Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 203: Now i want to kill you

   "Could this be the beauty of the foundation of heaven?"

   Fang Yuan, who was hit by Tian Lei nine times in a row, also took a long breath.

It took a long time for him to completely relieve God, and when he conducted the internal examination of the mind, he found that the Dao foundation in his body was already crystal clear, and the power of the Five Elements was hidden in it. A little bit of thunder and lightning walked outside, even When he touched it for a while, he would feel that this foundation contained a majestic and terrifying power, which seemed to compress a mountain to the power of a fist!

   More importantly, his Daojie is already crystal-clear and pure as sky!

Before he formed the five elements to build the foundation, this foundation was not yet so pure, it seemed a bit muddy, but at this time, after a few days of thunder, he completely washed away the foundation. The turbidity of the word has a nearly flawless Daoji!

   And his whole person's feeling is extremely transparent...Shushuang!

   As if all over my body, 30 million pores have been opened, and a little aura is pouring into the body through the pores...

All the spirits have entered the Daoji, and are refined in the Daoji, and then into the limbs and corpses, into his blood. In this case, his blood becomes like spirit fluid, Washing his flesh, every time he rinses his flesh, his flesh will be stronger, he has already exceeded a limit, and he has a higher space!

   "Blood refining, bone remodeling?"

   Fang Yuan felt this change and stood up slowly.

   "He... succeeded in building the foundation?"

   someone shouted innocently, looking at him on the mountain in disbelief.

   At this time, Fang Yuan, no longer has the kind of spirit that goes up at night, and all his mana was recovered.

   Or, it was just back into the body by Tian Lei.

   Mana turned around, and then condensed on the Daoji, it is already a combination of dragons and tigers, concealed mysterious yellow, Baoguang overflowing, gas condensing like pulp!

   He has completed the entire foundation process!

   It is just puzzling, what is the foundation of him now?

  Tiandao foundation, that is the legendary foundation method, Yunzhou monk, I am afraid that few people have seen it.

   And in their imagination, the foundation of heaven is not so simple, it is enough to be struck by lightning...

   But they are also very sure that the foundation of Fang Yuan is definitely not as simple as the foundation of the five elements!

  Since he attracted the power of Tianlei, he must have stepped into the realm of Tiandao foundation...

   "Fang Yuan..."

   And at this time, the true biography of Yinshan had been stunned.

  He couldn't believe the scene he just saw, how could it be?

  I was just going down the mountain to help my master to find a magic weapon, but this magic weapon involved a Qingyang Sect disciple, so I took everything away from him and prepared to kill him again...

  All of this, how simple this should be...

   But how is it possible that this disciple of Qingyang Sect who was too lazy to put his eyes on him at the beginning was actually a foundation of heaven?

  The foundation of heaven, how could it be born in a remote country such as Vietnam?

   The indescribable blow gave him an extremely absurd feeling!

   And deep in this absurd feeling, there is even an indescribable fear...

   This is the foundation of heaven, such a person, who knows to what extent will grow up in the future?

   And myself, actually offended such a person?

   Actually, he forged a death feud with a person who built the heaven and earth!

  What kind of world is this?

  After he was frightened, the one who rose up immediately was the intention to kill.

   The extreme murderous intention!

   He can never watch this disciple grow up, and he cannot even give him any chance!

   Because of this kind of person, once they grow up, they have absolutely no future, and they are definitely not something they can resist!

  At least at this moment, his original intention to kill the other party has exceeded the coveted magic weapon...


He suddenly flicked his sleeves and rushed into the air, then reached out and grabbed into the void, a silver spear already appeared in his hand, then he clenched the spear and swung in the void, The six-layer mana of the foundation was cast in a magnificent way, and even the roaring beast beside him felt his murderousness and roared towards Yunfu Mountain!

   "Haha, Qingyang disciple Fang Yuan, the taste of the heavenly foundation is very good, right?"

Armed with a silver gun, he stepped forward into the void and walked forward slowly, his face extremely gloomy. The price, perhaps, to meet you is also my greatest luck, because even I never thought that there was a chance to kill a Wizard of Heavenly Foundation..."

   "U" "U" "U"

  As Gan Longjian walked forward slowly, suddenly, numerous figures rushed to him.

   are those disciples of Qingyang Sect!

   Now they are headed by Mr. Zhu, and they have caught up and stopped in front of Gan Longjian. The frontmost person shouted: "Yinshan Sect disciple listens, this son is my true biography of Qingyang Sect. His foundation has already been passed to Xianmen. I am afraid that the Sect Master and even a few elders will come immediately and you dare to hurt one. Root sweat hair, my Qingyang Sect is fighting to destroy the door, and I will break you up!"

