At this point, the MCU ball


“Wanda Maximov?”

In a small room that was somewhat shabby, the little girl in the red dress stared at the old TV on the table in amazement, and for a moment could hardly believe her ears.

“This… This powerful witch is actually me? ”

It’s a pity that the excitement of the little girl “Wanda” has just risen, and she is immediately shattered by the cruel reality!

“Abominable! Stark! You this…”

Looking at himself on the screen, first killed by Data Iron Man, and then turned into a “robot” by him, Wanda’s face turned pale, her small body shrunk into a ball, and she actually shivered in the chair.

At this moment, she seemed to return to that night.

That, the missiles of Stark Industries … Bang into the nightfall at home!

At this time, Karma Taj.

“What? Is that…… Magic fluctuations? ”

Countless mages widened their eyes, and an unconcealable look of consternation appeared on their faces.

I saw that the “mechanical scarlet witch” on the screen not only burst with red light in her eyes, but also released a substantial scarlet magic from her body!

A robot that actually uses magic?

How is this possible?

Faced with such an incredible sight, all the mages present were stunned, and some even opened their mouths wide, unable to close for half a day.

“This is … The Chaos Magic of Sithorne! ”

Gu Yi Mage’s eyes widened slightly, and he couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

As the owner of the Time Gem, she has long been familiar with the “existence” of the Scarlet Witch.

However, Data Iron Man’s “data-based resurrection” can actually allow a robot to master chaos magic…

This is really subverting Gu Yi’s cognition!

As the strongest magician on earth, Furuichi frowned and pondered for a long time, and finally slowly stretched his brows.

“Although not sure of the principle, data Iron Man resurrected the Scarlet Witch in the means… Definitely involves soul gems. ”

“It’s not as simple as feeding memory data into the computer of this Scarlet Witch robot.”

“Instead, she poured her soul into it!”

“And by magic… It is to rely on souls to communicate with the demon gods, and then use their magic power to cast spells! ”

Thinking of this, Furuichi almost couldn’t help but laugh bitterly.

In the Marvel world, the so-called mages themselves have no “mana” to speak of, and they all rely on the “demon gods” behind them to obtain magical energy.

Mages like Guichi and Kama Taj rely on the god of white magic, “Vishanchi”.

And standing behind the Scarlet Witch is the god of Hades 537 Sithorne!

Although he had figured everything out, Gu Yi’s expression was still a little gloomy.

Being able to create a robot that can cast spells proves that Data Iron Man’s use of human souls has really reached an incredible level!

Unlike Thanos, he relies entirely on his mechanical body to control the Infinity Stones, without the help of the Infinity Gauntlet.

On the plus side, this means that it is difficult for Data Iron Man to upend the entire universe with a snap of his fingers like Thanos.

But if you think at worst, this “supervillain” who is a human being and incarnated as a machine… The “control” of the Infinity Stones is far greater than the so-called Infinity Stones Thanos!

In time, when he has complete control of these 6 gems, plus the hammer of the machine god, maybe… You can really “find” and smash the Tai Sui Cage!

At that time, the end of the multiverse will come!

At this moment, new images appeared on the light screen.

[“You! Stark! “】

[After the resurrection, the “Mechanical Scarlet Witch” just opened his eyes and saw the face of Data Iron Man, and immediately became furious, desperately rushing up. ] 】

[“I fought with you!”] “】

[“Eh… What an irrational guy. “】

[Seeing this, the mind gem on Data Iron Man’s forehead flashed slightly, and the eyes of the mechanical scarlet witch became confused. ] 】

“Unfortunately, I wanted to have a good theory with you, but it seems… You are not a reasonable object. “】

“In that case, I’ll reprogram you.”] “】

[As the flash of the Mind Gem gradually subsided, the eyes of the “Mechanical Scarlet Witch” also returned to calm. 】

[I saw her gently bending down to face Data Iron Man and lowered her head. ] 】

“Data Iron Man, what is your order? “】

[“Of course, to back up and destroy the intelligent life of the entire universe!”] “】

[Data Iron Man glanced at the ground under the two of them and smiled slightly:]

[“The best choice to continue the civilization of intelligent life is to destroy intelligent life! “】

“First, start with the planet beneath our feet! “】

“Understood, follow your orders. “】

[The mechanical Scarlet Witch’s voice became fluctuating without the slightest, like a repeater.] 】

[Apparently, her “autonomous consciousness” has been erased by Data Iron Man with a mind gem. 】

“Data pseudo-gods” don’t need disobedient followers. 】

[At this time, the picture on the screen flashed, and I came to an underground fortress. 】

[Wearing a trench coat, black brine eggs full of wind and frost, he is sitting in the secret room of the fortress, communicating with other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. ] 】

[“North American cities have all perished! “】

“Those crazy mechanical legions are now marching north under Stark’s leadership! “】

[“These cold-blooded killing machines have not even spared a single person! “】

[“Abominable! “】

[The black egg’s face kept twitching, and he involuntarily took out an old-fashioned pager from his arms, and muttered with his head down:]

[“Carol! Come back soon. We need you now! “】

[Just when the egg was anxious, but unable to do anything, an excited voice suddenly came out of the communicator:]

[“Director, there is a woman with golden light all over her body descending from the sky! “】

“It looks a lot like the Captain Marvel you told me about earlier. “】

“What? “】

[The black egg was shocked when he heard this, and stood up with his fists excitedly. ] 】

[“Carol! Now, the safety of the entire planet depends on you! “】


“Carol? Captain Marvel? ”

Looking at the “self” on the screen, looking at the old-fashioned pager, the surprise on his face, the brine egg suddenly frowned, and his face was full of confusion.

