Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 615: Go to Fang Yuan

   "Dark Lord?

  In the hall at this time, there were only a few dozen people struggling to support.

   was only suppressed by the large formation, surrounded by blood gu, but it was extremely dangerous, only to fight this strange blood gu with one mana.

But after hearing the other party’s self-proclaimed words, he was shocked for a moment, and he couldn’t even care about the power of the surroundings and the strange blood guts. They all raised their heads in amazement, and their eyes looked incredulously towards them. These people looked at it.

  The four words of the Lord of Darkness, in today's spiritual world, especially high-level spiritual practitioners, are well known.

  Even on such occasions as the Red Sky Society, this person was kept being lifted up, which shows his deep influence on Tianyuan.

And the facts are exactly the same, including the secret realm of Tianlai City that Fang Yuan has experienced, and the six big exams. This dark master, I don’t know how many things that contradict the strategy of Xianmeng, and I don’t know whether it is successful or unsuccessful. How many times the Xianmeng's plan was destroyed, so as soon as I heard these people self-reporting their origins, the practitioners in the temple knew about it. Undoubtedly, they shot again.

   It's just that people don't understand it, but here is the dragon mark...

I came in once, the dragon trail that was difficult, these people have gone through a lot of choices, and they came in after hard work. It can be said that this time the mission is simply secret, and this is precisely because they no matter what they thought before He is also reluctant to believe the reason why Wang Xu is controlled by others. Therefore, in the Dragon Trail, there can be no wise creatures to survive, and outsiders cannot enter at all.

   But the protectors under the Dark Throne still came in.

   And look at them like this, it is simply knowing the actions of these people.

Because they were watching in the dark, they could first lay a trap against the third team, and after that trap was discovered by Fang Yuan, and after hiding, he immediately took advantage of Wang Jing, who took the initiative to send the door, and laid down The second trap, finally taking advantage of the congregation in this hall, started a civil strife, then broke out and directly wiped everyone out!

   Send so many people in and let them grasp the movements of the three teams. Who did it?

   There was no fool in the hall, and soon someone realized the terrible problem.

  Could there be a Dark Lord among the Immortals?



   "You want to see Tianjiao Dao, maybe you will be disappointed. In today's palace, there is no Tianjiao Daozi, only a group of self-intelligent, self-interested, used by people who do not know, and finally let people easily get rid of a fool!"

  Qin Ranwu heard the other party claiming his identity, but he also smiled bitterly and replied somewhat self-deprecatingly.

   "Haha, I can't blame you!"

The other white-faced young man in sackcloth laughed at the words and said, "Our homeless man's ingenious means are the only one in the world..." The woman looked and sighed: "If it weren't for me that I sometimes even had the idea of ​​killing you, I have to wonder if I like you so much, did you hit your means!"

   The charming woman only sneered when she heard the words, her face was indifferent, and she didn't speak indiscriminately.

The Luoguo man next to him sneered, "What are you doing so much nonsense with them? It's important to fulfill the Lord's order, first kill these people one by one, or refine them into evil corpses, and then go to the unintentional fiance. Grab your son-in-law and talk!"

   After listening to this, the charming woman's face was slightly angry, and she glanced coldly at the Luo Guo.

   Even the white-faced young man looked displeased and said, "Negative mountain envoys don't talk nonsense, that is countless!"

The Luo Guo man was in a good mood, ignoring the white-faced youth, and just looking at the unintentional make Sen Ran laughed: "You don't look at me like this, I will not give you the opportunity to cast evil spells, as long as you are within ten feet of me, Then I will kill you!"

   While they were talking, Qin Ranwu just listened carefully, like a very polite bystander.

It was not until they clamored that he smiled lightly, looking at the unintentional envoy: "This fairy seems to be young, but he has such a seamless means. Qin Mou really admires, I have seen countless magic methods in my life, I have also met many opponents who are good at illusion, but when it comes to the essence, magic, and concealment of illusion, they really respect fairy, and Qin has to say something wonderful!"

   The four protectors all looked at each other when they heard the words.

Qin Ranwu paused and smiled again: "It's just that Qin is a little curious. You have entered the Dragon Trail. Apart from weighing our weight and fighting methods, is there any other purpose? The matter has come to this point. , Can you say that?"

   "Oh, at this time, do you want to ask for more information?"

The Luo Guo man sneered and said hoarsely, "You are that chaotic little saint? This kind of temperament is not bad. It's a pity. The four sages and eight masters in Zhongzhou are famous enough, but it's a pity. It’s waste, I thought I should confront you head-on, and I’ve taken your heart and soul. I didn’t expect you to be fooled by someone like this, and fell into despair. It really made me feel a little disappointed. There are two little saints at the devil's side, and sooner or later there will be a chance for this seat to get this wish!"

He said, glanced coldly, and shouted, "Want to see more of your own masterpieces? Long nights and dreams, since everyone has already won, then kill them all. Sooner or later, those who escaped After winning it, you can count on peace of mind!"

   The white-faced man sneered, didn't answer him, just looked at Wuxin with a grinning smile.

   And the involuntary make his face pale, his eyes swept across the field, more like too lazy to say anything.

   It was that big fat man with a golden copper complexion and a mountain-like shape. He nodded coldly and said, "Yes!"

