Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 848: Soaring era

The Mind Sword is not a real sword, but a sword light based on Fang Yuan's Dao Xin, condensing a powerful divine thought.

It is not real, but it is sharper than a real sword.

Because the sharper the sword, the thinner it will be.

The mind sword is originally from scratch, so it is thinner than any sword.

Fang Yuan used his heart and sword to cut many opponents and many things. He used to cut the hardest things. When the Dragon Trail in the South China Sea, he cut a piece of fine old copper seal into two pieces. Now, he wants to try the stele with the strongest means, so he also sacrificed his mind sword. Even if he wants to come, even if he cuts the stele, he can still leave some traces.

But as a result, unlike what he had imagined, his sword was cut off without any trace.

That sword light cut directly into the stone tablet, as if it had submerged into the water, leaving no trace.

The Xinyi sword was transformed by Fang Yuan’s mind, so the sword fell into the stone tablet, and Fang Yuan immediately felt like he had fallen into a divine world. He seemed to fly in the endless void. After a long time, then suddenly suddenly bright!

He seemed to have fallen into a dream directly!

What he saw in his dream was a magnificent and far-reaching world. He saw prosperity and prosperity in the world, all kinds of magical powers, he had appeared endlessly, and saw various ancient races standing in the world, including ancient dragons The gods and beasts that are raised naturally are powerful immortals who can raise their hands and throw themselves up and down the mountains and seas.

Each of those powerful creatures will be the pillar of the world until now.

In this world, or in this dream, Fang Yuan saw a lot of scenes of intense enthusiasm.

Tianjiao confrontation, masters compete.

For the sake of fame, for the benefit, or for the morality of the heart!

They pay attention to the rules, treat each other with courtesy, on the top of the mountain, on the sea between the clouds, learn the magical powers, divide the victory and defeat, and decide the life and death!

Countless more exquisite supernatural powers were studied in their collision and duel.

The Taoism in the world, layer by layer, is pushed to a higher level.

For a time, Fang Yuan was completely shocked, and even gave birth to endless ecstasy.

He was stunned to find that he was also in the scene when he experienced this dream-like scene. He saw one battle after another, and it seemed that he was directly involved in it. Because of this, he was in In this experience, he gradually accumulated endless marks of magical power. He seemed to have participated in every battle and also realized the magical power of every master...

What kind of creation is this...

Fang Yuan was even trembling, and he seemed to have seen the wisdom of an era!

He did not know if this was true or an illusion. If it was true, it would be a supreme creation in the world!

Nowadays, he has already become a **** of heaven, and the way to go, he needs to understand more laws of heaven and earth, until he masters the origin of heaven and earth. If in the past, he only needs to seriously study heaven and earth, and after fully understanding heaven and earth, He completely mastered the avenue and turned it into a Mahayana, but now, the avenue has been changed, and his talents are poor, so he can't go down this way anymore.

He had a deep understanding of Tiangong, but because of this, he was extremely misled.

This makes it almost impossible for him to really set foot on the road.

The only way is to completely abandon Tiangong and start from scratch.

But in that way, he may need countless hours, like the Emperor Nineth Heaven, or the generation of the ancestors of the Forgotten Island. They have cultivated for thousands of years, and have realized the things that cannot be done for thousands of years in the world. , Not to mention myself?

But now, Fang Yuan sees these dreams, and this majestic world suddenly feels touch in his heart.

He gave birth to endless comprehension out of thin air, as if he had experienced such a great world in person.

He can obviously feel that he possesses countless brand marks in his soul, which has greatly improved his cultivation.

However, Fang Yuan is still immersed in his dream, still looking at this side of the world.

This is really an era of magnificent and powerful generation.

But so many Tianjiao and powerful races were born in the same era, but it is a kind of sorrow, just as there are so many suns in the sky at the same time, it is also a disaster, so Fang Yuan soon felt a kind from this era Depressed...

...This world is too small!

Those strong men competed for battle, and the natural arrogance confronted each other, making countless legends handed down and praised by the world.

Those legendary duels are indeed easy to ignite the blood in the hearts of young people.

But behind this blood, what Fang Yuan saw was helpless.

