Master of Fist

Chapter 644: The Strength of the Great General

"Brother, you don't have much fun here, I'd better go play somewhere!"

With a flick of his hand, he exploded with energy, like a strong impact that instantly crushed tens of thousands of starships on one side. A golden light suddenly appeared on his body, and a pair of golden wings erupted into a dazzling golden thunder. The sharp arrows pierced into the pile of starships all over the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the situation continued to explode.

Changchun squinted his eyes to hold back the dazzling light, feeling a little helpless, this kid thinks his old bones can't move.

At this time, the countless starships are like balloons that expand rapidly and then quickly retract toward the center because of a needle stuck in the middle.

The vigor on the body surface is enough to withstand the energy impact from the sky, Jiang Heng squinted his eyes and sensed that the vigor has locked on the core area.

However, before he could rush away, the space in front of him was distorted, and a body of steel covered in crimson flames slowly appeared.

It was a streamlined figure, and the opponent's eyes were like a pair of blood pupils scanning Jiang Heng.

"Humans, your strength has been recognized by me. According to the latest decree of Supreme Wisdom, the strong have the opportunity to join us! Your choice..."


A fist the size of a casserole suddenly struck, and terrifying power poured into it as quickly as it could.

Something like a wave swelled on the surface of the star body, trying to get rid of this force with all its strength.

Bang bang bang!

The endless fists fell on him quickly, without hesitation, without giving him the slightest chance to breathe.

"Ah, what did you just say?"

Bang bang bang!

There was another intensive shower of fists blasting out crazily, Jiang Heng's every punch burst out a strong airflow, slapping the opponent's body like a stormy sea.

Seeing that the opponent's indestructible body was full of pits and pits, the dense fist marks made the star body present a very unnatural distortion, and the whole body was somewhat flat.

It's just that this guy seems to be some kind of software, Jiang Heng squinted his eyes, and suddenly found that this guy's body seems to be recovering a little bit.

Made of super-memory materials?

Jiang Heng was a little surprised. The red star body researched by the Federation this time is indeed somewhat different, and its recovery ability is almost a hundred times that of the purple star body.


A heavy punch made a deep depression in the opponent's abdomen, and a very obvious fist mark protruded from the opponent's back.

"Human, I advise you to give up resistance, your attack is against me..."


A punch was thrown directly, and the opponent's head was tilted, and his eyes were fixed on Jiang Heng.



It was another punch from top to bottom, directly smashing the head into the opponent's chest.

It's just that the surface of the opponent's body hasn't been damaged in any way. Although there are still many bumps and dents, there is no damage. It's like a soft body, which has only been kneaded into this appearance temporarily.


Jiang Heng reached out and clasped the top of the opponent's head, his five fingers sank deep into the opponent's head, like a soft body, but it was pressed down, his five fingers did not penetrate the opponent's surface.

"You are just stubbornly resisting. This is an experimental material made according to the needs of my lord's latest body. It is impossible to destroy it with your strength!"

Jiang Heng grinned lightly, ignoring the other party's chattering voice, and directly pulled the other party's head out of his chest with a flick of his hand.

Then, while the other party was in a daze, he clasped the other party's neck with his hands and pulled it out suddenly, and then pulled it longer and longer, like pulling out a rope, and pulled the other party's arm with the other hand, dancing his hands quickly, like a juggling juggling.

In a moment, the other party was tied up by him, but the other party's body was tossed by him at the moment, and he couldn't see the original appearance at all. His arms, legs, and neck were entangled with each other. He entangled himself into a ball and was caught by Jiang Heng in his hand. .

" are..."

This red star body is blinded. He didn't expect that the other party could not destroy his body, but the other party would treat him like this.

What a shame!

But he still has nothing to do, what else can he do now?

His body is indeed a very high-end memory material even in the universe, and it is made of some leftover materials used to build a body for supreme wisdom.

But he is not water, trapped like this, he can't get out now.

The whole person stared at Jiang Heng extremely aggrieved.

Ha ha!

Jiang Heng grinned loudly.

"Next, I have to trouble you to go in and stay for a while!"

As Jiang Heng waved his hand, the other party was directly put into the storage space. The other party has lost mobility, and there is no need to worry about the storage space being destroyed by the other party.

The Federation never dreamed that the latest weapon they developed would be wiped out by the demon in the blink of an eye.

