Master of Fist

Chapter six hundred and forty second decree

And the second star, Kangsu, has been lighted up for less than half, and the effect of Kangsu is not yet obvious, but the effect is similar to that of Spica.

Jiang Heng received his gong, and the energy beams in the sky gradually dimmed, and the surrounding energy was still extremely strong due to the previous practice and had not dissipated for a long time.

This is the benefit of cultivating in the vast outside world, and it is doomed that no matter how many energy crystals are invested in the jade small world, it is impossible to cultivate a strong master of the galaxy.

"Calculating now, the time should be about the same?"

Estimating the time, Jiang Heng remembered that Changchun said before that it would take a year and a half to transform the small world, and the shortest would be four or five months.

Just as Jiang Heng was thinking, Changchun's figure appeared in a blink of an eye.

"Brother Changchun, everything is arranged properly?" Jiang Heng said with a smile on his face.

"Fortunately, life is not disgraceful!" Changchun stroked his head and nodded.

"Let's go in with me and have a look. You didn't agree, and the entire magic circle has not been fully functioning yet, and I guess those native warriors are going crazy after touching them."

Jiang Heng nodded, and the next moment the space between the two of them flashed and they disappeared in place.


Jade Jade Small World, among the 100,000 mountains in the south of the Great Xia Dynasty, Ao Qi nestled in the lake eagerly looking at the towering fairy mountains above.

He had a look of despair at the moment, only when he saw the fairy mountain could he have a ray of hope.

"Hey! What's going on here? Could it be because I offended Shangxian?"

Ao Qi was a little terrified, he didn't know why all the energy suddenly disappeared half a year ago, and the world suddenly became exhausted.

I felt in my heart that the change of this matter might have something to do with those two mysterious immortals.

After all, although the energy has been decreasing year by year for so many years, it has never encountered such a thing.

Now the three major forces are completely in chaos. Originally, the leaders of the three major forces could restrain the people under them because of the blessed land, but now they are completely in chaos.

Everyone has gone crazy, knowing that the future is hopeless, and it is estimated that these high-ranking people will fall into the mortal world in the next ten years or more than a hundred years.

That's why everyone started to go crazy, and some lived dissolutely in the mortal world, and began to show their abilities frequently, just for the sake of being happy and happy, and to make up for the long-term asceticism in the past.

There are also people who want to be the emperor and the lord of the world. There are many people who think this way, so it is a fight. There are also warriors with a conscience who can't bear the chaos in the world and protect the emperor.

However, the emperor was still killed by the warrior in the chaos. His Majesty died and the dynasty collapsed.

The main reason is warrior cholera. These powerful personal powers are like nuclear weapons in such an ordinary ancient world.

If it weren't for the diligent rulers of the past dynasties to govern the country, this dynasty would have collapsed even more completely.

At first, the people blindly worshiped these god-like characters because they suddenly came to the world, but after a long time, these people gradually discovered that these gods are not what they are described in those miscellaneous books.

They are simply a group of demons who snatch anything they see, seize any beautiful gardens they see, and call their servants if they see a beautiful woman, otherwise they will die.

At the beginning, only the gentry and dignitaries were the victims of the disaster, but as time passed, those fairy-like figures were too lazy to do anything by themselves, and they still greeted the gentry in the past, asking for whatever they wanted.

In the past, they only bullied the gentry, and although they still bully the gentry now, it also gave them some respite. When the power is lowered, the natural gods will exploit them, and they will double the exploitation from the bottom people.

As a result, under layers of exploitation, the people of the world are living in more misery than before.

Especially on the capital side, the people are living in dire straits. Those former ministers and dignitaries have been bloodbathed over and over again by the masters of the capital who are constantly changing.

Maybe this fairy god is in charge today, and another stronger existence will behead him tomorrow. It may take a day or two to change the dynasty.

Then the government orders were changed day and night, and all the changes made the dignitaries of the capital suffer terribly, and their children were horrified. The ladies and beauties in the palace are even played by gods and gods.

At first some chaste and martyrs jumped into the well, and later some chaste and martyrs died, and those who were submissive lived worse than prostitutes.

If you don't take good care of yourself, you will be decapitated. No one dared to speak too much, and whoever stood up would die.

Some great Confucians choose to avoid the world, and when these opportunities improve, they are reversing the situation, and more are generous to die.

However, in the face of the existence of these personal mighty forces, their efforts are delusional.

Yun Daozong——

An old man in a gray robe looked at the ebb and flow of the sea of ​​clouds and let out a long sigh.

"Senior brother, the chaos in this world started with me!" Another old man in sackcloth sighed softly behind him.

"The trend of the times, all of this happened too suddenly. Maybe the sky will kill us!" The gray-robed old man shook his head and smiled wryly.

