Master of Fist

Chapter 918: Problems in the Southern Territory

"So what are the superiors thinking at this time?"

Jiang Heng squinted his eyes and fell into deep thought. He vaguely felt that there seemed to be some interest or political transaction in it.

At the same time, in Nanwang's mansion, several of the few Hou Ye who had already put on armor and worked hard under Nanwang's command were gathered together.

"Jiyuanhou, you are our elder brother, tell me what the lord thinks, why don't you let our old buddies play at this time?"

"Yeah, we all have very itchy hands."

"That's right! I can't bear the thought of these damned iron bumps dominating our southern border!"

Several Marquis were full of anger, and of course they dared to lose their temper in front of Ji Yuanhou, and even restrained themselves a little, because they seemed a little afraid of Ji Yuanhou who was sitting alone.

"Jihai, Jiying, Jizhong, Jiwu, since your hands are itchy, why don't I go with you to the martial arts space to practice?"

Ji Yuanhou sneered, this group of guys just didn't clean up, but he also knew that these old guys were all busy.

After all, being able to rely on military merits to get to the step of becoming a marquis almost means the apex of the rise, and further up is becoming a king, but the Great Zhou Empire has been able to be crowned kings with different surnames since it overthrew the old Great Zhou. It would be wishful thinking for a ninth-level demigod to become king if he didn't have outstanding contributions and unrivaled feats.

"We're just talking at Jiyuanhou, we just practice casually when we fight," the relatively short and stocky old man with white beard responded with a smile.

He is the old marquis who is called Ji Haihou, and he is nearly 20 million years old. There is a star like a vast ocean floating behind it.

In contrast, Ji Ying next to him is a tall and thin middle-aged man, and behind him is a black hole that seems to be as black as ink and is slowly rotating.

Ji Wu is a middle-aged man with a square face, always maintaining a glaring expression, and a phantom of a dignified King Kong Law is suspended behind him.

And Jizhong is the most ordinary, with a middle-aged appearance, and even the clothes are different from everyone present. He is not wearing armor, but looks like a rich man, with jeweled rings on his ten fingers. He even wears a big gold chain on his chest, and his teeth are even more golden.

His bald head and oily face was full of philistinism, and even the nebula floating behind him was quite strange, it turned out to be a piece of golden starlight, as if countless gold were floating behind him.

"You don't want to guess what the prince thinks, the prince has his own judgment on this matter, what we have to do as a courtier is to do more and ask less!" Ji Yuanhou looked at everyone and reminded.

"Exactly! Haven't we been idle for too long? You said that we are the commanders of one side at any rate, and we have elite aces, but we are actually more idle than the legions below. If this continues, I'm worried about the brats below. They'll be spoiled."

Jiwu clicked a little bit, but he was still a little puzzled, he is more brave and likes to fight the most.

"What? Jiwu wants to share the worries of this king?"

At this moment, a calm and majestic voice sounded in the hall.

Hearing the words, everyone stood up, cupped their fists, bowed and said, "See you, my lord!"

Nan Wang strode in and waved his hand to signal that everyone didn't need to be polite. Immediately, Da Ma Jin Dao sat on the first seat and looked around. He was not in a hurry to say anything, but just watched quietly.

"My lord, I am willing to be the vanguard of my lord! I also ask my lord to appoint me as the vanguard general. I can issue a military order to eliminate all enemies in Rosyth within five days!"

Ji Wu still couldn't hold back and knelt down on one knee and begged solemnly.

However, Nan Wang just looked down at the other party, and said after a while: "This king has his own decision on this matter, please wait for a while and don't be impatient!"

"But the prince!" Marquis Ji Wu was a little unwilling.

"This king's words don't work anymore?" Nan Wang glanced at the other party indifferently.

For a moment, Ji Wuhou trembled all over, and he didn't dare to say more.

The prince usually looks kind and doesn't punish the generals easily, but no one dares to despise the prince's orders.

"This king knows that you are eager to kill the enemy, but do you think our army in the south is still the army in the south?"

Seeing that everyone didn't say anything on the surface, but their faces were somewhat dissatisfied, Nan Wang still spoke softly.

"My lord, even if our army in the southern region is not as strong as it was at its peak, we can use soldiers from the same region to compete with the strength of most of the temples, but I believe that the army in the southern region is not a coward! They still dare to fight and kill blood!" Jiwuhou thought thought about it.

It's just that everyone present at this moment had complex expressions. Indeed, what Nan Wang said was true.

