Although it is indeed the first time for the two to get along alone, Chu Nan has already learned a lot about Elwei from Dunleavy's mouth, and he also has a younger sister who is about the same age, so it is strange that he has not Before I saw her, I was no stranger to her.し

What's more, when she was with Trina before, Elvie also played with them for a while. Through Trina's relationship, the two were already familiar with each other.

So starting from talking about Dunleavy, Chunan easily opened the chat box with Elwei and chatted happily.

After the initial inexplicable irritability, Ai Erwei quickly accepted the appearance of Chu Nan, and chatted with him about Deng Liwei first, and then heard Chu Nan said that he also had a sister, so he chatted about Chu Xiaoxi , and then because both of them were admitted to the Nebula Academy, they naturally chatted about the topic after entering the Nebula Academy...

Gradually, she found the uninhibited feeling she had thrown away for nearly half a year.

"By the way, Chu Nan, you..." Elwei suddenly glanced at Chu Nan and hesitated.

"Huh? What?"

Elway hesitated for a moment, but still asked, "You seem... to be judged by two star-level warriors as being unable to break through any Eternal Universe barriers in the future, so you can't become a powerful warrior?"

Chunan couldn't help but smile.

"It's really good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles. Is this thing so famous? Even people like you who are not martial artists know."

"Who said I'm not a martial artist anymore." Elwei couldn't help but snorted in disbelief, raised her arms, and put on a powerful look. "I am now a third-order hegemonic martial artist."

In the past six months with the help of my aunt's house, in addition to being busy with her studies, Elway insisted on practicing martial arts every day, and her martial arts strength also improved by leaps and bounds. She has successfully jumped from the first-level hegemony level more than half a year ago to the third-level. Dominance level.

"Oh?" Chunan was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, Elwei should not be fifteen years old this year, but she is already a third-order physique-level warrior.

In addition to being from a big family like Dunleavy and having a good inheritance, her own talent is obviously very good.

"Didn't you apply for the human genetic engineering major of Xingyun College? How can you still practice martial arts?" Chu Nan asked again.

"Can you not practice martial arts if you major in human genetic engineering?" Elwei snorted coldly and glared at Chu Nan. "I practice martial arts when I have nothing to do. It's good for my health, and it can also deepen my understanding of human genetic engineering."

"Oh? Is martial arts related to human genetic engineering?" Chu Nan said in surprise.

Elwei glanced at Chu Nan with a "you don't understand anything" expression.

"Of course it has something to do with it. You are also a martial artist. Don't you know that the first stage of a martial artist's dominance is actually changing the human body itself, and actually acting directly on human genes?"

Chu Nan shook his head: "I know that the body is improving the human body, but when it comes to genes... I don't know anything about it."

Elvie sighed, nodded and said, "Okay, let me tell you. In fact, in the field of human genetic engineering, I have always been very interested in warriors. Because the process of warriors cultivating martial arts to improve themselves is actually human genes. A transformation project of its own. For warriors to greatly transform their genes and improve their physical strength by virtue of their internal energy, those of us who study human genetic engineering, but everyone is very concerned about it, hoping to find the real reason. By the way, when it comes to This, do you know that Venerable Auweili, the 'Holy Hand and Heavenly Heart', is actually the most famous human genetic engineering expert in our Earth Federation?"

"Ah?" Chunan was startled.

He suddenly remembered that when Venerable Auweili talked to him about the flame of life and his high-frequency vibration internal breath, he mentioned that the flame of life would directly affect and change human genes, and his high-frequency vibration If the inner breath continues to study and evolve, maybe it can also achieve this effect.

Immediately, he thought of Venerable Oville's face that was completely similar to that of a young girl. Isn't this the most direct example of the changes in human genes?

Seeing Chunan's expression, Elwei became complacent.

"I didn't expect it? Let me tell you, human genetic engineering is a very profound knowledge. If the research is thorough, maybe everyone can become a powerful warrior just by changing their genes in the future. Even mass-produced star-level warriors It is also possible.”

Chu Nan's mouth twitched.

The last time I heard the phrase "mass-producing star-level warriors", it was Tamkench who said it. I can't believe that Elvie actually said the same thing now.

Tamkench values ​​his participation in his research so much. Could it be that he sees hope in studying the relationship between martial artists and human genes?

Seeing that the expression on Chu Nan's face became very strange, Elwei couldn't help but wonder: "What are you thinking? Are you scared to hear that a star-level warrior can also produce energy?"

"No... I just thought that this topic was brought up in front of me a few days ago." Chu Nan slowly shook his head.

Venerable Oville was actually the most famous human genetic engineering expert in the Earth Federation, which was beyond his expectations.

But thinking about it carefully, Venerable Oweili can even cultivate to the realm of rejuvenation. From the perspective of human genetic engineering, this is a miracle at all.

That alone makes it no exaggeration to call her an expert.

"Who else has mentioned it before you?" Elvie asked in amazement. "Didn't you participate in the assessment of the martial artist branch a few days ago? How can you meet people who study human genetic engineering?"

"Because the person I saw... was Venerable Oville..."

Elway stared at Chu Nan for a while, then suddenly jumped up, grabbed Chu Nan's shoulder, shook him vigorously, and asked loudly with bright eyes, "You actually saw Ao Venerable Veli? Oh my God, where did you meet her old man? Why did you meet her? Did you speak to her? What did she say?"

Chu Nan was swayed from side to side by her, and he was forced to use a little strength to stabilize his body, and then pointed to the left and right.

" Pay attention to the image."

Elway was stunned for a moment, looked left and right, and found that the other passengers in the VIP room waiting to board the ship were looking towards this side. Many of them still had ambiguous smiles on their faces, apparently misunderstanding something.

Elway's face flushed, and she quickly retracted her hand and sat down again, but she still looked directly at Chunan with a burning gaze.

"Tell me, how did you meet the Ovali?"

"The star chasers are really scary..." Chu Nan muttered in his heart, and then explained the situation when he saw Venerable Oweili.

"You actually learned the flame of life?" After listening to Chu Nan's remarks, Elwei's eyes widened, but this question was the first thing she cared about.

Chu Nan stretched out his arm and drew a **** opening with his fingers, and then he breathed out a faint milky white light from the wound. The shallow wound quickly closed and healed completely.

Elway stared at Chunan's arm in a daze, and was speechless for a while. (To be continued.)

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