Just three hours ago, a tall and expensive jade came out of a palace in the south of Uchi State slowly. Around, with dozens of Yin Shi around to support, in front, there is a team of guards of Jin Ge iron open. Behind, followed by one hundred and ten powerful yellow towel luxuries, Xianfeng Huangyun, the inexplicable aristocracy. This jade came to the highest peak among the 100,000 wild mountains, stopped slowly, and then in various voids, various teleportation spirits flew from time to time.

"How is it going?"

After Yu Ling's pearl curtain hung down, a soft voice rang out.

The Yinyin next to Yuyong checked the charms and whispered, "Hui Niang, your Royal Highness has not been found yet, but the teacher has locked the position in general. The children are trying their best to explore. You can find his whereabouts!"

"The little prince is very naughty. Mo wants to make him trouble again, but he needs some people to find him first!"

The voice in Yuling sounded, seeming lazy, with a hint of sweet and lazy meaning: "You are all familiar with things, don't let people play the game, just in case. The thunder tree in that man's hand is fake, but it's not pretty!"

"Yes Yes……"

The Yin Shi was startled, and agreed quickly, then a series of orders were passed out.

As Lu Fei's confidant, he certainly knew what Lu Fei was most concerned about.

Although he also heard reports that he saw the shadow of the Qibao Thunder Tree in the hands of the division, but he did not see it with his own eyes, and no one dared to confirm. In this case, naturally he still had to catch the little prince first. So as to avoid accidents...

"Submit the order and let the children in the 100,000 Manshan Mountains work harder..."

"Other people must find out the whereabouts of the division within one hour, otherwise they will be severely punished!"


The orders he gave were instantly made into magic symbols, and the words were spread to the sky.

But at this time, suddenly, in the northeast direction, the change was abrupt, and a thunder light visible to the naked eye rushed to the sky, and the infinite thunder radiating from it, still surprised people in such a long distance, I don't know how many people stopped. He looked up and stared blankly at the thunder, and the whole person was like a fool.

"That is……"

The servant waited for a while and looked up.

"Sure enough..."

Yu Ling's bead curtain was suddenly lifted, revealing a charming and boundless face, staring at the horizon.

At this time, someone had heard a glorious light, and the Yin waiter hurriedly took it over, and looked at him, his face suddenly changed slightly, and said to the beauty in the jade lord: "Mother, find it, the teacher actually hides in In the middle of the Tianshu Gate, and did not know what he was doing, he actually urged the Qibao Thunder Tree, so that the thunder light leaked out, revealing his identity, maybe he was refining the Thunder Tree!"

"Get it!"

Suffering suddenly, Lu Fei said nothing more, no doubt.

I was not sure about the whereabouts of the Seven Treasure Thunder Trees before. Now that I am sure, I don’t have to hesitate anymore.

More importantly, she didn’t know what the division was doing. It stands to reason that the Qibao Thunder Tree was not so easy to refine, even Jin Dan’s overhaul, but if the other party’s hair and feet were causing damage to the Qibao Thunder Tree, then It is also an intolerable loss.

The Yin Yin was slightly startled, and nodded quickly: "Yes!"

"Let's go too!"

Fei Lv put down the bead curtain, and her voice looked a little cold: "Also, let your majesty come too!"

"Please come over, Your Majesty?"

Yin Shi heard the words, but stayed a bit hesitant.

Lu Fei said: "This is the national treasure of their Uchi country, shouldn't he help?"

The Yin Attendant froze for a moment, and bowed quickly: "The slave-servant understands!"



"Bold fanatics, donate my Uchi National Treasure immediately, otherwise don't talk about killing..."

At this time, the location of the Tianshumen Mountain Gate, around Dingding Mountain, on all sides of the mountain tops, were already covered with the Uchi Kingdom Xuanjia, heaven and earth, it can be said that the surrounding water is impassable, but in the distant sky, it is still at its source Someone kept chasing.

It was just in the Dingding Mountain shrouded in clouds and fog, listening to this loud shout, but there was no movement and no one answered.

Above the top of the mountain, Chongxiao's thunderlight was slowly converging, and it seemed that the teacher had also anticipated the leak of thunderlight.

"Tianshumen monk listened, opened the mountain quickly, otherwise it wouldn't matter if he killed..."

The Xuanjiawei commander underneath shouted again, spreading all over the field, full of murderousness.

"Help me..."

"This division tied my two ancestors, trapped me on the mountain, and begged the general for help..."

The command of the leader was still unfinished, and there was a scream of wailing and sorrow at the foot of the mountain.

Hearing this, the commander's face suddenly sank, and he suddenly waved his hand: "Tapping the mountain!"

