Master of Fist

Chapter 935: Being crushed

Nebula didn't even care about repairing the damage to his body, and tried to inflict a certain amount of trauma on the other party by using the power of law with all his strength.

It is unrealistic to want to kill the opponent with one blow, but it should still be possible to cause a certain amount of trauma.


The blade of the ax directly split on Arthurs' supported arms, and the huge force directly cut off the arms, which were as strong as a seventh-order semi-artifact.

Immediately afterwards, he cut off the other arms that were propped up immediately, until he hit the lower arms. This time, the arms folded dangerously against the blade of the axe, but the huge force made many of the arms of the mecha There are dense sparks bursting out from the key, as if it is a posture of serious overload.

Fortunately, the strength of the ax blade was exhausted. After a moment of stalemate, Xingyun's complexion changed slightly, knowing that the blow was exhausted, he quickly raised the ax and hurriedly retreated.

"It seems that most of your strength comes from this magical axe, but if that's the case, I can easily kill each of you today!"

Arthurs said lightly, he had already lost four arms at this moment, but soon saw that there were countless fine metals flowing on the surface of these four arms, like liquid.

And as the liquid metal spread to the damaged area, those damaged arms quickly recovered.

Xing Yun looked at all this but was powerless to stop him. He was consuming a lot of law power now, and glanced at the soldiers who formed the battle formation under his command. At this time, all of them were pale, obviously seriously injured.

"Sure enough, there is still no way, old Captain Shen, let's discuss the way out earlier!" Liu Que said helplessly, curling her lips as she watched.

The facts are already in front of his eyes, no matter how hard he tries to face a high-ranking seventh-order existence, it seems to be of no avail.

Jiang Heng pursed his lips, looked at the direction where Nebula and Arthurs were facing each other in the distance, hesitated for a while and did not speak.

"Your ax seems to be of great research value to me!"

As soon as the words were finished, Arthurs' huge body quickly came to Xing Yun in a strange moving posture.

It's like teleporting suddenly.

Unexpectedly, Xingyun was once again firmly fixed by the opponent in the posture of an octopus spider, and then the scorching heat began to bake again.

"Your body is very strong, but the energy fluctuations in your body are very unstable, and the speed of your decline seems to be very unusual!"

The terrifying high temperature swept Xingyun's body continuously, until after five breaths, the entire battle formation in the distance collapsed, and nearly a thousand people vomited blood together, and each of them was sluggish.

Their power of law was almost exhausted, which directly led to the collapse of the entire battle formation, followed by Xingyun losing the support of the battle formation, and his realm declined rapidly.

The phantom of the avenue and long river drawn by the nebula above is also in a crumbling posture, although the battery life brought by the traction of the avenue and long river as a link still cannot support such a terrifying consumption.

"There is a problem with the opponent's thermal energy rays, it seems that it can greatly consume the power of law of our generation of warriors!" Fu Gang felt the power of the law that was rapidly consumed by Commander Xingyun, and he was in shock.

It almost goes without saying, everyone sees it.

"It is reasonable to say that the physical body of a martial artist is the strongest among all the laws, but this kind of heat energy ray is continuously consuming the power of the commander's law. It burns not only the body itself but also the law!"

Jiang Heng frowned and quickly came to a conclusion.

In recent years, it has been circulating in the universe that the super-dimensional kingdom of God is actually the three major powers. In fact, it is the most reluctant party, because the super-dimensional kingdom of God has no real stronghold in the main universe plane, and their base camp is only in the high-dimensional world. .

But at the moment, it seems that it is not unreasonable for the super-dimensional kingdom of God to become one of the three major forces.

In the eyes of the world in the past, the powerhouses of the super-dimensional kingdom were often easy to kill.

Because they don't know how to use the power of law, they only know how to use their bodies made of metal to fight. Although they are supported by various technological weapons, they are just like physical martial arts.

The only advantage may be that after the body is damaged, the arsenal can still use the data backup to reshape the body.

But now it seems that the god-level is really a cross-domain leap of the omnic life body, which can cause such substantial damage to the demigod who can use the law.

"It's no wonder that so many demigods in Tianhe Fortress can't even last for a few days. Just such a god-level powerhouse can bloodbath the entire Tianhe Fortress in one day!"