  Yinshan Sect's true biography, Gan Longjian's complexion, was instantly cold.

   He knew that what these people said was true!

   Fang Yuan Tian Dao's foundation is spread, I am afraid that it will shake the whole Yunzhou!

Before the Qingyang Sect, if I didn’t want to face the Yinshan Sect and the Nanhuang City directly, I heard that Fang Yuan Tian Dao was building the foundation. I’m afraid I could not care about anything, even if I was an enemy of the entire Yunzhou. They also have to protect this disciple...

   Even the Xianmeng, I'm afraid will not allow the Nanhuang Demon King to damage a fairy seedling built by Heaven!

  But this is precisely why Gan Longjian must get rid of Fang Yuan!

   The more he saw Fang Yuan's unlimited potential, the less he could stay, otherwise he wouldn't be the one who fell in the future.

   So he didn't even think about it, so he rushed over.

Facing the Qingyang Sect disciple who blocked the road, he swept his sleeves. Between the world and the sky, there was a strong wind and dark clouds. The Qingyang Sect disciples who stopped in front of him were swept by him. He went out, and then he crossed the sky, carrying the fierce and abnormal lynx beast, rushed to Yunfu Mountain, and screamed: "It's murderous, life is right, who dares to stop me?"

   "Elder Qiao in Qingshan, do you really want to stand idly by?"

  The disciples of Qingyang Sect also knew that with the strength of these people, they could not stop Gan Longjian.

   Someone anxiously thought of other methods, and hurriedly shouted at the elder Shangqing who was defending.

   And the Shangqingshan guard was silent at this time.

When he first saw the foundation of Fang Yuan Tian Dao, he even made a killing intention, because he knew the potential of Tian Dao foundation too much, if he allowed this disciple of Qingyang Sect to grow up, the five immortal gates of the country, and What is the qualification to compete with Qingyangzong?

   But this thought just flashed.

Because he thought of another question: "If this son is just a four-pronged foundation, then the four immortal gates of our country will surely fail, because he will help the rise of Qingyang Sect and compete with us for chance; but when he builds When the five elements are built, we don’t have to think so much, because he is destined to jump out of the country and enter a larger world; now, he is the foundation of heaven..."

   "Why are these immortal seedlings competing with us for their existence?"

   "He is no longer a threat to our five immortals across the country, but a good opportunity to rise with it!"

   "Today I am fortunate to be on duty right here. If I don’t take action to protect him and get a good relationship, when will I stay?"

While thinking about this, the elder Shangqingshan suddenly laughed, his sleeves flicked, and around Yunfu Mountain, a burst of light rose to the sky to protect Yunfu Mountain, and then he looked coldly at Yinshan's true story Ganlong Sword, Li shouted: "Boy, when did the Yue Kingdom become your wilderness place, they all told you that Yunfu Mountain shouldn't be intrusive, do you really want to fight with me?"

Yin Shan Zhen Chuan frowned, and he had heard the changes of the elders of Shangqing Mountain before and after, but his heart was more angry but he was more mad, and he rushed forward: "I came under the order of the Master and took this blue Disciple of Yangzong, what are you, and dare you throw in your hands? If you think about it carefully, if you go to Qingshan, can you really be the anger of both Yinshanzong and Nanhuang City?"

   The words made the elder Shangqingshan startle slightly, hesitating a little.

   It was also at this time that the sky above Yunfu Mountain and the highest peak suddenly came a voice: "You all let it go!"

Everyone heard this sentence, looked up and then saw the highest peak, Fang had already converged his mana, he took a brand new green from the bag of Qiankun The robe was raised towards the back, worn on the body, replaced the fairy robe that had just been ragged because of the foundation of heaven, and then took another one, and the magic seal sword inserted in the mountainside of Yunfu Mountain was facing straight. He flew past and was gently held in his hand.

   He took a scarf and polished the magic seal sword carefully. Then he stubbornly turned his right hand and walked slowly down the mountain.

   "You want to..."

  In and out of Yunfu Mountain, everyone was surprised when they saw it.

   At this moment, the smartest way is to hide in Yunfu Mountain and wait for Elder Xianmen to come!

  Why is he so stupid that he has to come out at this time?

  Looking at the way he came out, even Yin Shanzhen's true biography of Gan Longjian was slightly startled, and stopped.

   "I was going to escape!"

   Fang Yuan reached the edge of Yunfu Mountain. Without any hesitation, he stepped out directly: "But I am back!"

   "From the moment I look back, it is not you who are going to kill me!"

   He walked straight towards Gan Longjian: "but I want to kill you!"


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