Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 571: 10 Years Sword

Fang Yuan was stunned and returned to Jianlu. I only felt filled with an indescribable meaning, and I wanted to look up to the sky and whimper, and at the same time, I only felt under the world, whoever gave me up, and I was full of panic.

At this moment, he had both the joy of getting the Tao and the terrible meaning of this way, which gave birth to a great horror.

Others repair the sword heart, I repair the heart sword!

Others pursue the avenue, I pursue...cut the avenue?

It's a big deal for others to go against the sky. Do you have to go against the road?

This kind of swordsmanship, which is hostile to the world and fears the world, is indeed terrible.

After realizing this truth, Fang Yuan looked up at the sky, and seemed to be able to feel between the sky and the sky. The vast snow and snow seemed to be a bit thick, and the sky was low, and he seemed to be heading towards himself. Own heart.

The robbery of the ramparts, the heavenly prestige, came violently.

Taking a deep breath, Fang Yuan withdrew his gaze and started the road of true enlightenment.

This method has great horror, but it also has great charm.

He made Fang Yuan feel terrified, but also made Fang Yuan feel an urgent desire.

And, the unstoppable excitement in my heart!

He forcibly calmed himself down, and then carefully thought back and realized.

By communicating with Qingyang Jianchao's sword intentions, he broke through the barrier and started to practice.

Converge one sword intention to achieve an all-encompassing heart sword!

This requires indescribable perseverance and the courage to fight the momentum of the world. Fang Yuan seems to have both, otherwise it will not achieve great swordsmanship, but it seems that both are lacking. In front of this trend, it looks a bit young But, fortunately, I am now in the snow field. After the ninth snow line, if it is about sharpening my mind and condensing the sword heart, there is nothing more suitable than this.



The wind and snow are xiaoxiao, flying forever in the snowy sky.

Gradually, Fang Yuan also turned into a stone on the snowfield, or a snowflake.

He has almost forgotten the time, just immersed in the tempering of the heart sword.

Above this snowfield, he returned to that boring life again, enlightening the sword, deducing, practicing the sword.

Qingyang Jianchi's sword intention only pointed to him in a direction. The specific cultivation method required Fang Yuan to find out by himself, but fortunately, Fang Yuan Tian Yan's technique was in his possession, and he also studied hard in Langya Pavilion. In the past three years, I have accumulated the foundation of endless ways, so it is not easy to find a way in this direction, but it is not too difficult. It just takes a lot of effort and energy!

And more importantly, Fang Yuan is not just trying to find a way.

He even wanted to sort out what he learned from this study and turn it into a practical kendo method.

This road is difficult, but Fang Yuan likes it very much.



On weekdays, Fang Yuan will also look for the sword meaning of Qingyang Sword Fool when he comes to the sky. When he walks through the vast snowfield together, he will realize his insights on Kendo, although the most Fang Yuan has already found the main way, but Qingyang Jianchi's sword sense still contains too many truths that are very useful to him, often letting him go.

Sometimes, I can't help but marvel.

This is only the Qingyang swordsman who was three hundred years ago. Who knows how deep this person understands kendo now?

This is just a sword intention of Qingyang Jianchao. Who knows how deep he understands Kendo?

After communicating with Jianyi for several years, Fang Yuan found a Xuefeng through this place where Qingyang Jianchi Jianyi appeared, where he saw a party more than his own Jianlu's Jianlu The more rudimentary and inconspicuous Jianlu, this Jianlu stands on a snow peak. If you don't find it intentionally, anyone who looks at it will only feel that it is a rock covered in snow.

However, in the depths of this ninth snow line, but it is located on the snow peak, this courage makes people feel respected.

It must be known that the chill above the snow peak and the plain can be very different.

In this Jianlu, Fang Yuan saw a few very simple things, a missing stone, a broken stone, a rough stone bed made of rock, etc., I knew in my heart, this is what Qingyang Sword was infatuated with the sword.

The place that Ling Zhao's map finally pointed to was actually here.

It's just that he didn't make it clear on the map, it should be circulated in Yujianzong as a word of mouth.

Fang Yuan also tried to use this question to ask Qingyang Zong Jianzhi's sword intention, but it was a pity that this sword intention could not be remembered at all. He didn't remember the existence of Ling Zhao at all, but Fang Yuan was vaguely guessing. At first, Ling Zhao should have seen Qingyang Jianchi, maybe he still exists as a sword boy.

In the Imperial Sword Sect, the secret methods of kendo left behind and those theories were all passed from Qingyang Jianchi.

Those theories, too mysterious, so deep, that those who saw them, would rather believe that this was left by a great man in the ancient times, but did not know that the sword of the great man, in the eyes of Jian Chi, It's just "but that's it."



