused, but soon became extremely sharp, and was about to resist.


But his figure froze suddenly, and at this moment, the Dragon King realized that a big purple-black snake was wrapped around his body at some point. The big snake had a pair of sharp fangs. Obviously, this snake was very poisonous.

"I advise you to be honest, if you honestly tell me what I want to know, maybe you can save your life!" The indifferent voice sounded in the Dragon King's ear.

" do you want to ask?"

This time, the Dragon King learned to be smart and didn't ask about Jiang Heng's background.


Jiang Heng nodded in satisfaction, "I don't have many questions. First of all, I want to ask, what does the Star Ya Federation want you to do? Or what kind of deal did they make with you?"

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