Fu Gang said in a deep voice, feeling like a big rock was pressing on his heart.

"Yes, the law is our strongest method. There is almost no possibility of turning over when the body is destroyed by the law. Only the soul. It is said that some powerful omnic life forms are also equipped with magnetic field pulse weapons specifically for the soul. Great trauma!"

Jiang Heng recalled the rumors he had heard in the past, and his heart was equally heavy.

Before, I thought that the god-level might be some iron lumps with greater strength and stronger armor. But it's really not that simple. They really have a combat power comparable to that of a high position.

Xingyun was still being scorched by the scorching heat, and the terrifying high temperature had already burned his flesh and blood, only a skeleton was still supporting him.

Even if there is only a divine skeleton left in the body of the martial artist, he still has some combat power, but he is still tightly restrained. Under such high temperature and continuous baking, how long the divine skeleton can last is still unknown!

As time passed, fine cracks could be seen on the surface of Nebula's golden skeleton with the naked eye, and it is believed that it will be completely brittle and turned into powder in a short time.

"Don't you have souls? Information bodies similar to our omnic life, why don't you escape now?" Arthurs said expressionlessly, as if stating a fact.

"Hehe, don't you also have weapons that specifically target our souls? You have been delaying using them, is it because this weapon has a lot of restrictions? As long as we are not in the state of being out of our bodies, this weapon is difficult to cause damage to me? "

"You're very smart. Since you guessed it, I'll wait. I'll see you again after your physical body is completely destroyed, as well as the ax in your hand. These will become our best research objects!"

Arthurs said lightly, and the dense thermal energy ray gun barrel opened behind him increased the output power even more.

From a distance, the two huge bodies look like a scorching sun shining brightly.

This is the great light and heat caused by the thermal energy rays being too high temperature.

Even if they were separated by a light-year distance, everyone on the side of the fleet could still feel the terrifying scorching and high temperature.

"Hey! Where did Old Shen go?" On the deck, Liu Que suddenly realized that Jiang Heng was gone, and couldn't help raising his brows slightly.

"He has something to do, you follow me over there!"

But Fu Gang seemed to have expected it, and generally pointed to the area not far away.

Following the direction Fu Gang pointed, Liu Que looked over, and his expression changed slightly.

"Captain, are we going to fire a cannon? This is the God-killing cannon. Are we going to use the God-killing cannon to bombard that god-level?"

Liu Que was a little horrified and puzzled, not knowing why her captain was going crazy.

"But at such a short distance, if you fire the cannon now, the commander will be blown to pieces together, and the fleet will also be torn apart by the powerful gravitational vortex, right?"

"Come with me first and don't ask too many questions!"

Fu Gang let out a low shout, and didn't say much anymore. He first came to the vicinity of the Mie Shen Cannon fort and began to slowly input the law into the operation hub array.

Seeing this, Liu Que was puzzled but remained the same.

Now the entire fleet actually has some dilapidated places, and several ships have even turned into a mass of rotten iron under the previous shocks.

In contrast, the corresponding functions of the giant ship where Fu Gang and others were located remained relatively intact, and all kinds of equipment could operate freely, so many buildings and military projects on the surface of the giant ship were damaged.

But the better thing is that both Mie Shen cannons can still operate freely.

It's just that the combination of the two can barely operate a Demigod Cannon, and this is because Fu Gang is the middle demigod, otherwise the minimum requirement to operate the Demigod Cannon is five demigods.

As the Mie Shen Cannon was accumulating energy, this scene also attracted the attention of Centurion Tian and other centurions who were not far away, who were sluggish.

"You're crazy! Stop it!"

Someone shouted, because this is a suicide attack. Hitting the other party can certainly cause a certain amount of trauma to the other party, but the death of their own commander does not mean that they will be buried with them. This is suicide!

"What are you doing? Do you want everyone to die together?"

Many people shouted, wanting to stop these two lunatics.

But now that their rules have been emptied, it is estimated that they will not be able to stop others if they want to stop them.

Only Centurion Tian looked at the actions of Fu Gang and the two of them and didn't say much.

"I agree with Captain Fu's decision, everyone! We are at the end of the road. We are all physical warriors and no one is a coward who is afraid of death, but we can't do anything else at all now. Pao, this is a worthy death!"

