Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 196: Prove they deserve

In the face of the Nine Nine Secrets, the Qingyang Sect was almost desperate, because it was indeed a force they wouldn’t even think about. The Nine Nine Assassins are famous all over the world, indeed because of their strength, Those secret methods are no longer comparable to the Taoism practiced by the disciples of the Qingyang Sect. They are faced with these weird and intrepid assassins, unless they have enough strength to force them to be crushed by the state, otherwise, They didn't know how to fight, how to fight...

But what I didn't expect is that at this critical moment, such aberrations will happen again!

That figure came very abruptly.

At first, there were people who thought this was a disciple called by Qingyang Talisman, but when that person shot, they immediately knew they were wrong. The other party was definitely not a disciple of Qingyang Sect. It's the way of the nine assassins...

Even more frightening is that his skill is obviously higher than these assassins!

At this time, even more frightened than the disciples of Qingyang Sect were those ruthless and ruthless Jiuyou assassins.

"How can there be other Nine Nine Assassins in Vietnam?"

"Unfinished Jindan, you can perform the art of curling alone, you are..."

When they hadn't finished speaking, they had made a choice and invariably walked in three other directions.

They are obviously not stupid, they have their own set of judgment criteria, know that this shadow, can not be a tough enemy.

"In the Nine Nether Palace, when will there be rules to escape?"

The shadow was a low sigh, and then stepped forward.

The three green streamers drifted away in three directions at the same time, and they cast off very fast.

But this man was faster. His figure flickered, and it was like a black shadow, disappearing directly between the sky and the earth. When it reappeared, he had reached the middle of the blue streamer on the left side, and slashed his hand to the green streamer. When he hit it, he heard a "hula" sound, and the green streamer exploded in response, but it was empty, but behind him, a sword pierced his back.


The shadow did not return, but the right hand sent back.

In his palm, there was a strange sword light, which penetrated directly into the void behind him.


A man in a red robe showed his figure, his face was incredible, blood poured from the corner of his mouth.

He and this person have all performed the technique of escape, but it is obvious that this person is superior to him.

But this shadow, but for a moment, after killing the servant, immediately chased toward another green streamer.

Seeing that the blue streamer could not escape, he suddenly flickered in the air, summoned the poisonous insects scattered in all directions just now, dense and dense, like a black cloud, coming straight to the dark shadow, facing this terrible and dense, the number is unknown. The poisonous worm, no matter how high it is, may have to numb the scalp, but when the black shadow saw the poisonous worm, he burst out laughing.


Suddenly he took a violent breath, like swallowing mountains and rivers.

The endless poisonous insects were all breathed in by him in a breath, as if he was swallowing a piece of black smoke, and there was no one left, all swallowed into the belly, and the surrounding Qingyang Sect The disciples were stunned, and a burst of cold sweat poured out...

"You are the Nine You Assassin, who the **** are you..."

The ostracism that summoned Youyun to come was obviously terrified, and immediately determined two things.

This black shadow must be the Nine Nine Assassin, because the secret technique of the Nine Nine Assassin may be circulated, but there are some methods that can only be obtained by the Nine Nine Assassin. After all, the poisonous insects are included in the body, ordinary people In doing so, there is only one possibility, that the poisonous insects have eaten the flesh and blood, and there is no left. Only the nine-nine assassin who has experienced the most rigorous training and secret training can swallow the poisonous insects, and not be swallowed by the poisonous insects. Dao Yingying, not only practiced in Jiu Yougong, but also certainly not ordinary!

But he couldn't think of who this person came from...

This person's ability must be above the Qing streamer's envoys, and even surpass the red streamer impermanence.

But those characters are all the elders of Jiu Yougong. How could they help Qingyang Sect?

"As an assassin, you can't talk too much!"

But the shadow did not answer, hurrying up and whispered: "You know I won't tell you, but if you ask like this, it's nonsense!"

When he was talking, he already opened his mouth!


The poisonous insect swallowed by him just now was spit out again.

It was like a black cloud, covering the green streamer around, and only heard the screams again and again. Near the green streamer, a red robe figure emerged, but no face could be seen at all, and it was overwhelmed by the black mist again. At that time, there was only a dead bone...


The dead bone fell from midair and fell to pieces!

"Thirty years ago, a new man appeared in Jiu Yougong. At the age of seventeen, he practiced Jiuyou mystery technique to the fifth form. Twenty-three assassins of the same rank were killed, which was valued by the palace master, and intended to be an impermanent life, but the newcomer took the opportunity to abscond when he first bought and sold, and he did not show up in thirty years..."

Until this time, there was only the last stubborn messenger left in the field. He almost didn't want to escape anymore, and knew that he couldn't escape, but he quickly showed his body and rushed together. Aura of Light struck nine days and delivered the news!

