Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 519: Chengtian Kendo

I thought I could temper a sword through this fierce battle, but I still couldn't do it. This inevitably made Fang Yuan feel a little depressed. Before this, even if Li Baihu once said faithfully, he His sword will not be improved, and he doesn’t believe it, because he believes that there will be a reward for this effort when he is young, and he has a strong confidence in his sword, but this time it seems to be different. , It seems that someone is telling him that this time, the road is really broken

He knew that practice and learning were the most annoying and impetuous, so he quietly drank tea and wanted to keep this pressure down, but the effect was not obvious. After half an hour had passed, he still remembered it. I feel a little unconscious

"Tuk Tuk"

Outside the cabin, there was a soft knock on the door.

Fang Yuan frowned and said, "What's the matter?"

The flying ghost outside the cabin seemed to flinch, hesitating for a while, then whispered: "Son, somebody asks"

"Someone's asking?"

Fang Yuan frowned.

I thought that there would not be many people on this vast snowfield, and not many people I knew. Who would come?

Upset, I wanted to be casual.

But at this moment, outside the dharma boat, a dragon sound suddenly sounded.

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, and he could tell that the Long Yin was due to a kendo master playing a sword. This is an extremely powerful kendo method. The other party is obviously using this method to show himself to Fang Yuan Kendo repairs.


Fang Yuan sighed, forcibly suppressed the restlessness in his heart, and got out of the dharma boat.

When he came outside the Fa boat and faced the wind and snow, Fang Yuan felt calmer and calmer.

When I looked up, I saw a man on a snow **** about a hundred feet away from the boat, standing a few men like a spear, who were wearing the most common snow robes on the snowfield, but behind them was a huge piece of snow. The black cloaks are extremely tall, with a deep air and a faint edge, even when the wind and snow reach them, they are also depressed a lot.

"Where did so many kendo masters come from?"

Fang Yuan looked at them, his eyes narrowed slightly.

After he entered the snowfield, he also naturally understood the distribution of forces around him. He knew that above the snowfield, there were some mysterious cultivators of the mysterious track, or the devil who sat on the ground, but now it is the third. Outside the Daoxue line, there are fewer resources, and the wind and snow are cold, so there are not many masters distributed, such as Tong Laomo, etc., it is already a top-notch existence.

And now the few people on this snow **** seem to be first-class masters of Jindan Realm, whether it is a vigor or a body style, it is far from those of the devil who are like a casual repair. Where did it suddenly appear again?

More importantly, when he saw these people, Fang Yuan felt a sense of familiarity.

"Oh, the six heads of the single-headed horses went into the snowfield, slashing all the demons, but their whereabouts were hidden, which made me ashamed."

When Fang Yuan appeared, the person above the snow **** suddenly smiled softly, and clenched his fists towards Fang Yuan, the voice was not too hard, but it penetrated the wind and snow and passed clearly. Fang Yuan's ears showed that Xiu was not weak.

"You recognize me?"

Fang Yuan listened, but narrowed his eyes, and looked up at those people.

By this time, he had almost guessed the identity of the other party.

"You are young in martial arts and double cultivation, you will be able to defeat the ten demons with one sword, and you can defeat these ten demons one by one. These characters can't be easily cultivated by the snowy fields of the poor ridge. This kind of arrogance, Fangyuan Daoyou has revealed such a hand in front of Wuxue Mountain. If we still can't recognize your identity, then we have inherited the sword of the sky, and we have been in the snow for so many years."

The person who spoke was a gentle man with white skin and three strands of long beards. He looked more than 40 years old. He seemed very polite when he spoke, but it seemed to have a strange power. , We must see through the heart.

"Chengtian Kendo"

Fang Yuan listened to his self-supporting identity, and immediately determined in his heart, it really was these people

He has been in the snowfield for so long, he will not know anything about the forces on the snowfield, and even said that he has learned a lot before entering the snowfield. To touch the existence.

Chengtian Kendo is not a martial art, but an alliance of countless people.

If you change the common saying of the disciples who wash the sword, they will be called "Evil Sword Cultivator"!

According to Li Baihu, Fang Yuan’s unbroken sword scriptures have inherited on the snowy field. I don’t know when it started, but it has been popular for hundreds of years. The exquisite truth of this swordsmanship is widespread, but it is intriguing. After countless people are coming to herons, this is the Snow Wolf sword that fought with Fang Yuan. In the sword path he cast, there are some ideas in the unmissable sword sutra, which are considered to be the same as Fang Yuan.

