Master of Fist

Chapter 585: Arrival (Part 1)

Things were changing in the imperial capital, but in Southern Stars, after beating Ye Tu, Jiang Heng had already left.

At this time, a battleship formation numbering in the tens of thousands was heading towards the Qinglan Realm at high speed, and Jiang Heng was the commander-in-chief of this fleet.

Originally, Jiang Heng planned to go to the Qinglan Realm alone, but Commander Gu Le insisted on asking for a fleet to follow and let him command.

Regarding Gu Le's love, Jiang Heng kept in mind that the other party made a decision under great pressure. After all, the imperial capital's decision on him has not yet been made, so rashly borrowing troops is a matter of great importance. .

"Jiang...Senior Jiang! Less than a light-year ahead is the Qinglan Realm you mentioned."

A somewhat restrained middle-aged man with the appearance of a commander reported to Jiang Henghui that his name was Liu Yue, and he was an excellent commanding talent in the command system of the Luoxia Starfield. Although it can't compare with a mechanic with powerful computing power like Gu Le, it is still possible to control an army of tens of thousands.

"Senior, you said that there may be traces of orcs here. In fact, according to the feedback from the battle records of the Nandou Starfield, they have received relevant alarms and sent people to clear them. But no large-scale beasts were found. family signs."

Listening to these reports, Jiang Qiu just sat cross-legged on the bridge in silence, but the Huntian energy has spread silently to the entire star field.

The Qinglan Realm does not belong to the Luoxia Starfield, but to the Southern Stars and the Nandou Starfield. The Southern Dipper Star Field is the rarest and most scattered star field in the southern star region.

The civilizations here are all far apart, and because the magnetic field in some areas is relatively chaotic, there are many unobserved areas, and it is not uncommon to have such an existence as the Qinglan Realm.

However, in Jiang Heng's perception at this moment, most of the entire Nandou star field has been captured in his mind, and he can see many lives moving on the living planets, and he can see many various people and things .

Within the range covered by energy, every move is in Jiang Heng's mind.

Soon Jiang Heng screened out the existence of the Qinglan Realm among countless living stars, familiar planets, and Jiang Heng could even see the appearance when he left from above.

It's just that after so many years, the surface of the planet looks a lot darker, and many places have become barren, and many signs of orc activities can even be seen in many wildernesses.

At the same time sinking rapidly through the ground, he saw a strange energy fluctuation.

This is... Neng Jing?

No! Something is different!

At a distance of several thousand meters underground in the Qinglan Realm, Jiang Heng found a huge energy crystal vein, but it was a little different to say that it was an energy crystal vein. Because Jiang Heng didn't feel Nengjing's unique fluctuations in it. On the contrary, it is a bit weird, it has the energy of the energy crystal, but it is a little different. On the surface, it looks like the energy crystal exuding a faint blue light.

But the deeper you go, the more you can find that the energy crystal mine inside has an extremely strong blood evil spirit.

It's hard to notice that there are dense energy crystal mines covering it outside, but the further you go in, the more you can feel a terrifying bloody aura filling incomparably.

Even if it's just energy detection, Jiang Heng was a little dazed by this crazy and unimaginably terrifying bloody aura.

"There is indeed a big secret in Qinglan Realm!"

Jiang Heng was secretly startled, and he could guess some clues when he thought about it carefully. After all, a high-class bloodline orc did not choose those places with more abundant Nengjing mineral veins, but chose Qinglan Realm, which feels a bit strange no matter how you think about it.


At the same time, Qinglan Realm!

In a dilapidated county town, dozens of unusually burly, terrifying monsters with a height of about ten meters are swarming towards a strong bald man in a strange tight-fitting combat uniform in the middle.

They all had ferocious and bloodthirsty smiles on their faces, looking at the bald man was like watching a delicious meal.

"Hey, I didn't expect to meet a good blood food again, don't fight me this time!"

"He's mine! It's mine!"

"Shut up, it should be my turn this time!"

Several burly and ferocious monsters were arguing with each other, not paying attention to the bald man in front of them at all.

"You see me as an ant, but why don't I?" The bald head looked at the beast clan in front of him, with a look of disdain on his face.

As a member of the Rose team sent to land on the surface of the planet for exploration, he despises the orcs on this planet. Obviously, many of these orcs did not come directly from the orc home planet. They are all a group of defective products that do not know how to grow from this planet.

Some have been hybridized with humans and their strength has dropped drastically. Against these orcs who are not even comparable to ordinary orc soldiers, the bald head has a natural sense of superiority.

After all, the orcs they faced in the past were very difficult. Compared with those orcs who often fought in the starry sky, these guys really embarrassed the orcs.

