At the same time when the x-881c civilian spaceship jumped out of the stargate, 4,900 light-years away, another small fleet consisting of two contract-class large civilian spaceships and five chamber of commerce-class medium-sized military frigates also departed from the United States. A star gate at the junction of the United States of Leta and the Declan Empire jumped out.

After half a year of inspection, the inspection work of the Orion rotation inspection team specially dispatched by the Noryantum Chamber of Commerce was successfully completed. At this time, the patriarch of the inspection team, Lubos, was leading the inspection fleet and planned to take the route within the Declan Empire and return to the spiral arm of Sagittarius. Go to the General Chamber of Commerce in Norantham, and hand in the work report in person.

The most important work must be clearly stated in person. This is a tradition that the Norantum Chamber of Commerce has adhered to for tens of thousands of years. Even though the existence of the pan-galactic network has already made communication tens of thousands of light-years apart, it is very convenient, but this tradition. But never changed.

Therefore, although Lubers has already reported most of the work results, he still needs to go back in person to complete the inspection work.

On the bridge of a contract-level large civilian spaceship in the center of the fleet, the huge virtual screen in front of Alcatel finally stopped the lewd data scrolling like a waterfall.

After Alcatel stared at the virtual screen for about ten minutes, he blinked, raised his hands, his ten fingers turned into afterimages, and a large amount of data was instantly displayed on the virtual screen.

About half an hour later, after Alcatel performed the last operation, a progress bar suddenly appeared on the virtual screen, and then Alcatel exhaled a long breath, and his body that had been upright instantly relaxed.

Just now, he once again carried out high-speed data processing work for two consecutive hours, and finally completely dealt with all kinds of data problems encountered during this inspection.

This also means that all his work in this inspection team has come to an end, and he can finally relax for a while.

After closing his eyes and stopping for a while, Alcatel got up and planned to pour himself a cup of his favorite Luomeng tea, but when he turned his head, he found that Lubos, who was not far away, was still staring at the virtual screen in front of him, frowning slightly. Not moving, not knowing what to think.

Al Carter was a little surprised.

Before he carried out this data processing work, Rubers was already staring at the virtual screen in a daze. Now that his two-hour work is over, Rubers still maintains this state.

Is there a problem that even he can't handle?

Alcatel walked over curiously, raised his head and patted Lubos on the shoulder.

"Hey, Lubbers, you're thinking... hiss-"

Alcatel's hand just touched Rubes' shoulder, and suddenly a shocking force, although not strong, but with an extremely awe-inspiring aura, came from his shoulder, and directly bounced Alcatel's hand. Open, let him instantly feel a strong pain coming from the palm of his hand, and he couldn't help groaning.

"Huh?" Lubbers seemed to have just reacted, turned his head and saw that it was Alcatel who had come to his side. "Alcatel, your work is over?"

Elkart raised the right hand that had just patted Lubos on the shoulder in confusion, and found that there was no trauma, but the sharp pain that seemed to be coming from the bone marrow still did not subside, and he couldn't help frowning deeply.

"My work is over, but what are you doing?" Alcatel raised his right hand and talked about the abnormality that happened after he touched Rubers' shoulder.

"Oh, I'm running an experiment with the internal breath. If you pat me on the shoulder at this time, you will definitely be shocked by the internal breath. Fortunately, I was just doing an experiment, and I didn't use too strong internal breath, otherwise you would not just be It's so easy to feel the pain in your hand." Lubbers explained with a smile.

"Doing an experiment? An experiment related to the inside?" Al Carter was even more curious.

That's right, Lubos is a third-order air-breaking martial artist, and he can be regarded as powerful.

But in terms of the entire Noventum Chamber of Commerce, his strength is nothing, because although there is no star-level warrior under the name of the guards directly under the Noventum Chamber of Commerce, Yutian There are already more than a thousand high-level warriors, and there are countless more space-breaking warriors.

In terms of martial artist strength alone, Lubos is not ranked in the Chamber of Commerce.