After turning around in the Jianlu, Fang Yuan put away the broken stone tablet.

To his surprise, he recognized the material of the stone tablet with just one glance, and it was the same material as the stone tablet he had seen in Qingyang Sect and the sinner's tablet that he saw in the secret home of the Jin family. , There are also some vague runes on it, and there are also some sword marks, just like someone under the anger, wielding a sword on the stone monument will be cut out...

Thinking of what he learned from that sword, Fang Yuan guessed that these sword marks should have been left by the Third Sword Demon.

Qingyang Jianchi, from these words, saw the swordsmanship of the Third Sword Demon.

Now Fang Yuan still lacks some, can't see the real, and can't produce the kind of "the ancient power is just like this" courage, but this stone monument, he thinks it should be useful, so he stayed first and waited for the sword to succeed , Come to understand again.

After practicing sword, Fang Yuan also went to see Jin Hanxue.

When he first thought of Jin Hanxue, he hadn’t seen Jin Hanxue in three months. After a look at it, he found that the girl didn’t know when she had settled in. Her breathing was light, almost nothing, just between her body and the world. The coldness seemed to condense into one body, and it looked very mysterious, while the white cat lazily helped her protect the law in front of her, and saw Fang Yuan glaring at him with dissatisfaction.

Fang Yuan also felt that he didn't care enough, and went again a month later.

But this time, I found out that the white cat didn't know where to go...



At this time, Jin Hanxue was like a snowman, covered with thick snow. If Fang Yuan was not powerful, she could feel her vitality, and she almost thought that this girl was already Lived to death here.

However, at this time, she made Fang Yuan's face more solemn.

If she said a month ago, or before that, she just started trying to condense with some kind of vitality in this world, and recast Douji, then now she is almost almost successful, this time Her base of five elements has long been shrouded in a strange air machine, just like Fang Yuan was on top of the base of five elements, condensing the meaning of heaven and thunder, she is condensing the coldness of this world.

Even, it is now close to success.

At the beginning, Fang Yuan was only built on the foundation of the five elements, and the foundation of the half-step heaven.

But she wants to form the foundation of heaven and earth directly.

After three days of observing her, observing her qi and making sure that she was walking on the right path, there was no danger. Fang Yuancai laid a large array around the sword mound to prevent her from being accidentally alarmed. In these three days, I exhausted all my understanding, and merged all the related methods I saw, and a derivation of a divine law was left in front of her.

He knew that when Jin Hanxue achieved the foundation of Heavenly Dao, he should really embark on the road of cultivation.

With her current foundation, this divine law can help her achieve Zidan.

More importantly, her potential, even if it is a purple pill, could not be exhausted.

Therefore, this divine method, incorporating the three divine methods that Fang Yuan saw in Langya Pavilion, and some of the changes in the Xuanhuang Yiqi formula derived by himself, are based on the method of wind and snow, but their achievements are difficult to estimate. And, more importantly, Fang Yuan has deduced it as much as possible, leaving the path of this divine law, so that after Jin Hanxue achieves Zidan, he can chase other creations.

After all this was done, Fang Yuan glanced at Jin Hanxue and closed the large array.

If you can do something for her, just do something...

Otherwise, what else?



The white cat no longer knows where to go to play again, and Jin Hanxue's road is also clear, Fang Yuan can let go of his heart, slowly do his own thing, cultivate the heart sword that can't be cut off, and will also This kendo method is integrated.

Gradually, time disappeared year after year.

By the sixth year, the sword intention of Qingyang Jianchi also disappeared.

Fang Yuan knew the reason. This sword intention was left on Qingyuan by Qingyang Jianzhi. It was originally unintentional and rootless. It was too condensed, so on this snowfield, it was caught by the wind. Snow has been invading for hundreds of years and still exists, but when Fang Yuan discovered this sword intent and communicated with it, he was already consuming the power of this sword intent, little by little, until the power was exhausted.

In a sense, this sword will be eaten by Fang Yuan.

After all, the truth contained in this sword meaning is indeed almost the same as Fang So, in the vast snow and snow, it is year after year.

Fang Yuan has forgotten the time.

It seems that this world has also forgotten him.

Staying on this snowfield, he only had the temper of kendo in his heart.

Here, he can't see the existence of others, nor can he hear some major events in the world, but he avoids distractions, and can devote all his energy to the cultivation of Heart Sword. Wind and snow are often accompanied by...

So, ten years have passed.

Until this day, in the south of Kyushu, a piece of blood rose suddenly, as if the edge of blood was embedded in the sky.

It was at this moment that Fang Yuan opened his eyes suddenly.

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