Master of Great Calamity

Chapter 888: What a great sword

Seen from a distance, the battlefield has been transformed into a black chaos, which was originally tumbling, a scattered dark magic breath. At this time, it was like being influenced by a certain force, entangled together, forming a The huge hood is also similar, sturdy and shrouded between the heavens and the earth.

Previously, with the dark magic breath spreading out of that war, it was shrinking at this time!

The more it shrinks, the thicker it becomes as if it has become a substance!

The thunder and magical light that can be seen in those dark magic breaths are hidden at this time. The people outside can only look at the black area on that side from afar, don’t know what happened inside, I do not know what to do!

What they can feel is the black area, so weird.

It seems to be a forest-like Jedi that can drown their eyes. It also seems to grow slowly from this world. The other world is like a bubble in a bubble, in a chalcedony Chalcedony...

"What's wrong with this?"

I don’t know if it’s a natural induction. At this moment, no matter how high or low the cultivation is, I see an inexplicable sense of panic in the heart of the black chaos, which makes them uneasy. A corner!

"What happened?"

I don't know how far away from here, I just stopped the Seven Great Demon Lakes from approaching this battlefield. The road of Donghuang Mountain suddenly flew for nine days, and then looked at the direction of the battlefield far away. The chaos only knew fear, but he didn't know what happened, but when he looked at it from afar, he felt something instantly.

The beautiful jade-like face also showed some consternation.

"If those creatures really got to this point, that world..."

He has always been calm and steady, at this time his palms are also pinched white: "You don’t want to let the masters of the world be smashed by a net, so we left us, but if they directly grabbed the opportunity of this step, leaving us, What's the use?"



"You didn't lie to me!"

And when everyone in the world is looking at that chaotic heart and despair, just not far from the battlefield, in a remote mountain depression, there is a lame man with a squinting eye, slowly from the ground Standing up, he didn't arrive just now, but came early, but he remembered the conversation with Fang Yuan during the Qingyang Sect, so he kept suppressing himself and didn't shoot the sword!

Fang Yuan said to him that if something didn't go to a desperate level, it wouldn't make sense if he had a sword, and if something really happened as he had guessed, he would have cut the sword by himself, whether it was I am still the world, I will be satisfied!

He didn't understand what Fang Yuan meant.

The widows who had just robbed him just now really made him have the urge to shoot.

But he still refrained.

Because he believed the words of the young Qingyang, he decided to bear it!

For a sword fool like him, there is only one situation that can make him a little patient.

It's like a drunkard who sees a good wine, and only knows that there will be more beautiful wine in the back, he can't hold back!

Now, he did see it.

It was also at this time that I understood why the Qingyang junior did not allow himself to advance his sword.

Because you are practicing mind sword!

The mind sword is always the strongest when the first sword is cut!

This is really...

...Looked at yourself high!

Can that kind of existence, even its own first sword, be cut?

……of course can!



Qingyang Jianchi slowly stood up and walked toward the chaos step by step.

On the road, he pulled up a wild grass, but after thinking about it, he lost it and went on. He picked up a dead branch, but still threw it away, went on, he picked up a piece The iron piece seems to be broken on a magic weapon, and it can barely be regarded as a sword, but he pondered for a moment, or threw it away, I feel that it is not easy to use...

Looking at the chaos, Qingyang Jianchi felt for the first time that he needed a real sword.

But where to find such a sword?

With only one eye left, with some dissatisfaction, he raised his head and looked into the sky.

He wants a sword now, so the thirst for this sword has become a thought in his heart. This thought is so pure, naturally, it has become a law, and then this law has shaken the world. Void...

It spread in an instant, and almost under the sky, there was a trace of his thoughts.


At the beginning there was an endless dragon sound.

Now, three hundred miles away from this place, someone who was stunned looking at the mushroom cloud in the distance like a chaotic rise from scratch, suddenly felt a shock all over his body, the sword of Longquan in his waist, at this time It seemed like he had his own life. After shaking a few times, he suddenly came out of the sheath, turned into a cold light, and flew towards the mushroom cloud in the distance!

This casual repair was taken aback, and eagerly used his consciousness to recall, where did it have a little effect?

