Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 206: Yinshan Blood Treasure


Fang Yuan Jian Guang was sharp and came after him, but Yin Shan Zhen Gan Gan Long Jian was shocked in his heart, even with a little confused.

This is the first time he has encountered such a situation. In the past, he did not need to summon when he was in danger. This arrogant rushed over to protect the Lord. He was completely invisible, but it made him completely inexplicable. However, in an emergency situation, there is no time to consider this.

"Oh, uh, uh"...

He rolled over and hid, and then various magical instruments were raised in the air, emitting multicolored light to suppress Fang Yuan.

At this time, he did not seek to hurt the enemy, only to stop Fang Yuan for a moment.

Fang Yuan was close to him at the beginning, he didn't care, because he was also very good at close combat, he also worked countless times on a silver gun, plus a blessing of mana, he thought he could press the side hard The original head, won beautiful and simply!

But he didn't expect that Fang Yuan's Jian Dao Xiu was so strong!

He was even hard to imagine, how could Qingyangzong teach such a strong sword?

Therefore, he could only retreat, while offering numerous magical instruments, spreading between him and Fang Yuan. Each of these magical tools is very powerful, and even close to the existence of the magic weapon level, but Gan Longjian also knows that with Fang Yuan’s cultivation behavior and strength, these magical tools may be easily avoided. He didn't seek to hurt the enemy, he just wanted to stop Fang Yuan a little, and distance him!

If he opened the distance, he still took the initiative!

If fighting, he can use supernatural powers and try to suppress the original sword intention.

If he escapes, he can use his magical powers to escape from afar, and Fang Yuan may not be able to catch up. After all, he has just built the foundation!

Unfortunately, Fang Yuan also guessed his intention!

Facing the magic instrument floating in the air, he took a deep breath and the sword light suddenly turned on.

A sad and decisive atmosphere, with his sword light stirred up!

Then Fang Yuan greeted the innumerable magic implements and cut it out with a sword...


In this instant, the desolate breath enveloped the entire void, so that in the void, there were waves like water ripples, and Fang Yuan's sword light was very bright and real in the waves. And, more importantly, fast!

That sword light actually crossed the void directly, and crossed the area filled with magical instruments.

All the magic weapons were exploded in the air.

Just before they exerted their power, they had been torn apart by sword intentions.

Then this sword was unending, and it cut directly in front of Gan Longjian!

The second volume of Wujian Jianjing!

Before the sword, the sword is hidden in the mind!

All of Fang Yuan's essence and thoughts have fallen into this sword, and naturally he has terrible power!

"Does Qingyang Sect have such a clever sword?"

"Sanyuan Imperial Sword Technique is the technique of Flying Sword, and... it is impossible to reach this state!"

Inside and outside Yunfu Mountain, many people have arrived at this time, but most of them were stunned by Fang Yuan’s heavenly foundation, and now they have rushed over to watch the battle. At this instant, I don’t know how many people were surprised by this sword. Shen Sheng growled.

"Did you forget that Qingyang Sect once had a sword demon?"

Among the countless noises, there was only one monk who was aged, and suddenly opened his mouth in a low voice.

His words immediately silenced all around.

Everyone feels a little heavy at this time...

"You forced me..."

And when the thoughts turned around in everyone's mind, the sky had already undergone a drastic change.

Fang Yuan's sword light came straight to the side, and the frightened Yinshan was really twisted and his hair was scattered.

In front of him, there was a cloud overcast, covering several square feet.

That sword light fell into the mist, as if it was stopped by something.

And that Yinshan true legend Gan Longjian, after the robbery, his face was a bit sharp.

With the appearance of this haze, there was a sense of yin and evil in his disciples immortal door!

"I am a true disciple of Yinshan Sect!"

He looked at Fang Yuan and shouted in a low voice: "Do you really think that I have repaired all the dogs in my body? Will you let me bully me so much?"

When the cloud disappeared, a white bone whip appeared in front of him!

The bone whip looks only four feet long, one section at a time, with white bone spurs, but there is always a black spur on it. It looks like a person's spine, visible to the naked eye, and there are tattoos The weird rune, at the moment of this bone-bone whip, you can even hear a screaming roar, which hurts the ear pricks...

"Isn't Yinshanzong not practicing this kind of thing long ago?"

Not far above Yunfu Mountain, the elder of Shangqing Mountain saw this scene, and was already taken aback. His eyes were extremely cold. When he looked at the Yinshan Sect disciple, he even appeared to look at the enemy. General resentment.

"Blood Treasure... That's actually Blood Treasure..."

When many people around saw them, they all knew the goods, and their look instantly became very strange.

There are countless magic weapons in the world and countless ways to practice the law. It is difficult to distinguish clearly, but if it is right or evil, then there is still a point.

