Master of Fist

Chapter 618 Disappointment

When the golden paper touched Jiang Heng's forehead, countless messages rushed into his brain like a tidal wave.

The content this time is really different from the other one. What is recorded in it is actually a kind of cultivation content that is different from the martial arts system of the Milky Way.

"No wonder the emperor gave it so happily!"

Jiang Heng struggled for a while. If the previous art of seizing bones can still be considered compatible with the martial arts system, after all, extracting the power from the demigod's real bone and integrating it into himself can greatly increase Jiang Heng's current strength.

How strong the demigod's bones are, Jiang Heng is still not very clear. But judging from the power displayed by Qingyue's half-dead half-god's arm, the terrifying physique of the starry sky behemoth is not enough for the opponent.

Jiang Heng reckoned that his current strength was still far behind that starry sky behemoth back then, and he should be able to narrow the gap by a lot when he cultivated to the third level of the hegemonic body. But it was still inferior to that arrogant and unreasonable starry sky behemoth.

However, even so, against the only incomplete demigod's power, it is still like an ant. It is conceivable that integrating the demigod's bone can make Jiang Heng's own strength increase extremely terrifying.

On the other hand, the current door, according to the above, should be called a demigod technology of the mechanical system.


This thing is something from the Mechanical Department. It is called the Eye of the Gods. All the records on it are various blueprints and many technical parameter algorithms. It involves a vast range of fields, including materials, energy, space, etc ...

The reason why Jiang Heng can know this is because of the particularity of the golden paper, and it is entirely through the creator's self-feeling that Jiang Heng can understand it. It can make the viewer have a very deep impression on the memory of the creator.

Otherwise, if the content inside is converted into a pure booklet for Jiang Heng to read, he will not be able to understand a single bit of the content.

Even so, with the convenience of golden paper, Jiang Heng's reading of the contents is like reading a book from heaven.

In fact, even if the most senior mechanic in the imperial capital reads the content, it is not much better. In fact, the technology inside is simply far beyond the empire.

The gap between the demigods at the mechanical level and the original technology of the empire is too great.

Just think that the strongest mechanic in the empire is strictly speaking at the upper level. Compared with warriors, there is still a gap in the Dao realm, and there may be several levels in the Dao realm to reach the demigod level. .

That's what Jiang Heng thought. He always believed that being above the Dao Realm might not be a demigod directly, and the gap during this period was too great.

Just like Jiang Heng known in the entire Milky Way galaxy today, there are very few people who are stronger than himself. Of course, this is only about the ability to fight in close combat with the physical body.

Needless to say, Qingyue was temporarily expelled with the help of the demigod's arm.

As for Qingtian, Jiang Heng saw that the opponent's strength was one-on-one with him during the hunt for the giant starry sky beast, and it should be no problem to take down the opponent by himself. The premise is that that time is all the methods the other party has shown.

That's it, Jiang Heng doesn't think that after the Dao realm is a demigod.

As for the division of strength, Jiang Heng has a guess of his own right now, if the level of dao realm achieved by the so-called blood of the gods is excluded. After all, if one is not a descendant of a god, wouldn't one have no chance to become a god?

Jiang Heng disagrees with this point. After all, where did the first god come from? It is impossible to pop out out of thin air at the beginning of the universe.

And his current strength proved one point, the martial artist joining the way is strictly equivalent to the level of the Dao realm, but the Dao realm has the blood of the gods in the body and has incredible abilities.

The road of cultivation after Dao Realm is almost towards purifying the power of blood in the body.

However, warriors who are in the same way need to climb up step by step, which is more difficult and has a brighter future.

Without the support of the blood of the gods, there are advantages and disadvantages. The advantage is that the road to stepping into a demigod in the future must be different from the Dao realm.

What the Dao Realm needs is to continuously devour the same kind of blood, so as to achieve quantitative transformation into a qualitative change. During this period, in addition to devouring the same kind of blood, what they have to do is to constantly adapt to the power of the purified blood.

But Hedao warriors are different, they don't need to rely on external force, which also means that it is more difficult for Hedao warriors to climb up, and they may need to break through several levels of physical will to reach the demigod level.

In the same way, just like Jiang Heng's guess, he also felt that if he wanted to dig out the mechanical technology in this golden paper, at least the imperial technology had to go up a few steps.

At least let the imperial mechanics be able to research the technology that can directly challenge the level of the strong in the Dao realm.

No wonder the other party gave it so happily. It is estimated that the content here has been studied by the group of people in the Imperial Research Institute. How can they understand it like reading a book from heaven.

It's like letting primitive people suddenly watch the manufacturing blueprints of spaceships. Is this possible?

"Your Majesty, this thing does not conform to your martial arts system. I'm afraid that this martial art will not be able to guide your Majesty!" Putting down the paper in his hand, Jiang Heng's face was very gloomy.

He felt that the other party was treating him as a fool who had never seen the world.

This kind of demigod-level golden paper, indeed, the content recorded in each piece is a huge treasure, but that's who it is!

It's not from this system, even if it looks like a flower, it's useless, at least in Jiang Heng's opinion, this thing is a piece of paper to him.

Hearing this, Li Yu was slightly taken aback, and then smiled awkwardly.

"Master Jiang, don't worry, this one is indeed left to our descendants by my ancestors. But what I really want Master Jiang to see is this one!"

As he spoke, Li Yu took out another golden page from his sleeve!

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng narrowed his eyes slightly, this Li Yu really likes to play tricks like this. This is to test yourself is it easy to pass? If you are satisfied after reading the first one, you probably won't show the second one.

It's a pity that in the first one, no matter how he bragged about it, Jiang Heng couldn't arouse the slightest interest.

"This piece is also left by the ancestors, but it is not from the hands of the machine race. It is the remains of a strong man in the Taoist realm when the ancestors fought against the Federation under the command of a strong man in the Taoist realm in the early years. rummaged out.

The content recorded here is very interesting, I hope this will make Master Jiang more interested. "

Li Yu said with a smile, the golden page in his hand had already been placed on the table.

However, Jiang Heng didn't have much expectations at this time, and the emperor's tricks of mystery made it difficult for him to look forward to the future.

It's just that when the golden page was placed on his forehead, the content contained in it really impacted his previous cognition!

This is indeed a demigod martial art, but there are a lot of private goods in front of the demigod martial art.

It was these private goods that greatly stimulated Jiang Heng!

It turned out to be a short self-report of a demigod, and the content of the narration was about the vastness of the universe, which was a bit similar to emotion.

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