"Not necessarily. In fact, brother, as long as I continue to improve the Jue, I believe I can preserve some strength."

"It's not easy to say, the improvement of the exercises takes thousands of years. The exercises passed down by the ancestors took so many years to become perfect, and our time is less than a few hundred years.

After one or two hundred years, we will be turned into a handful of loess, who can guarantee that the heirs will still have their thoughts on it? "

The old man in gray robe shook his head and sighed.

"By the way, how many people are still inside the door now?"

"There are less than a hundred people, and the rest have already dispersed on their own. Some of them have been cut off, and more can't be controlled!" the old man in sackcloth said hastily.

"En!" The gray-robed old man nodded, he was silent for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Since God's will, why not let me choose to end all of this."

"Senior brother, you don't mean to..." Hearing this, the old man in sackcloth was startled, his expression a little dignified.

"Take the magic weapon of this sect to protect the clan, and call everyone, this sect will mainly clean up the sect!" The gray-robed old man said resoundingly.

"Senior brother, you can't do it! There are only so many of us left. If we continue to wait for the opportunity, we can still save some fire. This trip to clean up the house will definitely hurt both sides, and everything will be over!"

The old man in sackcloth fell to his knees and prayed endlessly.

"I can't wait any longer, have you forgotten the last words of your ancestors?" the gray-robed old man waved his sleeves and shouted angrily.


"The human race is the foundation of our existence. Extraordinary people must not interfere with the dynasty, let alone cause turmoil in the world caused by cholera! This group of evil beasts, my suzerain vows to clean up the house!"

The old man in gray robe directly interrupted the old man in linen clothes.

Seeing this old man in sackcloth drooping his head and sighing softly, he knew he couldn't persuade him anymore.

Just when the old man in gray robe got up and walked in to take out the treasure of Zhenzong, there was a boom! ~

Suddenly there was thunder out of thin air, and when one looked up, it was clear that the sky was clear, but the sky was flickering with thunder and the rolling current was like silver electric dragons constantly swimming and surging. The sky full of thunder is like a sea of ​​thunder, and it looks like the end of the world!

The entire Yundaozong mountain gate illuminated by the dazzling silver lightning is like a day.

At this time, the gray-robed old man was not in the mood to take any Zhenzong treasures, and he looked at Tianji Leiting in horror, and the two people who watched Tianji Leiting were terrified.

In their eyes, this kind of heavenly power is completely a means of real great supernatural powers, and they think it is some kind of heaven and earth vision.

But as the thunder gradually faded away, a row of dozens of figures in golden armor slowly emerged above Yun Daozong. These people were tall and tall, surrounded by thunder and electric snakes.

The moment he saw these people appear, Qing Yunzi, the suzerain of Yundao Sect, was terrified, and the junior brother behind him was shaking all over.

Just because the terrifying aura emanating from the group of people in the sky made people tremble with fear, Qing Yunzi's tall and straight body bent down under the oppressive aura like the might of the sky.

He didn't know who these people appeared out of thin air, but he could be sure that these people could never be any of the three major forces, and these people had never been seen before.

It is impossible for any of the three major forces to have such terrifying strength. Each of these people is like a real god, and I am afraid that just one of them will blow their breath and cause them to be severely injured.

"Who can talk here, come up and talk quickly!"

Suddenly a thunderous sound sounded like rolling thunder.

Hearing that the old man in sackcloth and Qing Yunzi looked at each other, both of them looked horrified.

"Brother, absolutely not, these people..."

"Brother, I'm afraid I have to go on this trip, that's all, brother, I'll go meet them right away!"

Sighing lightly, Qing Yunzi still forcibly endured the oppression of this breath, lifted his body and slowly ascended.

The old man in sackcloth was very anxious below, his eyes kept staring up, and he didn't know what those mysterious people said to his senior brother.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before seeing those people nodding their heads and disappearing in a flash of thunder.

The vision in the sky also slowly dissipated. Seeing the old man in sackcloth heaved a sigh of relief, he quickly flew into the air and came to his senior brother.

"Brother, those people didn't do anything to you, did they?"

He patted his brother on the shoulder worriedly.

"Junior brother is fine!" Qing Yunzi waved his hand, his expression a little silent.

"Then what did they say to you, brother?"

Seeing that his senior brother was a bit out of his mind, the old man in sackcloth hurriedly asked.

Qing Yunzi sighed softly, and said softly: "Those people claim to be the master's guards."

"Master's servants?" the old man in sackcloth muttered to himself, feeling a turmoil in his heart. Are these just servants?

Then how strong is their master?

"and then?"