It's okay to deal with the natives here, but fighting with them, the warriors of the Warrior Alliance, is courting death.

"How dare the food look down on us! Kill him first!"

A group of orcs surrounded and culled them, each one smelling bloody. It's just that in the eyes of the bald head, these guys' killing methods are extremely superficial.

It's just relying on the instinct of the body.

As soon as the arm was raised, a beam of energy exploded instantly, and the two orcs within the range of the beam were instantly pierced, and the position of the blood crystal was exploded, and they fell to the ground and died without moving.

Immediately afterwards, he flicked his arm again, and the majestic force carried by the arm wrestled with the Beast Race next to him, directly knocking him to the ground.

Warriors with nearly 2,000 energy levels, especially those who are only around 400 to 500 energy levels, can compare.

Almost none of the orcs could block his punch. This scene made the bald head very happy. He had never been able to beat the orcs like this one-to-many.

The fists and kicks in the heart are more ruthless. Often a punch would cause bones to burst and blood to splatter.

"The orcs are nothing to be afraid of!" The original fear of the orcs in his heart has disappeared. He has been lurking for a year and has been inquiring about Tia's news, but unfortunately he has not gained anything.

Because he has been very careful about the ferocity of the orcs for a long time, but he didn't expect to be discovered by the orcs this time.

But it seems a little weak!

The more you kill the bald head, the more enjoyable it is, and you even get carried away. The aggrieved fight with the orcs for a long time made him a little excited.

"The bald head detected that a high-energy level reaction is approaching you, retreat quickly!"

There was a hint from the captain in his ear, but now that the bald head had killed so happily for a while, he really felt a little bit reluctant.

"Immediately! Let's go after cleaning up these rubbish!"

He punched another orc, and the bald man grinned triumphantly, turned around and left.

"Go?! Where to go!"

At this moment, two tentacles sprang out from the ground, and the tentacles entwined like vines, directly fixing the bald legs firmly on the ground.


"Get out!"

The qi and blood of the legs exploded, and a majestic energy burst out directly, and the tentacles wrapped around the legs exploded into countless pieces.

Without hesitation, the bald head turned and left.

However, a black thread quickly sprang out from the shadow of the nearby houses, and the black thread quickly bound the bald head's body like a living thing and bound him firmly.

Before the bald head could react, he saw that the black thread binding his body was actually a small snake covered in pitch-black scales. The small snake spit out snake letters and bit the bald head's neck with a sharp bite.

The sharp fangs quickly inject a large amount of nerve venom, and the venom spreads rapidly.

not good!

Dense black lines emerged from the wound, and the bald head staggered, trying to explode his blood with all his strength to burst the poisonous snakes around him.

But the qi and blood in his body wanted to be stimulated, but the qi and blood in his body seemed to be uncontrollable and a little lazy. No matter how he stimulated it, the qi and blood were as indifferent as if he was drunk.

Not only the blood, but even the vision in front of him began to blur.

"Baldhead, use the secret method! Get out quickly!" The captain's roar sounded from the communicator.

The bald head woke up quickly, and at the same time activated the secret method desperately, his chest heaved violently, his body temperature rose, the blood in his body was finally ignited completely, and the feeling of laziness was swept away.


But soon another thing came over from the other side, puff!

A sharp object directly pierced the neck on the other side of the bald head, which was obviously a scorpion tail. With the influx of another toxin, the blood that was originally stimulated by the secret method stagnated again at this moment.

"Prepare to save people!"

Looking at the picture of the drone, Captain Zhang Que immediately issued an order. After being careful for so long, something went wrong in the end.

"Let me go!" Hai Tuo hurriedly put on his equipment and was about to go to the landing cabin.

"No, your strength is about the same as that of a bald head. I'm with you!"

Captain Zhang Que thought about it and got up to leave.

One person in the Rose Team has already fallen into it, and no more person can fall into it.

The two quickly jumped into the landing capsule, and with the ejection, the landing capsule quickly fell towards the designated position.



After staggering for a while, the bald head with a somewhat black body finally fell to the ground, rolled his eyes and foamed at the mouth, and lost consciousness.

"This human being is a bit strange, and the clothes on his body don't look like those of us here."

At this time, the orcs ambushing around rushed over. The leader was an old man with a face full of tumors. There was a lump of cancerous tumors glowing green on his chin, which looked terrifying.

At the same time, there was a pretty and coquettish woman in a black dress beside her. Her lips were dark and her eyes were covered with deep eye shadow. A black scorpion tail quickly retracted into the hem of her skirt.