He was startled and wanted to yell, but suddenly he froze.

Because he found that in the middle of the sky, I don’t know his sword, and countless people’s swords flew over, and swept out the cold light in groups, like thousands of meteors falling, and traversed the void, straight towards the sky. A mushroom cloud flew past.

It seems that swords all over the world are born with spirituality and have a desire.

In that secluded battlefield, even a knife gave birth to this desire.

He just looked at himself. After all, whether it was a sword or not, he still felt ashamed and quietly escaped.

"Boo" "Boo" "Boo"

In the group of swords flying from all over the world, there are even distant places, the famous swords worn by the seven swordsmen in Xijianchi. As the best of all swords, they fly at the forefront and lead the world. When the sword went away, the swordsmen of Xijianchi suddenly saw this scene. They were speechless for a long time. Others didn't know what happened, but they knew what was going on!

"Thousands of swords and spirits in the world go away one by one, this is, is anyone going to cut out the sword that was supposed to be?

At this moment, they are the leaders of Tianyuan Kendo, and like everyone else in the world, they are all looking up at the piece of Jianyun!



"Wow la la..."

Where Qingyang Jianchi passed by, it suddenly fell like a shower, and a sword with a handle dropped from the sky and fell beside him.

The hilt of the sword quivered, and the dragon chanted continuously, as if forming a longing voice.

Qingyang Jian was in a state of infatuation, forming an endless world, as if it were a thorny land.

There are swords on the ground, all eager, hoping to be selected by him.

But Qingyang Jianchi had seen all the swords, but his footsteps did not stop. He just continued to walk forward, wanting to find the sword that suits his heart, so he saw all the magic weapons, I even saw the seven famous swords in the sword-washing pool like a king among the sea of ​​swords. They didn't stop, they just continued to move forward, and they continued to search...

He was getting closer and closer to that chaos, and his vitality gradually rose to a certain limit.

But he still did not find his sword!

Finally, when he came out of the chaos of three hundred feet, he suddenly stopped lightly and slowly shook his head.

There was a smile of self-deprecation in the corner of the mouth.

I am still not pure...

When I saw something that I might not be able to cut, I wanted to find a good sword to use.

But in fact, if you are only looking for swordsmanship, then what sword is not suitable for you under this world?

After giving birth to this idea, he pulled out a sword.

The sword is three feet long, with a brass sword, and a red tassel wrapped around its tail. It is an ordinary sword.

But this sword made Qingyang Jianchi very satisfied.

Because it's like the first sword he got when he first entered kendo!

Holding this sword as if holding the original heart, Qingyang Jianchao stepped out slowly and waved the sword!

"call out!"

A low-pitched sound almost inaudible!

In front of Qingyang Sword, he suddenly flickered a dazzling sword light, and the sword light almost filled the sky and earth as soon as it appeared, as if the vast world was cut in half, However, if someone takes a serious look, it can be found that this is actually not an exaggeration, because under this sword light, the laws of heaven and earth have all become neat halves!

In other words, his sword did divide the world into two halves!


Between the moment that this sword appeared, it was chopped on the black chaos.

And now in that It is the three Divine Emperors turned into an independent world, when Fang Yuan, Jianshou, Immortal Emperor and others are refined, but I never expected Suddenly, the heavens and the earth shook up, and the three Divine Emperors were shocked. They reappeared from the heavens and the earth, and shouted angrily: "Impossible, how could Tianyuan have such power?"

Faced with their shock, even Fang Yuan could not accurately answer their words at this time.

It was like washing the sword head of the sword, as if I noticed something, a look of despair appeared on my face, and besides despair, there was a bitter smile, and the voice rang in a low voice: "Unexpectedly, It would be that he cut out this sword. In my scripture for washing the sword pool, when I was on the robbery, there was a predecessor overhaul who guessed that the sword practice had reached the extreme. There might be such a sword..."

"But in his derivation, such a sword must appear at least after 10,000!"

"We are not as good as him!"

Suddenly he turned to look at Fang Yuan, wondering whether it was sad or joyful, saying: "He brought the sword ten thousand years later to the world in advance!"

Fang Yuan was silent for a long time, and said: "It's so powerful!"

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