Master of Fist

Chapter 634 Super Expert

"Langmu really deserves his reputation. I heard that you slaughtered dozens of high-ranking people alone. Now it seems that not only are you not exaggerating, but you are also a little more humble."

His Highness the Third Highness is very kind at the moment, looking at Jiang Heng with a look of appreciation, which is a real appreciation.

Perhaps only the Third Highness could understand his own feelings at the moment.

"Now my status in front of the Holy Father is getting worse day by day, mainly because of everyone under my command who can do things."

His Highness the Third Highness sighed in his heart, although the Dragon Clan is currently the only weapon under his command, his relationship with the Dragon Clan is mostly limited to his relationship with Ao Shan. As for the entire Eight Dragon Clan, the Third Highness knew that he relied on Ao Shan for at most about half of the relationship.

This little manpower can't splash the slightest wave among the beast race.

"Actually, what I lack now is not an ordinary follower, but a real strong man. Mister Jin who is as strong as the second brother! Old man Jiuyou who is like the eldest brother!"

When he was full of thoughts, the eyes of His Highness the Third Highness looking at Jiang Heng became more burning unknowingly.

He can be sure that the person in front of him is likely to be a super strong person who has taken that step beyond the half-step Dao Realm.

"If I can recruit this person, he will definitely become a powerful helper in my struggle for the position of Son of God in the future!"

Originally, His Highness the Third Highness thought of directly coercing the other party to hand over the demigod's skeleton, but now it seems that the previous plan will definitely not work. And not only can't coerce, but also promise to win over this person with huge profits.

"Although the demigod's bones are also very important to me, there is too little time. The day of my eldest brother's birthday must be the day when the father declares his orthodox identity. At that time, the second and fourth brothers will definitely attack the eldest brother at the same time."

His Highness the Third Highness thought a lot, he knew very well how fierce the competition would be on the birthday of the elder brother.

"According to Father's previous behavior style, if I wait for a few brothers to join forces, there will definitely be a fight on the spot... At that time..." His Highness sneered in his heart, looking at Jiang Heng, he was confident for some reason Heart bursting.

The orc clan has always respected the strong. The reason why the eldest son was selected as the son of God before was because the eldest son was superior to many descendants, both in terms of his own strength and the strength and influence he followed.

However, once the descendants below want to challenge, the Holy Lord will definitely be happy to do so!

"Third Highness!" Jiang Heng nodded with a look of pride.

In the bottom of my heart, I was secretly feeling the magical effect of telepathy. Since I was a super expert in the other party's heart, I couldn't give him face.

"Come! Sit! Sit!" Regarding Jiang Heng's attitude of being number one in the world, His Highness the Third Highness didn't take it seriously at all, but became even happier in his heart.

As a master, if you are not aloof and arrogant, then it is not in line with your temperament.

Generally speaking, with the previous strength as a foundation, coupled with Jiang Heng's temperament of being alone and seeking defeat at the moment, His Highness no longer has any doubts about Jiang Heng's strength.

Seeing this, the three brothers of the Bai family, who were seated beside the two, closed the door tactfully and retreated out.

Seeing that the room was empty and Jiang Heng didn't speak, the Third Highness coughed lightly and laughed and said, "Senior Lang, I hope you will forgive me for having offended you so much. As an apology, this true artifact of the Dao Realm is given to Senior Lang as an apology. It's not a treasure, but I hope Senior Lang doesn't mind."

As he spoke, His Highness waved his hand casually, and took out a small object like a jade pendant from the storage space.

"This is the Purple Cloud Pendant. Wearing this object can form a purple cloud force field around the body. This force field can distort the space for a short time. It is a wonderful weapon for fighting!"

Seeing the three highnesses in front of him handing over a true Dao realm artifact without saying a word, Jiang Heng called out to him in his heart.

Although the Dao Realm Weapon is only a military equipment of the same level as the Lord of the Galaxy, it is actually more magical than the same level of military equipment.

In fact, weapons are more based on physical properties, while Dao Realm artifacts are more like pieces of magic weapons, with their own unique and wonderful uses.

For example, Xuanxu Disk can condense space, Time Knife can cut time and space, Regret Sky Banner can absorb energy from the surroundings and concentrate on itself, etc...

After receiving the Ziyun Pendant, Jiang Heng casually injected a wisp of energy into it, and immediately felt that the surrounding space became strange and bizarre.

In such a space, if encountering a long-range attack, it is almost difficult to hit the person in it with one blow. The space is distorted, and what you see in the distance is no longer the real space.

"It's quite useful to me. Right now I'm about to step into the realm of Dou Su, and one more thing of self-defense will give me more protection."

