Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 647: Dragon Soul Awakening

Around the Sancun Ling Mountain, all the dragons’ relics have retreated, and the three monsters have also been chopped off. The pressure suddenly eased a lot. The surviving Cultivators, you look at me, I look at you, they are all injured, Actually gave birth to the taste of the rest of the life, just like a dream, no matter who it is, I didn't expect that I could survive. It was so hard to survive this time.

The Oriental Rising Sun has already risen, which means that the day is coming.

Their previous task was to support the day under impossible circumstances. At the beginning, no one was sure, but they could only support it for a while, but what they did not expect was that It's still the same day.

In the innermost part of their defense circle, Ban Feiyan, Li Hongxiao, Mo Yan, and the Qingdaoren were all dignified, carrying the seal of Sancun Lingshan.

The four of them cooperated, taking Ban Feiyan as the example. Under his derivation, the other three people quickly slammed various seals on Sancun Ling Mountain.

Today, it seems to have built a nine-story pagoda, suppressing Sancun Lingshan, and at this time, the nine-story pagoda has completed eight layers, leaving only the last layer, and is continuously breaking into magic weapons.

At this time, Ban Feiyan was completely like a different person. He sat there immovably, but he was running 361 calculations quickly, calculating the results one by one, and then made the arrangement. . The other three quickly became a line, meticulously carrying out his instructions.

This situation has been going on for a whole day, methodically, but the appearance of Ban Feiyan has changed.

His face was still calm, sitting still, but in his eyes, noses, and ears, there was fresh red fluid flowing out, but his face was extremely pale, no blood, and it seemed that the whole body of blood was about to be Streamer is general.

When he needed Li Hongxiao to help himself to see some changes in the calculation, Li Hongxiao realized that he was blind.

But when he began to replace speech communication with divine consciousness, and did not respond to what Mo Yan said, Mo Yan realized that he was deaf.

The only thing that hasn't changed is his degree of derivation. From the beginning to the present, it is as fast as ever!

Seeing that the seal of the nine-story pagoda is about to be completed, only the last few steps are left.

Li Hongxiao and the practitioners around him were relieved, and a heart could not help jumping out of their chests, almost couldn’t help but yell at the people who wanted to hug, almost couldn’t help crying with a headache, almost couldn’t help kneeling on the ground Thank God...

After suffering so long, have you finally reached this step?

Li Hongxiao held his breath and held a jade jade with nine hundred and eighty-one prohibitions in his hand, holding it with meticulous mana, and slowly sent it to the pagoda, although at the last step, She didn't dare to relax a bit, but just when she put this jade jade gently in the most suitable position, there was no half-point deviation, the **** tower suddenly radiated red light.


Li Hongxiao froze slightly, his hands suddenly froze...



"Do you really think everything will be as you wish?"

In the second battlefield, Lv Xinyao seemed to have completely changed into a person at this time. The Qi was forced to be unimaginable. The forgiveness was forgiven and the fright was terrifying. Kerofeiling also clearly knew that he was already prepared and forced to suppress her. In the air machine, a red luan flew in the air, wrapped around Lv Xinyao, and killed her soul, and roared: "You really are so naive in this life?"

"We naturally have what we believe in. Why do you need to talk?"

At this time, Luo Feiling didn't have the previous hippy smiley face at all, but instead looked very dignified: "And you, who have actively or passively resisted the big robbery, are all heroes, so you should honestly sleep above history and be respected! "

"Since you don't want to be lonely, you have to jump out and cause trouble, then you can't blame us for disrespecting the old!"

When she was talking, she was full of vitality, and she suppressed Lu Xinyao. The red light was like a large net, intertwined in the void, bit by bit, sealing Lu Xinyao around, and the voice was low. Chi: "If you don't jump out this time, it's okay, we will think you don't exist, but since you jump out, then I can only seal you again!"

"You awakened us..."

Lv Xinyao screamed loudly, his anger rolled, and ran right and left.

Luo Feiling smiled and said, "Then I will let you sleep again!"

Seeing that the seal she controlled was about to be completed, Lu Xinyao suddenly changed his face, and a kind of sullen breath rose up, laughing lowly: "Little girl, you really thought that I came out to destroy these things you arranged. Is it a good thing?"

Luo Feiling stunned slightly and looked at her intently.

Lu Xinyao said sensibly: "I just don't want to die here, the real arrangement is not me..."