He was able to hold a high position in the chamber of commerce, and even be sent to serve as the patriarch of this inspection team, relying not on his martial artist strength, but on his outstanding other work and leadership abilities.

So although Lubos himself is a powerful sky-breaking fighter, he actually doesn't have much time to concentrate on martial arts.

As for the so-called interrelated experiments at such a critical period like now, it has never been done before.

What experiment made him so impatient?

"Do you still remember the name Chunan?" Lubos did not answer the question immediately, but instead asked.

"Chunan?" Alcatel searched his memory. With the super-powerful brain of his strongest data analyst, he instantly found all the information related to this name from his memory. "Is that the Earth Federation person with abnormal human body detection data?"

"Yes." Rubers nodded. "You should remember that more than three months ago, I ordered the Earth Federation branch to raise the level of attention to Chunan, trying to find out the reason for these abnormal data on him."

"Well, looking at you, there are results now? But what does this have to do with the inner breath experiment you did?"

The expression on Lubbers' face became a little strange.

"Yesterday, the Earth Federation branch sent me another report on Chunan, and found that there are some very surprising qualities in Chunan. One of them is related to the experiment I just performed. ."

"What kind of experiment is it?" Alcatel was a little puzzled.

"When the inner breath flows in a warrior's body, it will maintain a certain frequency of vibration. This vibration frequency is fixed for every warrior, and there is little fluctuation. Because of the fluctuation, it means that the warrior has lost his inner breath. It is very likely that the internal breath will devour itself, and even cause death. However, in Chu Nan, he has observed large and even very exaggerated frequency fluctuations, which is completely beyond common sense."

Luberston paused, but said something else that was irrelevant.

Alcatel rolled his eyes.

"And then Chunan isn't dead yet?"

"Not only is he not dead, but he is still alive and well. But as I said in this report, I tried to make some fluctuations in the inner breath that controls myself, trying to change the vibration frequency. Guess what the result is?"

Alcatel looked at Lubbers' face and shook his head.

"Obviously, you failed."

"Yes. If it is only a very weak frequency fluctuation, I can still control it, but after a certain limit, I will not be able to fully control my inner breath and can only give up."

Rubers paused, looking puzzled.

"If according to the report, the vibration frequency of Chu Nan's internal breath fluctuates at a maximum of more than 3 kHz, then he should have lost control of his internal breath long ago."

Seeing Lubers' puzzled look, Elcate frowned slightly.

"I don't know martial arts, so I don't understand what you mean. But from the point of view of data analysis, since this Chu Nan has so many incomprehensible qualities, it proves that he really has something worth studying. the value of."

"That's right." Rubos nodded in agreement. "The Earth Federation branch has the same opinion. They submitted a report and hoped to apply for a special study on Chunan. I have approved this proposal."

"That's good, I'll leave this kind of thing to the group of guys under my command, and they will naturally come to inform you when the result comes out. UU Reading" El Carter shrugged, not really. Very concerned.

The Norantum Chamber of Commerce is one of the three major forces in the Milky Way. As one of the top executives of the Chamber of Commerce, Lubers has no problem dividing his attention because of his personal interest, but he is too concerned about a small remote country like the Earth Federation. By the age of 20, a young warrior of the hegemony level can't justify it.

"I understand." Lubbers nodded in agreement, then glanced at the report on the virtual screen in front of him, and suddenly laughed. "But obviously, the guys at the Earth Federation branch misunderstood what I meant. I'm afraid they thought there was something special about my attention to Chu Nan, and actually gave Chu Nan a one-star VIP card for the Chamber of Commerce."

Al Carter smiled suddenly: "Obviously they're flattering you. Maybe... the people at the branch office might treat Chunan as your illegitimate child in the Earth Federation."

Rubers scolded with a smile and waved his hand.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the branch office has this authority, just do as they want, and given the value that Chu Nan has shown now, it makes sense to give him a one-star VIP card. But I think... This little guy, Chu Nan, will definitely not understand. The meaning of the Chamber of Commerce's one-star VIP card, so when he found out, he might be shocked." (To be continued.)

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