Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 46: Xuan Huang 1 Qi Jue

   "Chen Yang, a disciple of Qingyang, reads you to practice diligently, talents are not bad, pass on your purple air flow cloud formula, be sure to practice well!"

The old man in gray didn't even notice Fang Yuan's heart, or he turned a blind eye. He had four jade slips in his hand. It seemed to be the information about the four people including Fang Yuan, and he glanced calmly at the contents of the jade slips. After that, he immediately shone a spiritual light into Chen Xu's forehead, but shocked Chen Xu for a long while. He didn't seem to expect that the Xianmen would pass on this profound skill to himself.

However, as a disciple, there was no room for choice. What method to pass was chosen by Xianmen according to their own conditions. Their previous discussions were only to pass the time, and they actually did not have the power to make decisions. .

   "Thank you elders!"

  Chen Xu still showed a surprised expression, and was busy saluting the elders.

   "You go to Dongfu to learn, if you have any questions, the old man will point you at you!"

  Gray old man robe sleeve waved, Chen Xu disappeared directly in the ancient palace, I do not know where to go.

   "The disciples of Qingyang are too true. You have a clever mind and a natural charm. If you pass on your dreams, you must practice well!"

   The old man in gray looked at the jade jade in his hand again, his chest was full of bamboo, and a beam of light hit the charming woman's forehead.

   "Thank you elders!"

   Too true to get his wish, busy bowing his thanks.

   "Let's go to Dongfu for enlightenment!"

  The old man in gray again waved his robe sleeves, and Taihezhen disappeared into the hall too.

"Qingyang disciple Wang Kun, your talent is not bad, you are smart, but you are lazy in temperament, and your practice is not diligent, otherwise the last time you preached at Feiyun Mountain, the old man should see you!" The old man in gray looked to Fang Yuan The handsome young man gave a few words of politeness, and made the person flushed, and then said: "This time, I will pass the Ziqiyunyun formula to you, so that you can practice..."

  Not to mention, a flash of light came, and it had already entered Wang Kun's forehead.

  Wang Kun stayed for a while, and said busyly: "Thank you Elder for mentioning, but the disciple wants to learn Sanyuan Yujian......"

   "You don't have the same roots, what kind of swordsmanship do you learn?"

   hadn't finished speaking yet, the elder waved his sleeves impatiently, and he disappeared into the ancient palace directly.

   "It's finally my turn!"

   Fang Yuan took a deep breath and looked up at the elder.

The elder looked down at the jade jade in his hand and pondered for a long while before he said, "Fang Yuan, a disciple of Qingyang, the old man knows that you can pass the Six Questions of the Immortal Monument shortly after you entered the immortal gate. It is really rare. , Even Brother Yun, praised you so much. You can see that your talents are not weak. Which of the four Qingyang methods can you understand or want to learn?"

The elder was able to say this to himself with patience. Fang Yuan was somewhat flattered and thought about it for a moment, saying, "The disciple was lucky enough to pass the six questions of the Xianbei. It is really hasty, and I have no time to understand the four methods of Qingyang, let alone know What do you want to learn!"

The elder listened and smiled, saying, "Then I will tell you that these four methods of Qingyang are the foundation of my Qingyang ancestry, and they all have merits. Among them, the purple stream Yun Jue, breathing purple energy, taking the clouds and raining, unpredictable changes. Yin Yang Yu Shen Jue, reversing Yin Yang, refining souls and transforming gods, ferocious and terrifying. Xiaoqing Mengshu is to transform the world, strengthen the soul, and the ghosts are difficult to be. Three Needless to say, Yuan Yu Swordsmanship, a sword spans tens of thousands of miles, is built to the depths, and it is also very easy to take the first level of a thousand miles away!"

   Fang Yuan heard it, but he was a little dazzled and had a hard time making a choice.

This kind of mystery is not a trivial matter. It can be said that it runs through the whole stage from Qi training to foundation building, and it is also an important method to lay the foundation. It may affect his entire path of cultivation, let him make a choice, but it is difficult... …

  According to his temperament, it would be nice if he could practice four profound skills at the same time!

   If you take a single course, to be honest, it's a bit unsightly...

   "Oh, do you think that these four mysteries do not fit your own mind?"

The elder Chuan Fa seemed to have seen Fang Yuan's thoughts, but he smiled gently, and then waited for the red face of Fang Yuan to justify, he sighed: "This is also expected. In fact, I and Yun Elders and others, prepared another line for you!"

   said Fang Yuan slightly startled, and raised his head.

   "I thought I would give it to you half a year later, but now it is ahead of time!"

  The elder Chuanfa didn't say much, just got up slowly and walked towards the **** behind him.

