Master of Fist

Chapter 855: Killing God

There is no essential difference between warriors whether they are in the physical body or the temple system, except for the manifestation of external laws.

Both use the acupuncture points or the dantian to drive the power of laws in the body or the power of the physical body.

If the kungfu in the physical body is unable to operate the relevant acupoints of martial arts or if there is a short period of stagnation, then this set of martial arts will be interrupted instantly.

The same is true for the warriors of the Temple of the Gods. Once the main acupoints are harassed by external forces, they will also face this embarrassing situation.

However, this situation is also a little different. In many cases, it is impossible to completely interrupt it, because although the acupoints are still very important after becoming a demigod, the divine body is enough to make every inch of their body a container of law. .

The same is true for Tiangang demigod. At this moment, the operation of his acupoints is constantly interrupted, but his whole body still maintains a high degree of metalization. This is mainly due to his divine body constantly passively exerting the power of the golden law.

But it was limited to this, because he was embarrassed to find that he could only fall into a state of being beaten passively, because some killing methods could not be used at all because of the poor acupoints.

This is because the acupoints can accommodate the operation of more laws and energy, compared with the divine body can only passively exert the power of laws.

"Give up, you won't be able to kill me like this. Instead, I just need to drag on until your law is exhausted. I believe you won't be able to maintain this state for long. It's a secret technique!"

Hehe, keep fighting, this seat can easily take your life as soon as your secret technique time passes and enters the exhaustion period! "

Seeing that he couldn't resist no matter what, Tiangang Demigod let Jiang Heng crazily hit every acupoint on his body. Anyway, he couldn't break his defense, so he just waited.

Jiang Heng turned a deaf ear to Tiangang Demigod's kind reminder. He was almost in full swing at the moment, with the Dou Zijue activated, and the acupoint on the back that symbolized the Dou Acupoint shone with crimson light, as if representing Jiang Heng's high-spirited state at the moment.

"His main power of law has been sealed by me. As long as I don't stop, he can only be beaten passively, but it is true as he said, if I continue, I can hold on for at most another 20 breaths, and my physical body will not be able to hold on." The counterattack of Faxiang Tiandi was forced to enter a period of failure."

Jiang Heng's mind was running fast at the moment, and all the martial arts he had mastered were displayed on Tiangang Demigod's body over and over again, making pitted palm prints on the metal body of Tiangang Demigod.

But those potholes that were punched out will soon return to their original state. If it were an ordinary low-level third-order demigod, they would have been unable to hold on and their bodies would have been blasted. But this is nothing more than a painless method for Tiangang demigod.

He even looked at Jiang Heng's actions over and over again with a leisurely and elegant smile.

"Give up! You have shown me the horror of physical martial arts. But it doesn't look like much!" Tiangang demigod laughed and sneered.

Jiang Heng remained silent, but attacked more violently.

"No! This is not possible! What is his weakness? We must find his weakness!"

Jiang Heng became more and more anxious, and he could feel that his physical body was already approaching the edge of the limit step by step. When the real time comes, it may be the end of his life.

"Yes! Soul!" Jiang Heng suddenly realized, "Yes! It is the soul, and the weakest part of all powerful shells is its interior. In fact, it may not be much different from the physical body."

But soon Jiang Heng became a little powerless, because soul-type means were of no help at all. His soul-type demigod throwing knife is still restricting the soul of the demigod Tianhuo. Once he pulls out his hand, he will definitely encounter a demigod soul. kill.

Facing the attack and killing of a demigod spirit with one's domain master-level soul, the result is needless to say.

"I can't control so much anymore! I only have one chance!"

In the next moment, the soul flying knife that has been haunting the demigod Tianhuo flickered and disappeared in place, and the next moment the soul flying knife appeared between the eyebrows of the demigod Tiangang.

Feeling a piercing soul threat, Tiangang demigod showed a frightened expression for the first time.



There was a sound of gold and iron that pierced through the soul, and when the empty soul flying blade pierced Tiangang Demigod's head, a translucent pale golden tortoise shell appeared on top of Tiangang Demigod's head to wrap his body .

The collision between the soul flying blade and the void tortoise shell was like hitting a substantial barrier and being bounced off.

"not good!"

Almost instantly, Jiang Heng's heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley, it was a soul-like protective gear!

"Hehe, kid, do you think I'm as stupid as Tianhuo? Since I know that the body I'm most proud of is this body, I also know that the weakest thing is the soul.

