Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 506: 3rd Sword Demon

"Uh... this and this..."

The man in white robe seemed to be about thirty or forty years old. Jin Dan's low-level Xiu Wei had a fierce look. He obviously didn't expect this scene to appear. It was a moment of embarrassment. The fierce expression on his face had not faded, so he stayed so. Face.

Suddenly stunned by the countless gods, he realized what had happened.

Although he still didn't understand how Fang Yuan discovered his existence, how easily he stepped out of those fierce restrictions, and then floated in front of him so lightly, but he understood a problem.

The person in front of him couldn't afford to be offended!

If you cannot afford it, then of course you have to answer it well...

So he suddenly waved his hands vigorously, beckoning his brothers who had shown their heads from various places in the ruins, hesitating whether to kill them or not, and then hurriedly backed up, and then hurriedly stood up, wanting to knock a head towards Fang Yuan Come down...

But Fang Yuan's palm pressed lightly again, pressing him back into place, and said lightly: "Just answer the question directly!"

"The villain does not know Mount Tai, and has angered the fairy master, and begged him to spare his life..."

The man in white robe had no choice but to sit there and anxiously gave him some forgiveness. Fang Yuan's temperament and strength really shocked him, thinking that he had angered Daozi characters of a certain big family, and he said a series of words of salvation, Seeing Fang Yuan frown slightly, he seemed a little dissatisfied, and suddenly he woke up and replied anxiously: "The Huixian Master knew that this Yujianmen had been destroyed by the door a year ago. It is said that this Yujianmen, Someone found clues about Wusheng Jianzuo, so they were coveted by countless people..."

"No Health Sword Tomb?"

Fang Yuan frowned and said, "What is that?"

The man in white robe choked, and it seemed that Fang Yuan would ask this question.

Seeing that Fang Yuan didn't really know it, he smiled bitterly: "The inanimate sword mound is... the burial place of the third generation sword demon..."

"The Third Sword Demon?"

Fang Yuan was taken aback, then suddenly realized.

He has been studying in Langya Pavilion for more than three years. In addition to looking at Xuan Gong divine method, during his free time, he also read some classics in the practice circle to solve the boredom. After a long time, naturally, the legends everywhere in the practice circle, And the great people who have dissipated in the long history of history have learned a lot. Of course, the more important thing is that this third-generation sword demon is really famous.

Any mention of the third-generation sword demon has something to do with Emperor Jiuzhongtian of Li Hongxiao's ancestor.

It is said that in the ancient times, the advent of the two catastrophes made people panic. Some people thought that at this time, they should gather the strength of the world to fight against the catastrophe. Therefore, there was enough soil for the formation of the Xian Dynasty. After countless years of disputes, Finally, a powerful practitioner appeared, known as the Supreme Immortal Emperor. He led troops to fight the East and West, and finally unified the practice boundary and established the ancient immortal dynasty.

The third great disaster after that was indeed resisted by the ancient dynasty led by the immortal emperor, but gradually, the hidden end of the immortal dynasty began to appear. In order to ensure that his position was not shaken, the dynasty’s **** of the world became more and more The harsher the situation, the more severe the suppression and the framing. In the worst case, even a ban on immortals was issued to prevent the appearance of new practices in the world, so as not to threaten your rule.

Hundreds of years have passed, the realm of prosperity is no longer in the past, but the strength is becoming less and less chaotic. Seeing that the fourth catastrophe is coming, the ancient dynasties are waiting for all kinds of roads. Instead of resisting, you are pushing me. Want to save power.

It was at this time that a stranger was born, which is what the later generations called the third generation sword demon.

Regarding this person, there are only a few pens above the official history of spiritual practice, but in wild history, there are countless legends.

Fang Yuan had seen a detailed biography of this person in Langya Pavilion.

It is said that this person was originally an orphan of Mozhou and was born at the end of the second robbery.

When the third Devil Abyss arrived, the clan died. He was ten years old and hid in the dark abyss. He was eaten by the clan’s body for six months before he was discovered. Afterwards, because the talent was not weak, he began. In spiritual practice, this person acts all his life. He is impermanent and cruel, and in order to improve his cultivation behavior, he does all evils, refining the soul pill, seizing the immortal method, and even throwing his wife and beheading...

... In short, he has done almost all the bad things that ordinary people can think of, and he has done countless evil things that ordinary people cannot imagine.

In the third era of robbery, this man's magic name spread all over the world and has been wanted by the ancient dynasty, but he was powerful and arrogant, but he has never been taken.

On the arrival of the fourth catastrophe, the dark dynasty was endlessly arguing and resisting the defense, but this person suddenly shot, and I did not know what means was used to bring the realm to heaven, but the immortal emperor who had died of his life was assassinated. All kinds of unspeakable evil means forced the princes who had mastered the heavy army of the Xian Dynasty to resist the big robbery. Finally, the big robbery passed through, and the world was spared from the disaster.

After the fourth catastrophe, the Third Sword Demon was also liquidated, and every prince in the world fairy dynasty must gather masters to kill him.