"It's that person!"

"Why is it him! Why is it him again!"

"According to the latest investigation, this person is the general of the empire. What did he do to the envoy?"

The high-level star bodies of countless federal command transfer stations were terrified.

The envoys are the latest high-level star bodies descended from the God of Wisdom. The output of envoys is not high at present, and the total number of envoys is only about ten. I didn't expect it to disappear in the blink of an eye...?

"Should we still want the great supreme wisdom to descend?" Someone asked after a while.

"The god envoy has disappeared, how can he come?"

"Yes, without the envoy as a container, the will of the God of Wisdom will definitely die if we come to us!"

"Withdraw! We withdraw!"

After quick discussions, these high-level star bodies quickly got a consensus.

They are also very helpless, the envoy is their biggest weapon, and now the boss is gone. And spanking.

However, while they were discussing, one of their nightmare existences had also been killed.


The figure fell straight in like a meteor.

"Hehe, why are you hiding here?"

Amidst the lightning and flames, a stalwart figure slowly stood up and grinned at the group of apostle-level star bodies, revealing ferocious white teeth.

"kill him!"

The apostle-level star bodies reacted almost instantly, and rushed towards the humans in front of them at the same time.

Dozens of apostle-level star bodies swarmed up like a pack of wolves.

Jiang Heng just smiled and looked at the tall steel bodies, and with a light wave of his palm, a burst of energy gushed out quickly, sweeping away a star like an invisible wall.

bang bang bang!

The star body of the apostle, who was the first to bear the force, was squeezed into an ellipse in an instant, and then burst into a pile of broken parts and flames that were about to erupt. The mechanical parts were swept out together.

The situation is the same for the apostle-level star bodies behind, no matter how they resist, they cannot escape the result of being crushed.

With a light wave, a dozen or so apostle-level star bodies were swept away and crushed, and the explosions exploded far away under the vigorous sweep, without affecting Jiang Heng at all.

The remaining apostle-level star bodies were stunned, and they looked at the command room beside them in horror, where even the metal floor was scraped away by this force.

"Huh? Why don't you continue?" Jiang Heng shook his hands and turned his head to look at the group of high-level stars with a smile.

He had never talked so calmly and happily with so many purple star bodies about his life ideals.

"What on earth do you want to do? My lord said that if it was you, we would ask us to bring a sentence!"

At this moment, an apostle star body suddenly stood up.

"Oh!" Jiang Heng was a little surprised, but he didn't expect that what the enemy boss wanted to say to him?

"My Lord said that He admired you very much. He felt that people like you are fundamentally different from others. You have privileges. As long as you promise that My Lord can give you everything.

My lord has external channels, you can get all kinds of martial arts cheats and spells you want, whether it is from the temple of the gods or the Great Zhou! "

The other party said swearingly.

Jiang Heng was also taken aback when he heard that.

Good guy!

This is corrupting the upper echelons of the empire!

"By the way, do you know the Temple of the Gods and the Great Zhou? These two forces are one of the three top forces in the universe. If you want to have a longer lifespan, my lord will also create an omnipotent body for you like the super-dimensional kingdom of God. , so that your lifespan will become extremely long!"

The apostle-level star body talked eloquently, these are the original words of supreme wisdom.

The smile on the corner of Jiang Hengyue's mouth grew wider when he heard this.

"To put it bluntly, the three major forces in the universe are all your friends?"

Jiang Heng sneered secretly in his heart, these words are 99% nonsense, nonsense promises, if there is such a relationship, he still needs to fight with their Milky Way here.

With this relationship, it is estimated that the nearby domain owners have already bowed down, so there is no need for such painstaking efforts.

On the contrary, the other party has a channel to contact the outside world, which is believable.

The previous super-strong memory material is not available in the Milky Way. At least for so many years, the empire has mined resources all over the empire. The empire has even formed some long-distance mining teams, with footprints almost all over the galaxy.

Even so, there is no such material that is strong enough to withstand the attack of the Lord of the Galaxy.

It is estimated that this kind of thing can only be purchased from the outside world.

"But why should I trust you?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and asked.

Hearing that those apostle-level star bodies looked at each other, they were not surprised, obviously they had expected it.

"My lord has said that He will show sincerity. If you agree temporarily, my lord will show his sincerity. Then you can think carefully about it?"

