Master of Fist

Chapter 879: Going Home (Part 2)

"You child, I really don't know what to say about you. Do you think that mother can't control you anymore?" The woman Liu Mei was a little displeased.

"How can there be, Mom, you call what our three brothers and sisters treated as a submissive, and without your careful teaching, could there be such an excellent child as the three of us?" The young man had a playful smile on his face.

Seeing this woman shaking her head, she was also amused, she really had nothing to do with her youngest son.

Why didn't I notice this kid was so glib before?

"You're really different from your father, but there's nothing you can do about it. Your father hasn't been home for many years, and he probably won't know you when he comes back this time."

The woman sighed, her face was a little sad but also a little happy.

The two of them were on a special starship. Although there were no family or power badges printed on the starship, as long as they were from the Virgo supercluster, everyone knew who the owner of the starship was.

After the starship slowly landed at a private stop in Sanhua Port under the guidance of the lighthouse, the two walked off the starship slowly.

And local officials had already gathered near the docking point, not only the ruling officials were waiting, but even many local domain masters came to greet them one after another.

"There are so many strong domain masters, are they all here to welcome us?" The young man asked the woman beside him curiously.

"It's just a group of powerful people who want to curry favor with your father." The woman shook her head lightly, but there was no contempt in her brows, after all, it was inevitable.

"Fawning on my father? Mom, how powerful is my father? It's like smelling so many strong people before he comes back." The young man couldn't help but marvel, and he was also full of curiosity and enthusiasm for his father. imagine.

In his memory, he has a vague impression of his father. After all, he was still relatively young when his father left. At that time, his father's image was tall and tall, often wearing a black robe.

As for the specific appearance, he is even a little fuzzy now, and he just associates it with some related videos he has seen of his father in the past.

"You'll know how amazing you are when you see him?" The woman chuckled, and she patted the young man on the shoulder and said, "And your father likes martial arts the most. I am willing to teach you well!"

Seeing the weird smile on his mother's face, the young man couldn't help shrinking his neck.

He touched his head, thinking that he wouldn't be beaten up by his father, right?

He had heard before that his father was a martial idiot, and he was extraordinarily violent when fighting with his opponents, a proper combat madman.

To put it bluntly, he is a vulgar martial artist!

And it is this kind of vulgar warrior who likes to beat people the most.

"Mom, you can definitely plead for me when the time comes!" The young man was a little apprehensive, for he really had no interest in martial arts these years.

This has also caused his cultivation base to stay at the initial level of the Lord of the Galaxy, not to mention the Lord of the Galaxy, even if he is still a long way from the peak of the Lord of the Galaxy.

This kind of cultivation base is actually okay in the Milky Way. After all, even though the Milky Way galaxy is full of strong men and geniuses, there are still a few who have truly stepped into the realm of the master of the galaxy. As for the domain master, there are only Lu Yixin and a few others, such as Zhao Kai, the former head of the Luohui Empire's military department.

Other than that, there are no domain masters anymore, but after all, the Milky Way has only left the galaxy not long ago, so it is already incredible that there can be such a big change.

However, as the heir of the lord of the galaxy, his cultivation base is only in the galaxy realm, which seems a bit stretched.

"You too, now your eldest brother is ready to break through the domain master, his achievements at this age are already comparable to your father's years ago!"

The woman felt that her youngest son was still a little playful.

"Brother, he is a martial idiot just like my father, I don't want to do that." The young man shook his head again.

"Forget about you, your eldest brother and your second sister have already come over early, let them persuade you later!" The woman smiled helplessly.

"Got it, mom!"

The two were arguing here, and soon those officials and strong men also came to salute. These people are all smiling, one is a wife and the other is a young son.

After dealing with all this, the two arrived at the tallest building in Sanhua Port. I heard that this used to be the main altar of the Sanhua Chamber of Commerce, where the president often handles official business.

"Mother, you guys are all here!"

Seeing the person coming, the two inside immediately came out with happy faces.

"Can you be more fake! Others know to welcome us, why are you two still not my own?" The woman looked at the two children with frowning eyebrows in displeasure.