Jiang Heng nodded secretly, very satisfied with the arrogance of the Third Highness.

"Third Highness, you're being polite, so I'll accept this thing. It's just a misunderstanding, and now it's all right if the misunderstanding is cleared up." Jiang Heng smiled and waved his hands, but his face was still full of arrogance.

"Hehe, as long as Senior Lang is satisfied. By the way, Senior Lang, it seems that you have spent a lot of time in this abandoned land. I wonder if you intend to go elsewhere?"

His Royal Highness looked at Jiang Heng's face, saw that there was not much reaction, and immediately continued: "Actually, an expert like you, senior Lang, is really overkill to commit himself to this abandoned land. I really can't use your super strength the value of the owner!"

"Oh! Maybe this seat doesn't like complicated things, and it's good to be in this abandoned place, at least you don't have to think too much about it."

Jiang Heng is still extremely proud, and he saves words as much as he can.

Hearing this, the Third Highness was a little anxious, it's okay if you don't want to go out, and quickly said: "Actually, there are other places that are more suitable for you, senior."


"Of course it's the beast race. Think about it, the land of the alliance is occupied by the federation, and the federation and the empire are fighting in full swing. That's the place that is more troublesome than the abandoned land. Unlike our beast race, we are united and united, and everything Respecting the strong, how can there be so many dirty things?"

Jiang Heng, who was at the side, listened to the other party running the train with his mouth full, and laughed secretly in his heart, as if he was going up and down. Now the internal struggle for power and profit within the orc clan is obviously not as good as before.

In the past, the frequency of attacks on the land of the empire has dropped a lot, and they have begun to shrink and are busy fighting internally.

These are naturally what Jiang Heng saw from the mind of the Third Highness in front of him.

"In this way, I have indeed heard that the alliance and the empire are now at odds. It's just that the orcs..." Jiang Heng made a look of embarrassment.

"Senior Lang, do you have any questions?"

Seeing this, the Third Highness hastily struck while the iron was hot.

"Well, I am a human race, and you are an orc race, and I heard that your orc race is not very friendly to our human race. I used to be afraid..."

"Senior Lang, you don't need to worry. I am the Third Highness of the Beast Race. As long as Senior Lang can help me a few times in the Beast Race, the benefits will definitely be indispensable to you.

As for those who are so-called hostile to the human race, it is not the case. As long as they are strong, regardless of human race or beast race, they are almost treated equally.

In our orc race, it is natural to worship the strong. With your strength in front of you, no one dares to gossip, they will only worship you! "

His Majesty the Third Highness did not brag about these words, the orcs generally worship the strong. It seems to be a natural instinct engraved in the bones.

If Ruo was outside, a low-level orc met a high-level human. Then this orc will definitely bow down and worship without the slightest resistance, and will worship extremely fanatically.

Of course, the situation where each has a strong leader on the battlefield is another matter.

"That being said, what benefits can I get?" Jiang Heng asked arrogantly.

"This junior invites you to come out of the mountain, so naturally you will not treat senior badly. Please rest assured, senior, I still have quite a few items like Ziyun Pendant. If senior likes it, it's okay to give it to senior.

Secondly, there are actually many enchanting and glamorous women in the fox clan of our beast clan. If seniors are interested, I will find a reason to invite the patriarch of the fox clan to talk to you in detail. "

His Highness the Third Highness recalled what he had heard about Langmu's character from the three brothers of the Bai family, and hurriedly said.

After speaking, he began to nervously observe Jiang Heng's expression.

If these can't impress Langmu in front of him, then he has nothing to do for a while.

However, Langmu's eyes were a little fiery when he heard the true weapon of the Dao Realm, but after hearing that there was a charming and beautiful woman in the fox clan, his eyes were not only fiery, but even more fiery.

As if to burn everything.

"Ahem, what the Third Highness said is serious? Can those fox women be as good-looking as the women from Tianxianglou?"

Jiang Heng pretended to be suspicious, saying that the Tianxiang Building was the largest hook bar in the abandoned land.

It was a den created jointly by the five great kings. Most of the women in it were captured from the empire, and they were carefully selected. Those who can spend there are not the kings of the abandoned land, but some big interstellar merchants who do business here.

"Hey, Tianxiang Tower?"

Hearing the words, His Highness the Third Highness couldn't help laughing, and he showed a look that men could understand and said to Jiang Heng: "Senior, to be honest, the beauty and figure of the Fox clan girl are hundreds of times better than the Tianxianglou girl. What's more, the Fox clan girl They are all proficient in the secret art in the room, and as long as it is a male in custody, it will be so happy to leave!"

