Master of Fist

Chapter 517 Weird

"People from the Seventh Legion of the Imperial Guard!" Li Miaozhen murmured.

Jiang Heng looked at the large army with banners unfurling, his expression didn't change much. It's just that the eyebrows twitched suddenly under the glance of the air machine.

"Brother Jiang, what happened? But what did you notice?"

Li Miaozhen didn't have the wide detection range of Jiang Heng's air machine, and her air machine could barely cover the medium-sized airship she was in.

how is this possible? !

Feeling the deathly silence in the cabin of the opponent's flying boat, Jiang Heng even suspected that his perception was wrong.

On the surface of the flying boat fleet in front of them, there was a constant flow of people on the deck. It seemed that there were many soldiers wearing gorgeous armor that was bigger than it actually was. However, there was no breath in the aisles and cabins inside the airship. It seems to be empty, without any life?

Looking at the flying boat fleet tens of thousands of miles away, Jiang Heng frowned. It would be nice if it was closer, so that the internal situation could be clearly fed back to his mind with the air machine. Right now, the distance is too far away, only the signs of life activities can be vaguely perceived.

"It's a little weird, Master Li, I want to ask when will there be no one in Feizhou?" Jiang Heng asked without answering.

Hearing this, Li Miaozhen frowned, looked at Jiang Heng, and knew that the other party would not say such a nonsense without a reason.

"This kind of situation is rare, unless the crew members who are docked at the port have all gone out. Or they encounter interstellar bandits and are forced to escort them all to the deck. Apart from this, it is difficult to think of other possibilities. Of course, there is another possibility: flying boats All of them are dead."

Li Miaozhen felt that there were only a few possibilities, because no matter what, even if a strong enemy attacked, it was impossible for all of them to go out to fight. Generally speaking, the cook and some logistics personnel who maintained the flight of the airship were still there.

"Then it's strange. Now none of the airships in front of me can breathe, but those who can breathe are all standing outside. Do you think this is the situation?"

Jiang Heng rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

"How did this happen? The Seventh Legion is commanded by the Chen family, and almost the entire legion is guarded by the Chen family. Could something have happened to the Chen family?"

Hearing this, Li Miaozhen realized that there might be something wrong with it.

"Do you want to go closer and ask?" Jiang Heng suggested.

"You can't lean over!" Li Miaozhen shook her head, "You are not allowed to approach the Imperial Guards without permission, only the Imperial Guards can approach them on their own initiative. Let me ask first!"

Speaking of which, Li Miaozhen commanded the flying boat to get a little closer to the fleet of the Seventh Legion, and did not stop until the two sides were only tens of thousands of meters away.

"Your Majesty, Li Miaozhen is currently the envoy of the Southern Hundred Regions of the Alliance! I don't know who the leader of the legion is, can you come out and tell me!"

Li Miaozhen's figure is suspended in mid-air, and she uses Huntian Qi to transmit words remotely.

The flying boat on the opposite side was still moving forward slowly, and after about ten breaths, it finally responded.

"Southern Hundred Regions? It turned out to be the Patriarch of the Li Family! It's a pleasure to meet you, but this Commander has important tasks right now, so he won't be able to. Chen Ziyang will definitely entertain the Patriarch Li some other day!"

After the other party finished speaking, he didn't continue to respond. Li Miaozhen asked a few more questions, but the other party didn't pay any attention to it. Instead, he accelerated the speed of sailing, and soon only a little bit of starlight disappeared from the field of vision.


Li Miaozhen fell slowly, a little confused.

Jiang Heng didn't say much. He didn't know what the inside story was about the affairs among the high-level members of the alliance.

After another five days, the outline of a living star gradually appeared in the field of vision. It was a very tiny living star. If Li Miaozhen hadn't confirmed that it was the central star, Jiang Heng would have thought it was just a satellite of a living star.

In fact, the size of this living star is very limited, it seems to be only one percent of the size of Li Jiazu's star. In Jiang Heng's previous life, it was estimated to be two or three times larger than the moon.

Such a star turned out to be the center of the entire alliance, which was unexpected.

"It is said that one hundred thousand years ago, in the mansion of a certain superpower at the Dao level, that powerhouse recruited many disciples. Among the disciples, there were no less than ten disciples in the Dao realm alone. In the history of the galaxy, the strength can also be ranked in the forefront.