The most common is weapons. Those who practice martial arts prefer to use them. They don’t even need to engrave rune formations on the weapons. They just use this to display their own martial arts. They are strong, resistant, and easy to repair. , This will do!

Fang Yuan's sword and Gan Longjian's silver gun are all of this kind!

On top of this ordinary weapon, there are magic weapons, but it is inscribed with the magic circle and has all kinds of magical effects.

Some can help people to fly, some can attract wind and gather fire, some can call rain and snow, and some are designed for defense or hurting the enemy. In short, this is usually used by low-level disciples. , Power is often limited.

Of course, because this kind of gadgets are the most, many foundation monks are also using it.

Fang Yuan has many such gadgets, but he takes the martial arts path, focusing on the cultivation of magical powers and martial arts, but he is unwilling to take advantage of these magical powers. Practitioners like him usually see magic tools. It is a partial door, and it is used only by force!

And counting upwards, it is a magic weapon. This is a treasure that really has a certain power and unlimited potential.

The amount of these kinds of treasures in the practice world has plummeted, because they require specific materials and methods of alchemy, which often lead to their extremely high prices. Ordinary foundation monks can't afford it. If you buy it, you won't be willing to use it.

But if you can't afford it, then what to do, there is an easy way, blood refining treasure!

The so-called blood treasure is a magic weapon made by demon evil means. This kind of refining method does not require any special materials. Human bones and animal bones can be used, and no clever tricks are needed. Human soul and human blood can be It plays a certain role, but it is simple and convenient, but this method is too evil, and it is often ashamed of the immortal door. Anyone who mentions it will sneer!

There was a legend that when the monsters invaded Yunzhou in a big way, they wanted to take away thousands of souls, refine blood treasure, and enhance their strength!

Because of this legend, the monks in Yunzhou hated this kind of refining method even more. For more than a thousand years, this kind of blood treasure is almost extinct in Yunzhou. Not only will it not be widely circulated, but some people will see it. Pieces, they will be destroyed immediately!

The Yinshan Sect is said to have been a large sect of the blood refining treasure.

However, the Yinshan Sect today is the largest immortal gate in Yunzhou. It has different identities and lacks resources. For the sake of fame, it will not risk the world. It has been forbidden to disciples to practice this again nearly a thousand years ago Wait for the stuff.

But who can think of it, the true legend of Gan Longjian from Yinshan, now that such a **** treasure has been revealed blatantly?


Fang Yuan saw this white-bone whip, and his gaze immediately changed when he looked at Yin Longzhen's true biography of Gan Longjian. He used to look at Gan Longjian, but he just hated, but now he has a bit more insatiable disgust: "You are also a disciple of Xianmen." , Actually refine this thing?"

"Less look at me with such eyes..."

Yin Shan Zhen Chuan Gan Longjian stared at Fang Yuan dyingly, said sullenly, and then there seemed to be a mockery on his face: "What qualification do you have to say me? You really thought I would believe Ordinary remote Xianmen disciples can start from the faint, step by step to today's height? Haha, joke, you have not resorted to the magic of the Southern Demon King?"

As his voice fell, he had reached up and grabbed the bone whip, raised his head, and then fought hard towards Fang Yuan.

He was at least ten feet away from Fang Yuan at this time, and the bone whip was only four feet long, but as his whip pulled down, the bone whip instantly became more than ten times longer, directly Fang Yuan was drawn to the top of the head, and as this whip was drawn, there was even more misery between heaven and earth. It seemed that there were countless innocent souls, and they rushed towards Fang Yuan, biting and scratching.

Facing the innumerable grievances, Fang Yuan just frowned coldly.

"You have been talking about a magic weapon, but have you seen that magic weapon?"

While talking, he suddenly crossed his sword in his chest, and the mana was poured into it frantically!

Suddenly, the magic seal sword lit up suddenly, and the demon seal on the side of the sword's body seemed extremely eye-catching!

The countless innocent souls who came near Fang Yuan's body, as Fang Yuan's sword fell, they disappeared directly into the air!

It's like being cut off by Fang Yuan...

But the question is, how can those injustices be dead?

Only Yin Shan Zhen Chuan Gan Longjian froze for a while found something.

The unjust soul was not killed, but was eaten...

"You are..."

Yin Long really spread Gan Longjian, but was shocked instantly, and the whole person was a little lost.

It was only at such a moment that he was shocked, but it was not what Fang Yuan did.

It's why he can do it...

Looking at the magic seal sword in Fang Yuan's hand, and watching Fang Yuan slowly holding the sword over, he suddenly thought of something.

"Is this what?"

"Yes, this is what you have been looking for!"

Fang Yuan nodded and stepped forward step by step, said blankly: "You once held him in your hand and watched for a long time, but then gave it back to me, so I still want to thank you... this It should be my third thank you!"

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