I also know that many of my enemies can also think of this, so why don't they prepare means to protect the soul. "

Tiangang looked at Jiang Heng mockingly, like looking at a clown.

Jiang Heng had no time to worry about these words, and now he quickly manipulated the flying knife to confront Tianhuo demigod again.

At this moment, the demigod Tianhuo also knew what Jiang Henggang was thinking. He was annoyed and had no choice but to keep the distance between him and the flying knife not far from Jiang Heng.

This is also why Jiang Heng knew that there was only one chance. Tianhuo Demigod planned to kill Jiang Heng's soul with the shortest distance if there was another time for Jiang Heng.

Seeing this situation, Jiang Heng already showed a miserable expression.

Dealing with demigods is like walking a tightrope for Jiang Heng at the moment, and if he is not careful, he will fall into a situation of eternal doom.

That's it for now.

However, just when Jiang Heng thought that his death could at least be delayed until he was exhausted.

But at this moment, the phantom tortoise shell above Tiangang demigod's head suddenly shot out a ray of pale golden light, which quickly collided with the soul throwing knife chasing Tianhuo demigod in midair.


The flying knife was hit and circled in mid-air, losing the pursuit of Tianhuo Demigod.

But in this momentary gap, the soul of Tianhuo Demigod turned into a soul line of fire and quickly penetrated into Jiang Heng's sea of ​​consciousness.


With a miserable howl, Jiang Heng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames.

At the same time, he also lost control of his physical body, and the movement of blocking Tiangang demigod suddenly came to a standstill.

"Hey, well done!"

Feeling that the acupoints were rapidly recovering, a cruel smile appeared on the face of Tiangang Demigod.


Valley twins

At the same time, a fiery red figure in Jiang Heng Sea of ​​Consciousness hovered above the Sea of ​​Consciousness like a god, looking down at Jiang Heng's soul who was as humble as a mortal below.

"Mortals are mortals after all. Only demigods and souls have some characteristics of the laws of life. This is not only the unique attack method of the gods and souls, but also the biggest difference between gods and mortals!"

The demigod Tianhuo is like reading an oracle in front of a mortal. There is a fiery red disc floating behind his head, which is a little lawful breath carried by his soul after his death. means.

It is enough to burn all souls and seas of consciousness below a demigod. Even a demigod, as long as the strength of the soul is not as strong as his, he can easily burn the opponent to death, unless the opponent has soul armor and other weapons.

"Today, I will burn your huge sea of ​​consciousness to dryness!"


As soon as his words fell, Jiang Heng's entire sea of ​​consciousness was like boiling water, and countless soul powers were evaporated, which was extremely fast. But it wouldn't let Jiang Heng's soul burn down in an instant.

Obviously, the demigod Tianhuo deliberately lowered his soul fire power in order to torture Jiang Heng.

The severe pain tormented Jiang Heng all the time. This pain made him feel back to the time when he experienced the Nine Mysteries and Nine Transformations, yes!

That's it, it may be more painful than that, and this is where Jiang Heng's advantage lies. His soul quality may not be as good as that of a demigod, but his resilience is even stronger than that of ordinary demigods.

And just under this extreme pain, the heart orifice acupoint representing Beihe Dazhou Tianxing's magical power was shining with a dazzling blue light, but Jiang Heng felt that the sea of ​​consciousness was irritating under the scorching flames. heart orifice.

The heart orifice is the orifice of the soul, and it is also one of the most mysterious parts of the body. Following the method of using this acupoint, Jiang Heng's mind completely emerged.

The next moment, Jiang Heng's soul body rushed directly towards the sky fire demigod in the sea of ​​knowledge.

"I don't know what it means to shake a tree with a mayfly!" Seeing that Jiang Heng, who was as humble as an ant, wanted to fight back at this time, Tianhuo demigod sneered, and flicked a wisp of soul fire towards Jiang Heng with his fingers. ash.

However, the opponent just swung out his punch flatly, and directly wiped out the flames.

This scene made Tianhuo demigod stunned, of course, when he came back to his senses again, he had already been pinched by the neck by the boy he regarded as an ant before.

For the soul, the weakness is naturally no longer the neck or the like, but the entire body of the soul, and now Jiang Heng has caught him.

Jiang Heng's soul body, covered with a layer of faint starlight, showed a ferocious smile.

"Now it's time for me to fight back!"

