Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 214: Xiazhou Xianxianji

"Farewell to seniors..."

After a long conversation, there was a long silence again, and Fang Yuan gradually settled his mind, then got up and said.

Jiu Gu smiled and said, "Why don't you wait for the girl to get up and say something?"

Fang Yuan glanced at the sleeping Luo Feiling, shook his head, and said, "No, you will see you again in the future, why don't you say goodbye?"

He carefully pulled his hand out, touched Luo Feiling's head, and slowly stood up. After a little hesitation, he didn't care about anything. He picked up the Qiankun bag and a magic weapon left by the disciples of the Yinshan Sect and the monsters of the Nanhuang City. Then he looked at Jiu Gu and smiled: "The younger generation will I'm going to find my chance, I hope seniors will let it go!"

Jiu Gu smiled and said, "You just leave!"

Fang Yuan looked near Sendai, boldly, and took a step out.

When Jiu Gu entered this Fang Sendai, Sendai was already enveloped by a strange space, and seemed to be cut off from the surrounding world. Fang Yuan could not see how this was done, but he could sense this This kind of change, so he said to Jiu Gu before leaving, and after Jiu Gu agreed, he also relieved and took a step out of Sendai.


A very strange feeling, as if the void around was shaking.

Fang Yuan only felt that the surrounding environment had changed a lot. When he opened his eyes, He Ran now found himself in a wilderness.

Looking back at the mountain, the present Sendai is far beyond Baizhang, on the top of a high mountain.

But he has stepped down in one step. This mysterious change is naturally caused by the mysterious space under Jiu Gu's cloth. This kind of supernatural power is far beyond his imagination.

Fang Yuan could only shake his head helplessly, then turned around and looked around!

"Brother Fang Yuan..."

Behind a tree in front, someone probed his brain and called him cautiously.

Fang Yuan walked over and saw that it was Sun Guanshi, and Guan Ao was not far away from him, ignorant of nothing.

Fang Yuan was somewhat surprised: "What do you do to hide so far?"

Sun Guanshi hissed and said, "Don't talk, go away, this lady is terrible!"

Fang Yuan was suddenly speechless: "Do you think it's just a few hundred feet away, what if people can't hear you?"

Sun Guanshi wiped a cold sweat: "Too scared, forget!"

Fang Yuan searched in his Qiankun bag, found a wisteria wooden boat, and offered it in mid-air, but these were all prepared by the Qingyang Sect to help him and put him in his Qiankun bag, three people I stepped on the wooden boat, flew in the night, and flew straight to the southwest. Now Fang has built the foundation, the mana is full, the wooden boat is also very fast, and soon disappears...

Above the Sendai in the rear, Jiu Gu looked at Luo Feiling at the time of sleep, and after a long time, he sighed: "Girl, your life, probably only for such a little time, such an opportunity, so easy to decide Come down, don’t you feel too risky?"



Fang Yuan, Sun Guanshi and Guan Ao went straight to the southwest. After flying all day and night, they had already crossed the border of the country. At this time, Fang Yuan turned back and bowed to the thick cloud behind him. Dao: "The disciples have solved this problem, and the elders and seniors will please come back. One day, when the disciples return, they can still ask the elders of the division..."

boom! boom! boom!

The clouds dispersed, as if responding to Fang Yuan's words.

And Fang Yuan and Sun Guanshi and others continued to move forward and said that they planned for the future.

Fang Yuan naturally intends to go southeast to find the inheritance of the Yuluo Mountain. After all, Jiu Gu said that the road of the fairy road is a first-line opportunity. Since he has instructions, he must of course go and see. Better than headless flies!

And Guan Ao, the sanity has been damaged, and he can only feel at ease by following himself.

As for Sun Guanshi...

"Ah, the identity is exposed, Qingyang Sect is not easy to return, I have to go to Xianmen to continue to do chores..."

He sighed a little, very sorry.

"Why are you so fascinated by Xianmen's chores?"

Fang Yuan sighed helplessly, and really couldn't touch Sun Guanshi's clue.

He did not know the true identity of Sun Guanshi before, but now he thinks about it, but it is really good.

Based on the strength he showed in the Nine Nine Secrets, I am afraid that he will not lose to Elder Xianmen Jindan and others.

With such a skill, he estimates that no matter where he is, it is not difficult to mix up with a high status and enjoy the glory. Even if he is afraid to show his face in order to avoid the pursuit of the Nine Nether Palace, he can only hide his name, but there are actually many. The method can make you more comfortable, but such a person is willing to hide in Xianmen to do chores...

And why does it show a look that is so tireless?

"Hey, Brother Fang Yuan, you don't know..."