Centurion Tian took a deep breath and shouted.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fell silent for a while.

That's right, they really can't do anything now, the law is exhausted, and it will take a few minutes to recover the power of law that can charge and fight again. And after such a long time, the other party had already killed the commander-in-chief and came to wash them with blood.

"Yes! Then fuck the fuck! We're all going to die anyway, so we die together! Besides, we'd love to be able to die with the Chief Commander!"

A centurion's statement quickly formed a chain reaction, and everyone present was not lacking in blood if he could become a martial artist in the flesh.

"Captain Fu, what can we do to help? Although I'll wait until the power of the law is exhausted, I won't be short of arms or legs, and I can still do some physical work!"

Centurion Tian asked loudly.

"Then everyone boards this huge ship, and disassembles and transports all the protective arrays and power systems in other ships!" Fu Gang said casually, still immersed in the rapid driving of the God-killing Cannon.

"Remove the disk array and power system?" Centurion Tian's eyes flickered.

He really wanted to say that even if all the power systems of other giant ships were loaded onto one giant ship, the propulsion force under full acceleration would not be enough to keep them out of the explosion range of the God-killing bomb.

The explosion range of the God Extinguishing Bomb spreads over ten light-years in an instant, and there is almost no possibility of escape within ten light-years. And ten light-years away can still produce a terrifying gravitational field, and if you are not careful, you will still be involved.

And the superimposed flight ability of ten giant ships is actually quite terrifying. Of course, this kind of superposition is not as simple as one plus one. After all, if simply adding an engine can double the speed, it would be too childish.

In fact, even if the power engines of ten giant ships are loaded together, the original speed increase will be doubled at most, and a lot of power will be wasted.

To put it simply, the increase in speed is very complicated.

However, based on the original double speed of the giant ship, a more rational analysis can break away from the explosion range of the God-killing bomb.

But in fact it can't, because the acceleration of the engine requires a process, and it takes a period of time to grow from nothing to the peak speed.

So no matter what you think about it, Centurion Tian doesn't think that the giant ship can escape the danger of being destroyed by loading multiple power systems.

It's just that seeing that everyone is working in full swing, Centurion Tian didn't express what was in his heart.

Everything was going on in such an orderly manner, and at the same time, the demigod Nebula seemed to have reached the limit.

The bones of the chest cavity and head that were focused on have been completely burned to ashes. Nebula has nothing to do about it. When the law is exhausted, his body and bones can only be continuously consumed. He could only watch helplessly as it was destroyed.

Xing Yun thought with the soul living in the skeleton, maybe it would be fine even if he died, since he lived as a demigod for almost hundreds of thousands of years.

Such a long time has been many times better than many mortals don't know!

"Perhaps the only thing I can't let go of is my apprentice! I don't know how he is now?

Which legion did he join? I hope he can save the day in the next catastrophe that will sweep across the entire southern region. "

Xingyun secretly sighed in his heart, if he couldn't let go, maybe he was his apprentice.

As for the Nine Heavens Demon Lion and Xuan Guizi, two old servants in his family, there was nothing he couldn't let go of.

These two belong to domestic servants and cannot go out with the army, so they are safe in Xingyun Mansion.

That's just my apprentice!

Just as Xing Yun sighed, a dazzling light flashed in the fleet in the distance, and the light disappeared in a flash, but at this moment Arthurs and Xing Yun's expressions changed wildly.

The difference between the two is that after being surprised, Arthurs began to quickly analyze and take countermeasures, and even loosened the arms that held Xingyun's body.

Because of an instant calculation, he came to a conclusion that this sudden attack was enough to completely wipe out the targets around him.

For a dying person, he naturally didn't need to continue attacking him.

And Arthurs' own huge mecha body began to have countless mechanical parts running, and the operation of the parts drove the whole body to make some quick adjustments.

The originally slender and streamlined mecha body began to be nearly 20 to 30 percent shorter, and at the same time the body became very thick.

It seems that this can further strengthen the surface defense of the body.

It's just that Xingyun felt completely relieved when he saw the familiar Mie Shen Bullet.

"These bastards! Do you want to be buried with me?"

Laughing and cursing in his heart, Xingyun didn't resist, but just stood there, as if quietly waiting for the moment of the explosion.

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