Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 251: The emperor came

The monk above his head just flashed by and still found nothing.

It was a word from Guan Ao that suddenly made the little prince and the two formations understand a little bit.

As a spiritual practitioner, no matter who it is, there has been an experience that is obsessed with spiritual practice and does not want to be distracted.

In that state, regardless of everything, only practice is true. Only in this state can spiritual practice enter the country. But this state, no matter who it is, can only be maintained for a period of time, and then it will slowly return to normal. Can think of Fang Yuan's usual appearance and attitude in doing things, they suddenly thought, maybe he has been in such a state...

In this way, many things made sense.

After they met Fang Yuan for a long time, they always felt that Fang Yuan's temper was elusive. This young formation sometimes seemed indifferent, but this was not always the case. When he was really in contact with him, he would find out that he was actually There is nothing to do, if you can help someone, you will also help, but at some point, he is hard-hearted and not human.

Even in the eyes of these two formations, they felt that Fang Yuan was a bit strange at the time.

This person is very clever and does things with others. He is often sharp-eyed, resolute, and neat.

But sometimes it seems a bit stupid to touch, and the idea is simple, even clumsy.

They used to think that Fang Yuan was so unpredictable that he could not understand him, but now he naturally understands the reason!

This person is simply not willing to waste his energy into life...

If a person has a lot of energy, he spends 9% of his energy on spiritual practice, and the remaining 1% is divided into 10 portions. 30% of eating and drinking water, 30% of walking and watching, and talking with people 30%, the rest 10% is for rest!

How can such a person expect him to deal with people too much.

It's not that he won't, but he is simply reluctant to share that energy with others.

Probably only if he was forced to rush, he would simply devote some of his energy to solve this problem once and for all!

The little prince consciously did nothing in the ancestral hall, but in fact, he had already committed Fang Yuan’s taboo. He thought Fang had his own anger, which was wrong. Fang Yuan was not so angry. It's just that he left a mind at that time, making Fang Yuan feel that he is a man with ambition, untrustworthy, neither angry nor disgusted, but he didn't want to deal with him anymore!

A character like Fang Yuan probably only likes to deal with two kinds of people.

One is the smartest person, the other is the purest person!

The little prince wanted to understand this, and his mood suddenly became even darker, sitting blankly, silently.

The two old squads sighed and ran away to discuss what was going on.

As time passed, several teams of monks flew over them, but they didn't find the situation here, and they felt relieved. Seeing that night is coming, the starry sky, inside the mountains, quietly, the possibility of being discovered by those people is even smaller. After all, although the practitioners rely on the consciousness and are not afraid of day and night, when they are exploring, the five senses are capable Is also very important.

The white cat played for a day, was full, and was dozing off the tree.

Mo Yan was miserable by Guan Ao, and he lay under the tree to guard the white cat.

The little prince leaned on the stump and was dazed.

It seemed that he wanted to escape this time, but he was trapped here and hit him hard.

The two old array divisions entered the grotto that Fang Yuan cut with a sword, and solemnly had a conversation with Fang Yuan!

"We want to invite you into Tianshumen to be an elder!"

"Not much interest!"

"Our Tianshumen has been inherited for thousands of years.

"I still have something!"

"Our Tianshumen has studied the formation methods of all generations and has a cave and a collection of them. They are all the most famous large-scale array maps in thousands of years. This is a fine collection collected by countless array of division masters for thousands of years. The number of ordinary Xianmen is not as much as ours!"


"We at Tianshumen also have a great array of mountain guards arranged by the wonderful hands of our ancestors.


"Don’t look at our two formations... It’s a little bit worse than you, but that’s because our two perceptions are not enough. At the beginning, the Master had left us a message. With the qualifications of the two of us, this life will last. It’s the achievement of a large formation master, but in any case, our Tianshumen’s formation is top-notch, enough to train a superb five-grain formation master!”

"This one……"

"If you are willing to join me as an elder at Tianshumen, and be the same as me, you can enjoy all the collections of Tianshumen!"

"I go……"

"Hey, why are you scolding people?"

"No, I mean, I will go to your Tianshumen!"

When Fang Yuan said the last sentence calmly, the two old squads stayed for a while.

I couldn't believe it, and when I looked at it, I smiled bitterly.

I knew it was so easy to pull this formation back, why did they bother to do so many twists and turns...

