Master of Fist

Chapter 757: Chief Fire Pupil

"As for Chen, he doesn't have many shortcomings in the same level, but you have to know that the enemies we will face next are likely to be several times or even dozens of times ours. Don't you have the late-stage combat power of the domain master level? I think it is necessary for you to measure yourself as a strong player in the later stage." Jiang Heng finally moved his gaze to Chen who was not far away.

The corner of Chen's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but smiled wryly: "My lord, I can indeed use the methods of the strong in the later stage, but you don't know, this flaw is too obvious. Even if it is the early domain master level of ten breath kung fu can be easily avoided.”

"So you have to take the opportunity to attack and cooperate with the three sisters. Once the enemy is restrained, you will make up for the fatal blow!" Jiang Heng said lightly.

"Okay, it's almost time, it's time to leave." Jiang Heng clapped his hands and directly broke through the dark matter plane to the main universe plane.

A group of people took the starship that had been prepared long ago, passed through the star gate that had been built recently leading to the core star field, and arrived at the main port of the Sixth Prince in less than half a day.

"It looks like they're all here." Jiang Heng felt for a while. At this time, there were already nineteen domain master-level powerhouses gathered here in the port.

I looked around, um, they were all acquaintances.

This time, it wasn't just them who arrived at the domain master level, Jiang Heng also carried a long-range fire defense line composed of millions of warships. The rest of the people also gathered a lot of starships, especially the Sixth Prince's side was like a gathering of locusts, and the army was already as dense as a wave, ready to fight.

In addition, the forces of all parties also brought their respective formation masters, and it was very easy to gather hundreds of thousands of formation masters.

Although 100,000 formation mages are not too many, these 100,000 formation mages are all above the middle-level fighters, and only these will not be killed suddenly by the slight shock of the formation.

"Everyone is here, so it shouldn't be too late. I have already arranged the star gates in several formations, so I can teleport them directly. Please come with me!"

As the sixth prince said, he walked directly towards a starship, and the starship slowly sailed away from the port. At the same time, the countless densely packed starships under the command of the sixth prince also began to aim their weapons and fire in the direction of the sixth prince. , like a giant encirclement is preparing to siege somewhere.

Jiang Heng knew that this was to prevent accidents, and these trillions of starship clusters could more or less be prevented from happening.

At the same time, the Galaxy Fleet, the Sanxiu Fleet, and the Eighth Prince's starship group all gathered towards the locust army.

As for the starships of the many domain masters, they flew away with the starships of the sixth prince. They needed to get close to the core area of ​​the formation, and at the same time, there were thousands of starships responsible for delivering the formation masters behind them.

After about a minute or so, everyone passed through the star gate near the port, and when they reappeared, they were already tens of light-years away from the port, which is the core area of ​​the entire Ninety-two galaxy.

The number of stars here has become very large. Looking around, there are groups of shining stars everywhere, and among these stars, there are three groups of black mist strangely, as if all these stars are squeezed out.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Heng knew through perception that this was the location of the three starry sky behemoths almost without being told.

The three majestic breaths of life definitely made countless creatures feel terrified, even Jiang Heng felt a little short of breath, this is a kind of oppression of prey by advanced predators.

As he got closer and closer to that direction, the terrifying aura became stronger and stronger, and the starship pilot's limbs were already a little stiff. If it wasn't for Jiang Heng's own breath to help offset it all the time, I'm afraid the pilot of the starship would The members will be crushed to powder in an instant.

"The rhythm of the breath is very stable, and the condition of the three starry sky giants is not too bad!" Jiang Heng quickly made a judgment based on the experience of the same body Dao Wufu.

"Just the breath is so scary, I can't believe it's just the state when it was sealed." Chen frowned.

The faces of the few people in the cabin are not very good at the moment.

About an hour later, three giant metal planets appeared in everyone's field of vision, and three metal stars, the size of tens of thousands of stars, spread across the core area like horns.

"Everyone, the three giant beasts are sealed within the three planets. I will make preparations first. I will open the first seal after the formation master is familiar with the formation here!"

The voice of the sixth prince spread far into everyone's mind, and the starships transporting the formation masters began to spread out and flew towards two of the giant metal planets, leaving only one unprepared.

