Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 242: Blood Sacrifice

Regardless of whether the two old strategists disagreed, the path-finding work was still given to them. After all, in this pedestrian, Fang was the main force to break the battle, the little prince was the proprietor, and the stupid man with the big sword was obviously not easy to mess with. Both of them were formation masters, and they were not good at fighting with people. This silly big opponent. Choosing from one to the other seems to be the only one suitable for me. Of course, the dark-haired brother is a senior, and his status is higher. The one who first explored the path became the silver-haired old man, and walked tremblingly forward.

After a long walk, there was a layer of cold sweat on his head. Fortunately, everything was safe, and he turned around and shouted: "Come on, safety!"

All of them followed up, and then continued to develop.

Such a step-by-step, deep into the stage by stage, the process is boring, but sometimes hides the danger.

The two old array masters were also very speechless. I thought to myself that the two ancestors of Shumen had become a full-time pathfinder.

Fortunately, Fang Yuan's derivation was very powerful, and there were no mistakes along the way.

The two old men were worried all the way, and at the end, they finally felt a little relieved.

Although I still felt that the two of them should be a little stronger than Fang Yuan, but I really admired this young formation. I had invited Fang Yuan verbally and invited him into Tianshu. The door is a guest elder.

Then Fang Yuan refused euphemistically with a sentence of "not enough level".

The two old formation teachers felt that Fang Yuan was very humble, and they agreed that Fang Yuan's skill level was actually enough.

The little prince gave a timely smile next to him: "Hehe!"

Such a stop-and-go approach, eventually still deep into the large array.

Along with this process of breaking the formation, Fang Yuan also consciously improved rapidly together.

From the beginning, he only tried to use the technique of Tianyan to deduce the changes of the formation. Later, it almost worked well. This side covered almost the entire valley, and it seemed that the endless general protection of the mausoleum, In his eyes, it seems to be made up of many parts, he can clearly see the gap between each part, and disassemble it with ease.

In this process, it is natural to use the technique of Tianyan.

But now he is more and more familiar with the technique of Tianyan. When deducing some simple changes, the mental thoughts consumed are very small, and there is almost no feeling. Only when it is time for some critical times that a lot of mental thoughts need to be consumed to derive. He would sit down and take a few pieces of spirits to refine and replace the consumption of his own mind. This seems quite normal to outsiders.

"Tianyan's technique, as it is, is magical and unparalleled. It is almost suitable for deriving the changes of formation method, which is almost more suitable than deriving the cultivation method. It can be seen that what I thought was simple, it can be hidden in the true solution of Dao Yuan , This potential is much higher than I thought..."

After going forward for one day in this way, Fang Yuan stopped and rested three times in the middle, and then he has penetrated into the large formation.

I just feel that the surrounding formations have gradually become scarce and simple, knowing that the large formations outside have already broken out.


Everyone felt a little loose in their hearts. When they were going to find a place to rest for a while, then when they went deep into the valley, a roar suddenly sounded on the right side. When everyone looked up urgently, they saw a dozen feet outside, a figure. The huge, ape-like giant ape exudes black smoke, and it rushed toward them violently. This hurriedly happened, which was unexpected!


Guan Ao, who was standing next to Fang Yuan, also followed a loud roar, and he turned away with a knife. Now he has gradually adapted to the mana of his foundation. Once he shoots, the power rises with him, and the fire light naturally appears. It turned out, and at the same time, the battle spirit of the night protector sealed in the big sword also appeared, it seemed that it was a little taller than the fierce ape...


The fierce ape was cut in half by Fang Yuan, and fell aside.

But surprisingly, there was no blood flowing down, but instead it slowly turned into two black smoke and disappeared into the field.

Fang Yuan saw it and moved slightly: "This is not a real monster, but..."

"God, blood sacrifice beast spirit..."

The two old array divisions were also taken aback, and quickly became alert and looked around.

"Do you know this thing?"

Fang Yuan stunned slightly and looked at them both.

Upon seeing Fang Yuan, the two Array Masters asked themselves, and at the same time there was a look of joy on their faces. The silver-haired old man rushed and said: "This is also a kind of prohibition, but it is not based on the array technique, but the demon is detained. Beasts, drawing their living souls, refining them with secret refining, to maintain their strength during their lifetime, are imprisoned in this area, but if there is a breath of living people, they will be hunted to death!"

The black-haired old man was very dissatisfied by his younger brother and glared at him. He said, "This kind of ban is very vicious and the beasts are terrible. If they can't find their bones and burn them, these beasts will Immortal, it seems to kill it at this time, but after a certain period of time, it will recover, it is a very powerful and rare tomb-guarding spirit!"