As soon as the words fell, Tianhuo Demigod saw that the arm of this guy in front of him was quickly covered with starlight, and the starlight was as bright as an arm purely composed of stars.

"How is it possible! How can you use part of your physical means without breaking through the demigod!"

However, no one answered him, only the star-studded big hand kept punching the sky fire demigod and soul like a storm.

Xu is that Jiang Heng's soul body is not a divine soul, so his attack is very weak for Tianhuo demigod, but no matter how weak he is, he can counterattack at any rate at this moment. And when the dense fist shadows are superimposed, it is a terrifying power.

The fiery red soul power was constantly being scattered, Tianhuo demigod wanted to fight back, but he also felt the pain that Tiangang demigod had suffered before, so he could only be beaten passively, because every time Jiang Heng's attack could hit his soul The power is not running smoothly, like hitting the snake's seven inches, the pain is second to none, the key is that the root has been injured under the continuous superimposition.

"No! Impossible! How can the district master... ah!~"


A punch directly hit the head of Tianhuo Demigod, and the soul fire that he was proud of all the time could not stop Jiang Heng's fierce blow.

The starlight arm seemed to ignore the burning sensation, and instead the more it hit, the more violent and fierce it became.


A fiery red arm was torn off by Jiang Heng vigorously, as if the real body was torn apart, which made the demigod soul of Tianhuo tremble continuously, as if it seemed to collapse. Just this one blows him out of his wits.

"Let me go! I...I was wrong...I...ah!"

The demigod Tianhuo tried to use words to slow down Jiang Heng's attack frequency, but Jiang Heng turned a deaf ear to him, and punched him violently in the chest again. Starlight's arm passed through the chest directly, and the fiery soul fire was like magma. It spread all over Jiang Heng's arms, and it seemed that soul blood dripped continuously along the wound into Jiang Heng's sea of ​​consciousness.

"I... I'm a demigod! A demigod, a mortal dare!" Since begging for mercy was fruitless, the demigod Tianhuo simply burst out the coercion of his soul and soul, trying to frustrate the will of the martial arts master in the area in front of him and temporarily deter him.

However, Jiang Heng didn't stop at all, as if this coercion didn't exist at all.

"God? So what about God? I, Jiang Heng, will kill God today!"

Jiang Heng raised his head and showed a ferocious smile, looking at the demigod Tianhuo who was already a little frightened in front of him.

Almost instantly, a surge of martial arts will directly shattered the divine coercion of Tianhuo Demigod, and the terrifying martial arts will made Tianhuo Demigod lose his mind for a short time like a mountain roaring tsunami. Resolute martial arts will.

In fact, this is all accumulated by Jiang Heng little by little. His training time may be far less than that of many martial arts practitioners, but the pain he experienced in this short period of time is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

From the Nine Mysteries and Nine Changes, to opening the door for baptism, and then to infusing the essence of the stars to cultivate such supernatural powers as the star picker.

All the pains that need to be endured are great horrors that 99% of the world can't bear, but Jiang Heng can bear it little by little.

This directly allowed Jiang Heng to forge an extremely terrifying martial arts will little by little without knowing it, and even already surpassed the critical point of the domain master and already possessed the demigod coercion.

The level of the domain master has the coercion of a demigod. Throughout the ages, there are only a handful of people with such attainments.

"Today I'm going to swallow your god!"

With a long howl, Jiang Heng's back seemed to be dotted with phantoms of several acupoints that had been activated by the illusory Beihe Great Zhou Tianxing Magic Art, among which the phantoms of the Dou Aperture and the Heart Aperture were the brightest and flickering.

At the same time, an illusory fiery red flame floated behind Jiang Heng's head in a soul state, which was a symbol of his smelting stars.

And the body surface is dotted with illusory star nodes, which is the symbol of the astral body.

At the same time, there are several illusory and ferocious giant beast phantoms behind it, which are obviously several changes of the Brahma Martial Saint Physique.


When the golden light suddenly appeared, Jiang Heng's soul changed for a while, and the next moment it turned into a huge starry sky behemoth. It opened its scarlet bloody mouth and swallowed the demigod, which was almost exhausted, into its belly.

With the closing of the giant mouth, everything seemed to clear up the cloud and rain, the sea of ​​consciousness became clear, and the monstrous soul fire carried by the demigod Tianhuo also dissipated.

Transformed into the original soul again, but saw that the fiery red flame behind Jiang Heng's head became more solid and hot, like a real sun, but this is just the projection of the soul to have such terrifying power.

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