Since those who practiced this kind of swordsmanship, they began to break through the obstacles of the sword heart with evil methods, and they forged a deep enmity with the sword wash pool. With the strong strength of the sword wash pool, there are countless masters, and there is no way above the big snowfield. Who has this ability to confront head-to-head, but these cultivators of evil swords are not only few, but more and more, they have secretly formed alliances to fight against the sword-washing pool for many years.

In the eyes of Xijianchi, they are demons and evil repairs, and they are the most unforgivable evil repairs.

But they themselves don't think so, but they are on their own.

No one dared to call them cultivators above the snow field, but they all commend them for their heritage swordsmanship. Because of the methods they practiced, it is said to be derived from a merit originally called Chengtian swordsmanship. When he got it, he claimed to be Chengtian Kendo.

These people are usually very careful to avoid being discovered by the sword wash pool, so many people prefer to pay a high price when cultivating, driving the demon heads to hunt for the monk soul for them, while hiding in the depths of the snow field. Or hidden in the depths of some martial arts, it is not known, but Fang Yuan did not expect that he had just revealed his true strength, and they went to the door openly.

"Then you come to the door, what advice do you have?"

Fang Yuan was silent for a while, spoke lightly, and the Qi in his body rose up indiscriminately.

In fact, he also knows that most of the demon heads that he has entered into the snowfield and beheaded have secretly contributed to these evil repairs. Those demon heads are the minions who hunted the souls of the monks for these evil sword monks. , And came here along the way, beheading countless devil heads, in fact, it is equivalent to cutting off the minions of others, breaking the road of capturing the soul of others.

Especially in this battle under Wuxue Mountain, they even uprooted the oldest demon in their claws, and made them cut off a large source. If they want to come, the other party will come to the door. Nine is here for revenge

"Oh, Ming people don't tell secret words, why do we come here, Fang Yuan Daoyou still don't understand?"

However, after listening to Fang Yuan’s words, the long beard Jianxiu smiled softly and seemed very polite, saying: “Zhongzhou asked the front of the mountain, Fang Yuan’s Daoyou won the top six prizes, and the world is full of prospects, but it’s a pity. Because he had to fight against Yinshan Sect and was tabooed by Xianmeng, he forcibly suppressed the chance to enter Kunlun Mountain. Without the inheritance of the Immortal Dharma, I could see the practice of breaking the road, the future is vague, and my heart was depressed. When we came to this snowfield to relax, we also understand Yes, it’s a good idea for the landlord to entertain the friends.”


Fang Yuan listened to the other party's words, and his heart suddenly narrowed slightly.

Slowly, he was relieved, and some understood the thoughts of these people.

After a moment of silence, he said lightly: "It's not necessary to entertain, the way is different, don't make conspiracy!"

"Haha, it seems that Fang Yuan Dao You still have some concerns!"

The long-bearded sword repairer seemed to have expected Fang Yuan’s reaction long ago and smiled aloud, saying, "The Dadao is three thousand, why the Fangyuan Daoyou are so depressed because one of the roads was cut off, and the snowfield climate is incomparable to Dongtu , But always let you see another situation!"

After all, gently waved and said, "Let me wait for the gift!"

Beside him, a person immediately held a white ice box, swept forward, and came to Fang Yuan, looked up at him with a low smile, and placed the box on Fang Yuan's Dharma Boat Go up, and then flew around again.

In the process, Fang Yuan remained silent and did not speak.

"After Friends Fang Yuan has considered it, let's go to the Six Palaces in the depths of the snow field to have a talk"

And the long-bearded man, after doing all this, looked up to the didn't stay much, smiled aloud, and slowly walked backwards with the others, the wind and snow around him, covering up After the wind and snow passed, they were completely invisible. Only the faint voice came out from the far wind and snow, like the sound of sword chanting.

"Hoo, leave?"

It wasn’t until those people disappeared for a long time that the flying ghost next to him looked out, his face uncertain, saying: "I thought these monsters came to the door to seek revenge. I didn’t expect to be so polite, son, you Is it really those six?"

Fang Yuan's face was also gloomy, saying: "No need to ask, bring this box in!"

Sitting in the dharma cabin, Fang Yuan frowned, looked around, but saw that the ice box was boxy, not a treasure, but it was temporarily melted out with ice and snow, and explored it with God's knowledge. I was sure that there was no prohibition or poisonous breath on it, so after seeing the box for a while, Fang Yuan finally made up his mind and slowly opened the box.

Then, looking at the things in the box, he was silent for a long time before he whispered: "Sure enough!"

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