That is actually because this world cannot tolerate so many natural arrogances and superiors, nor can it tolerate so many powerful races, so they can only consume each other’s numbers through these methods. Therefore, between hostile races, Between different ancestry, even the same generation of the old generation of seniors, and the new generation of grown-ups, will eventually face each other, and dominate.

They are in it, maybe they can't find this rule by themselves.

But now Fang Yuan is different from them. He seems to be in it, and he seems to be high above, so he can see clearly.

These people are driven by certain laws and are doing such self-destructive behavior.

Behind the endless legend is actually a sad song.

Fang Yuan suddenly felt very depressed. He felt that so many days were arrogant, and it was a pity to die. They should not be like this.

It's just that he is here, just an experiencer, but he can't interfere with anything.

Therefore, even if the heart is focused, they can only watch quietly.

Finally, in this heavy sadness that almost made people hopeless, Fang Yuan saw a man riding a green cow.

He was originally a small official in the caretaker's collection of a small country. He was born in a poor state. In this era of arrogance, talent is not so amazing. The speed of practice is far less than that of the generation. So he gave up practice and once closed the window to study and understand the predecessors. Wisdom, this reading is for decades, he is old, and at the age of ordinary people, he has already half stepped into the loess.

But at this time, it seemed that the wisdom brought about by years of study made him finally learn, and cultivated into a realm, soaring soaring. The problems on the previous practice became a very simple problem in his eyes. And he can't bother him half a point anymore.

Later, his small country was attacked by demons, such as candlelight in the wind, Manchu dynasty and martial arts, all burnt, and at this time, he had been buried in the collection and walked out of the dilapidated library and cut Demon eliminates demons, defeats the enemy generals, retreats from the enemy forces, turns the tide down, and becomes famous in the world all at once, becoming the latest arrogance of fame in this generation...

It's just that now, he's not obsessed with this fake name.

He had already seen the avenue, and when he had doubts in his heart, he began to wander the world, looking for answers.

He has experienced many things, a lot of troubles, and a lot of dangers, but his wisdom makes him solve these troubles one by one, many dangers, and one by one. In this process, his cultivation is becoming more and more real. High, the reputation is getting more and more popular.

Then he finally became the same sad person as Fang Yuan.

Too many people die unnecessarily, and too many disputes make this age of fiery oil and fat, all bones underneath.

He tried to persuade and stop, but it was useless.

So he rode the green cow when he was the most famous, and once again entered the library.

But this time, he is not reading, because the world's wisdom is not as good as his wisdom, so he is reading.

Disputes in the world continue, and intensify.

In the end, a war that swept the world was triggered. All the masters and all the parties fought against each other. The battles spread. The powerful people were too terrible. Their wars destroyed each country, even Destroy this world.

Countless laws in the world were torn apart due to their wars, and the ground was covered with desolation.

At this time, the man riding the green cow finally came out of the bookstore with his answer.

"The sky is full and broken, the road is full, and the road is gone!"

"There used to be a fairy monk from Dongshan, who has the merits of creation and the prisoners of heaven and earth, what solution..."

"Taking the green clouds and going up, breaking through the barriers, looking for the free world..."

"Yuyue Dragon Gate is wide and wide, and since then there is no more me..."



The people riding the Niu Qing, with the supreme law, stopped this war that almost destroyed the whole world. He preached in Jiutian, defused the monks of the world, and pointed out their sorrow and dissolution in the world. In addition to their unnecessary logging and destruction.

After speaking the Taoism, he raised his hands and shook the sky, riding the green cow, and walked to the unknown The world got him enlightened, like a big dream at first, he suddenly realized his conquest , Really stupid.

As a result, more and more people followed the pace of the man riding the green cow, one by one.

They call it soaring, which is a higher level.

There are countless masters in the world, and there are countless pressures. The monks in the world are all proud of soaring, that is where they should go. Therefore, there is much less unnecessary conspiracy. Everyone only wants to enlighten soaring, and The older generation soared away, and the younger generation's monks also had their early days, not to mention being crowded in one place, making them irritating, and the world was clear for a while.

The rider of the green cow solved a big problem between heaven and earth.

Looking at the changes in the scene in the dream, Fang Yuan's heart was also undulating.

He knew what he saw.

What I experienced was the scene when Daxian Realm came from ancient times!

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