Zeng Li has vowed that who can kill the three sword demon, who is eligible to ascend the throne.

However, the three swordsmanship was high and deep, and the realm was heavenly. Not only did the master of the fairy dynasty kill him, but he angered him, and then he hid, and he was specifically opposed to the fairy dynasty. Every time a prince was established in the fairy dynasty, he assassinated one. Nine princes were killed by front and back, causing a mess in the Xian Dynasty, and no one dared to be king.

It was also after that, the ancient immortal dynasty finally lost its imperial power gradually, and the major princes became independent portals, and experienced a long period of chaos and conscription with each other. Finally, there was no climate in the immortal dynasty. Situation...

Because this person has gone through three disasters before and after, it is called the third generation sword demon by future generations.

Because of his series of actions, he has accelerated the fall of the ancient immortal dynasty, which is called the dark dynasty by later generations, and the demolition of the only imperial power in the long history of the practice world. Some key points can even be said to him One person reversed it, and it is for this reason that many scriptures and wild history have been recorded, saying that the Dark Dynasty was actually the death of the Third Sword Devil alone.

However, just after the fourth catastrophe, the third-generation sword demon disappeared.

Since then, few people have seen him again, and he did not show up during the fifth catastrophe.

Therefore, people in the world have speculated that he should have died before the Fifth Tribulation. However, afterwards, I don’t know how many people were dedicated to searching for his remains, and there were many news that his bones had been discovered. But it is a pity that in the end, everything was proved to be false, and it was nothing but rumors.

Regarding the three generations of sword demons, it is a mystery whether they have lived to the first generation and where they finally sat down.

What Fang Yuan didn't expect was that he just wanted to find out the origin of this volume of unknown sword scriptures, but he encountered such a thing.

This made him even ridiculous.

"Senior Master, what I said is true..."

Seeing Fang Yuan's expression, the white-robed man knew that he didn't believe him, and hurriedly explained: "This Yujianmen had a sword immortal three hundred years ago. This was a junior who borrowed an unknown name, but suddenly Rising, defeating all masters, even the white robe swordsman of the sword wash pool, the scenery is infinite, but this person has not been beautiful for a long time, he was killed by several masters together, this Yu Jianzong did not even dare to avenge However, some people later discovered that they kept sending people deep into the snowy field and seemed to be looking for something. This attracted some people’s attention, tried their best, and finally found out that they were looking for lifeless. Sword Tomb!"

"At the beginning, all the schools were half-trusted, but I heard that even Xijianchi and Chengtian Kendo sent people to investigate, only to know that this was mostly true, and some masters of Yilou had pointed out that the third-generation sword demon It’s really possible that the inheritance of the world was born, and all the schools were nervous. At first, I tried my best to seek clues with the Yujian Sect, but later, several evil gates directly destroyed them. Yujian Every page of the scriptures in the Zongzangjing Pavilion was taken away by various factions and desperately looking for clues..."

Fang Yuan listened, frowned slightly, and said, "Then you..."

The white-robed man smiled embarrassedly and said, "Fairy Master, we also want to try our luck to see if we can find the clue of Wusheng Jianzuo. I didn't expect that Fairy Master came suddenly. We were afraid that we met our opponent. , So I want to start first..."


Fang Yuan nodded, seeming to be suspicious and turned to leave.

But just when he seemed to be turning around, suddenly the corner of his sleeve flicked lightly, and there was no flickering green.

This man in white robe showed some fascination on his face, and after a while, he reacted and said, "Is there anything more to say about Master Xian?"

Fang Yuan smiled and said, "What are you doing here?"

The white-robed man was stunned for a while and said, "We are here to catch people. The news of Wusheng Jianzuo spread. I don't know how many fools came to this Xueyan Ridge to find clues. I'm here with my brothers Hold on, as long as someone who seems to have oil and water comes over, they will be introduced to the battlefield here, and they will be taken away by a blast, taking away the spirits and magic weapons from them..."

Speaking of which, he seemed to feel vaguely improper and paused.

Fang Yuan smiled and asked, "Is it just that?"

The man in white robe resisted a But he still said, "The most important thing is the soul of Jindan monk. Now it is very easy to sell, and the monks who inherit the swordsmanship are all buying at high prices. , The spirit of a Jindan low-level monk can sell three thousand two spirits, the spirit of a mid-level monk can sell six thousand two spirits, the high-level monk is powerful, but it is ten thousand two... "

Fang Yuan's face suddenly sank slightly, and he asked a few more questions, his big sleeves brushed gently.

The white-robed man woke up with a terrified look, and his eyes were frightened, trembling: "What did I just say...?"

"You didn't say anything..."

Fang Yuan looked at him with a smile, and said, "Did I just promise to spare you?"

The white robe man nodded hurriedly and shouted, "The fairy master said that as long as I answered all the questions, then..."

Fang Yuandao: "Then I'm sorry!"

While speaking, he patted his forehead gently with his palm, and then grabbed his right hand into the void. The green air turned into a long sword, and began to swim between the ruins and wield the sword to kill. 8)

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