Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 248: White cat recognizes the Lord?

Bringing the gourd, Fang Yuan returned to the palace of the ancestor of Uchi, feeling the full pool of thunderstones in the bag of Qiankun, and then looking at the spirit of the water veins swimming in the gourd, Fang Yuan was very satisfied. The combination of the two can completely allow him to cultivate a tyrannical thunder spirit, and the power is estimated to be unimaginably powerful. With these two, this trip is not in vain!

More importantly, although the harvest this time is not small, it has not violated my own intentions.

After many thoughts flashed in my heart, Fang Yuan returned to the main hall. Now that several hours have passed, the main hall still looks like that, without any change. The two Tianshumen formations are still in Being held by the bronze mirror, I tried my best to break the prohibition behind the Emperor Xinjian, but because of this I was taken to the town by the Emperor Xinjian.

Nowadays, the mana in their bodies is no longer enough. The cold sweat in their heads makes them paler than paper.

Fang Yuan saw him, but he smiled helplessly, and thunder struck him.

The two array divisions were hit by Thunder Light, and the body shook suddenly, screaming with their throats, and fell to the ground back and forth.

The connection with the Emperor's Heart Book finally disappeared, and his body was free.

Locked by this bronze mirror, it is very difficult to break free, but Fang Yuan can only get rid of him by striking with lightning.

"What happened?"

The two veteran masters seemed to wake up from their dreams and looked around in anxiety. They didn't know what had happened.

"This emperor's heart is weird!"

Fang Yuan glanced at the emperor Xinjian and said, "This is the last ban of the emperor's mausoleum, but whenever we want to take this mirror off, it will trigger a spiritual counterattack in the mirror and calm our souls. Get rid of it and stay here forever!"

On that day, the old silver-haired master at Shumen was shocked: "How could this be?"

Said Li Xun around the world: "What about the little prince? Where did he go?"

Fang Yuan did not answer directly, but looked at a passage on the left side of the temple. There was a shallow footprint on the floating soil over there. It was the appearance of a young man. It was not difficult to estimate from the perspective of those who practiced on the foundation. , That's what the little prince left behind.

"Look at yourself!"

Suddenly, the black-haired array master's face changed slightly, hurried over, and got into the passage.


The silver hair trainer was also taken aback and quickly followed.

After a long while, the two talents came back, and their faces were extremely strange, and they were even afraid of looking afterwards.

"Brother, why did the little prince escape from there?"

The silver hair trainer still didn't understand it. After a long pause, he asked.

The black-haired old Array Master smiled bitterly: "Don't ask!"

He looked at the silver hair trainer and whispered: "Isn't there anything I can see now?"

The master of silver hair froze for a while, and said, "Brother, do you mean..."

The dark-haired old division teacher Shen Shen sighed and said, "Who can be right about the royal family? Your highness enters the emperor's mausoleum. The real purpose, we don't know anyone, before the old man really thought he wanted to take this emperor Xin Jian, but now think about it, we had originally invited him to come and work for him, so why should he tell us how to use Emperor Xin Jian?"

He said with a long sigh, looking deep into the hall and saying, "Probably he has something else to do!"

Fang Yuan saw the two of them and they could understand this, but it was a bit stunned. Although it was just a matter of hindsight, he was not stupid when he got home, so he whispered and said, "In any case, he did not really Let's drive to death!"

The two array masters glanced at each other, and they were both a bit lucky.

The silver-haired old man suddenly said, "But he promised us two thousand spirits afterwards..."

Fang Yuan's words are hard to speak...

He took back his reward, but the two formations did not consider it.

"It's good to go back safely!"

Fang Yuan no longer spoke much, so he walked outside the hall.

The two array masters glanced at each other, and they said nothing more.

In their view, they just came to accompany the walk, but this young team was really hard to break the line, if everyone finally fell empty, then this young team will pay But more than myself, the mood suddenly became better.

Outside the hall, Guan Ao was holding a big knife and squatted outside the hall door, watching the white cat bullying the 狻錊 playing across the stone bridge, so many things happened in the hall, he did not know at all, nor care, because he entered Before the palace, Fang Yuan told him to keep him honestly outside the hall. No matter what happened, he couldn't go in, but he faithfully followed Fang Yuan's words.

"Thank you Brother Bai..."

After crossing the stone bridge, Fang Yuan walked in front of the white cat and gently gave a salute.


The white cat gave Fang Yuan a slanted look, a look that he was too lazy to speak, but when his gaze fell on the gourd behind Fang Yuan, his eyes suddenly lighted up, "Meow" screamed, light Jumped up and flew towards the gourd.


