
The oil dripped on the flame, and immediately a small flame and a wisp of green smoke ignited, and then a slightly fishy smell of fresh fish wafted out in the jungle.

Chu Nan flipped the grilled fish skewered with twigs in his hand, and found that both sides had been cooked to perfection, so he stopped what he was doing, put the grilled fish aside first, and picked up the meat that had been prepared for a long time. The blocks rest on a makeshift grill that was constructed temporarily.

It takes a week on Continent No. 3. For the candidates, apart from the most important task of hunting down beasts and accumulating points, surviving on this strange continent is the most realistic task they face. Also the toughest test.

There are many candidates who have no experience in wild life at all, and throwing them into such an environment will only make them at a loss.

Just two days before the assessment began, many candidates were forced to opt out of the assessment because they did not know how to survive in the jungle.

There are even many candidates who directly announced their withdrawal because they had eaten poisonous food and could only accept rescue.

Although Chu Nan didn't have much experience in wild life, he grew up on a farm after all, and he often did messy things like fishing, hunting, and barbecuing himself.

Of course, due to the lack of various raw materials, he could only use grilled fish and grilled meat to cope, and there was no more choice.

If I really want to say, in the past two days, his barbecue experience has been enriched a lot.

Now this grilled fish is much stronger than the one he made before, except that it looks a little bland without the salt, and it can almost be called delicious.

After placing the meat on the rack, Chu Nan slowly chewed the grilled fish in his left hand, and rolled the grill in his right.

According to the real-time standings, because he hunted and killed two giant cows one after another in the morning, his points rose sharply, so his ranking has improved significantly, and now he has finally squeezed into the top 300.

As long as he maintains this ranking, after the assessment, he will be able to successfully enter the Nebula Academy.

But this is obviously not Chunan's goal.

He looked at the top of the list and found that Feng Mingxi was still at the top of the list, and his points had risen by 63 points, reaching 379 points.

The current second place has been replaced by the previous third place, with a score of 292 points, only 87 points less than Feng Mingxi. Compared with the 94 points difference between the previous second place and Feng Mingxi, the gap has narrowed a bit. .

Chu Nan looked further down and found that the scores of the top-ranked candidates all increased by a large margin.

Although he encountered two giant spirit cows one after another, which made the points obtained in the morning far exceed those of the previous two mornings, the gap between him and these top candidates was even greater.

"It's obviously impossible for these guys to hunt down all E-rank beasts, so where did they encounter so many D-rank beasts?"

Chunan was a little depressed.

With his current strength, he has no problem dealing with D-rank beasts, but his luck is really bad. He hasn't encountered any D-rank beasts for several days in a row, so his points rise slowly.

If this is still the case for the next few days, then he will definitely not be able to squeeze into the top of the standings. How can he be valued after entering the Nebula Academy, and then come into contact with the golden body of Luohan?

"No, let's work harder."

Thinking of this, Chu Nan finished eating the grilled fish in two bites, and by the way increased the fire, regardless of the fact that it would make the meat scorched, speed up the cooking, and even ignore the taste. Plugged, while diving into the depths of the woods.

Not long after walking, the beast hadn't found it yet, when Chu Nan suddenly heard a few human-like voices from the front left.

"Can this happen too..."

Chu Nan secretly screamed bad luck.

Since other people have gone to that place, even if there are beasts, I am afraid that they will be hunted and killed at this time, and it will not be his turn at all.

Just as he was about to turn around and change his direction, Chu Nan's ears moved, but he found that the shouts coming from there were not the shouts of ordinary examinees when they were fighting fierce beasts, but more like exclamations, even screams. .

Chu Nan stopped, hesitated for a moment, turned around again, and ran towards the direction of the voice at high speed.

As the distance got closer, the voice that Chu Nan heard became clearer and clearer.

Those voices were definitely screams and screams, not like the candidates were hunting beasts, but rather like they were being chased by beasts.

In addition to the screams, there was a constant thunderous rumbling sound, which sounded extremely shocking.

Hearing an extremely shrill scream again, Chu Nan froze in his heart, frowned tightly, and quickened his figure.

After traveling for about half a kilometer in the woods, Chu Nan finally saw what was happening in the direction from which the voice came.

In the jungle in front, a body is not very huge, it is probably a circle smaller than the giant cow, but it is more stout. Right channeling.

Although its size is smaller than that of the Giant Spirit Bull, its impact is even more terrifying than that of the Giant Spirit Bull.

Just a random collision, the tree that was surrounded by two people in the woods was directly smashed from the middle.

Moreover, it is unusually thick, and the terrifying impact of breaking the tree can't have any effect on it, but after a little delay in its progress, it can immediately speed up and rush out again.

Under its terrifying impact, a young girl was madly fleeing forward, but she panicked, but she just happened to be caught on a protruding tree root, and she fell straight out.

Seeing this situation, Chu Nan couldn't help frowning.

When the girl fled just now, there was a faint radiance of inner breath all over her body. It can be seen that she should be at least a beginner-level inner breath martial artist, but now she is tripped by a tree root on the ground, which is really unreasonable.

However, the impact of this fierce beast is also amazing, and it is not completely incomprehensible that she panicked like this~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing that the beast was about to rush in front of the girl who fell to the ground, Chu Nan's figure moved, and he was already approaching from the side, punching out a punch.


The powerful five-turn internal breath burst out, and the strength of Chu Nan's punch exceeded three tons!

Although it couldn't compare to the impact of the beast's frontal force, Chu Nan's punch was at a very delicate angle, and it just hit the oblique rear of the beast.

Taking advantage of its terrifying impact, the beast immediately lost its balance, and its huge body turned over several times in the air, directly smashing a sturdy tree and falling to the ground.

However, Chu Nan didn't stop there. He flew up, swept over a distance of more than ten meters, and stomped in the air, just guessing the beast's jaw and neck.


After a crisp sound, the beast's neck was kicked open by Chu Nan's kick, and a stream of blood gushed out like a fountain. (To be continued.)

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