Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 803: Holy name will come out

Nine days of perfect circle, this is an unprecedented giant array.

The original intention was to cross the world of Demon Abyss, connect the sky above, and touch the Nine Nether below!

The magnitude of its potential is far greater than any existing large array in the world, even if it is the original ten-level demon array, it is far inferior to this array. Only the time spent in this array can be seen. The holy places such as Yilou, which gather all major roads, holy places, and the stunning Gaoming array divisions that have been stunning for generations, took a thousand years to form a little, and they are still missing. A prototype of a piece.

The two characters Jiutian describe both the lofty heights and the huge number of mysteries.

Among the arrays, the number of days is the most, and the number of days is the most complicated number of spells between heaven and earth, and this side of the nine-day perfect circle is named nine days, which means that this side is larger than the world. The number of the most complicated days is nine times more complicated!

Such a large array is extremely mysterious. Although Fang Yuan had the idea and direction to supplement this array, but to really complete this array, it is also an extremely difficult task. This premonition, we must invite all the world leaders, all three of the nine patterns, all of them, Yilou Yibao Qixingtai also borrowed to divide this huge pressure...

In fact, the principle is very simple. The archaic array is used as a bridge, and the principle of the magic path is used as a supplement. The three paths are merged into a large round formation. However, the number of spells involved, the method, and the off The trick is like the stars in the sky, countless, infinite, and no one can be done in a short period of time.

Even if they have gathered all the world's major divisions and occupied all the world's resources today, they can't do it overnight.

So in the initial period, Fang originally set the time point as three years!

This large formation cannot be dragged, because they must first deduce this large formation, and then build this large formation on top of the Nine Heavens of the Devil's Edge. At that time, I do not know how much energy and manpower is needed, and it is naturally impossible to slowly defer it. If it wasn’t until 20 years later that this great formation was successfully succeeded, by that time, the big robbery had already arrived, so there is no need to build it, wait for the next life!

It's like a huge array. Once it's running, it keeps spinning.

Fang Yuan was the pivot, the three nine patterns were the bones, and the eighteen thousand divisions were the formation.



When Fang Yuan promoted this unprecedented big formation, no one knows how many high people are looking at the direction of Yi Lou. Anyone who understands the world knows the significance of this big formation, so there is no such thing. People are not in awe...

"Since thousands of years ago, the entire Tianyuan has fallen into despair!"

Nine Chongtian of Huangzhou, the Emperor Nineth Chongtian stands on the roof of the palace. Behind him, kneeling are dozens of princes and grandchildren, including Li Hongxiao and others, all descendants from his countless blood. Among the outstanding ones selected, he turned his back to his children and looked towards Yilou, sighing lowly: "That catastrophe really destroyed too many foundations and combat power. It’s just a copy of the useless Dao Yuan true solution, so who in this world can rest assured?"

Li Hongxiao and the brothers and sisters looked at each other quietly, a little strange.

The father and emperor of his own family almost never talked and talked with these children, but only made them one by one brothers and sisters, somehow, now suddenly become so abnormal, they summoned them and said some did not if.

Emperor Jiuzhong smiled, carrying his hands, and sighed: "In your opinion, in that catastrophe, only countless masters were destroyed, including yours who had achieved it as early as two thousand years ago. Uncle Taizu, who is in the Mahayana realm, but in fact, those are nothing, and more destroyed, in fact, hope. In the past, Tianyuan, with the advent of the big robbery from generation to generation, has summarized many lines. It’s an effective way to fight against the catastrophe, but it was all destroyed in that catastrophe!"

"Those methods are what make everyone uneasy!"

"However, even in this case, you can't always bow your head and confess your life under the catastrophe, so no matter whether it is the Xianmeng, the major holy places, they are also thinking about their own methods and doing everything possible to improve Human power, many secret methods that were not easily handed over before, are also handed over, and many resources that were not used before are also used, in order to do everything possible to improve in this millennium Let us strengthen our strength, let us resist the grasp of the past when the catastrophe is coming!"

Speaking of the end, Emperor Jiuzhong turned around, looked at these children, sighed, and said: "Fortunately, there are still some results. Those juniors who have inherited the Dragon Soul are estimated to be out of the border. In this world, there will be more than a hundred young monks with the power of the gods. Xianmeng will use the batch of magic treasures from the self-reliant God Demon Palace, and there will be generous, even if it is a demon domain that no one looked down on before. Now also sent a large number of Jindan monsters to the magic edge, to supplement the magic edge of the formation..."

"The world is coming!"

"And Da Shi, from another perspective, is a troubled world!"