Sun Guanshi heard Xingtou, and said: "It's good to do chores in Xianmen. Xianmen pays attention to quietness and courtesy. Naturally, it's not good to be under strict control. It's too rich to give money. Living here is simply Life like a god..."

The more I talked, the more I became more energetic and counted: "Look at me. In Qingyangzong, I have arranged for other people to work in the past few years. If it's okay, I will bask in the sun, drink a little wine, and sing some things. Short, every day you can eat enough of this bite of pork head meat, you can go to the bottom of the mountain to knock on the widow door when you are free, and you don’t have to worry about this, there is no danger, this small day is more comfortable..."

Fang Yuan was a little speechless: "Don't you worry about the practice resources?"

Sun Guanshi stayed for a while and sighed, "I've been practicing enough for a long time. How can it be more comfortable in this small day?"

Fang Yuan listened to what he said lightly, but his heart sank slightly, but Sun Guanshi was obviously reluctant to say this, and he turned the subject around, chatting about the little widow under Qingyang Zongshan, a look of reluctance, Fang Yuan It’s not good to ask anything more.

The three of them traveled more than a thousand miles, and said goodbye on a hill.

Sun Guanshi was hesitant and seemed reluctant, but he still gave Fang Yuan a black jade rune and told him, "Sister Fang Yuan, you are a very good person. If you don’t die in the future, you will have something to do, but the practice world Sinister, big waves, I don’t know how many Tianjiao Dao have been drowned, you have to be careful in the future, hold this seal, you can find me with it in the future...

"Thank you Brother Sun!"

Fang Yuan took Fu Zhuan, and solemnly put it away.

But Sun Guanshi couldn't help but say: "But it's a last resort, don't come to me, I still like quiet!"

Fang Yuan nodded helplessly.

Seeing Sun Guanshi turn into a glare, disappearing into the void, Fang Yuan also took Guan Ao to continue his journey.

Before he left the country, he was worried that Yinshan Sect and Nanhuang City would not be reluctant and chased from time to time. Therefore, he wanted to escape far and go directly to Zhongzhou, but now it is different. Luo Feiling asked to move nine Aunts of such terrible ranks shot out and helped him out of his worries, but he didn't need to worry about someone else following him all the time.

Although Sun Guanshi didn't make it clear, Fang Yuan knew in his heart that he escorted himself all the way and would say goodbye to himself at this time, also because he didn't have the nine-nine assassin trailing, making sure that the journey behind him would be much safer. Now!

Of course, Fang Yuan was still very careful, using the purple air flow trick, wrapping Guan Ao and himself, so as not to leak the air machine.

This way to Yuluo Mountain was beyond everyone's expectations. Apart from Jiu Gu, even Xianmen and Sun Guanshi didn't know their true purpose, and thought they wanted to go to Zhongzhou, which was naturally safer. , You Deshan Yinzong and Nanhuang City go to find it, I am afraid that when they react, they have long disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people, hidden in unknown places.

Of course, even things that Fang didn't even know, it's not that no one showed his whereabouts.

Just a few thousand miles away from him, between the wild mountains, there was a roaring pant following him all the way. On the back of that roar, there was a fat white cat lying on his back. Slowly, he raised his hand and scratched a paw on its head!



After so many days and nights, he drove with a magic weapon. After half a month, Fang Yuan finally left Yunzhou territory and entered Baxia Prefecture, one of Kyushu. This state also has a million-mile territory, but it is quite wild. Mountains, breeding monsters, are far from being as comfortable as Yunzhou, but because of the endless wild mountains and wilderness, it has made Baxiazhou have many more immortals, but is a place for adventurers.

After entering Baxia Prefecture, Fang Yuan found a small town and settled down. After inquiring about it, he realized that if he didn't say the whole Baxia Prefecture, he would only say that this is a region of Uchi State. The place in the mountains made Fang Yuan very speechless, but after careful inquiry, he removed a few choices that sounded like non-characters, and then went out to inquire and searched one by one.

Occupied by the Immortal Gate and classified as a practice boundary, it is naturally not excluded.

It’s too solitary, the aura is too thin, and it’s definitely not. It must be ruled, Fang Yuan spent a few months to finally determine a place, it must be the jade he was looking for. Luo Shan.

But here is in a slightly desolate, sparsely populated existence. The mountain is not large, within a thousand miles, there is no big city, no big Xiuxian school, hundreds of miles, only a few villages are generally embellished in jade. Around Luoshan, the aura on the mountain is not thick enough to be seen by the major immortal gates, but it can barely be practiced, but it is a good place for seclusion and repair.

Fang Yuan is quite sure that if the loose repair really exists, it must be on this Jade Mountain.

But he didn't venture up the mountain to find, but stopped in the surrounding villages and asked carefully.

"Fellow, have you heard of a fairy on the mountain?"


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