Seeing that Jiang Heng was so interested, His Highness the Third Highness was overjoyed and also worked harder to sell the special products of the Orcs.

Jiang Heng's face was also grinning from ear to ear, and there was even a haha.

Seeing that His Highness the Third Highness is flattering on the surface, but secretly despises him in his heart.

"Okay! Okay! Since the third highness invites you so kindly, I will go with the third highness!"

Jiang Heng slapped his thigh and immediately agreed, as if if you don't agree, I will forcefully go.

"Haha! From now on, I will have to trouble Senior Lang to take care of me."

His Highness the Third Highness immediately revealed a look of joy, he did not expect things to go so smoothly. He didn't doubt it, after all, it fit Langmu's previous personality, extremely lustful!

"Then when are you leaving?"

Jiang Heng got up and paced back and forth, as if he wanted to go to the beast clan immediately.

"Then why don't you leave without delay?" The Third Highness didn't like it, he wished to return to the ancestral land of the beast race as soon as possible to prepare for his birthday in ten days.

The two hit it off immediately, and immediately the Third Highness took Jiang Heng to the space wormhole.

Seeing the space wormhole in front of him, Jiang Heng didn't expect that the way to go to the ancestral land of the orcs would be so simple and rude.

At this time, the three brothers of the Bai family and Ao Shan were accompanying them, and the group stepped into the space wormhole.

With a sense of imbalance, it lasted for more than ten breaths. When he stepped out again, his eyes had turned into a void and dark space.


Jiang Heng looked around, and was surprised to find that this place did not look like the ancestral land of the orcs. It was simply a starless belt, probably beyond the edge of the Milky Way.

"This is the ancestral land of the beast race?" Jiang Heng asked with a confused look.

"Hehe, Senior Lang's place is naturally not the ancestral land of the orcs. If you want to enter the ancestral land, you have to have a special channel."

After saying this, His Highness the Third Highness took out a handful of black fine sand from his bosom, and just casually flung it towards the void!

Jiang Heng sensed it carefully, and was surprised to find that as soon as the fine sand was thrown out, faint ripples appeared in the nearby space.

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Heng's pupils shrank suddenly, and a huge head with hundreds of thousands of meters in length suddenly outlined a faint outline from the pitch-black space.

this is.......

Shadow Dragon Clan? !

This was the first thought that came to Jiang Heng's mind, he had never actually seen this rumored creature.

But for some reason, the moment he saw the silhouette of the other party, it unconsciously appeared in his mind.

As if smelling something at this moment, the huge head opened its bloody mouth and bit Jiang Heng and the others.

In fact, it is biting the area where the black fine sand is thrown.

"You don't need to be nervous, this is the only way to the ancestral land of the beast clan!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge mouth of the shadow dragon completely enveloped everyone.

In front of such a behemoth, their size is like a wisp of insignificant dust.

Jiang Heng's muscles were tense, and his mental strength was highly concentrated. He almost sacrificed Ling Yuesuo directly to kill the shadow dragon.

Hearing what His Highness said, he also forced himself to calm down.

As everyone was devoured, the field of vision instantly plunged into darkness.

Jiang Heng only felt that the surrounding space seemed a little weird, as if it was no longer in the real world, and it didn't seem like it was in an ordinary space.

"Could this be the dark matter plane that brother Changchun mentioned?"

Jiang Heng suddenly remembered something.

"Senior Lang, the ancestral land of our orc clan does not exist in the ordinary plane, but in a secret cave in the dark matter plane."

His Highness smiled and explained to Jiang Heng.

"Cave Heaven Secret Realm?!"

Hearing this Jiang Heng was really surprised.

When will the Orcs create a secret realm of the empty sky?

Just when Jiang Heng was here with a lot of thoughts, he probably lasted for a stick of incense in this dark environment.

Everyone's eyes were once again occupied by light.

Just now, everyone seemed to be standing in place and walking through a long dark tunnel. At this moment, they found that the surrounding area was already a dense jungle, with the scorching sun above their heads, and they could smell the fragrance of the air.

"There is such a world in the mouth of this beast?" Jiang Heng was surprised.

"Senior Lang, we are not in the mouth of the shadow dragon clan now, and now it is the ancestral land of our orc clan!"

His Highness the Third Highness did not explain in detail why he suddenly came to the ancestral land of the beast clan from the mouth of the shadow dragon clan. Jiang Heng reckoned that this should be a top secret.

Because he didn't even get a definite answer in the other party's mind, he only knew that the black fine sand seemed to be the key for them to enter the ancestral land of the beast race.

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