"They said that according to the decree of their master, they will give us an order to ascend to immortality once in a hundred years, and those who are destined will get it. They also said that above this world is the spirit world, and above the spirit world is the fairy world. I have the opportunity to get Xianyuan to listen to his master's teaching."

Qing Yunzi spoke in a low voice.

"Spirit world, fairy world?" There was so much information that the old man in sackcloth was a little dizzy.

Fortunately, he quickly grasped the key point, and quickly said: "Then how to issue the Immortal Ascension Order?"

"The first batch of Immortal Ascension Orders will be issued ten days later. They will be judged by something called merit points. Those with more merit points will have a chance to receive an Immortal Ascension Order."

"Ah, what is this merit point?" The old man in sackcloth was suspicious.

"It is said that it was recorded by those people, and judged according to our good deeds. As for the next promotion order, there will be no such opportunity, but it will be issued completely randomly, and it will be determined entirely by strength at that time. Junior brother, this is a big deal for us. What a great opportunity!"

The more Qing Yunzi said, the more his eyes glowed.

"Brother, what do you mean..."

"Isn't cleaning up the door a chance that God bestowed on us?" Qing Yunzi grinned.

"That's right! This group of wicked people are doing harm to one side. Wouldn't it be a great merit to cut them off!"

This kind of situation also happened in the other three major forces, and dozens of golden armor and thunder warriors passed down the decree of their master.

Wan Beast Sect and Fortune Dao Sect reacted almost quickly, and soon thought of cleaning up the sect, but Sea God Palace was slow to respond, it was because Sea God Palace was very good at restraining the people below, I really didn't think of that for a while.

In the backyard of the Daxia Palace, somewhere in the inconspicuous courtyard of the Leng Palace, the room is ventilated on all sides. There is a middle-aged obese woman, a powerful general in armor, and a thin and handsome young man.

The three of them just huddled here so pitifully to keep warm, and most of the things in the house had been disassembled to light the fire in the middle to keep warm.

Among the three, only the woman and the handsome young man were busy, one of them was cooking and boiling water, and the young man was feeding the middle-aged general.

The middle-aged general had bandages wrapped around his abdomen and head, and with a pale complexion, he swallowed the medicinal soup fed by the young man with great difficulty.

"Ahem, Your Highness, it's all due to the lack of strength of the subordinates, no... otherwise, those monsters and ghosts will be wiped out!"

The middle-aged general drank the medicinal soup, his complexion improved a little, and he said with a strong tone.

"General Zheng, you should take care of your injuries first. No one can blame anyone for such a sudden chaos. It's just the general trend." The young man put down the soup bowl and said with a helpless smile.

"Your Highness!" General Zheng was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "Your Highness, I will remember the restoration of the country in my heart, and I hope that Your Highness will also remember His Majesty's last wish!"

"Hey, let's take one step at a time." The only prince who was still alive in the Great Xia Dynasty waved his hands weakly.

The reason why he is still alive has cost the lives of many people, including the righteous men who followed his father and the concubines and women in the harem to cover him up.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to survive until now, and now he can only endure it.

His older brothers and younger brothers were all dead, and those older sisters were humiliated to death.

There is no way to retaliate against the bloody feud, but he can only endure it. This kind of pain, he, the prince, will never forget.

"Hey! Your Highness, did you hear anything?"

General Zheng suddenly tilted his ears.

Hearing the words, the prince was stunned for a while and didn't understand, but soon he also listened attentively.

First there were sporadic noises, and then there were cheers and cheers from countless people, and many people covered their faces and cried bitterly.

Just when several people were puzzled, they heard the sound of fast and agile footsteps approaching from far to near.

"Your Highness! Your Highness!"

A eunuch came directly to the door panting heavily and fell to his knees with a plop.

At this moment, he burst into tears, choking with sobs while weeping bitterly: "Your Highness! Your Highness! Dead... Dead! Those rebellious officials and thieves are all dead! Dead!

The emperor...the palace is too...too peaceful! ! ! "

At the end of the talk, the eunuch broke down in sobs, which almost covered his words.

However, the prince and General Zheng, who listened carefully to the eunuch's words, could hear them clearly, they were stunned for a moment, and then they burst into tears unconsciously.

" repeat it carefully!" the prince shouted, pointing at him with trembling fingers.

"Your Highness...Your Highness!" The eunuch raised his head, swallowed his nose, squeezed out an ugly smile and said, "'s true, it's settled down. Those people are dead, Your Highness! We're safe! "

This time I really listened carefully.

"Your Highness! I will go out to help His Highness clear up the turmoil right now, and I hope His Highness will go out and preside over the overall situation later!"

General Zheng endured the pain, clasped his fists and said solemnly.

Hearing that the prince suppressed his ecstasy, he pressed his hand and pointed at the eunuch, "Tell me what happened outside? Be careful!"

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