Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 526: Family events

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Above the snowfield, the bad weather has created batches of snow beasts. It is hard to imagine how they grew up in this snowy and cold place, but this vast snowstorm also created these The power of the snow beast...

Starting from the outer edge of the snowfield, the more you go inside, the smaller the number of snow beasts, but correspondingly, the strength is one stronger than one. Just after this fourth snow line, there have been some top fierce beasts. Each one can fight for the existence of the Jindan strongman, and in the snowfield, there are legends that are even more terrible and terrible, and can eat raw infants to eat. Bookmark this site┏Ⅹ④③⑨⑨┛

Of course, for the ordinary practitioners, these snow beasts are as horrible as wind and snow, but the other party was originally just his test sword stone.

Coming all the way to the depths of the snowfield, the snow beasts he encountered became more and more terrible, but Fang Yuan has never unlocked his magical seal. No matter how dangerous it is, he has always fought against the enemy with a simple sword. Kill the snow beast.

Now he is holding a fire in his heart, and he has a kind of open-minded posture.

Although he has determined that this kind of tempering has little effect on improving his sword intention, he is still working hard to practice, even if he can't improve his sword intention, he will understand more about the kendo and make his sword spirit more condensed. It’s good too...

And in this process, he honestly recalled his process of practicing sword intention.

When he left Qingyang Sect, he was chased and killed by Qingyang disciples all the way, including his own teacher, Mr. Zhu, who laid down his life to protect him. At that time, he unintentionally achieved sword intention, and now he can't help but think about it. Is it true that he needs such a touch now that he can raise the sword intention again?

But that kind of touch was something that was unintentionally felt.

Now deliberately think about it, I am afraid it is useless...

That's it!

Since this road is difficult, let's go step by step!

Of course, if he walked step by step like this, the fierce beasts on the snowfield would suffer.

When passing the fourth snow line, I encountered a group of snow wolves, each of which has the strength of low-level fierce beasts. The victory is extremely large, and there are hundreds of them. Under the leadership of a snow wolf king with the strength of a mid-level fierce beast , Hu La La stirred the wind and snow, and came over to Fa Zhou.

Fang Yuan singled out the sword and rushed into the snow wolf group, slashing dozens of snow wolves, facing away from the snow wolf king.

The Snow Wolf King was frightened by his eyes, and slowly took the remaining Snow Wolf back into the snow.

After reaching the fourth snow line in the middle domain, I encountered a group of snow beetles. This is a more fearful existence than ordinary snow beasts. It does not eat people into bones and never rests. Fang Yuan singled the sword and stopped. Before the dharma boat, it killed seven or eight hours. Before the dharma boat was killed, the snow beetle corpses piled up a mountain, and he also became a blood gourd, full of blood stains.

But in the end, Fang Yuan still worked hard to find out where the worm mother was, and killed him with a sword.

Then at the fifth snow line, I met a strong snow bear...

...And then the snow bear saw Fang Yuan's lifeless life and ran away with the baby!



And just when Fang Yuan hurried on his way, fighting the snow beast all the way to sharpen himself, he was whispering about something in a snow valley less than three hundred miles away. In this snow valley, he stopped The three or four snow-white dharma boats were all stamped with harsh seals. The protection was strict and undaunted by the wind and snow swords. It can be seen that the things above the dharma boat are very important.

Beside the Dharma Boat, there are more than a dozen practitioners dressed in snow-colored cloaks, and a black fierce ape covered with steel needles and covered in black hair like a hill. Staring at a treasure mirror with a serious expression.

The treasure mirror was flying in the air at this time, a faint aura of light flew out of the mirror, and swept lightly around, and in the process, the scenery in the mirror was constantly changing, it seemed to be In this treasure, looking for something.

"Can't it be more powerful?"

Sitting on the shoulder of the black ape, a woman dressed in snow cloaks waited a long while and couldn't help but urge it.

"Although this thousand-mile streamer can be used to find people, it can't be destroyed too quickly. If that person is really the six chiefs you said, then the consciousness must be strong, the mirror light that is destroyed is too strong, and it will shine on him. When he found out..."

Someone whispered next to me and said while looking at the woman covered in snow.

The woman said no more, but her attitude was quite right.

So the person in charge of the mirror can only continue to find it.


After a long while, suddenly on the mirror surface, it shuddered like water ripples, revealing a face painting.

I saw that it was a man in a green robe who was reflected in the scene. At this time, it was a single sword, a three-headed fierce battle, a snow python like a magic disk, a sharp sword, a strong wind Swinging snow, extremely fierce, did not fall down in front of the three snow pythons.

"In the north, two hundred miles away..."

The man in the mirror looked at him, looking at the woman on the shoulder of the black ape: "Miss Wan'er, is he?"


