Master of Fist

Chapter 921: Frontline

"If you ask me, if the number of such an army is not too small, I am afraid that its combat power can definitely be called the most in the southern region. Those ace army are not even farts in front of them." Fu Gang glanced at the people coming and going outside. The Shura clansmen seemed to be afraid of being heard by the other party, so they arranged an isolation formation in the room and lowered their voices a lot.

Jiang Heng also took a closer look at these Shura clansmen. These are some humanoid life forms with dark red skin all over their bodies, and there are some special streamlined golden textures on the surface of their muscles.

In addition, these people's faces are beardless and eyebrowless, which makes these people look angry no matter how kind they are on weekdays, and they don't look easy to get along with.

There is also no hair on the top of the head, and some only have a pair of weird horns like goat horns.

At the same time, a crimson nebula like blood is suspended behind them. These nebulas usually don't see anything special except that they are red, but it can be predicted that once they use the power of law, the nebula behind them will condense into a unique appearance.

"Shouldn't these Shura tribes be able to form a legion with ten thousand people?" Jiang Heng thought for a while and wondered.

"No! This is during the rest period. When the battle starts, you will know that the real Shura clan is only a thousand people, and most of the rest are used to fill up the number and increase the strength of the Shura clan's battle formation!" Fu Gang Obviously quite aware of it.

"The remaining 9,000 demigods are all serving this mere thousand people?" Jiang Heng was surprised.

"That's right, this is the characteristic of the Shura Legion. Of course, don't think that a thousand people doesn't have much combat power. In fact, their combat method is quite powerful.

These Shura tribes are all members of the same ethnic group, and they are also people with the same laws, the same system, and the same martial arts. Their cooperation is far beyond what other legions can match. In addition, the Shura Dao of the Shura tribe is very good at killing, once they smell some meat, they will be unstoppable! "

Fu Gang smiled, seeing that both Jiang Heng and Liu Que were still a little confused, he groped his chin slightly, pondered for a while and said again:

"Perhaps you don't know much about Asura Dao, and I don't know much about it, but I was lucky enough to witness the battle of the Asura Legion when I was still in the Legion in the early years."

As he spoke, Fu Gang revealed a look of reminiscence.

"In the beginning, even with the support of many assistants and demigods, their overall combat strength was extremely difficult for a team of thousands of people to face a team of more than ten thousand. It was barely possible to not collapse.

Of course, if the Shura Legion is only of this kind of combat power, it can only be regarded as the bottom of the entire Southern Territory Legion. "

Both Jiang Heng and Liu Que nodded in agreement.

In fact, the main combat members and auxiliary members of the legion are often maintained at 7:3 or even 8:2, 9:1.

The reason for this is that although the auxiliary buff demigod's law is effective, it also has a benefit value,

The addition of a small number of auxiliary demigods to the legion will greatly increase the combat power of the legion, but if the ratio of auxiliary demigods to main combat members exceeds the income value, then the income will drop significantly.

Because there are too many auxiliary members and too few main battle members, this will greatly increase the pressure on those who face the enemy head-on, and this will test the strength of each member of the main battle members.

Therefore, almost all legions will control the number of auxiliary members according to the overall strength of their main combat members.

Such as the Shura Legion really put all the pressure on the thousand members of the main battle members.

Auxiliary demigods are not omnipotent. When the buff effect is superimposed too much, there is also an upper limit for the buff to the main battle thousand people.

So Jiang Heng and Liu Que were really curious about what is so special about this Asura Legion.

"In the beginning it was indeed difficult to perform well, but as casualties occurred on both sides, the situation changed. Every member of the main battle of the Shura Legion would spit out a very strange red blood mist, and this blood mist would kill them. All linked together.

And as more and more people died on the battlefield, their overall combat power would also rise in a strange straight line.

In this way, I have seen them defeat a holy army of more than 10,000 people in the temple of the gods with only a thousand main combatants! "

Hearing this, both Jiang Heng and Liu Que couldn't help being a little surprised.

"Tsk tsk, this is a characteristic of the law that the more you fight, the more courageous you are. This kind of characteristic should be the way of fighting!" Liu Que tsk tsk.