Now that the matter is over, he naturally doesn't want to delay any more time. If the army of Uchichi arrives, why would he stop in front of a small fairy gate, especially when he heard that Princess Fei and His Majesty were ready to come in person, he wanted Before that, first forcibly attack the mountain gate!


People in the army who were good at the formation of the lineup came forward, deduced the formation method, and then reported to the commander, and then each commander immediately led the iron armor guards, rushing up the mountain from all directions, or holding weapons, or offering weapons, For a time, the person who rushed up the mountain was like a ant, and the magic weapon was like a black fly in the air. The rumbling straight towards the mountain protection around Dingding Mountain desperately beat the past...

In front of a national army, Tieqi, there is nothing to stop!

They usually did not destroy some small immortal gates that angered the Uchi kingdom.

But this time, it seems a little different!

The situation of Dingding Mountain is very strange, and there are dangerous cliffs on all sides. Previously, only a few ladders fell on the nearby mountain for people to climb. Now, those ladders have been cut off, which makes Dingding Mountain become a castle in the sky. , Can't go straight up, so the Xuan Jiawei can only sacrifice the magic weapon at this time, flying in the air, Wu Yangyang rushed towards the mountain...

But when they flew into the air and approached Dingding Mountain, but they had not yet stepped on the ground, and when there was no front and back, suddenly, the sky became dark, a gust of wind in the air, stirring the wind, the foot The ability to destroy mountains and pull trees is terrifying.


These Xuanjiawei rushed into the air, their strength is naturally good, and they are at least practicing Qi at the sixth floor, but in the face of this violent wind, they can’t hold their bodies immediately, and even their respective magic weapons can’t control it. The wind is flying, there are many people in the sky. In such a mess, you hit me, I hit you, and there are some people who have fallen from the air, and the screaming dragged out a long tail.

Those who are stronger and did not fall, feel the horror of flying snow in the air.

On that day, there was so much snow, the ice was extremely cold, and it fell on the human body and the armor. It immediately condensed into a thick layer of frost, and even the action seemed extremely difficult. The closer to the Dingding Mountain, the more the snow and snow It was awesome. Some people already rushed to Dingding Mountain, but before this step was taken, they were frozen into ice sculptures and broke apart.

"General, this battle is so powerful, don't let them die..."

After seeing the situation, there was nothing I could understand. I hurried to the highest leader of the mountain to report it.

"You are formations, can't you break this formation?"

The commander's brow furrowed and he snorted.

"This... this is the Tianshanmen's guarding mountain array. Although this gate is just a little fairy gate, all the disciples of the past have studied the formation method carefully. This guardian mountain array is their gate inheritance and accumulation for thousands of years. Xuan Ao is boundless. It can be said that it is not much more than the large array of our Uchi State Palace. Even if the large array of masters is here, it is impossible to break through. With our own skills, how is it possible..."

The division in the army smiled bitterly, and the expression looked very helpless.

"Could it be that I'm so ugly that the Chichi Xuanjiawei is going to be stopped by this broken formation?"

The leader who led the attack on the mountain was very gloomy at this time.

"My mother is here..."

It was at this time that a loud drink came from afar, and there was a sudden silence around the foot of the mountain.

But seeing in the distance, a jade dragon with a large palace under the **** of the guards slowly came and stopped at the Baizhang beyond the foot of the mountain. The guards around him immediately rushed forward, He whispered the situation here to the Yin Shi next to the Yu Ling, and the Yin Shi, after listening to it, also frowned, then turned his head and whispered to the people in the Yu Ling.

"So many people here, can't even break this tiny fairy gate mountain array?"

Among the jade dragons, a somewhat charming and lazy voice sounded: "Forcibly attack the mountain, tear it with your hands, bite it with your teeth, fill it with your life, I don’t believe it. The small mountain guardian array can’t be broken!"


The Xuan Jiawei commander listened to his heart sinking, and hurriedly ordered to continue.

Soon~www.wuxiaspot.com~ among all the people who surrounded the mountain, more than 30 masters who built the foundation have gathered in front of the mountain.

This power is already terrifying enough to wipe out more than half of the immortal gates in the Uchi Kingdom. When these people were ordered, they rushed up the mountain together, or they performed magical powers, or sacrificed magic weapons, and even Some disregarded their faces, even the secretly refined blood treasures were sacrificed. In a word, in any case, we must break through the mountain protection array and take the bold array master!

After all, that division was the person Lu Fei wanted, and if he won him, he would have done a great job!

"Shoot swoosh"

Seeing more than a dozen tyrannical bodies rushed into the air, straight to Dingshan.

Behind them, a group of Xuanjiaweiwu followed, pressing like a black wave towards the mountain.

The evil spirit formed by that army was brighter than the ray of light on the mountain.

Among Yu Ling, a voice whispered in a low voice: "In the face of absolute power, what can be regarded as a breakout?"

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