And that one is the giant fire beast that everyone needs to face next!

As time passed, Jiang Heng and his party were also invited to attend a temporary meeting on the main ship where the Sixth Prince was located.

In fact, there is not much to talk about, and the things that need attention have already been said before. Right now, they are just arranging the offensive lineups according to the physical body and the temples.

Of course, it is also because this sorting will involve some interest distribution issues.

"It's true that I practice the Tao of the flesh body, but I have to stand in front of it like this?" A casual cultivator at the beginning of the physical body Tao domain said angrily.

He was very dissatisfied, because the distribution of the six princes just now was to arrange them, physical martial arts warriors, in front, and the gods and temple warriors in the rear.

But why?

Jiang Heng also looked at the sixth prince, but he didn't say anything, he knew that if the sixth prince didn't spit out some benefits, he wouldn't be able to convince the public.

"Cough cough! Fellow practitioners of the physical way, please be safe and don't be impatient. This prince is indeed a bit biased, but if the martial arts of the physical body are not in the front, and the warriors of the temples are in the front, I am afraid that I will collapse at the first touch of the war. .

Of course, you won't be allowed to pay in vain. Standing in the front is extremely risky, so be it. According to the order of front and back, can you do this? Flesh Dao Wufu ranks first, regardless of the damage done to the giant beast, the materials that can be shared after killing the giant beast will be 30% more than mine. Those who perform well will be allocated more. "

What the sixth prince said was actually more pay for more work, plus the greater the risk, he could get a fixed 30% of the materials.

He really thought well, but unfortunately some people were still dissatisfied.

"Your Highness, I think that although my friend is practicing the physical body, he is only at the beginning of the domain master level. I am afraid that the benefits are there, but he does not have the life to take them. Why don't you give him a good body protection?" Weapons, this can also add some protection." The elder of the meeting said.

As the leader of everyone who is a physical martial artist, he naturally does not want to see a martial artist who is also a physical martial artist be treated unfairly.

It seems that the Sixth Prince's idea is very good, but among life and subsequent interests, life is more important.

Hearing that the Sixth Prince's complexion was not very good-looking, but seeing the few physical warriors present looking at him with scorching eyes, he had a toothache, and more importantly, he found that Senior Jiang was also staring at him. he.

Jiang Heng's position has to be said to be very high, second only to the elders.

"Oh, how about this. This prince can provide three pieces of domain master-level mid-term protective equipment, but it's not enough for me. The seniors in the back row have to come up with something too?"

As he said that, the sixth prince looked at the two mid-stage domain masters who were ranked lower, namely Lei Yuan and Lie Yan Patriarch.

The meaning is also very obvious, I paid for the warriors of the pantheons on my side, now it's time for you to express it.

"I'll offer two pieces for Lie Yan and the others!" Jiang Heng opened his mouth first, and at the same time threw out two pieces of early-stage domain master-level armor.

That is to say, the left hand turns the right hand.

Lei Yuan was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but look at the elder with some complaints. You must know that among their group of casual cultivators, there are as many as five of them.

Of course, it is impossible for Lei Yuan to take out so many weapons, and like Jiang Heng, he also took out two pieces of initial armor.

On the contrary, it was the Eighth Prince who had a good laugh, and his subordinates were all physical warriors.

So the distribution of weapons became, the eighth prince has four physical body domain masters, two of which are in the second echelon in the middle stage and two are in the third echelon in the early stage, so they took two pieces from the sixth prince. The mid-term armor and Jiang Heng and Lei Yuan each took a piece of early-stage armor.

Jiang Heng was in the second echelon, and He Chen was in the third echelon. He also took a mid-term armor from the sixth prince, and the early-stage armor he took out went directly to him.

As for the elder, because the elder voluntarily ranked in the first echelon, he only took a piece of initial armor for the initial domain master under his command.

After all the distribution, the echelon rankings have been completely settled.

Among them, the elder was alone in the front row, and the second echelon consisted of Jiang Heng and the two middle-stage warriors of the Vajra Sect under the command of the Eighth Prince, a total of three people.