   The fat man spoke very little, but as soon as he opened his mouth, others stopped speaking.

   Black lotus stillness seems to move a little, like shrinking petals.

   And the petals contracted like this, the void in the hall seemed to be squeezed, and it seemed much more dignified.

Within the hall, a group of monks who were suppressed by both forces and blood guts suddenly changed their face instantly, and they are not weak when it comes to strength. When they meet these messengers in peacetime, they may not have the power of a battle. The plan set by the opponent is too vicious, but they are in such a dangerous situation, and their power is greatly weakened. Even if the opponent does not shoot, they are extremely difficult, not to mention others?

   One by one was desperate and suffocated. There was a sense of grief and insult that he was born before he died.

   "Silver Needle Initiation, break up Yuanying, prepare for corpse refining!"

The golden-skinned fat man was expressionless and shouted sensibly, and dozens of men in black robes walked in around him, holding a special silver needle over a foot long in his hand. With a weird pattern, it is clearly a magic weapon. Seeing that they are so well prepared, it is clear that there is already a plan. Just now, they did not immediately kill all the people in the temple. It is useful.

   "Swords are coming to the head, can't you just stay away?"

   "Fight with them..."



   Seeing this scene, some people were indignant and shouted loudly.

   But my heart was full of anger, how can we resist it under this heavy pressure?

The large array of hands and feet around it is a heavy one, and the blood guts like the tide are one heavy, standing in the field. At this time, it seems to become a puppet-like king, and the four messengers are another heavy, black outside Lotus, also looks very strange...

   Under these circumstances, they really have nowhere to go...

   is full of arrogance in Zhongzhou Tianjiao, a family of people, at this time, it looks like fish to be slaughtered!

   And at this time, Qin Ranwu suddenly sighed.

  The messengers, in any case, did not dare to take Qin Ranwu in their eyes, and they all looked at him coldly.

   "Rantian Xiaosheng, what else to say?"

At this time, Qin Ranwu also looked extremely miserable, with five distracting nails on his body, which made him seem to be despondent, like an old man, and the blood guts around him, even more so. A large patch of erythema was eroded on his body, and it seemed that even the meat had been ruined for the most part. Although he still managed to maintain his grace and calmness, everyone could see that he was the most injured.

   He didn't even need to get a needle from the dark messenger, he just left it alone and he would die sooner or later.

   But at this time, his face was the calmest.

   "There is still a sentence!"

   He raised his head and looked at the four messengers, speaking quietly.

   "Oh, what's that?"

  The man with white-faced linen raised his eyebrows and asked with interest.

   Qin Ranwu's complexion appeared unusually calm, whispering: "My monk from Zhongzhou, Shijia Erlang, maybe I'm stupid sometimes..."

   He paused for a while before continuing: "...but after all, it's not waste!"


   Hearing such a sentence, all the practitioners in the field were suddenly surprised.

   It was at this moment that Qin Ranwu suddenly stared at his eyes, and the whole body mana rumbled up.

Also at this moment, three vertical stripes on his forehead suddenly opened at this time. It looked like three vertical eyes, one red, one blue, one gold, three different colors, All of them shot from the vertical eyes of his forehead, and as his three vertical eyes opened, the mana around him suddenly rose, and with each eye opened, the mana was easily increased several times...

   "嗤" "嗤" "嗤"

   The five distracting nails on his body, at this instant, were simultaneously ejected, shot into the surrounding stone walls, and shattered.

   "Not good, this guy still has a hand..."

  The four ambassadors of the Lord of Darkness were all taken aback and rushed forward.

While Qin Ranwu was in this instant, he seemed unusually calm, forcing out five distracting nails, and then took a deep breath. This breath was like a whale sucking water, endlessly, inside the surrounding hall. The pervasive poisonous blood gu was actually like a cloud of red mist, all of which was sucked in by his breath, and then he swallowed it into the body at once.

  His flesh, as this piece of blood guts entered, began to rot away inch by inch.

   But above his flesh, he began to show a red light, and suppressed the horrible blood guts.

   "Look for death!"

   The face of the four ambassadors changed greatly, and he was bombarded towards him in four directions. His mighty force seemed to crush him to pieces.

   But Qin Ranwu didn't The figure suddenly stood up and there was a blue light flowing around him.

   The blue light is like a water phase, very resilient.

  The power of the four ambassadors struck, and the blue light only shrank inwards, and then propped outwards.

   actually made the strength of the four ambassadors unable to get close to Qin Ranwu.

   And taking advantage of this rare skill, Qin Ranwu turned into a golden giant giant palm.

   Boom! boom! boom!

   This golden giant palm shot towards the sky fiercely.

He only heard a rattle, and even the large array inside the hall, and the black lotus outside the hall, were shaken by his palm, the large array cracked, turbulent, and the Taoist jade were shocked. Smashing, the large formation has completely lost its effect.

   And this palm, still holding boundless mighty power, shot straight out of the array.


   The power is indescribable, but the black lotus outside was photographed by him with a gap.

   "Let's go!"

  And all this was done, Qin Ranwu rushed straight towards the four protectors, turned his back to the public, and never looked back.

   "Go to Fang Yuan, now he is the leader of the third team!"


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