Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 288: Grace

Fang Yuan at this moment, the mood is very complicated.

In fact, for him, the most worrying thing is that when he raised a problem with this last volume of Lei Fa, the golden old lady would be tempted to understand that when it was confused, it was true that the bite was passed to the real person of Taihua. Refa.

If so, then he has no reason to continue.

However, the confession of the golden old man made him a little unexpected, not only directly admitting that the last volume of Lei Fa was problematic, he even said that this volume of Lei Fa should indeed be given to himself, although it was additionally proposed The conditions made Fang Yuan unacceptable, but he was also psychologically prepared for it. After all, Fang Yuan knew from the beginning that he couldn't easily get this Lei Fa!

And when that condition was stated, Jin Laojun also looked at Fang Yuan.

When she saw him with no expression and no happiness, she sneered and said, "Everyone is expensive, you are not afraid of my prestige to come to the city, and dare to come alone to seek the law. After seeing the old body, telling the thoughts in your heart, you can see that you are open-minded. The more you look at the old body, the more you like it. This is what a spiritual practitioner should look like, and it is for this reason that the old body gave you this gold house. Opportunity for your son-in-law..."

The old lady said slowly and slowly, the voice was not loud or fast, but it seemed to contain a force that could not be refused: "This girl is my thirty-two generation grandson, not old, but The main line of my Jin family has grown up now, not yet married, I see you are about the same age as her, married her as a wife, and then you enter the Jin family logically and you must pass the thunder and embark on the road to becoming an immortal. nice?"

Fang Yuan frowned slightly and raised his head, and then he saw that the golden old lady was looking at him now.

From the deep, invisible eyes, it seems that you can feel the power of the world.

But Fang Yuan took a deep breath and said, "Thank you senior for your kindness, but...can I change the condition?"

"Oh, don't you agree?"

Jin Laojun has always been eloquent and eloquent, just waiting for an answer from Fang Yuan, but when Fang Yuan really said her answer, she suddenly changed her face and smiled sensibly, saying: "Or Don’t think my golden granddaughter is not good enough for you?"

Fang Yuan simply gave her a default, and thought to herself: I am here to collect debts, not to sell myself...

Just thinking in my mind, how to think of another way to get this last volume of Leifa!

The golden old lady was also a mature man. When he saw what Fang Yuan looked like, he seemed to guess what he was thinking. He sneered and said, "Young people, don't think about those little tricks anymore. You should understand that with your present It’s a bit of cultivation. What can I do to impress the elders with the slightest skill? Let me tell you the truth. The Tiangang Wulei cited by you is in the mind of the elders. If Dajin family, only the elders know the real last one. What does the volume look like, but since it is a secret biography of my Jin family, why should I pass it to an unrelated outsider?"

In the old eyes of Jin Laojun, Jing Mang was faint, just looking at Fang Yuan.

That feeling seemed to have determined Fang Yuan, and gave him no other chance at all.

And Fang Yuan listened to her saying so absolutely, and a sigh of anger grew in her heart: "Isn't this the way Taihua Master Zun should have gotten this?"

He is now aware of the problem.

Jin Laojun, with his voice, regarded this Lei Fa as a secret biography of the Jin family and hijacked him.

The problem is that this volume of Lei Fa was paid back by Taihua Real People with endless resources at that time, and the price of ten years of playing for the Jin Family. At that time, Tai Hua Real People should get the real Lei Fa, but the Jin Family Deceived him, now Fang Yuan, just on behalf of Taihua real people to get back the real Lei Fa he should have gotten, just like Taihua real people's last words, he came to collect debts!

Prior to this, in order to avoid a deadlock, Fang Yuan has not broken this point.

But now, the old lady Jin is aggressive, he said it, and broke the window paper.

Jin Laojun listened to this remark, sneered, and spoke for a long while: "This remark is not bad. There were some problems in the practice of the elder body that year. I need the resources of Lei Dao to solve the problem. I worked for ten days in the city for ten years, and made a lot of credit. What I sought was the Tiangang Wulei lead of my Jin family. I also promised him, but this person..."

She said with a long sigh, her breath suddenly turned cold: "...after all, he refused to stay in the Jin Family!"

"He refused to stay in the Jin family, how could I let the real Tiangang Wulei lead outside?"

Her voice grew louder and louder: "So, Taihua is asking for trouble after all!"


Fang Yuan heard this, and already had some meaning of rogue.

At first, you must not agree to it. Since you agreed to it and accepted the gift from Taihua Real People, then you should preach!

The result was not only faxing, but also deceiving people with fake methods, which ultimately caused Taihua to die and die. Isn't this a revenge?

I didn’t quite understand Taihua’s grievances before he died, but now he understands his chest...