His voice was slightly cold, and it seemed unprecedentedly dignified: "We are the nineth heaven, with the national road, and we don't like chaos in the world!"

"But after all, the catastrophe is present, so the father can't stop the coming of this world, otherwise it will be the sinner of all ages!"

"Neither can stop it, then all I can do is to warn you!"

"Don't hide anymore, how many skills are revealed!"

Emperor Jiuzhong's voice was low: "The child with Fang's surname is already sanctified, but it is a pity that his father is not as good as the old thing of forgetting the island. He didn't raise a good girl who tied him to him. The opportunity is taken, but it doesn’t matter. For the Father, I don’t ask you to compare with him, but I want you to fight for enthusiasm. In the last two decades, the achievements will multiply, depending on how much you can get!"

He turned around and said with a sneer: "Remember, your opponent is not your brother or sister, but the father and me, so don’t think of cutting off your opponent, if you have the ability, you will directly challenge me and win me. , This seat is yours!"

A group of princesses, who heard the words and changed their minds, lowered their heads deeply and dared not lift them up.



Above the sword-washing pond, the sword head now stands with his hands behind his back, and behind it is the quiet pool water.

In front of him, there are rows of Tianjiao disciples standing beside the sword wash pool, and Li Baihu is also among them.

Nowadays, this kendo is the only one in the world, everyone respects it as the first sword head in the world, and also looks up in the direction of Yi Lou. After a long time, he sighed lowly: "The child named Fang has become the climate. It was me who had to pass the battle when he went out, and he had to be an ordinary gift with him. He was already destined to be a little saint in this world, and since there was no lack of swordsmanship, he would have lost his fortune..."

All the disciples who washed the sword pool looked dignified, and no one dared to talk indiscriminately.

If there is no catastrophe, wash the sword pool for a while, and will fight with the imperfect kendo to the death, endlessly.

But because of the existence of the catastrophe, they can only watch the rise of the successors of the lack of swordsmanship, unstoppable, and even help.

But, after doing it and doing it, and dissatisfied in my heart, I said two things.

The sword-head of Xijianchi sighed and said, "Because he has won his luck, the Xijianchi can no longer be kept in vain. I wash the sword-pond, there are seven famous swords, and now there are three swords to choose from. In the ancient times, only the true biography of the Seven Veins can get the famous sword, but now it can’t be taken care of. From today, as long as the disciples who wash the sword pool have great courage and talent, they can all enter the pool to find the sword. , As long as you have the inheritance of the famous sword, then you are the new seven-line ancestor of the Xijianchi. Whoever does not agree, come and ask my sword!"

All the disciples who washed the sword pool looked dignified and had firm eyes.

At this time, who dares not agree, knows that before the remark, the sword's head has killed more than a dozen old people.



And in the secret underground palace in the north of a demon territory, headed by the ancient saints of the Xianmeng, they also secretly talked: "The magic road is already weak and almost extinct. It is the situation that the people in the fairy road are most happy to see. Do we have to use these magic treasures to build a group of magic masters at this time? Will doing so... will it cause a lot of unknowable things?"

Another Xianmeng sage sternly said: "Since Yilou is already using the power of the devil to deduce the large formation, the power of the demon will not be extinct, and the power is the power, no matter the demon, only It depends on who you use! Like Yuan Shiwei today, where do we need to think about it like this, and put these magic treasures in vain without using it? Just, let’s do as we thought before!"

The ancient saint frowned: "If such a fairy army is really built, who should be the leader?"

Someone said next to him: "There is a demon who will be named Guan Ao, who is nicknamed Giant Spirit God, and he is brave and invincible.

The ancient saint smiled bitterly: "This child is brave, I know it, but he is straightforward, and he is always reassuring!"

At this time, someone suddenly remembered something and said with a smile: "I know that there is a person who is the most suitable. This person is clever and comes from the magic path. He has passed on the magic path to the magic path. Unfortunately, he is not here now..."

The person next to me busy asked: "Where did you go?"

The speaker was very helpless: "Run Zhongzhou to have a baby..."

Gu Fangsheng smiled said: "Pull back and give him a maximum of three days, which is enough!"



With Fang Yuan's luck in the world, and a large formation into the Yilou, the whole world has also set off a wave of waves, all kinds of traditions, all talking about the name of Fang Xiaosheng, and because of his stirring The large array of changes and changes, like a dark tide, swept the world.

Today, his side has not succeeded in succession, but everyone in the world thinks he has succeeded in succession.

Everyone is waiting and looking forward.

When this little saint succeeded in the evolution, and when he was born, what kind of aura should he have.

In this world, what should be given to him in order to repay his merits!


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