The two immediately rejoiced, and immediately agreed on several conditions with Fang Yuan, and Fang Yuan agreed as much as possible. Both parties brought sincerity, and all the conditions, but there was no harshness, and the smoothness was simply unimaginable. The moment they hit, the joy in the hearts of the two formations need not be said much. When even planning to wait for tomorrow morning, the monks of Uchiguo walked far, and they went back to Tianshumen together.

However, what made them somewhat unexpected was that this area, the monks of Uchi State had already searched many times, adjusted the center of gravity long ago, and gradually went away, but somehow, the people who came to search were actually slow. Slower...

It's as if those people have pulled the focus of the search back into this area.

This made the two formation teachers a little surprised, thought they found traces of this large formation?

But this is not possible. If the other party finds out, then just kill it directly, why bother?

In my heart, I can only think that the monks of Uchi State are to be careful, and search each area a few times.

Anyway, this side is really clever. They flew through the air several times and found nothing wrong.

"Is there any way they can roughly determine our location?"

Fang Yuan also realized this, and had come out to explore it, and then frowned, thinking.

Then he looked at the little prince.

If those people judged the general location of this place because of him, then when necessary, he would only be able to part ways with him, and now he let the little prince hide in the big battle with himself, escaping from Uchi The monk's hunt was because he really took advantage of the Uchih ancestral palace. He was embarrassed to ignore the little prince's crisis.

But only here, he will not go to fight with the monks of Uchi Kingdom for the young prince...

......More importantly, the Uchi State royal family, masters out, but they can not fight!

"After a while, it's defenseless. Those people can't find where the big team is, just a general judgment!"

Thinking of this, Fang Yuan was ready to go back, just be careful and alert.

"Dragon...My dragon..."

"Where are you, the mother came to you later..."

But at this time, in the night sky, there were several women’s calls, and the little prince had always been leaning on the stump. He looked at the monk flying in the air worriedly. After hearing these calls, he suddenly stood up suddenly, his face suddenly showing the color of surprise, some incredulously said: "Is... is the mother?"

"Dragon" is his breast name, only his mother would call him that.

"That fairy princess has been beheaded by your grandfather, you don't have to be afraid, come out, my child..."

In the night sky, the sound sounded again faintly, far and near, as if wandering in the far sky.

"Queen Mother, really Queen Mother..."

The little prince ecstatically shouted and hurried towards the place where the voice came.

"Your Highness, beware of fraud..."

The two array divisions at Tianshumen were taken aback, and came over to stop.

The little prince smiled and said: "My mother will not harm me, and the name of Long'er was secretly taken for me by my mother. Even the father prince did not know, because the father prince has always said that I do not need to practice, so it will be difficult in the future. Cheng Daqi, my mother only took such a small name for me. She said that I must be the dragon of man in the future. This secret will not be told to the father and emperor until he ascends..."


The two formation masters of Tianshumen didn't know what to say for a while.

Thinking in my heart, is it possible that the demon concubine who covered the sky with one hand in Uchiguo really died?

"Mr. Fang..."

The little prince ignored the two of them and walked a few steps quickly. When he came to Fang Yuan, his face was anxious, apparently wanting him to let himself go.

Fang Yuan also frowned a little at this time, not knowing what she was thinking.

The little prince took a deep breath and had a lively smile on his face, saying: "The uncle who I told you before was still shot. Uchigu is safe, now I will go back..." Fang Yuan's calm face, he also chuckled a little, hesitated a bit, and whispered: "I just thought about it, the thing in the ancestral palace is that I was wrong, Mr. Wang should not blame me, until I went out to see my mother Then, after Mr. Dad’s mother’s great grace, he will prepare another gift, and then, Mr. Wang, Mr. Wang can accept me!”

Fang Yuan glanced at him silently, and he was excited when he saw the little prince, but his attitude was very serious.

He up a French seal, and the large burst of light that enveloped the sky slowly separated a gap.

The little prince was very excited, pointing at the two formations and Guan Ao, shouting: "You both have a reward in return!"

Not to mention, anxiously sacrificed a magic weapon, and quickly rushed out of the large formation, rushing towards the direction of his mother’s voice in the night sky, yelling "I am here" in the mouth, and in a flash, I rushed out After traveling a few miles, I saw in front of him that a woman wearing a pale yellow robe came to the wind, looking at what she did not look like her mother, and she was overjoyed...

"Mother, I..."

He opened his hands and had to hug him, but it was at this moment that shadow had already reached him.

Then the little prince stayed for a while, and his back instantly became cold.

It was indeed her mother, but she was swaying and fluttering like a kite.

Because it was just the skin of his mother...

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