Master of Fist

Chapter 614 Reaching an Alliance

There was a commotion around, but only Li Yu lowered his noble head representing the royal family.

There is a ruthless look in the lowered eyes, which can be ruthless to oneself.

Li Yu turned a deaf ear to the cries of the crowd behind him, because he didn't care about trivial matters.

"A bunch of idiots! So what if I kneel down to this person today? As long as it can help me control the power, let alone bowing to others, I will not hesitate to kneel down. This is my last hope!"

Li Yu felt ruthless in his heart, this Senior Jiang in front of him was his only chance now. A strong Daoist who is different from the pillars of the town and the country, coupled with the identity of the other party and the fact that he will not hold back against the Federation, the other party cannot be the shadow of the Federation.

Moreover, the other party was a citizen of the empire in the early years, so he was considered innocent, although he had been to the alliance for a period of time in the middle. But he has investigated them all.

Including why Jiang Heng was suddenly in the alliance, everything originated from the orc attack in the southern border decades ago.

This also ruled out the possibility that the opponent was related to the orcs. To say that the only dirty thing about this person is that his relationship with the alliance is a bit unclear.

After all, he returned to the empire this time and brought back many members of the alliance, especially his wife who seemed to be a high-ranking powerhouse among the people of the alliance and a direct blood relative of the guest minister of the alliance.

Of course, these are not a problem in Li Yu's view. He just wants a strong man who can temporarily support him.

This is also the reason why Qingyue ordered him to hold a big reward ceremony, not only did he not hinder it at all, but doubled it. He also took the opportunity to show the world. This General Zhen Guo may have his Li Yu label on him.

Of course, this veiled hint was not obvious, he needed a more stable and close relationship, which required him to fully express his sincerity with Senior Jiang in front of him.

"Your Majesty! The Emperor's Master...I'm afraid this is a bit embarrassing for me. It's okay for the next martial artist to let me fight to the death, but it's too flattering for me to be the Emperor's Teacher!"

Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking while being polite.

Is this trying to tie me to the same warship as him?

But what good does it do me?


Maybe it's really good!

Suddenly, Jiang Heng's spirit lifted.

"This rewarding ceremony has created momentum for me. Qingyue may want to tie me to the empire. Indeed, the benefit to Qingyue is that I will do my best to help the empire in the future.

But there are also advantages, at least if Qingyue wants to deal with me, she has to weigh the righteousness I occupy in the future. "

Jiang Heng thought very clearly that at that time he would be a hero of the empire, as great as a god in the hearts of every citizen of the empire.

"However, even this is not stable enough. If I choose another force, Qingyue, if you want to turn against me, you have to weigh whether the empire is chaotic or not!"

Of course, these are just a life-saving talisman, a life-saving talisman that restricts Qingyue's old lady. If the other party is moody, it is more secure to stand in a camp.

As for the choice of camp, first of all, Qingyue's side will definitely not work. Thinking about the ruthless schemes of those old women except Qingtian, it is impossible for Jiang Heng to stand with the other party.

Moreover, the two sides have had a rift before, and this kind of rift is like a crack. Once it arises, it will be difficult to recover, and it will only grow bigger.

Now it is the choice between the emperor and the parliament.

On the surface, it is natural that the parliament has the greatest power, but Jiang Heng doesn't think so. After all, even if the power of the parliament stabilized the emperor, it would be a bit dishonest.

And the power of the parliament is because the high-ranking officials and powerful subordinates accumulated by the members of the parliament over the years are far better than the emperor.

These seem to be a huge force, but they are nothing in Jiang Heng's eyes. It can be said that as long as Jiang Heng chooses to stand there, the right to speak there will increase in a straight line.

It seems that it is safer to choose the emperor's faction, after all, this is the monarch of the Luohui Empire, no matter how useless he is, Qingyue probably won't rashly attack him!

Thinking of this, Jiang Heng has already cleared his mind. His Majesty the Emperor can be allowed to confront the pillar forces of the town, and he will support him behind the scenes.

If he wanted to move him, he had to overthrow the monarch. As for moving the monarch, Jiang Heng thought about it and felt that the possibility was very low.

Firstly, the empire should have been established with the authorization of these Daoist powerhouses in the first place. To overthrow the monarch, wouldn't it be a slap in the face for them? Secondly, the image of the monarch in the hearts of the citizens of the empire is still very good.

Jiang Heng understands this, and has to say that Li Yu is very good at gaining reputation.

Because the power has been left behind, the puppet emperor likes to use the salary sent to him by the treasury to support some low-level civilizations, and set up a foundation from time to time. Often when any bad policy is issued from the parliament, he will not mix it in the slightest and will not show his face.

Since the power has been taken away by the parliament, then let you bear the good deeds you have done.

In short, this guy's act of widely distributing coins has won the trust of many imperial citizens, and even many civilian warrior circles have received his funding.

Just because this person established various relief foundations, such as the Poor Warrior Aid Association, the Interstellar Refugee Aid Foundation, the Post-Disaster Reconstruction Foundation, etc...

hiss! Thinking about it this way, this emperor is still a talent!

Jiang Heng was startled, and at the same time carefully recalled the several video propagandas of the emperor that he had seen, the good guy was the kind of speech with great inciting power.

Thinking about it carefully, if it wasn't for this senior who lost all his power, even if he could control a few confidential departments of the empire, he probably wouldn't need to ask for help, and he would be able to take back all the power by himself.

It is a pity that most of the core powers are in the hands of parliament.

"It's just that I agree. I'm still at a loss. I need to get some practical benefits."

Just when Jiang Heng was thinking this way, Li Yu was also thinking about the countermeasures at the same time.

"Master Jiang's words are wrong! With your martial arts attainments, even a little bit of advice can benefit me a lot, so why belittle yourself?

What's more, since ancient times, a master's choice of apprentices is like looking for Bole. I think all Master Jiang has learned are close-to-hand combat skills! "

At this point, Li Yu paused, thought quickly and gritted his teeth for the last time: "The ancestor has a unique skill, and now I have studied it, but I have never been able to explain it, but I think its meaning is quite consistent with Jiang Shi's martial arts. In this way, it is very appropriate for me to worship Master Jiang as my teacher. Practicing martial arts will get twice the result with half the effort!"

I don't want the child to be unable to trap the wolf, so what's the matter if I, Li Yu, offer the martial arts to my ancestors?

Li Yu's hesitant heart suddenly became firmer when he thought of the embarrassment of Ye Tu, the pillar of the country who was so invincible as soon as the opponent broke through.


Jiang Heng glanced at Li Yu casually. To be honest, he really didn't think the other party's so-called ancestral martial arts was attractive to him. It was just that he was interrupted by the other party, and he hadn't figured out what benefits he wanted.

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