Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 524: In big trouble

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"Tangtang white robe sword repair, why can't be so calm, you stand for me down to the mountain!"

Inside the inn, an unpleasant voice from Elder Min sounded, and Lu Boyuan was stunned. ┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Then I saw that Elder Min and Xiao Qinzheng walked down from the second floor of the inn, and other disciples of Xijianchi were also shocked by him. They came out from various places and looked at him strangely. It seems that the tangy white robe swordsman is so rude, and it is really not right to the name of this sword wash pool.

However, Lu Boyuan couldn't control so much, but he was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly said to Elder Min: "Look at it!"

Elder Na Min frowned, too lazy to go out, and it was a sword.

A sword gas flew directly out of the inn. From inside to outside, the inn was cut in half. All kinds of rafters and grass fell down, and she was swept away by her remaining sword gas, leaving only The staircase where she is still intact.

The field of vision in front of her was opened directly, and she had a glance. She frowned and swept coldly towards the south.

Then when he looked at it, his face changed slightly, wondering: "What are they doing?"

Xiao Qin and others looked at it, and felt a little surprised in their hearts.

They finally knew why Lu Boyuan was so confused.

I saw the far south, after the snow and snow, you can see that there are countless swords and light boats coming from far away, during which there are men and women, old and young, some rushed alone, and some bring their own belts From the mouth, this is a very rare scene on this sparsely snowy field.

The strength of the waiting air machine seemed to be that so many people had even attacked. Lu Boyuan had just accidentally seen it, and thought it was Fang Yuan who had brought someone to rush over.

"Elder Min..."

Seeing so many people, Xiao Qin quickly thought of a problem, and his heart sank, anxiously said to Elder Min.

Elder Min realized the problem, and his face sank and nodded.

Xiao Qin immediately rose into the sky, her wrists raised, and a pale red sword appeared in her hand, slanting towards the void, the sword was sturdy, and the wind and snow were blowing. If there is no snow line, Xiao Xiao scattered.

Such a sword is naturally not as good as that of Elder Min, but it is also very amazing. Although it is not enough to stop so many people, it is enough to attract the attention of the practitioners from the south and rush in In front of the monks, their faces all changed, and they hurriedly pressed on the cloud to stop flying, and their faces looked at Wuxue Mountain with some surprise.

"How did it stop ahead?"

"Who was trying to stop the road just now?"

"It seems to be the white robe of the sword wash pool. She shot me and waited for something?"



When I stopped in the front, I was immediately congested in the back. Some of them hurried on the road, and even bumped into each other. I fell down in a hug, and a crowd of black crowds was noisy at the moment. A pot of porridge is similar.

"Dare to ask the white robe of Xijianchi to stop me from doing so?"

The oldest man with purple whiskers was surprised, and asked on behalf of the public.

Xiao Qin's face was cold and frosted, and he frowned and said, "You are like a swarm of bees, what are you doing?"

The old man with purple beards looked awkward and hesitated before saying: "I waited for something important to rush into the depths of the snowy field, but I didn't know that the disciples of Xijianchi were here. But he didn’t dare to collide with Xianjia, a disciple of Xijianchi..."

The words were extremely polite, but clearly did not answer Xiao Qin's question.

And as he was talking, he had to turn his head, and the people behind him hurriedly followed.

Especially in the void behind, there are still a lot of people rushing over, accumulating more and more, some people see that the road is blocked in front of them, and don’t want to think about it, they immediately rushed towards the east and the west, scrambling Come ahead.

"you guys……"

Xiao Qin's face seemed to be unabashed, and even worried, he shouted: "Stop it for me!"

Her words spread far away, but behind this group of people, they ignored him, still heading in other directions, but the first few people did not dare to say her words. Disregarding, a little embarrassed, and some anxiously stopped, and rushed to Xiao Qin and the disciples of Xijianchi, saying, "I'm waiting for something... I don't know what else the Xianjia has to say?"

Xiao Qin looked at them anxiously, and felt a little puzzled in his heart. He shouted, "I ask you what to do!"

The old man with purple whiskers looked even uglier, and was obviously reluctant to answer.

It’s behind, some brave, anxious people can’t help but hide in the crowd and drink: "What do we want to do, do you know if you wash the sword pool, if you don’t know, how could it be here Stop us?"

"Yes, Xijianchi has such a big appetite, would you like to swallow the treasure alone?"