Fang Yuan was slightly surprised, and hurried to the side, hiding the gourd behind him.


The white cat squatted on the ground, looked up at Fang Yuan, and gave a dissatisfied cry.

The old silver-haired master met and immediately smiled: "Mr. Fang Xiao, this is because of your fish, feed it!"

Fang Yuan stunned, glanced at the gourd behind his waist, and immediately understood.

Before this gourd he had been kept in Qiankun bag, but nowadays, he can't put it in Qiankun bag anymore.

The Qiankun bag can only hold things under a certain weight. Before the gourd was empty, it could be loaded inside, but after being filled with the entire spring water, its weight has reached a very terrible level If it is poured into a puddle, I am afraid that a small lake can be formed directly. In this case, this gourd square was only tied to his own waist.

However, to outsiders, this is just a translucent gourd with a fish in it. Although it looks like a new thing, it will not find anything amazing, just like these two formations.

But the white cat clearly saw it, looking at its greedy look, didn't he just stare at the elf in the gourd?

This suddenly let Fang Yuan take a breath.

This water walking elf is the key to practicing the water phase thunder spirit. How can this white cat eat it, but this white cat really helped himself a lot, and he was a little embarrassed, so he had no choice but to clenched his fist at it , Smiled bitterly: "Brother Bai, this thing is of great use to my practice, but it can't be given to you. If you want to eat fish, I will go back to the lake and grab some fat to give you..."

The white cat looked at Fang Yuan indifferently, hating him stingy.


The roar yelled next to him, eager to try.

It was already an enemy of Fang's original killer, plus the white cat saw the fish and wanted to rush over to grab it.

But the white cat suddenly turned his head, screamed lowly, and gave him a threatened look.

This 狻瓊 was frightened, and honestly fell down, dared not to play crosswise again, and this white cat looked back at the gourd around Fang Yuan's waist, and suddenly "whooped" and jumped to Fang Yuan lay down comfortably on his shoulders.


Fang Yuan was also taken aback, reaching for his gourd.

But seeing this cat actually lying on his shoulders honestly, as if there was very comfortable there, did not grab the fish.


The 狻瓊 was somewhat incomprehensible, and groaned pitifully toward the white cat.


The white cat yelled impatiently at him, as if to shut it up.

Then the paw patted Fang Yuan's shoulder, and the long tail slowly pointed forward.

"Are you going out with me?"

Fang Yuan was surprised and asked with some surprise.

The white cat is too lazy to think, is it not obvious that he is acting?

"Mr. Fang Xiao, this kind of mythical creature is so amazing, it is really a wonder to follow you..."

The old black-haired master also saw the meaning of the white cat, but did not think that the white cat was really in love with the fish. If he wanted to come to such a fetish, he would not be caught by any fish he wanted to eat. A green carp in the gourd is attracted. Now, this appearance naturally recognizes Fang Yuan as the main, and wants to leave Fang Yuan together. Immediately envious, he sighed sourly...

"Does this recognize the Lord?"

Fang Yuan sees that this white cat seems to be lazing on his shoulders and dozing off, but in the thin eyes that are squinted, there is always a light of Yu Guang unconsciously glancing at the gourd around his waist, some suspiciously said : "It still looks like I want to eat my fish..."

Although I felt a little uneasy in my heart, it was hard to tell if the white cat had already dozed off.

After all, this white cat has helped him a lot before and after. He has to follow himself, and he is not good at rejecting people thousands of miles away, right?

"Then... just go out first..."

Carefully protecting the gourd, Fang Yuan sighed and looked out of the ancestral hall.

"Mr. Fang Xiao, after leaving this mountain, I don't know what you plan to do?"

The black-haired old formation teacher hesitated for a while and asked Fang Yuan with a smile.

The old silver hair teacher also said: "Why don't you go to Tianshumen with us to be a Or ask each other for some formation!

"Go out and talk!"

Fang Yuan shook his head gently.

The two old array masters glanced at each other, thinking about how to deceive Fang Yuan up the mountain.

In fact, this time they followed the little prince, the purpose has changed.

Earlier it was just to earn a few thousand spirits of the little prince, but later it was to get close to the original.

After all, this division is not very old, but the skill of the formation is not shallow. Nowadays, there are even white cats and other gods to follow. This skill is probably stronger than the ordinary one-line master division. If you can ask him to go back to Tianshumen to do it With the help of an elder who enshrined something, the Tianshumen, which has been infamous for a long time, can have a place in the Uchi State and even the Dafa formations of Baxia Prefecture...

The most important thing is that the two of them feel that Fang Yuan is relatively easy to speak.

If you want to coax him back to Tianshumen as an elder, it should not be difficult...

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