The third echelon is Chen, the early stage of Sanxiu, and the two early stages of Vajra Sect.

As for the fourth echelon, there are warriors who are good at defensive means in the temples. Among them, Jiang Heng's black-haired girl Xiaoya and Duyu are respectively in this rank.

And the rest are all in the fifth step.

The general strategy is actually to block the physical Dao warriors in front, try to prevent the giant beasts from breaking through the first three ladder defense lines, and as for the temple warriors behind, they will do their best to output.

After ten days had passed and the formation mage was thoroughly familiar with the formation, the unblocking officially began.

A group of nineteen domain masters flew out towards the third giant beast that was sealed on fire.

Only when you get close to this planet will you know how huge this planet is. If you get close, you can't see the edge at a glance. If a mortal sees the planet in front of him, he will definitely have a nervous breakdown due to giant phobia.

Not all the nineteen domain masters participated in the battle. Elder Su and another early domain master under the command of the sixth prince went to the other two planets respectively. These two will be the core figures of the 100,000 formation masters. On the one hand, it is responsible for escorting the 100,000 formation masters, and on the other hand, it is also responsible for sharing the pressure of strengthening the formation.

"Open the seal!" Seeing that the two men were already in place, the sixth prince waved his hand, and one hundred thousand formation masters began to break the first seal under the guidance of two domain master-level powerhouses.

As everyone began to crack the formation, dense golden inscriptions appeared on the surface of the giant planet in front of them. The inscriptions almost covered the entire planet. As the formation was shaken, a terrifying aura inside seemed to be stimulated and began to continuously impact The inscription of the formation method.

"The seal is loose, who is helping me?! Quick! Break the seal!"

An old, savage and grand voice resounded from inside the planet.

Bumps began to appear on the surface of the planet, which meant that something was constantly impacting inside.

With every impact, the place where the formation inscription is written will burst into dazzling light. Seems to suppress something inside. But it is a pity that as this layer of seal was continuously cracked by 100,000 formation masters and the internal shocks, the golden inscription gradually became dim.

"Come on! Come on!"

The giant roared excitedly.


Suddenly its voice was a little surprised, it seemed that as the seal gradually weakened, its perception of the outside world became more and more sensitive.

"There are so many little guys with strong energy and blood laws, are you welcoming this chief?"

There was a trace of surprise in the voice of the giant beast, since the chief was his former status.

The starry sky behemoths are composed of small tribes, similar to the nomads on some planets. Generally, a small tribe is headed by a strong domain master.

The strong demigods are great chiefs, while some mid-level demigods are called kings.

A family of giant beasts is often centered on a king, with a great chief under his command, and under the great chief there are small tribes of chiefs.

And these kings obey only one supreme being.

The Huotong tribe is a small tribe under the command of one of the great chiefs.

Recalling the humiliating scene when the great chief led hundreds of small tribes to hunt 200,000 years ago, Chief Huotong was furious in his heart.

"If it wasn't for the fact that the great chief was still young and hadn't reached the height of the previous chief, how could he be defeated by a mere demigod force!"

The Great Chief is generally a low-ranking demigod star beast, of course there are exceptions.

Because the starry sky family pays attention to the theory of blood, the chiefs may be chiefs for generations, and the chiefs and kings are kings for generations.

If the previous old chieftain falls, but leaves behind an heir, then the tribe of the great chieftain and the forces under his jurisdiction will not collapse.

Because the heirs of the great chief will have the strength of the previous great chief as long as they are adults, this is absolute.

Because of this, only the new great chief at the pinnacle level of the domain master level became the suzerain of Chief Huotong.

"It's finally coming out!"

Feeling the gradual fading of the seal that had surrounded him for 200,000 years, Chief Huotong couldn't hide his ecstasy.

Sensing the group of little bugs waiting outside, it frowned slightly.

But it quickly ceased to worry.

"A bug will always be a bug, if you dare to seek death, just eat it!"

At the same time, all the domain master-level powerhouses outside were also staring at everything in front of them nervously. As the inscriptions on the surface of the planet completely lost their smoothness, the surface of the planet was quickly covered with dense cracks.

"It's about to start!"

Please remember the first domain name of this book: . _wap.

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