In addition, there was a pitch-black little snake. The little snake wriggled and turned into a child with black hair, black pupils and fair skin. He patted his unconscious bald head on the ground, giggling non-stop.

"It should be from outside the territory. Recently, there are more and more humans here. Sooner or later, we can't hide it here. It's not surprising that there are a few humans from outside the territory." The woman in the black skirt said disapprovingly.

"It's not that those patrolling guys are being lazy, and I don't know what these guys are doing for food." The old man with cancer said bitterly.

"Forget it, this can be regarded as a surprise, we have a share in seeing it."

Several people looked at each other, looking at the bald head on the ground, their faces were full of longing.


At this moment, there was a roar from above, followed by two loud noises in succession.


Accompanied by a roar, several orcs were blown upside down by the blast and flew several meters away.

cough cough!

Enduring the dust, the cancerous old man, the woman in black dress, and the childish children looked at the gray mist with gloomy expressions. They could feel two strong qi and blood fluctuations in the gray mist.

This is the smell of the best blood food.

It's just that the food is a bit strong!


The cancerous old man turned his head and walked away almost without thinking, while the woman in the black skirt and the child also retreated quickly.

Although they are extremely eager for blood food, it doesn't mean they have no brains.


A whistling sound rolled up the dust, and a figure stopped in front of the three-headed orcs.

"You guys, don't leave in such a hurry!" The person who spoke was Zhang Que.

At the same time, Hai Tuo quickly ran to the bald head with a suitcase in hand, quickly took out a syringe from the suitcase, and injected it directly into the bald head's arm.

With the injection of the drug, the bald head gradually regained some consciousness.

"You are really outsiders. You are so arrogant, aren't you afraid of death?" Looking at Zhang Que who stood in front of him, the cancerous old man also grinned cruelly.

"You still think about how to survive from my hands!"

Zhang Que snorted coldly, his figure flashed, and the speed of a medium warrior exploded instantly. The complexion of the old man with the tumor changed drastically, and he opened his mouth to spit out a thick venom.

But as soon as there was a movement, a punch went from top to bottom, and the punch fell, and the head of the old man with cancer exploded. With one hand supporting the shoulder of the old man with cancer, he spun around in the air, and the whip leg was pulled out instantly, and there was a loud bang in the air.


The head of the woman in the black skirt also exploded, and at the same time her legs suddenly fell, and the child followed suit.

The heads of the three orcs all exploded in one breath, and they were powerless to fight back.

But these are not fatal injuries to the orcs, their heads are recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the granulation is soaring.

Zhang Que had expected these for a long time, and quickly reached out with a fist and punched out towards the chest, the flesh and blood exploded, and the blood crystals inside shattered at the same time.

In the same way, the few people who lost their heads and were lambs to be slaughtered were completely dead.


Zhang Que looked at the corpse on the ground, ignored it and quickly headed towards the escape cabin.

"Captain, your strength is really clean and neat." Looking at the record of the captain's shots, Hai Tuo couldn't help but look a little envious.

"Quick board!"

However, captain Zhang Que was extremely nervous, looking very eager.

"What happened to the captain?"

"No! Something is wrong!"

Zhang Que didn't explain, and helped Haituo hold up the bald head and quickly stuff it into the escape cabin, and at the same time helped him start the return procedure.

The escape pod has limited space, and they can only take their own escape pods.

Without waiting for Haituo's reaction, he also stuffed it into his escape pod, and also pressed the return procedure for him,

"Captain! What are you going to do?!"

"You guys go back first, I'll go find the bald-headed escape pod before returning." Zhang Que responded quickly, looking at a certain direction in the distance from time to time, his face full of seriousness.

"Captain, is there something coming? How about you squeeze with me?"

"Get out!"

Zhang Que held up the two escape pods with both hands, one left and one right, and immediately struggled towards the sky.

The muscles of both arms swelled, and the thrust produced by the full strength of a medium warrior was terrifying.

Accompanied by a sharp piercing sound, the two spherical escape capsules have already accelerated to the point where they can leave the atmosphere.

In just a few breaths, two escape pods were already breaking through the atmosphere, rubbing the flames and about to leave the Qinglan Realm.

At this moment, a fiery red line of blood streaked across the distant sky, and the line of blood quickly streaked across the sky, precisely across one of the escape cabins.


With a bang, the escape pod exploded into countless fragments, and it was the escape pod with the bald head.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Que's eyes were tearing apart, but it was too late.

Fortunately, the escape pod belonging to Haituo finally burst out of the atmosphere and disappeared.

"How can there be such an existence here..." Concentrating his mind, Zhang Que moved his eyes to the direction where the fiery red blood line came from, and his face was extremely solemn.

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