The idol was about three feet tall, cast in bronze, and was quite fierce. Fang Yuan saw it just as soon as he entered the temple. I saw that the idol was born with blue-faced fangs. It was terrible, but it looked peaceful, and there was a kind of compassionate emotion between the brows and the eyes. The eyes are slightly closed, but it gives a feeling that if this eye is opened, there will inevitably be fierce prestige, blood tumbling 30,000 miles, and burying one side of the world...

   While the idol is held in the palm of his chest, there is a scroll, which looks very old.

The old man in gray robe first bowed in front of the idol, then reached out and took off the scroll above the idol, and sat back in front of Fang Yuan again, said in a deep voice: "Junior, you know my Qingyang Immortal Gate, What is its position in the spiritual world?"

   Fang Yuan listened to this, slightly stunned, and whispered: "Qingyang Sect is one of the five immortal gates in Vietnam, inherited for a long time..."

   "Oh, needless to say, our Qingyang Sect has indeed fallen to the same level as those of the four factions..."

The elder gray robe interrupted Fang Yuan's words, and seemed to be somewhat helpless. He shook his head gently before saying: "You only know one, but I don't know if you have heard of it. I was born in Qingyang for thousands of years. The time of the robbery has survived. Thousands of years ago, it was even known as Kyushu, but it was the well-deserved first immortal gate in Dayunzhou. This little Vietnamese country... Ha ha, when have we been in our eyes?"


   Fang Yuan was surprised when he heard it. The old prestige of thousands of years ago, it is inevitable to be awkward to mention it again at this time!

  Whose ancestor was never widened?

  The elder gray robe ignored Fang Yuan's reaction, but said lightly: "You know why Qingyang Sect fell later?"

   Fang Yuan had to shake his head: "The disciples don't know!"

   The elder gray robe patted the scroll in his hand and sighed, "It's because of it!"

Having said that, looking squarely at Fang Yuan, the expression dignified and said: "Now the Qingyang Sect's four traditions are well known, but a few people still remember that the Qingyang Sect was not the four traditions but the five traditions! The Qingyang Sect used to dominate the Yunzhou because of the existence of this heritage. Our foundation and our reliance are this: Xuanhuang has a recipe!"

   Fang Yuan heard this, and stayed awake for a while, and was surprised for a while: "Now..."

   Elder Grey Robe sighed for a long time and said, "This inheritance is now broken!"

He patted the scroll in his hand and sighed: "This Xuanhuang Yiqi formula is powerful, but it is difficult to cultivate. Among them, the method is unpredictable, powerful and terrifying. In the previous Qingyang Sect, each generation has a true disciple to practice this. Law, and then passed down from generation to generation, after selecting a new generation of heirs, they will give up their own mysterious yellow to the next generation of heirs, and then orally give heart to help them practice, so that the next generation of talents can Successfully repair this heritage!"

"And this mystery of Xuanhuang was inherited from generation to generation. Until a thousand years ago, my Qingyang Sect was robbed The true disciples of that generation hadn't had time to train their descendants, and they suffered a strong enemy. Since then, Qingyang Sect has only this inherited mentality, but no one has cultivated the spirit of Xuanhuang..."

   Speaking of this, the grey-robed elder felt sorry, and it seemed very regrettable.

   "Is it impossible to practice this method successfully without the aura of mysterious yellow that came from my predecessors?"

   Fang Yuan frowned as he heard it.

Elder gray robe said that the Xuanhuang qi tactics, although all rely on the Xuanhuang Qi passed down from the predecessors to practice, but there is always the first one, he can not have the help of his predecessor Xuanhuang, he can only cultivate by himself, he If so, why can't future generations be?

   "Theoretically it is feasible!"

Elder Huipao smiled bitterly and said, "But that's just talking after all. After this lineage has been passed down, we have also selected many disciples to practice this method, but after all, they still failed, the closest The successful one was a true biography three hundred years ago. He received the care of all the elders in Qingyang Sect, helped him push his mind, gave resources, and gave him all the help. And he also made progress at the beginning. Very fast, but in the end, when he was about to practice to the third level of Xuanhuang Qi, he still failed. Since then, our hearts have been lazy, and even feel that maybe this Xuanhuang inheritance is really broken..."

   "There is such a mysterious inheritance..."

   Fang Yuan heard that after a long time of contemplation, he suddenly remembered something and looked up: "The elders said to me that this means..."

   "You must have thought of..."

Elder Huipao sighed softly and looked at Fang Yuan with a solemn expression: "Since you started, whether it is Brother Yun or deacons, you think your talent is very rare, so we hope you can choose Try this heritage!"

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