Master of Fist

Six hundred and twentieth IX gambling

Jiang Heng pretended to be embarrassed. After pondering for a long time, he said: "It's really boring to just fight dryly, how about adding a lot of money?"

"The lottery! The lottery is good!"

Wang Qian laughed loudly. He has a bold personality and quite likes this kind of competition of gambling nature.

"Well, I have a spare Dao Realm artifact here, so how about using it as a prize!" At this time, Changchun also stroked his beard and smiled lightly, with a gentle attitude, revealing a hint of friendship with Jiang Heng.

As he said that, he stretched out his hand and directly took out a small bracelet from one side of the space. The bracelet was black in color, but the light shone without showing the slightest luster, as if it could swallow all the light.

"Tsk tsk, brother Changchun, you are really generous. You even took out the black air realm that you treasured in the early years!"

Wang Gan was amazed and felt a burst of emotion.

"What a treasure!" Changchun smiled even more proudly, but his words were extraordinarily humble, and he said with a smile: "It's just that I didn't know how to treat something as a treasure in my early years."

"Brother Wang Gan, don't you want to come up with something good?" Changchun suddenly looked at Wang Gan and reminded him with a smile.

"Hey, brother Changchun, my things can't compare with your treasure, I don't need this thing!" Wang Gan scratched his head, and immediately reached out with his hand and pulled out a gourd-like thing from one side.

"You take this thing out too?!"

Changchun's eyes suddenly became a little dignified, and Jiang Heng was a little surprised when he saw the gourd in Wang Gan's hand was very serious.

"Oh, is there anything unusual about this thing?" Jiang Heng asked, his vigor could feel that the gourd in front of him and the gourd were not like real objects in the Dao realm. The metal box in which Li Yu's family passed on the gold leaf.

Just by looking at it from the outside, the thing in front of me is by no means a real Dao realm weapon.

"This is something that my brother Wang Gan just stepped out of the Dao world tens of thousands of years ago. This thing is like iron, but it is not iron, and it is not gold. It cannot be detected, nor can it be driven, and it is not miraculous. place."

Changchun shook his head, looking very disapproving of the gourd.

"Brother Changchun, don't talk nonsense, it is naturally used for gambling and fighting, I just don't use useless things at will. This thing is actually a galaxy-level weapon! It is placed outside the Milky Way, and it is in the Dao realm A real artifact is quite a fetish!"

Wang Gan said in embarrassment immediately, and even rubbed the gourd in his hand like a baby.

The gourd is actually quite big, one meter long and about half a meter wide at the bottom. The whole body is dark gold in color, with many cumbersome and unknown runes and reliefs on it. At least from the outside, it's a beautifully crafted piece of art.

"Since it's so powerful, why is it that every time I see you using this thing, it's only used to hit people?" Chang Chun didn't care about human feelings.

"This is a weapon! It's not a true weapon of the Dao Realm, and I have already checked the classics. The weapon is used by warriors outside the galaxy. It can only be driven by a drop of blood. Once the owner is recognized by a drop of blood, this thing can be displayed. Mysterious, I will definitely not lose to your Black Sky Realm!" Wang Gan immediately retorted as if aroused by his competitive spirit.

weapons? !

Jiang Heng listened thoughtfully for a while, isn't the military equipment the weapon used by the Martial God system mentioned by Tiangang demigod?

Dao Realm Real Weapons are called Divine Blood Weapons in the universe, and they belong to the standard equipment of the powerhouses of the temples.

The weapons of the Valkyrie system are called weapons.

The military equipment of the Lord of Galaxy level is already a rare treasure, at least Jiang Heng has no other way to obtain it right now.

The grades of cosmic weapons are also named after their respective realms.

Just don't know what effect this gourd has, Jiang Heng was curious for a while.

However, now that Changchun and Wang Gan had already turned their gazes over, Jiang Heng grinned, knowing that although the two on the opposite side wanted to test him, they were also very sincere and could bet on them with a weapon of the Master of Galaxy level.

Of course, he couldn't be ambiguous about this, and he directly took out something from the space ring with his hand, which was the core fragment of the starry sky behemoth obtained from Qingtian Qingyue.

It's not big, but as soon as it is taken out, the surrounding space becomes scorching hot, and the high temperature seems to be able to burn everyone's heart.

Seeing this thing, Wang Gan and Changchun were stunned, they didn't expect Jiang Heng to come up with such a treasure!

They knew that Qingtian Qingyue's sister and brother from the same sect captured a living starry sky giant beast not long ago, and they also exchanged their treasures for some of the starry sky giant beast's materials, such as fur and flesh.

They paid a high price for those leftover materials alone, and the value of the starry sky behemoth core, even if it is just a fragment, cannot be measured.

And they were at the end of the period when the Taoist powers were active, and they heard many senior experts talk about the prices outside the Milky Way, such as the materials of cosmic beasts such as starry sky behemoths, which are expensive in the entire universe.

There was even a period of time when the powerhouses of the galaxy traded with the outside world, in order to exchange for some valuable things, they would squat thousands of years in advance to hunt and kill a giant star beast.

Otherwise, there are not many things that are really valuable in the Milky Way.

After all, the number of starry sky behemoths in the entire universe has always been small, and there are constantly strong people who hunt and kill starry sky behemoths for the purpose of refining medicine and forging magic weapons, which has also led to the high prices of the objects of this family.

"Is this thing enough as a bargaining chip?" Jiang Heng asked.

"Enough! Far enough! The value of this item is much higher than these two weapons." Chang Chun shook his head, if he couldn't beat the opponent, he even wanted to force it.

"En!" Jiang Heng nodded slightly, he didn't have many valuable things on him. The Time Knife is one piece, and the Golden Ye is one piece. However, the Time Knife is Li Miaozhen. Jin Ye is still useful, and the starry sky behemoth core is also useful, but he has great confidence to beat these two.

"Why don't we go to the end?"

Wang Gan looked at Jiang Heng and smiled.

"it is good!"

Jiang Heng nodded, and then the two sides stopped talking, and the two sides looked at each other, and slowly opened the distance.

Now that the point is over, the two sides already have calculations in their hearts, and they must not expand the scope of influence of the means, otherwise the meeting will not end later.

So far, close combat and short-distance use are the first choices.

This is quite beneficial to Jiang Heng!

"Little friend Jiang, be careful!"

Following Chang Chun's long laugh, the next moment his figure swayed in place, the person was still suspended in place, and there was no movement.

However, Jiang Heng's muscles all over his body suddenly tensed, and an almost subconscious burst of energy engulfed him and quickly retreated.


At the moment when Jiang Hengfeng retreated, an extremely smooth incision was made in the space where he was standing before!

A flash of sword light rushed out into another space and disappeared in a flash.

"So fast!"

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Jiang Heng's reaction, the space behind him cut open and Jian Guang burst out from here!

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