"Mom! Don't blame me, it's the elder brother! The elder brother has forgotten the time in cultivation!" The girl shrank her neck in fear, and at the same time pointed to the young man with a much calmer face beside her.

"Aren't you the same? Weren't you busy with the so-called omnic life just now?" The calm young man raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"You two!"

Seeing this woman felt a little helpless, why none of these children seemed to be reliable.

"Forget it, Wenwu, is there any news from your father, when will he be back?" Lin Yanwei said helplessly.

"It is said that it will be three days later, and now my father is handing over work to the imperial consul." Jiang Wenwu thought for a while.


At the same time, after Jiang Heng completed the final handover and registration work, he handed over many territories he conquered in the hegemony to the professional law enforcement officers of the empire to take over.

It has been nearly a few days of work to finish these.

"Disciple, are you going back?" Xing Yun asked with a half-godly smile.

"Indeed, Master, I haven't gone back for hundreds of years, although it's normal for practitioners of my generation not to go back for hundreds, if not tens of thousands, millions of years. It's just me..."

Jiang Heng wanted to explain one or two things, but Xingyun Demigod had interrupted at this time: "It's okay, I understand your thoughts, I also had similar feelings when I was young.

It is the most uncomfortable feeling to watch the people around you grow old one by one, but sometimes when manpower is limited, even if we become demigods or even true gods, it is impossible for those who follow us to accompany us forever .

Of course, it would be fine if we mastered the law of life, but even a demigod of life may not be able to make the people around us exist forever. Perhaps only the strongest can exist forever! "

Xingyun's demigod eyes looked at the distant starry sky, obviously looking like a story.

"What Master said is that I also want to spend more time with my wife while I still have time. My wife has not stepped into the realm of the domain master, but only the realm of the master of the galaxy. If I can't step into the realm of the domain master within ten thousand years It may be only ten thousand years of life, but even if you step into the domain master, it will only last fifty thousand years.

Such longevity is equivalent to a myth for mortals, but for demigods, it may be a drop in the ocean in the blink of an eye. "Jiang Heng shook his head and sighed.

"Hehe, don't think too much about it, but it seems that you are still in the domain master realm? While you are thinking about your wife, maybe you should also think about when you should step into the demigod realm." The demigod Xingyun remembered at this time It seems that his apprentice is only the domain master.

This is also because his apprentice is too monstrous, as if the gap in realm in front of him has almost been smoothed out.

But this is also normal, mastering the space law, one of the top laws, has a strong self-protection ability no matter how bad it is, and often the master-level space master can deal with some demigods.

It's just a little troublesome when it comes to time.

This kind of peak law also restrains each other, such as space and time. The comparison between the two sides is whoever moves faster and who is more unexpected.

"By the way, your wife doesn't mind going over to have a meal for the teacher, right?" Xing Yun smiled half-heartedly.

Jiang Heng was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look at Xingyun demigodly.

"Don't tell me, Master, the apprentice also wants to invite Master to be a guest. It happens that I have three children. Maybe Master can see each other right, and maybe he can help teach my children!" Jiang Heng smiled. Laughing, he doesn't mind asking Xingyun to sit down.

"Haha! That's fine, I want to see if your children have inherited your evil talent."

The two chatted with each other and set foot on the starship to the Virgo supercluster.

As the territory of the former Tianshuang Empire, it is also a member of the Hundred Nations Alliance, so the ultra-long-distance star gate exists.

It only took tens of breaths of effort for the starship to pass through the star gate directly from the territory of the Sikh Empire to the Virgo supercluster of galaxies.

At the same time, go through the star gate again to reach the star system where Sanhua Port is located.

Looking at the familiar scene outside the window through the porthole, Jiang Heng couldn't help but smile knowingly.

"Welcome to the return of the Lord!"

The starship had just passed through the stargate when a voice came to the ears of the two, and they saw a figure in fiery red armor flying close to the porthole of the starship in the starry sky.

The person who came was none other than Lie Yan Patriarch.

These Jiang Heng's old ministries returned to their respective galaxies in advance after conquering the Hegemony territory, and Jiang Heng's few managers had to hand over their work to the consul.