Luo Feiling was taken aback, his face changed!



"Have we... won?"

In another place, Fang Yuan and Song Longzhu smiled bitterly and shook their heads.

Looking at the copper seal on the ground, they all felt a little unbelievable.

The one who didn’t believe was the origin of this copper seal, which could actually be built into such a supernatural power and caused such great trouble.

The two did not believe it, but they still suppressed the copper seal. Although they experienced unimaginable pain in the middle, they still did this impossible thing.

"This must be a baby, old man, can't you divide me halfway?"

Song Longzhu coughed twice and vomited a large gulp of blood, then looked at Fang Yuan pitifully.


Fang Yuan stretched his hand far away, let Toad Lei Ling jump over, first swallowed 108 stars in the distance, and then let it come over to receive the bronze seal that was cut in half, saying: "This copper seal is a treasure. It should be used to build a weapon that is easy for Guan Ao. Besides..." he coughed, and said, "Your blood is running out, and you spit out to be pitiful?"

Song Longzhu hurriedly swallowed back the blood in his mouth, but rolled his eyes helplessly.

"In any case, you promised me that my treasure liquid could be given to me!"

With a smirk, Song Longzhug said: "Otherwise I might be really stale... I hope Baoye can help!"

"Okay, I have a lot of other magic pills to give you together..."

Fang Yuan agreed, and then stood up wastefully, reaching out to Song Longzhu to pull him up.

But before waiting for Song Longzhu to stand up, the two of them suddenly stunned and turned to look at the bronze seal.

Even if their consciousness had been weakened to the extreme, it was obvious that this copper seal had produced some changes.

There is some kind of gas engine that has been condensed on this copper seal for some years. At this time, it is quickly spreading out around.

With the overflow of the Qi machine, there was a slight change in the world.

Earlier, Fang Yuan thought it was the immortal king being cut, so the power he borrowed from this world was being returned to this side of the world, but by this time, suddenly it was not right, it was not just power , And something else...

And after those qi machines dispersed, the whole world suddenly became overcast.


I don't know how long after that, in the direction of the extreme north, a muffled roar suddenly came out.

The muffled roar sounded like it sounded from the bottom of the deep earth, and it seemed to come from another world. It was like a kind of existence that had been sleeping for many years and woke up. The consciousness gradually recovered, like a huge eye, slowly opened , Looking down on this world.

It was also in this instant that the world was changing, and the endless spiritual veins were flowing towards the place where the eyes opened.

"what is this?"

Song Longzhu shouted silently, shaking with fright.

But waiting for him to react, several similar qi machines appeared around him at the same time.

The Dao Qi machine woke up slowly, like one eye after another, sweeping into the world from all directions.


Li Hongxiao and others who are sealing the three-inch Lingshan Mountain have just seen this change, and suddenly they feel that Sancun Lingshan Mountain, which has been suppressed by them, has tensed tens of thousands of times and banged the nine floors directly. The pagoda shattered, and then flew straight into the sky. The light was like a red sun, shining the whole dragon trail.

"What happened?"

"Those who are waking up are..."

Numerous battles have just happened around, and exhausted practitioners have all raised their heads in amazement.



"Haha, do you understand?"

Lv Xinyao, who was about to be sealed by Luo Feiling, finally screamed and laughed: "You think you can do all this, but it's a fantasy. The fat man with golden body was originally printed by Taikoo Dragon. Jing, if he doesn’t kill him, he will take Sancun Ling Mountain. If he kills him, then the ancient dragon will breathe out, and it will wake up the sleeping dragon soul in this dragon mark..."

"You have no chance at all from the beginning..."

Luo Feiling's face suddenly turned pale: "Sure enough... Sure enough..."



"It's the Dragon Soul, the Dragon Soul wakes up..."

Song Longzhu at this time, the whole person shivered and shouted in despair.

He was almost insane: "How is it possible Why did you already do this step, and actually..."

"Are you still failing?"

Fang Yuan's face was also extremely pale. He looked up blankly and looked to the northwest. The round of aura that shone like the sun felt that it was the breath of Sancun Lingshan, and the whole person suddenly seemed to be taken away In the spirit of God, he stumbled back a few steps, murmured in a weak voice: "Dragon Soul wakes up, this seal, after all, failed?"


Suddenly he gave birth to an endless sense of depression, looking up at the sky: "Aren't we fighting enough?"

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