Master Of Martial Arts Has An Advanced Optical Brain

Chapter 153: Flowing Clouds Indefinite Palm

"I found it out. "Le>Wen" novel ww.し" Mu Luo adjusted the virtual screen of his personal terminal to face Chunan. "The middle-aged man's name is Xue Changhao. On the surface, he is the chairman of Changhe Technology Company, but secretly he is the current head of the Luo family. The young man is his only son, Xue Zhengming."

Chu Nan carefully read the information displayed on the virtual screen, pondered for a moment, and said, "With the inheritance of the Xue family's family martial arts, it should not come to see the Fengshen through the forest leg method. If you say that, it is exactly that Xue. Zhengming wants to provoke himself?"

"Based on the current situation, it is indeed the case." Mu Luo nodded in response. "However, it is advisable to remain vigilant against them until sufficient intelligence is available."

"Well, I will."

Chu Nan tilted his head, looked at Chu Xiaoxi, who was leaning on her body and sleeping soundly, and smiled slightly.

This guy has been in a state of extreme excitement after he finally got the autographs of the big stars at the banquet just now. As a result, he fell asleep immediately after getting in the car. It seems that he was overexcited just now.

Chu Nan turned to look at Mu Luo again, and suddenly his heart moved.

"Uncle Mu Luo, do you know anything about the Luo family's family martial arts?"

Mu Luo glanced at Chu Nan, hesitated a little, and nodded lightly.

"Know a little."

"Then you should have seen the palm technique that Xue Zhengming used just now? Do you know what palm technique it is?"

"The most famous family inheritance of the Luo family is an A-level external martial art called Liu Yun Wuding Palm. What Xue Zhengming used just now is that palm technique."

"A-level martial arts? No wonder it's so powerful." Chu Nan recalled the brief fight with Xue Zhengming just now, and felt emotional.

It was obvious that Xue Zhengming's attainment in this cloudless palm was far from high enough, but he was already able to exert such a strong power.

If he waits until he is really proficient, I am afraid that just relying on this palm technique, as long as he has a decent internal breath, is enough to become a good master.

This is the difference between a warrior with a complete family heritage and a warrior without it.

"I can understand Xue Zhengming's provocation, because he may be unconvinced that the federal media rated me too high, so he wants to beat me to prove himself. But why is Xue Changhao so hostile to me?" Confuse.

"The Luo family disclosed a B-level martial art on the Pan-Galactic Network two months ago - Xiangyun Movement, claiming that it was in response to the "Basic Martial Arts Promotion Act" newly introduced by the Federal Parliament." Mu Luo replied in a muffled voice. .

"B-level martial arts revealed?" Chu Nan was taken aback.

Since the "Basic Martial Arts Promotion Act" has been vigorously implemented by the entire Federation, almost all martial arts families in the Federation have more or less expressed some corresponding expressions.

For example, the Luo family and the Feng family on West Cloud Star partnered to open a Fengluo Taoist hall, recruiting students openly, and teaching family martial arts. This is a very common plan.

In addition, there are many martial arts families who may be afraid of trouble, and choose to directly use some of their family's inherited martial arts to show their support for this bill.

However, most of the martial arts that these martial arts families have come up with are low-level martial arts, and few martial arts families will selflessly contribute the truly powerful martial arts they have, because doing so is simply digging their own corners.

But now this Xue family actually directly took out a B-level martial skill and made it public on the pan-galactic network, which is really surprising.

"But why is Xue Changhao being so hostile to me?" However, Chu Nan was still a little puzzled. "As the head of the Xue family, he is willing to show a B-level martial arts skill to the public. Can he blame me for not being able to do it? He is not like the media. He really thinks that I caused the "Basic Martial Arts Promotion Act". Carry it out?"

Mu Luo shook his head, expressing that he did not understand.

Chu Nan thought about it for a while, but couldn't understand the reason at all, so he had to give up thinking about this problem for the time being.

He tilted his head to look at Chu Xiaoxi, who was still asleep, then turned to look at Mu Luo, who still had a dead face, with a move in his heart, he said to Mu Luo, "Uncle Mu Luo, you are a third-order space-breaking martial artist. Bar?"

Mu Luo nodded lightly.

"Then... have you mastered a particularly exquisite external martial skill?"

Mu Luo turned his head to face Chunan, and there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

"What I mean is... it's a foreign martial art with extremely delicate moves like Liu Yun Wu Ding Zhang. You saw it just now that Xue Zhengming relied on Liu Yun Wu Ding Zhang to easily knock me back. , If I encounter an enemy who has similar exquisite martial skills like him, I might not be able to deal with it."

"You just poured the water." Mu Luo opened his mouth.

There was no fluctuation in his tone, but it made Chu Nan suddenly embarrassed.

"Well...I just wanted to do an experiment just now, but it failed, ha...haha..."

Mu Luo stared blankly at Chu Nan for a while, and then shook his head when he couldn't stop laughing.

"No, the martial arts I have mastered are all for my work, and too subtle moves are not suitable for me."

"For work service?" Chu Nan was taken aback for a moment, then he remembered the identity of Mu Luo's bodyguard and understood.

Indeed, when it comes to protecting people, it is obvious that the simpler and more direct the moves, the better. Too subtle moves will delay time and are not suitable for quick decisions.

"Why are you asking this?" Mu Luo asked back.

"I gained a little insight from the fight with Xue Zhengming just now, and now I really want to find an opponent with exquisite moves to test these ideas, so I want to ask you if you have any good external martial arts skills, and then I will ask you to learn from them. "

Mu Luo slowly shook his head.

"First, I won't. Second, you are too far away. Third, I only take over the task of protecting the safety of you and your family, and will not accompany you to learn from each other."

Hearing this answer, the expression on Chu Nan's face became even more embarrassing.

"Well... I know, I think too much. Uncle Mu Luo, just pretend you didn't hear what I just said, I'll just think about it myself."

Mu Luo was silent and expressionless.

Chu Nan peeked at him and did not dare to speak again.

The atmosphere in the car suddenly fell silent.

At this time, this special private hovering shuttle car belonging to the Serres Security Company was driving at high speed in the suburbs of Sigma City leading to Chunan's family farm. There was almost nothing along the way except for a large tract of farmland.

Looking through the car window, there is thick darkness Only a little bit of light can be seen from a distance.

Driving in such a wilderness, it would have been easy to feel the silence.

Now that Chu Xiaoxi was asleep, Chu Nan didn't speak, and Mu Luo didn't speak either. The inside of the carriage was so quiet that only the uneven breathing of Chu Xiaoxi could be heard, which seemed quiet and strange.

Chu Nan wanted to speak again several times, but when he saw Mu Luo's face, he held back his words.

After a while, Mu Luo suddenly opened his mouth.

"There is a Liuyun martial arts hall in Sigma City, and Xue Zhengming often appears there."

Chunan was startled, then overjoyed.

"Thank you, Mu..."

Just halfway through his mouth, Chu Nan suddenly caught a glimpse of a white shadow from the right front of the shuttle rushing toward the shuttle like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, it had already hit the shuttle at high speed.

"Boom—" (To be continued.)

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