Later, after the death of the most powerful person, this place gradually became a holy land of martial arts. At its peak, there were as many as dozens of Daoist experts who set up dojos here. Later, with the establishment of the alliance, this place also became the center of the alliance. "

Li Miaozhen looked at the star in front of her face and unconsciously became a little respectful and pious. It seems that this is not a star, but a respected predecessor or god.

In addition, there are four living stars that are hundreds of times larger than the central star around the central star. Obviously, the mass is greater than the central star, and the corresponding gravitational force will be greater, but these four stars But it is rotating around the tiny central star.

"Four gods, here is the last protection of the central star. The four stars are not only the portals to guard and protect the central star, but also another big formation. If the formation is opened, if there are strong Taoists sitting in the eyes of the formation, they can resist digital Taoism A joint siege by the strong.

Even if there is no strong Daoist in charge, a half-step Daoist in command is enough to withstand three attacks from a strong Daoist! "

Speaking of which, Li Miaozhen pointed to a giant palace-like thing floating outside the central star not far away.

It was a complex of buildings similar to a palace, but such a building was just suspended in space out of thin air.

"Where is the transfer station, only after the final inspection there can you enter the Four Gods Great Formation and go to the central star!"

Well, we still need to test!

The flying boat arrived at this palace, and the closer it was, the more they realized that the palace complex looked like a giant palace. It looked extremely majestic, and the flying boat was like dust in front of it.

"It is said that this place used to be the dojo of a certain Daoist. After his death, the dojo became a place for many warriors to stay. After the alliance was established, it became an office."

After registration, photos taken by everyone, and a special instrument that can test the air mechanism for verification and archiving, everyone finally set off for the central star.

This time there were even fewer people, except for Li Miaozhen and Jiang Heng, and after that, Ye Lao accompanied them.

According to Li Miaozhen, all entering the central star can be carried according to her authority, but that is too troublesome to sample and archive one by one.

Moreover, although those people are guards, their strength has reached the level of Li Miaozhen and Jiang Heng. It doesn't matter whether they have guards or not.

Rather than bringing a group of oil bottles, it is better to travel lightly.

Taking the miniature flying boat, everyone flew straight to the central star.

"The central star may be a little different from the stars you have seen before, be careful!"

Li Miaozhen turned her head to remind the two of them.

It's not just that Jiang Heng has never been to the central star, in fact, Ye Lao has never been to the central star either. He belongs to Ye Luzi among Ye Luzi, and naturally has a kind of distrust of the government, and he is not very interested in going to the central star. At this time, he is also a little curious and looking forward to it like Jiang Heng, wondering what will be different.

When the airship gradually landed, an extremely thick tail flame suddenly spewed out from the bottom of the airship, as if it was resisting some extreme pulling force.

At this moment, Jiang Heng and Ye Lao finally knew why they said something different.

It's gravity!

The gravitational force here is actually a hundred times that of Li Jiazu Star. The gravitational field of Li Jiazu Star is already extremely terrifying. Ordinary people will collapse soon after logging in to Li Jiazu Star for the first time, and even have various complications such as internal bleeding. It is not impossible to be squeezed directly.

And in the central star, it is no longer suitable for ordinary low-level warriors to survive, and some of the best low-level fighters may also experience severe breathing and poor blood circulation.

Fortunately, the three of them are all of the upper class, so the pressure is useless.

"In the past, the gravitational force here was even more terrifying. Even ordinary people would be fatally dangerous. It is rumored that the reason why there is such a strong gravitational force here is because it is the potential field left behind by the strongest Taoist after his death!"

Hearing this, Jiang Heng was slightly surprised, so it seems that the credibility of the rumor is quite high. After all, it is not normal for such a star with such a small mass to have such a strong gravitational force.

It is even more unbelievable to achieve the gravitational force that allows only middle-level fighters to live freely on it.

At this moment, Jiang Heng once again raised his evaluation of the strength of the Daoist. The potential field after death can still exist for so many years, and the power can still remain so terrifying.

Just because of this, Jiang Heng felt a little creepy. With his own potential field covering a whole star, he could maintain such a terrifying power after death, this...

The flying boat fell rapidly, and finally landed on a large white open platform. This is a very sci-fi circular apron, and the ground is guided by light from time to time.

"Welcome Li Zhangyin to the central star, this is your identity card this time. There are two more!" At this time, a waiter wearing a luxurious black alliance uniform who seemed to be waiting nearby greeted him very respectfully And he saluted and took out three wristbands at the same time.

It was a technological product similar to a watch, Li Miaozhen took it and put it on without thinking about it.