And he himself turned around and greeted the shadow, and shouted at the same time.

"It's you..."

"Everyone tells you that you fled into Zhongzhou. Unexpectedly, you have been crossing..."

Before he finished speaking, he abruptly stopped.

The shadow came directly to him, **** into the sword, and directly penetrated his throat!

Then lightly twisted, the stubborn messenger has turned into a hood of blood mist!

"You know you're going to die in my hands, one hundred, why do you still want to kill me to death?"

The black figure sighed softly, slowly closing his five fingers.

That aura of light had flown out hundreds of feet away, and it would disappear in an instant, but as his five fingers gathered, the night sky suddenly floated, and the aura of light that passed the message hit the night light, but it could not fly out. Slowly flying...

All the way to the shadow of the hand, he was gently crushed by him!

"Fortunately, the night cloth was laid before the shot, otherwise I wouldn't want to be peaceful..."

He sighed in a low voice, seeming to be somewhat lucky.

This **** battlefield was unexpectedly quiet.

No one thought that it would end like this, nor did he know who the shadow was, and why he should help, but the Qingyang Sect disciples who had survived had already gathered around Fang Yuan to protect them, some Watching the shadow with vigilance.

"The way forward has been cleaned up, you can go on!"

The shadow turned slowly, and said in a low voice.

"You... who are you?"

Fang Yuan walked out of all Qingyang Sect disciples, looking at the man's back, and asked in a low voice.

"This is not important..."

The man answered in a low voice and waved his hand gently.

Fang Yuan took a slight pause and asked again: "You gave me that note?"

"The time was tight and I could only send a piece of paper. I didn't expect you to avoid this big trouble..."

The dark shadow sighed helplessly, seeming to be regretful.

Fang Yuan's eyebrows narrowed, and he whispered: "What the **** are you..."

"I'm just a prodigal loneliness and loneliness. I just want to find a warm harbor..."

The other party's voice was vicissitudes and sighed.

Fang Yuan couldn't help but say, "Brother Sun, can you say it simpler?"

The shadow suddenly froze for a moment, looked up silly, and subconsciously said: "How do you know it is me?"

But I saw him looking up, under the hat, a thin face, full of stunned, two small eyes twirling around, embarrassment, not just a long day and a day Who is Sun Guanshi who drinks and eats Fang Yuan?

Fang Yuan frowned: "Don't you wear the hats that were shaded when the weed inspector was weeding?"

Sun Guanshi stayed for a while and took off Dou Li for a look. He patted his head helplessly and said: "I was too anxious when I came, I touched one!" It seems that the identity was seen by Fang Yuan, but it was all at once He couldn't hold his mouth and said: "I didn't want to shoot, but I suddenly saw the secret order of all the assassins in the Nine Nether Palace. I knew you were in trouble this time, so I hurried over..."

"Alas, this time, I'm done. After a good day is over, Jiu Yougong will surely find me..."

Fang Yuan hurriedly reached out, instructed Sun Guanshi to stop for a moment, then bowed his head and pondered for a long while before saying: "How come you are Jiu You..."

Sun Guanshi said helplessly: "Who hasn't ordered it yet!"

Fang Yuan: "..."

I thought I had a stomach to ask for a clear answer, but beside him, Mr. Zhu had stepped on Feijian, looked at Sun Guanshi, and patted Fang Yuan’s shoulder again, saying: "Time is running out, some words It can be said later that Yinshan really has to be chased..."

Sun Guanshi was also busy: "Yes, please ask later, do you want me to send you again?"

Fang Yuan nodded and said: "To!"

Sun Guanshi froze for a while, and said, "I am polite..."

Fang principle doesn’t say much anymore, but he takes a long breath and looks at Mr. Zhu, his teacher in the fairy hall, now covered in gray robe, already covered with blood, but just in the chaos just now, He was also slashed by the Nine Nine Assassins, and the other Qingyang Sect disciples didn't know him, but they were all wounded one by one, and even some people were dying of their lives. It looked miserable.

Looking through these people again Looking down, you can see that there is a confused figure not far away.

That was the old deacon who had destroyed Dawke just now. He had been dead for a long time.

"I won't leave now!"

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, then suddenly said this sentence.

Mr. Zhu and others stayed for a while. After a while, his face was angry, and he shouted: "So many people escorted you all the way, just to help you win a life, paid such a big price, and finally sent You are here, but you are not leaving?"

"Why do these people protect me?"

Fang Yuan looked at Mr. Zhu with a kind of forbearing anger: "They are betting, I bet they deserve it!"

He looked at the old deacon's bones and whispered: "So I'm going to prove that they are indeed worth it!"

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