In the past, the southern border was definitely the strongest combat power of the Great Zhou Empire after the Central Army!

Otherwise, there will be rumors that Nanwang intends to rebel for so many years, and the occurrence of such rumors naturally means that Nanwang is indeed one of the four kings in the world, not to say the most powerful, but definitely one of the most ruthless characters, especially the many legions under his command It is the elite of the elite.

Nan Wang glanced at Ji Wu, the reckless man, and then moved his eyes to his confidant, Ji Yuanhou, and said: "Ji Yuan, tell me why my army in the southern border was almost number one at that time, and how different it is now from before. !"


Ji Yuanhou cupped his hands, organized his thoughts for a while before speaking leisurely.

"The reason why our army in the southern border almost rivaled the central army was because our army in the southern border participated in many wars. In just one hundred thousand years, our entire army in the southern border had conflicts with the temples of the gods and the super-dimensional kingdom of God. There were a thousand battles and tens of thousands of battles with nearby small and medium-sized forces. The southern territory expanded to its peak during that time.

Even if the combined frequency of wars in the entire Great Zhou Empire in a million years is not as high as that in our southern border at that time. That's why we were unrivaled in the limelight in the south at that time! "

Speaking of this, the masters of Jihai, Jiwu, Jiying, and Jizhong who were listening on the side couldn't help but show pride on their faces, because they also participated in it back then. Several of them also relied on their military exploits to become marquises step by step!

"We still have to fight! Let's say that our southern border relies on the prestige of fighting, and there is no coward in our southern border!" The little old man Ji Hai couldn't help waving his fists with excitement.

Except for Ji Yuanhou, the other Hou Ye couldn't help but nodded.

However, Nanwang just glanced at them lightly and said: "Jiyuan, tell me why the army in the southern border is declining now."

Ji Yuanhou nodded and said again: "During that period, my southern border was indeed in the limelight, and there were even some bad rumors that spread out.

But those are just appearances. In fact, before the frequency of wars was so frequent at that time, the total number of demigod soldiers in our southern legion once reached 500,000. And at the end, the number dropped to 50,000! "

Hearing that the faces of the Hou Ye present here changed slightly.

Of course, they were clear about this as people who had been there, but when they were in the limelight in the southern region at that time, these bad factors were naturally subconsciously covered up.

Therefore, they are not very clear about some specific figures, and they feel a little horrified when they are reminded by Ji Yuanhou.

"Since then, the southern border has entered a state of recuperation under the leadership of the prince. It has been two million years since then, but the number of our southern border legion has only recovered to 150,000.

Even most of them are newly promoted demigods, and most of the old soldiers who survived that year were still injured, and many of them fell one after another in the next tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years.

Now there are only more than 10,000 old soldiers who are still alive, which has caused the proportion of newly promoted demigods to reach as much as 90% of all legions in our southern border! "

Speaking of this, Ji Yuanhou paused, glanced at the other masters and said seriously: "I believe you all know what this means!

Now our Southern Territory is nothing more than a strong outsider but a strong insider! "

As soon as this remark came out, the faces of the people present all changed drastically.

It's not that they don't know what Ji Yuanhou said, but everyone knows that sometimes such things cannot be said clearly, otherwise if it is spread out, it will inevitably cause turmoil in the southern region and even the entire Great Zhou Empire.

Especially recently, there have been signs that the central imperial capital once wanted to cut down the vassal.

Although the central imperial capital and the four kings have ruled the world together for a long time, as rumors continued to spread, and the attitude of the four kings towards the central imperial capital gradually became less important over the years.

The attitude of the central dynasty towards the four kings is naturally conceivable.

Of course, this so-called vassal reduction will naturally not completely execute or even deprive the prince of all his powers, but it is conceivable that the central imperial capital absolutely wants to control some legions under the command of the four kings.

Weakening the military power of the four kings is definitely what the Central Dynasty would like to see.

Although the Great Zhou Empire is different from the ordinary empire, the high-end combat power of the Great Zhou sometimes surpasses thousands of troops.

But even now that the Central Army has been idle for many years, can the combat power of the Central Army really crush all the legions of the Four Kings?

I'm afraid it's impossible!

Not to mention the four kings, even the combined combat power of the two kings and their high-end combat power can compete with the Central Dynasty.

As long as the Martial God who has not appeared for a long time does not take sides, the Central Dynasty will definitely feel uneasy.

Moreover, they are all his direct descendants, so it is really hard to say who the Valkyrie will help, the most likely thing is that no one will help.