After experiencing the baptism of the previous war, Patriarch Lie Yan finally broke through again and stepped into the realm of the late domain master. The use of the law of fire is obviously more flexible and in-depth than before the war.

If it is the ancestor of Lieyan who is at the same level, he can even faintly feel a burning sensation at the soul level.

"Your subordinate is not bad. If you train carefully in the future, you may have the opportunity to step into the demigod level." The demigod Xingyun's evaluation is not low.

Based on his experience, he has never seen any kind of genius. It can be said that this really shows that Lieyan Patriarch has a good talent.

"But the others are far behind, especially that kid, whose talent is indeed not bad, even better than the little girl who played with fire just now, but the road to martial arts has not yet been fully clarified, which means that this kid is still very confused.

Martial arts practitioners have not even found their own way, so how can they be strong enough to step into a higher level? "

Xingyun shook his head half-godly, but Jiang Heng felt a little surprised. It goes without saying who his master is talking about, since it is Chen.

It's just that in Jiang Heng's view, Chen has always been the most talented of these old departments under his command.

Not only has he mastered the law of the stars, which is second only to the top law, but he has also practiced the law of the physical body, but the realm is a little bit worse. Other than that, he really can't find any faults, but in the eyes of his master, Chen is earth. Dirty?

"Master, my subordinates shouldn't be so unbearable, right? Could it be that his current cultivation base is progressing slowly because he has not found the path of martial arts?" Jiang Heng pondered carefully, and he also knew that for warriors, the path of martial arts is very important. importance.

Martial arts can't be erratic, it has to be poured into it with all your heart.

At least Chen, Jiang Heng's former senior, used to have his own heart for martial arts, but as time passed, the other party seemed to be caught in a kind of hesitation and entanglement, entangled in whether to practice the way of the body or the way of stars.

"That's right. This person should master both the stars and the body. I think he is hesitant, which really shouldn't be. There is no need to worry about anything. A true warrior doesn't need to hesitate. Since no one is willing to give up, then simply all It’s enough to practice, so why look forward and backward like this. But the more this is the case, the more it will affect his cultivation.”

Nebula demigod shook his head.

"You can tell your subordinate about this later, otherwise such a good power of law will be wasted!"


Jiang Heng also nodded, and the two of them didn't say anything anymore.

When the starship slowly entered the port, as soon as the two stepped off the starship, they saw many familiar figures standing far away to greet them.

"You are back!"

Jiang Heng naturally had an affectionate hug with his wife Lin Yanwei first, the two of them can be regarded as an old couple, so they don't have any scruples about this meeting.

"Hey! Husband, this is..."

Soon Lin Yanwei noticed the strange man standing beside Jiang Heng.

The appearance of the demigod Nebula is similar to that of the people of the Milky Way. What is more special is the star imprint between the eyebrows and the consistent nebula suspended behind the head.

"This is my master! This time I can come back safely thanks to the care of the master!" Jiang Heng also quickly introduced the demigod Xingyun to his family.

"This...this..." Lin Yanwei became a little nervous.

Because after the previous super war ended, the big formation was lifted, and Jiang Heng also resumed communication with the Virgo supercluster. In his spare time, he also told Lin Yanwei about his recent encounters and situations.

So Lin Yanwei knew that Jiang Heng worshiped a demigod master.

When she knew that the person in front of her was a demigod like a god, it would be a lie if Lin Yanwei wasn't nervous.

In fact, let alone her, even Jiang Heng and the three children had different expressions.

Jiang Wenwu, the forced martial idiot, even showed a touch of excitement. When he looked at Xingyun demigod, his eyes were more like looking at an idol.

The second daughter, Jiang Yanwei, looked at the demigod Xingyun with a curious look of research and inquiry. Her little head seemed to be studying the structure of the demigod's body.

As for the third child, he looked listless, and just focused more on Jiang Heng, a little curious and a little scared.

"We met for the first time, and I didn't prepare any gifts." Seeing this, Xingyun demigod quickly showed a friendly smile.

In order to get in close contact with mortals, he can be regarded as converging all the brilliance of his divinity.

"Well, I still have some gadgets here, and I don't know if you like them or not."


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