"When I say this, I think of it..."

The little prince interjected: "We used to have this tradition in Wuchi Kingdom. When the old emperor died and needed to be buried in the ancestral palace, he would capture the monsters in 100,000 wild mountains. It seems that it is In order to arrange the blood sacrifice beast spirit here..."

"It seems that this is the second layer of ban!"

Fang Yuan frowned slightly, and then asked the little prince, "What strength are these monsters?"

The little prince thought for a while, hesitantly said: "Most of them are seventh-order or eighth-order monsters, if I remember correctly, it seems that there are still records of capturing fierce beasts... Ah, yes, indeed According to such records, we have a family in Uchi, which is honoured by the emperor and has a respectable status. This family is because the ancestor once gave me a beast of urgency to the Uchi State..."

"Vicious beast?"

Fang Yuan and others were all startled when they heard the words.

The spirits in this world are nourished by the spirit and can be practiced, but there are two aspects.

There is a class of monsters, under the nourishment of the spirit, opened their minds, and embarked on the same path as human practitioners, vomiting aura, forming a foundation, and even learned the art of change, they can become humanoid, walk and sit, Should be no different from ordinary people...

This kind of demon is among the common people: the goblin!

And their rank division is exactly the same as those of spiritual practitioners, foundation, Jindan, Yuanying...

But there is also a category that is completely different from these demons.

They were also nourished by Reiki, but they did not improve their wits, but they gave birth to a kind of powerful body that would not embark on the path of cultivation. They would only chase Reiki according to their instincts and continue to grow. This kind of monster Often, as before, they will grow in the mountains and maintain the animal nature. Therefore, this type of monster is among the general population: monsters!

However, the monster has strengths and weaknesses.

Practitioners often divide them from one to nine order monsters. The higher the class, the stronger the monster, but there is a more terrifying existence above the ninth order monsters. It is no longer possible to use the word "monster" to describe them, but fierce beasts. Although these fierce beasts are like ordinary beasts, they have not opened their minds, or their minds are not high, but they are extremely terrible.

According to legend, the power of the ninth-order monster is already comparable to the monks who built the foundation.

And the fierce beast, then only the monks of the Jindan realm can deal with it.

If there is a ferocious spirit in this valley...

Several pairs of eyes looked at Fang Yuan, the meaning of the inquiry was very obvious.

Fang Yuan looked around and said, "You can only be more careful, be ready to save your life at any time!"

The matter has come to this point, naturally it cannot be withdrawn, and this prohibition can not be derived. The beasts can arbitrarily swim in this area, and they cannot predict their movements. There is nothing other than being careful and clever. Way...

"Okay, I'm at the forefront!"

Upon seeing this, Guan Ao took the initiative to provoke the beam and walked forward first.

The rear and the little prince walked in the middle and took control of the overall situation. The two old formations had no choice but to follow in the end.


This time, I went forward again, but it was different from the previous viciousness. I always encountered some monsters and beasts, and screamed and rushed towards them. Guan Ao was also obliged, and the first one rushed up, Fortunately, he is born with divine power, and he is building a foundation in a fierce pulse. He is masculine, and he restrains these beasts who have no sanity and belong to the evil and the evil, but they complement each other.

Most of the beast spirits were cut between them, and he was cut off. Sometimes, some powerful ones, Fang Yuan shot in time to help him, and he cut into two in half, all the way. Going deeper, there were no casualties.

However, although temporarily smooth, everyone's heart is heavy.

As they walked along the way, they encountered far fewer beasts than they had imagined, and their strength was not very high. But when they thought that there might be a fierce beast-level beast lurking here, their hearts were heavy. , Don't dare to say half a relaxed sentence!

Walking forward in this way, they were close to a black altar.

The distance was still far away, and I felt the evil breath coming from the altar, and the air seemed to be much heavier.


As soon as I approached this I had been chasing the beasts of Fang Yuan and other people before. It seemed that I felt some powerful and terrifying power, and I didn’t have any of them. Feared, they were scattered and fled away!

"Can't escape, prepare for this vicious fight!"

Fang Yuan sighed, took the five-color feather fan in his hand, and slowly poured in the mana.

The other people either raised their swords or sacrificed various magic instruments, and touched them quietly step by step.


When they reached the altar, they exchanged glances, and suddenly rushed up at the same time.

Leaping high in the air, the magic weapon in his hand will be smashed down.

But at this time, they saw the existence on the altar, but at the same time their faces changed, and they took their hands away.

Looking blankly at the altar, the expression is very strange: "What the **** is this?"

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