"Even if this is the case, my army in the southern border can still fight! Or that sentence, I can lead my subordinates to quell the turmoil in the Kingdom of Rosyth within five days!" Marquis Jiwu couldn't stand the dull atmosphere and clasped his fists again loudly road.

However, this time the rest of the Marquis did not express their approval, but each of them looked thoughtful and pondering.

"It seems that Marquis Jiwu still doesn't understand the current situation in our southern border!"

Looking at Ji Wu, Ji Yuanhou shook his head and sighed, "It is true that the current turmoil can be smoothed out with the momentum of thunder, but after that, have you ever thought about it, Ji Wuhou?"

"After this? After this, it is natural that our southern border will frighten all directions, and the crisis will naturally be solved!" Ji Wu's face was heroic, and he looked like he was invincible in the world.

Ji Yuanhou shook his head.

"No! What you said is a fool's dream!"

"Do you think you, Lord Marquis, can really deter the world by leading the army to settle the turmoil within five days?"

Hearing this, Ji Wuhou frowned, opened his mouth but said nothing.

"Hmph! You know it when you think about it! After all, with an arsenal of a super-dimension divine kingdom, even a demigod-level arsenal would take five days to lead a team with you as Lord Hou, which already explains the problem.

After all, when we were at our peak, any legion below could take down a demigod-level arsenal within five days!

Sending an ace elite army now, isn't that saying that we have a guilty conscience in the southern border? "

Ji Yuanhou said every sentence, and Ji Wuhou's face was quite ugly, and at the end of the speech, Ji Wuhou couldn't say a word.

Yet this is the truth!

Nowadays, even the ace legion in the Southern Territory has a terrifyingly high proportion of newly promoted demigods. The more newly promoted demigods, it means that the overall level of cultivation is not high, and secondly, the combat experience and cooperation are not rich enough.

It is no exaggeration to say that the trump card army in the southern border is not even as good as an ordinary army in the past.


At the same time, in the dormitory of Wu Qian's team, the topic of several members of the team also shifted to the legion.

"Captain, are you serious? How is this possible, the total number of legions is only 200,000?"

Jiang Heng was a little surprised, because just a few people chatted because of the frontline war and gradually talked about the strength of the legion, and thus gradually talked about the total number of the legion.

However, before Fu Gang could speak, Liu Que at the side said disapprovingly: "This is not strange, and you just transferred from the Legion. It stands to reason that you should be aware of it, right?"

Fuck you, I just came here by air, I don't know anything yet!

Jiang Heng felt a little depressed, but fortunately Liu Que and Fu Gang were not bothered by it.

Fu Gang thought for a while and said: "In fact, many people who have been in the legion for a while have guessed."

"The number of legions is extremely large now. There are roughly dozens of ordinary legions and the four major ace legions. But it is not the case."

"Why?" Jiang Heng was suspicious, he really didn't know the inside story.

"It's very simple. It is reasonable to say that the minimum number of people in each legion is about 10,000, and the maximum can even reach 50,000. In this way, even if it is the minimum number, the total number of all legions should be more than 300,000."

"But in fact, many legions currently have a population of around 10,000 to 30,000. Calculated in this way, the total number should soar to around 500,000.

But in fact, many times we have only seen a few people from other legions in the legion, and we have never heard of the vast majority of people in the legion.

According to the above explanation, these members of the legion that we have hardly met face to face are performing some border guard missions or some secret missions. In short, you can't move easily.

To be honest, this explanation is enough for other people, but it is impossible to deceive our Eye of Heaven! "

Fu Gang looked a little dignified, took a deep breath, looked at Jiang Heng and continued:

"Because according to the instructions of the prince, every 100 years, all legions must forcibly transfer some soldiers to join our Eye of Heaven to fill the number of members of Eye of Heaven.

But there is a big loophole here, and that is our records showing that our Eye of the Sky has received legion members in the last one or two million years.

It only shows a fixed one-third of the army to provide personnel.

In other words, only a fixed one-third of the legions have been providing new members for our Eye of the Sky Domain over the years. "

Speaking of this, Jiang Heng gradually understood.

Because every hundred years a legion enters the Eye of the Heavens, there will be detailed information records, but only one-third of the legions that are fixed in the record have provided blood transfusions to the Eyes of the Heavens.

This also proves that the number of legions advertised in the southern border is wrong, and it also means that there is a big problem with the total number of legions.

"In fact, even if these are not members of our Eye of the Sky team, there are probably many other legion members who know about it."


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