The woman sitting on the shoulder of the black ape looked at the figure in the bronze mirror, and two hatreds were shot in her eyes. After a while, she said sensibly: "This man, this mean villain At that time, the old lady personally asked Langya Pavilion for me a chance to inherit the fairy law, and paid countless prices. In the end, he seized this opportunity and caused me to be reprimanded by the old lady, saying that I did not fight. Also chased me up to the snowfield for a long time...I will not be forgotten when I turn to gray!

"Sure enough, the chance of the young lady was broken, it was the six leaders of the four years ago!"

The monks around looked at each other and said in a deep voice: "You don't need to be a lady or indignant. This time it was him who caused the trouble. It was he who inspired thousands of Xuezhou monks to go to the snowy field, which caused a lot of eyes and eyes. It makes us have to wait here. I am afraid that the Xijianchi is most desperate for him now. When we notify the Xijianchi, someone will come to him..."

"Notify Xijianchi?"

The woman on the shoulder of the black ape said angrily: "When the person who wash the sword pool comes over, he doesn't know where to go, the vast snowfield, how to find him? Or take advantage of this time he did not find us, first he Stay on this snowfield and say..."


The monks around were taken aback, and hurriedly persuaded: "Miss Wan'er must not be impulsive. We are on the order of the family. We came to the snowfield to do this important matter related to the fate of the family. We must not expose the whereabouts. Nowadays, people are everywhere on the snowfield. We are also worried that people will find whereabouts, so we can only shrink in this snow valley, and wait for the sword wash pool to clear a safe path before proceeding. Now the news of the sword wash pool has not come. How can I provoke other messy things at this critical time?"

With these words, the faces of other monks also showed extremely worried expressions.

One after another said: "Yes, miss, now we are still guarding these supplies, waiting for the signal to wash the sword pool is better!"

"Yes, yes, personal grievances, nothing is more important than this family event..."



But in response to the persuasion of the people around, the expression on the woman's face changed slightly, and it seemed a little unpleasant, but after a while, she had recovered as usual, and there was a gentle and docile expression on her face, smiling at the people around her. Dao: "Several seniors, they are too small to look at me. I'm not ignorant. How can I ruin the family plan because of a little thing?"

After hearing this, the monks were relieved, but at this moment, Miss Wan'er suddenly whispered and said: "You are worried about leaking whereabouts, but ah, I just want to let it go After taking his life, why not show up?"

While talking, there was a little bit of euphoria in his eyes, and he sighed: "It was a chance God gave me. I met him on this snowfield. I couldn't get him anywhere else, but this At any time, I have some ancestors around me..."

Several other monks listened, their eyes worried again, and they wanted to persuade them again.

But Miss Waner waved her hand coldly and said, "You can rest assured that he will never know how to die!"

Having said that, looking at the fierce ape beside me, coquettishly said: "Ancestral Ape, will you not help me this time?"


The fierce ape thumped his chest, expressing his duty.

Miss Wan'er immediately smiled happily...




Fang Yuan is showing his sword, he can kill two snow pythons, and he has been injured. However, he did not dare to relax and caught up with the last snow python. At this time, the two of them are half a catty. To Baliang, this Snow Python was not badly injured, and Fang Yuan was also exhausted. It was when no one could help anyone, walking down the Snow Mountain, they wanted to make a fatal blow.


After the two found a chance, they flew out at the same time.

As soon as the body of the snow python was wrapped, Fang Yuan was rolled up, the mouth of the snake widened, spewing poisonous mist, and caged towards Fangyuan, but Fang Yuan was also violently shaking the sword, and the sword gas was violent, stirring the poisonous mist towards After going to the Sifangyuan, and then waiting for the opportunity to cut to the seven inches of the snow python.

"This battle is still a victory, but in the future he can be persuaded to stop killing like this!"

Above the Dharma Boat, Yan Mei, a kind-eyed and kind-eyed devil, sighed: "The snow beast inside is too powerful, and he is no longer able to deal with it with kendo!"

Several other people nodded in agreement.

Fang Yuan's madness has not decreased since the third snow line, but now is the time.

All along the are snow beasts, but if he kills like this again, he will be the one who fell.


But what everyone did not expect was that when Fang Yuan was going to kill Snow Python with a sword, suddenly there was an invisible force coming from the sky, and it was also at this moment that the surrounding snow suddenly changed suddenly. A white poisonous bee like a snow grain suddenly rushed out of the snow, lifting the bee tail like a sword, and rushed towards Fang Yuan.

At the same time, the surrounding snow waves were violent, but a group of snow wolves rushed from afar, attacking the Dharma Boat.

Above the head, there is even a stagnation of wind and snow, but it is a huge eagle, flying far away, rushing towards Fang Yuan.



Suddenly from this scene, no one in the field responded.

Yan Lao Mo froze for a long while, "Ao" screamed: "No, the retribution came..."

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