"Oh!" This made Jiang Heng a little unexpected.

"Hehe, let's talk about it after seeing the sincerity! As for now, should I do it or you will judge yourself?"

Jiang Heng sneered.

Hearing this, several people looked at each other, and immediately gritted their teeth.

"I also hope that you can keep your promise, and the next time my Lord's consciousness descends, He will talk to you in person."

As he said that, he saw the star bodies of several apostles begin to turn red rapidly, followed by a terrifying explosion like a supernova.

Jiang Heng left the area in a blink of an eye, turned around and looked around, and saw that the countless starship bodies of the Federation starships outside seemed to have all activated the self-destruct process.

The sparks in the sky were a bit unexpected.

The space is distorted, and Changchun's figure emerges.

"How is this going?"

Jiang Heng glanced at him and grinned: "Maybe he knew that the situation was over, so he chose to kill himself."

It is said that Changchun does not doubt that he is there, and the other party really cannot escape. The destruction of these federal troops is a foregone conclusion.

"By the way, what happened to the red star body? Was it solved by your kid?"

"No, it's here!"

Jiang Heng waved his hand, and the next moment he was holding a tangled red metal ball.

The other party still stared at Jiang Heng with incomparable anger and resentment.

Looking at this thing, Changchun didn't think of the majestic red-level star body for a while, but after looking at it carefully, he couldn't help laughing again.

"Brother Jiang, you are too hurt."

"By the way, Brother Jiang, are you planning to hand it over to the Imperial Research Institute for research?" After thinking about it, he asked curiously seeing that Jiang Heng was only captured alive.

"No, this guy has a weird body." Jiang Heng shook his head and said.


"Brother Changchun, greet him with your sword!" Jiang Heng casually threw it at the opponent.

Catching the red ball, Changchun was a little puzzled, but he swung his hand with the kindness of the Dao Realm True Artifact, and a sword mark cut across the opponent's body.

Then I saw a thin mark suddenly sunken in the opponent's body.

The traces were extremely obvious, but the sunken trace quickly recovered quickly.

After dozens of breaths, it returned to normal.


Seeing this, Changchun couldn't help taking a deep breath. He had also fought against a red star body before.

At that time, it was just a hasty fight, and he was almost deceived by the opponent using his space ability to make a series of moves. He also slashed the opponent hundreds of times in that instant, and cut the opponent back.

Afterwards, he quickly fled away. When he saw that the opponent also had space ability, he didn't dare to fight deeply for fear of being left behind by the opponent. Naturally, he didn't have time to see whether the opponent had a strong recovery ability.

Now it seems that it is simply abnormal.

At that time, if he really stayed and fought against the opponent, he might still be able to get away, but don't even think about killing the opponent.

This body alone is like an immortal body, watertight!

"It's amazing, what kind of material is this? My Void Slash can't even leave a trace on it!"

Changchun was amazed.

"Maybe it's an extragalactic material. Brother Changchun, do you know that there are such strange things in this galaxy?"

"No, it should be a foreign object! I didn't expect the Federation to have such a hand. Fortunately, there is brother Jiang, otherwise the empire will be in trouble this time."

Changchun felt a lingering fear.

Right now, Qingyue and the others are not here. If he is the only one in charge of the empire, he will definitely be helpless against these guys, and then he will have to sit and wait for death.

"Throw it to those researchers to study and study, and see if they can figure out something."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Heng put this thing into the space again.

"This is a great move!" Changchun nodded in approval.

Now that the war here has been resolved, the two of them will not stay any longer. At this time, Jiang Heng glanced at Changchun calmly.

After thinking about it, in the end, he still didn't talk about the matter with the federal agent.

Of course, he would not betray the human race, but he was just thinking about whether he could get some good things from the Federation.

Don't waste what you can get for free.

Using Changchun's spatial movement, the two quickly disappeared into the battlefield.

At this moment in the command room, Yuan Tian and the other commanders stared at the empty surveillance screen in a daze.

"No... gone?"

"it's over?"

Yuan Tian was also stunned for a while, this... this is too clean.

There wasn't any complete and movable star body on the battlefield. Except for the faint blue light spouted by the tail of the imperial starship, the direction of the enemy ahead was pitch black.

Nothing but pieces of wreckage.

"Is this the strength of the general?"

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