These shameless words were actually spoken by an overwhelming Yuan Ying overhaul, and they almost burst into anger.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Before waiting for Fang Yuan to say anything again, the golden old lady already snorted and sneered: "Things are so simple, Taihua was like that, and you are the same. If you enter my door of the Jin Family, I I will pass on this method to you, and I will also give you good practice and give you the resources to practice, but if you refuse to enter my golden house, hehe, you have seen what happened to your master!"

After all, big sleeves flicked: "No need to rush to answer, think about it!"

Fang Yuan held a sigh of anger in his heart, but the woman next to him had walked over and said to Fang Yuan with a smile: "Little Fairy Master, please do so, you have to keep in mind what the old lady said, anyway The matter is as simple as that, and the old lady does not force you. If you want to seek the law, then enter the door of my golden house. If you do not want to enter, it is also your business. You have to choose it yourself!"

After all, Fang Yuan closed his mouth. He also knew that this estimate was the limit of the Jin family.

Now that the matter is over, it's useless to say more. It's better to go back to Sun Guanshi and discuss it.

Without salute, he turned out of the hall.

Outside Jin Hanxue, Miss Shuanger, Cui Yunhai and others were waiting, and when Fang Yuan came out, Jin Hanxue had to come forward to ask something, but Fang Yuan did not want to say more, just waved his hand and went straight away. , Let some of them look stunned...

"Hehe, did the ancestors dislike him?"

Seeing Fang Yuan's appearance, Miss Shuanger was very pleased and quickly asked the female officer.

When Cui Yunhai saw it, he was only slightly relieved.

He has become more and more annoyed during this time, but it is only because the Tianjiacheng Jinjia value Fang Yuan that it is not easy to attack.

In case, if this man touched the golden old lady, wouldn't he be able to manipulate him at will?

But I did not expect that the female officer listened to Miss Shuang's words, but smiled softly: "Wrong, the old lady likes him very much..."


Miss Sher suddenly froze.

The female officer gave Miss Shuanger another smile and said, "And the ancestor really hurts you!"

Miss Shuanger didn't know, just smiled proudly, said: "Of course..."

The words were still not over, and the woman officer had teased and said: "So the ancestors helped you pick such a good family matter!"

As he said, he flicked at the figure that Fang Yuan left.


Miss Sher suddenly froze, as if she was stupid.

Cui Yunhai also stayed for a while, but only felt uneasy...

In order to marry such a daughter of the Jin family, how much effort did our Cui family make? Why can you be so relaxed?



"Well, the Jin family is just so deceiving..."

When I returned to the courtyard, I saw Sun Guanshi and Guan Ao eating pig's head meat and drinking wine. Fang Yuan walked into the room with a cold face. Sun Guanshi quickly followed in and saw Fang Yuan After being silent for a long time, he said coldly with a disgruntled expression.

Sun Guanshi was shocked: "Are they still reluctant to pass the Fa?"

Fang Yuandao said: "She will marry my granddaughter!"

Sun Guanshi froze for a moment: "This is not a good thing..."

Fang Yuan frowned tightly, and suddenly said to Sun Guanshi: "Brother Sun, this matter can't be delayed any longer, and you don't have to count on the Jin family to pass on the law so easily. You still tell me honestly. What is the way to get Leifa!"

Sun Guanshi said: "Isn't this already successful?"

Fang Yuan stunned slightly: "Huh?"

Sun Guanshi smiled and said, "My way is to let the Jin family recruit you as your son-in-law..."

Fang Yuan: "...Damn it!"

Sun Guanshi saw Fang Yuan's amazed expression, and immediately smiled happily, saying: "I told you before, none of the Jin family juniors can pick up the beams, and have not counted for several lifetimes, and you are heaven. Building a foundation is the existence that any Xianmen will value. For the Jin family, it will only value you more than other Xianmen. As long as you are the son-in-law of the Jin family, they will even care more about your practice than you. The question is, after all, regardless of everything, just focus on spiritual practice, wouldn’t everyone be happy?"

Fang Yuan said silently: "Then you made me stand out at the fairy banquet..."

Sun Guanshi said: "Why don't the little girls look at you..."

He said with a sigh of relief, "It looks like I underestimated you, the little girl didn't say, the old lady is really in you!"

Fang Yuan didn't expect Sun Guanshi's idea to be so unreasonable.

Frowning tightly, he decided to say: "This matter is not feasible!"

Sun Guanshi pondered: "I also think that the small one is not very reliable. I had hoped that you would find the big one..."

"This is not a matter of size!"

Fang Yuan was anxious After a while, he suppressed the fire and said seriously: "Brother Sun, you know I won't stay at the Jin Family!"

Sun Guanshi heard this, and his face changed slightly. He became more serious and looked at Fang Yuan with a more complicated look. He said: "Senior Fang, when you crossed the border of the country, when you met the beautiful woman, I was down the mountain. Waiting, naturally know what you think, I thought it was a good thing at the time, but then I guessed something, but I don’t think so anymore..."

He patted Fang Yuan's shoulder gently and said, "Trust me, Brother, this is the best chance for you to get out!"

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