"That's right!" Fu Gang nodded, "Fighting avenues are best at fighting, and most of them have the characteristics of getting braver as they fight.

But I think it's more than that, Shura Dao seems to be quite a powerful one among the fighting Dao. "

"How did you see it?"

Jiang Heng raised his eyebrows, he also has some understanding of the Dou Zhan class avenue.

Just like the starry sky behemoth who mastered the Dao of Dou among the three behemoths encountered in the ninety-two galaxies in the Xik Empire in the Battle of Dominion.

That giant beast mastered the Dao of Dou, which is very common in the Dao of Dou Zhan.

The Dao of Dou has a characteristic, it has a strong sensitivity to the improvisation of all kinds of fighting and killing, this characteristic makes people of this way are born fighting experts.

In addition, it is quite good at weak point attacks, and also has a weak characteristic of getting braver as you fight.

In fact, all in all, there is really nothing surprising about the fighting avenues. It neither has the strange power of moving and cutting space like the space avenue, nor does it have the characteristics of various elementalization and energyization like the five elements avenue.

There is no such thing as the invincible battery life of the physical body, and the powerful explosive output ability of the physical body.

But the biggest feature of the combat law is not to give them a chance, once they are given a chance, they will become terrible killing machines.

"The reason why the rank of Shura Dao will not be too low is because the Shura Dao I have seen not only have the ability to detect weaknesses keenly and have a strong will to fight. They also have a very strong ability to transform groups! "

"Transformation ability?"

"The ability to transform is not uncommon. Many cosmic races have some ability to transform, and often these groups with such abilities are not too weak in combat.

And the transformation of the Shura tribe is more like the rumored Shura battle body!

It was a powerful transformation that allowed them to have agility and resilience far exceeding ten times their physical strength in a short period of time. It's equivalent to their transformation from a simple way of fighting to a terrifying existence with two physical bodies of Shura. "

Speaking of this, Fu Gang paused for a moment, as if he was shocked by the scene he saw in his memory.

"I'm lucky that a group like them is our robe!"

This was Fu Gang's last evaluation of the Asura Clan, and both Jiang Heng and Liu Que were shocked.

They also had a certain understanding of Captain Fu Gang. They knew that this was a person with a relatively proud heart, and being able to be evaluated in this way by him showed that the Shura clan was indeed very good.

"Okay, everyone, don't make the atmosphere so serious. It's a good thing for us to be so strong. As the saying goes, it's good to enjoy the shade under a big tree. Everyone will do their best for this three-month mission, and wait for the legion to rotate. After that, we can go back and rest."

Fu Gang clapped his hands to indicate that this topic is over.

Several members of the team returned to their dormitories one after another.

They all have their own independent dormitory here, with all necessary equipment.

A few days later, this day finally it was the turn of Jiang Heng and the three of them to be in charge of patrolling a certain area. They each led their own patrol missions and prepared to go to the port area of ​​the starship they used for this patrol.

Before leaving, Fu Gang said: "Everyone, don't let your guard down, no matter how inconspicuous the task is. I don't want to go back and have to bring your corpses with me!"

Because all the members of the Tianyu Eye team hide their identities, the three of them will not perform tasks in the team mode here. This time their patrol missions are responsible for different star areas,

Nodding, everyone didn't say much.

Following the instructions, Jiang Heng easily arrived at the port area where the patrol team assigned to him was located.

Looking at the nearly a hundred domain master-level auxiliary soldiers wearing uniform streamlined crimson combat uniforms in front of him, Jiang Heng was inexplicably moved.

These are the hundred auxiliary soldiers assigned to him this time to assist him in completing the patrol mission.

Thinking about it is also emotional, these domain master soldiers are the overlords in the Milky Way and in the Hundred Nations Hegemony, but here they are just the most inferior auxiliary soldiers who are not even the members of the official legion.

Even according to the military law of the legion, if an encounter occurs during the patrol, even if all the auxiliary soldiers are killed, the captain of the patrol team does not even need to bear any responsibility.

Moreover, it is not an exaggeration for the team leader to have the power of life and death over these auxiliary soldiers to a certain extent.

Therefore, when Jiang Heng came in front of these people, these people acted respectfully and respectfully like a good baby.