"We usually respect the sword wash pool, but at this time, the sword wash pool stops us again, it's too much..."



Even Xiao Qin didn't expect him to ask such a question, and actually aroused such great anger, and he was shocked.

Faintly, thinking worriedly: "Is that what happened?"

Looking at the excitement of the crowd, she didn't know how to ask for a while. As a disciple of the sword wash pool, it was even harder to explain to these people. It was too cheap, so she was asked by everyone. It seemed to be a little speechless for a while, but in this way, it was more like confirming what the Xiu Xiu thought, more anger rose up and rumbling.

"Go around, everyone detours..."

"Lao Feng blamed them long ago from Xilianggou, we will drag on, and the soup will not drink..."

"I wasn't sure if the news was true or false before. Even the sword wash pool was stopped here, and it was even more true..."



It was only in such a stunned place that I saw more and more monks in front of Wuxue Mountain, hundreds, or even thousands, and there was still a steady stream of people coming. That was Xiaoqin's knowledge, and he was never in Wu Seeing so many practitioners in front of the snow mountain, she even doubted that there are so many monks on this snowfield? Didn't even the whole monk of Xuezhou come over?

"shut up!"

At this time, the elder Min could not bear it anymore, and suddenly snorted.


She suddenly rushed into the air in a sudden, her sword spirit swept all around her, and she was suddenly violently windy. She rolled over within a few tens of thousands of miles, just like the sky collapsed, the noisy monks, everyone The wind and snow that filled his mouth, the complaints full of swallows also swallowed his stomach at this time, and it became very quiet for a moment, and everyone looked up in midair in horror.

"Yuanying Jianxian?"

"Will the Baby Sword Immortal be sent out in order to swallow the treasure alone?"

"Yes, for that treasure, let alone a Yuanying Jianxian, it would be worth sending ten to..."

These words just dare to think about it in my heart, and dare not say it.

Elder Min just glanced at it, and suddenly raised his hand, and the old man with purple whiskers was caught directly by her. She glanced coldly at the old man, and her voice said: "Why did you come here?" Here, quickly!"

The old man with purple whiskers was frightened, and the pour beans were generally poured out: "The Wusheng sword mound appeared in the depths of the snowfield. Baizhisao sold the Wusheng sword mound map at a high price, but this old man was black, Seven pictures were sold, and they were accidentally leaked. Some people even printed hundreds of copies in one go. The map was made public. Everyone went to explore the treasure in the deep snow..."

"No Health Sword Tomb?"

Elder Min heard it, and he was slightly startled: "That is the legendary inheritance of the third-generation sword demon. It has spread on this snowfield for tens of thousands of years and thousands of years, but no one has ever found it. So sure, is that true?"

The old man with purple whiskers cried out quickly: "If it is not true, how can so many people believe it?"

Elder Min suddenly realized a terrible question and anxiously said: "Who knows the news?"

The old man with purple whiskers shouted: "I'm afraid not the whole Xuezhou knows myself. We were unlucky and chose such a path..."

Elder Min's face turned blue.

Suddenly she jumped into the sky again until she reached a thousand feet. She was in the layers of snow clouds, her fingers playing the sword, and the sound of a sword chant spread quickly. Wherever the sound went, the scenery above the snowfield also reflected in her sea of ​​knowledge, and then under such a sweep, she was shocked and her heart sank, almost unable to hold the sword knowledge.



Above the vast snowfield, there were black crowds everywhere, hurried to the depths of the snowfield.

In front of Wuxue is only a part now, and more in other places.

Like ants, they gathered from all directions, tens of thousands of miles...

She was completely stunned. If there were only a few people, or even a few hundred people, she could still use the power of a sword to stop these people, but how could so many people rush into the snowfield, how could she stop them, Where should I start to block?

Suddenly thought of something, the sword light beside her shuddered.

With a whine, a sword light broke through the sky and chopped thousands of miles away.

That was already the second snow line above the snowfield. Near the White Corpse River, near the White Corpse River, in a more secret place, a dharma boat was parked. The sword flew away, and then directly The dharma boat was cut in half, but in the dharma boat, there was no one she wanted to see. The entire dharma boat slowly disappeared, turned into green air, and then disappeared between the wind and snow.

"Sure enough it's you ghost..."

Elder Min's face became very heavy at this time: "Child, do you know how much trouble you are causing?"

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