"This is an identity wristband used to confirm your identity. It can confirm that you are you in real time through the Qi machine archived in the previous office, preventing outsiders from sneaking into the central star in disguise!"

Knowing that Jiang Heng and Ye Lao didn't understand, Li Miaozhen explained in as much detail as possible.

Hearing this, Jiang Heng and Ye Lao couldn't help but frown. The previous few tests were ignored, but they didn't expect there to be more here.

Jiang Heng thought that the alliance's security measures were good, but now he thinks it's too much.

According to the waiter, since Li Zhangyin is participating in the alliance competition this time, he can rest in the mansion for the time being. After three days, the competition will officially start and he can go to the central Xingwu altar to participate in the competition.

"Mansion? Why do you want to live in a mansion? My Li family is in the other garden of Central Star?" Li Miaozhen's tone was a little sullen.

"Emissary Li Zhangyin, what is your family's Bieyuan? According to the latest rules of the alliance, all the real estate of the central star will be allocated by the alliance. At present, the Bieyuan you lived in before has been assigned to the Zhu family!"

The waiter didn't show the slightest fear because of Li Miaozhen's position. Instead, he looked up with a businesslike look, looking down.

Hearing this, Li Miaozhen narrowed her eyes slightly, "Whose decision is this?"

"Naturally, it is the alliance's decision!"


With a loud shout, the waiter's body, which had been standing upright, couldn't help trembling in fright.

"I was wondering who raised your dog, the winner, or the Ji family!" Li Miaozhen moved slightly closer to the other party, and an invisible coercion slowly escaped.

As for what the other party said, she just regarded it as a dog barking, pure farting. What is the decision of the alliance, is the alliance still our alliance? It is clearly the alliance of the two Yingji families.

"Li's palm print is the central star here. It is absolutely forbidden to use force on the central star in the alliance. You will be severely punished..."

Before he finished speaking, he was suddenly interrupted by his own screams, and one arm was twisting unnaturally.

"Speak! Whose decision is it!"

"Win...winner! It was the winner who made the Zhu family expropriate your Li family's other garden."

The waiter's forehead was covered with cold sweat, and his complexion turned pale from the pain. Facing Li Miaozhen with his average warrior strength, he felt that he could not match against a towering mountain.

"There's more! Say!"

"The Zhu family is the next candidate chosen by the winner, and the winner selected the Zhu family to be your Li family's replacement." The waiter was sweating profusely from the pain and vomited out at this moment without caring about anything else.

In fact, this is not a big secret. This matter has been spread among the various families and alliance executives who live in the mansion. Li Miaozhen didn't know that it was mainly because he came too late, and because the central star was occupied by several big families, it was impossible to arrange manpower, eyes and ears in advance, so he didn't have first-hand information.

"You go!"

As soon as the momentum was withdrawn, the waiter only felt his body relax, and immediately ran away in a panic and reckless.

"Don't need to silence it?" Jiang Heng said casually.

"No, people are not allowed to kill people in Central Star, and it's not worthwhile to be caught in order to kill a waiter." Li Miaozhen shook her head, her face was a little ugly, "Let's go!"

"Where are you going?"

"Li's Bie Yuan!"

Speaking of which, Li Miaozhen took the lead and walked in a certain direction very familiarly. Seeing this, Jiang Heng and Ye Lao followed closely behind.

They all looked into their eyes at the scene just now, knowing that someone did it deliberately, and the Li family could be regarded as someone else riding on their faces.

"What should I do next? Should I teach the Zhu family a lesson? Or just make a big fuss?"

Jiang Heng asked while walking.

"There will definitely be trouble, but you must pay attention to the scale. The lesson must be taught. The Zhu family is just a dog raised by the winner. The Ji family must have other preparations. The two of them probably have their own preparations." If you choose, I don't believe that the Ji family will agree to the winner's move!"

The central star is not big, and it didn't take long for a group of people to come to a villa with a relatively large area.

Jiang Heng's first impression of this other garden is that it is more Chinese-style, like a Suzhou garden, with stone statues in front of the gate, and strands of green leaves protruding from the wall. When you get close, you can even smell the flowers in the yard.

"Come and stop! This is..."


With a crisp sound, the legs and feet of a middle-level concierge twisted at 90 degrees, and the whole person sat on the ground hugging his legs and was about to howl.

Li Miaozhen, Jiang Hengye and the other three just watched quietly, without obstructing them.

Soon there was a series of footsteps and the sound of warriors flying through the air in the courtyard.

"Who is presumptuous in my Zhu's Bieyuan?!"

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