Jiang Heng was quite satisfied with the attitude of these people. After talking with the leader of the auxiliary army, the centurion of the auxiliary army, he learned about the mission of his captain.

His task is very simple, that is to sit on the main ship of the patrol fleet. Once an unexpected encounter occurs, his only task as a demigod captain is to ensure that the main ship will not be killed immediately, at least for a while Send a warning to nearby legion garrisons.

Of course, the centurion of the auxiliary soldiers did not say so bluntly. The whole article is explaining that they are under his captain during this period and can be dispatched at will. That's all I mentioned at the end.

And this also let Jiang Heng know how humble these auxiliary soldiers are.

After some busy work, Jiang Heng boarded the main ship, and after receiving instructions from the control tower, he left the port with nearly twenty scout ships.

This cruise was as boring as Jiang Heng had expected, and most of the time Jiang Heng was practicing.

As for patrol detection, sorry that's not something he needs to consider.

As long as the main ship maintains a predetermined orbit, the main ship is equipped with a small precision reconnaissance system. Otherwise, the reconnaissance ships are only allowed to disperse.

Of course, those domain owners don't have much to do, because they only need to follow the scout ship's predetermined orbit, and scouting is also a matter of equipment.

They only need to warn the main ship in time, while Jiang Heng only needs to warn the port station in time.

This is a net.

However, Jiang Heng chatted with the auxiliary centurion in his spare time, and learned that the auxiliary centurion's name was Scott, and he also learned from him.

It turned out that these auxiliary soldiers were still voluntary.

According to Scott, under such a vast territory in the southern border, countless super galaxy clusters need to be ruled, and regular legions alone are definitely not enough.

In fact, there are still some second-class standing troops, most of whom are domain masters like them.

And those who can come here to serve as auxiliary soldiers for the regular army are actually some existences in the standing army who don't want to dawdle and want to go further.

For this reason, many auxiliary soldiers were either leaders in the standing army before they came here, or they were brought in through a relationship, or they spent money.

In short, the number of auxiliary soldiers is really not something that can be obtained casually.

For example, Scott, who was born in a powerful family in Tiannan City, his ancestors once obtained the title of earl and served as the commander of the legion. The previous ancestors have fallen one after another due to some injuries or longevity.

In Scott's current age, there is only a semi-god and low-ranking grandfather who still supports the family business. Even so, his grandfather has no title because he has never been on the battlefield.

As a result, many children of the clan like Scott were sent to various departments in the army, some in the standing army and some in the guards, and Scott was the only one who mixed up to the level of the legion's auxiliary centurion.

It can be said that Scott is still the hope of the younger generation in their family.

Jiang Heng was stunned when he heard this, "It seems that the people in the south are also very aggressive."

But this is also the norm. In some southern borderlands, Scott and his like can be regarded as extremely talented clansmen.

Nearly 5,000 years old, he is already at the peak of the domain master level, and he is still smelting stars, and he still masters the physical body.

However, in the southern border, someone like him is like a crucian carp crossing the river.

Unless Scott can become a demigod in the future, he will only be at the level of an auxiliary centurion in his life.

Don't look at the fact that the two are separated by only one realm, but the demigod and the peak domain master are as insurmountable as the sky.

"Captain, you are already a demigod at such a young age. I'm afraid joining the legion is a certainty. After that, please give me any orders you have. Don't look down on young people who are soft-spoken, but they grew up in Tiannan City since childhood. .

I don't dare to get involved in major matters, but if you think it's troublesome for the captain, you can leave it to me! "

Scott had a flattering face, and Jiang Heng knew what the other party was paying attention to when he heard it.

"Are you so sure that I will join the regiment?" Jiang Heng looked at Scott with a smile.

"Captain, you are joking. This little guy still has some eyesight. You should come from a big family, right?"

Scott thought it might be his captain playing charades with him here.

Just kidding that he has a demigod cultivation at a young age, Scott doesn't think that the other party can't be a child of a big family.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng didn't veto it, and his attitude became more certain, and Scott's guessing attitude became more humble.

Jiang Heng is well aware of this.

"Perhaps it's not bad. Some small things really need such a local person to deal with."

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