Who is this?

Why, the self of another universe, as soon as he heard the “golden woman”, he immediately became excited like this.

That data Iron Man is so powerful, can a single woman defeat him?

And, if such a woman really exists on Earth, why… Don’t have any impression in your head?

At this time, in the light screen.

[“Boom! Rumble! Rumble! “】

[The huge “flying city of Wakanda” moves at an astonishing speed in the air, while unleashing indiscriminate terrifying firepower towards the human city on the ground. 】

[This vibranium city, which was “shaped” from scratch with the power of Thanos’ realistic gems, has been transformed into a flying fortress at this moment! ] 】

[And the original people of Wakanda have all been transformed into armed robots containing “past life memories”! ] 】

[They have only one goal, that is, to obey the master data Iron Man, and order him to destroy the useless humans after he achieves “backup”! ] 】

[“Oh! “】

[In the midst of the rain of bullets, from the top of the “Flying Wakanda”, a scarlet magic fluctuation suddenly shot out. 】

[“Boom! “】

[A city on the ground, after being hit by this magic fluctuation, the “time” where it is located actually began to regress continuously. 】

[“Oh! “】

[The whole city trembles under the red light, and with each trembling, the city “degenerates” into a more “ancient” version! ] 】

[First of all, it’s a bungalow of the last century! ] 】

[Then, I actually jumped directly back to the brick house a hundred years ago.] 】

[Then there’s the wooden structure… Stone structure… Even all the way back to the thatched hut! 】

And human beings in cities have begun to “degrade” at an alarming rate. 】


[Wait until the scarlet magic light completely subsides.] Cities with millions of people have disappeared completely. 】

[What remains in place are only some “single-celled organisms” that are almost invisible to the naked eye and a few pieces… Small stones. 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[Standing on top of “Flying Wakanda”, Data Iron Man stared at the “Mechanical Scarlet Witch” who was standing beside him and had just lowered his hand and laughed with satisfaction:]

“It seems that after I turned you into a mechanical and data form, your Ajed spell seems to be stronger! “】

[“Perhaps, this form removes your distractions and makes your spirit more concentrated! (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[The mechanical scarlet witch owes slightly and says calmly:]

“Thank you Data Iron Man-sama. “】


[Data Iron Man nodded. 】

“This is the last large human city on Earth. “】

[It seems that our mission on Earth has been completed and we can leave here and go to the universe.] 】

[At this moment, Data Iron Man’s expression suddenly changed, and he looked up at the sky. 】

[“Lala! “】

[With an astonishing loud noise, a dazzling firelight, like a meteorite falling to the ground, rushed straight down from the sky with amazing momentum! ] 】

[Moreover, this amazingly powerful “meteorite” was obviously smashed down according to the “Flying Wakanda”! ] 】

[“Hmph! Act recklessly! “】

[Data: Iron Man’s face changed, and he raised the Hammer of the God of Machines at the sky. ] 】

[But just before he made a move, a coquettish cry sounded next to him:]

[“Sir, leave this to me! “】

[As soon as the mechanical scarlet witch’s words fell, her mechanical body was immediately completely wrapped in scarlet magic! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[With a whistling sound that tore the air, the mechanical scarlet witch was like a meteor “shooting into the sky” from below, aiming at the meteorite in the air and crashing over! ] 】

[“Whoosh! “】

[A firelight, a red light, kept approaching in the air at an amazing speed, and finally slammed together. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[A terrifying explosion shakes the heavens and the earth! ] The terrifying golden flames, mixed with scarlet magic, spewed out like all around! 】


[“Aaaa “】

[Accompanied by one after the other, two exclamations, two women flew out from the core of the explosion. ] 】

[“Abominable! Where did you robots come from? “】

[Captain Marvel was covered in hair, and some blood even appeared on his forehead, looking extremely embarrassed. ] 】

[And suspended opposite her, some sparks also appeared on the mechanical scarlet witch, but there was no expression fluctuation on her face:]

“Mankind, prepare to accept glorious evolution! “】

[“What evolution! Who set you up with this crazy program? “】

[Captain Marvel gritted his teeth and condensed the energy of his whole body, and a dazzling bright light was released from his body again. ] 】

[That “collision” just now! ] Not only did she not take any advantage, but she was actually hit by the “red robot” in front of her with a little internal injury! 】

[Across the universe for so many years, Captain Marvel never dreamed that the first time he returned to Earth, he almost lost at the hands of a robot! ] 】

[At this moment, the expression of surprise was cold, and I instinctively felt… It seems that he was “scanned” by something once. 】

[The next moment, from the steel city in the air, a golden light suddenly appeared. 】

[“What??? “】

[Looking at the figure flying closer and closer, Captain Marvel’s eyes widened more and more, and his hair stood up in horror. ] 】

[This energy reaction is exactly the same as his own “double star mode”! ] 】

[And what is even more terrifying is that with the eye power of Captain Marvel, she he recognized at a glance, wrapped in that cloud of golden energy… She is a “robot woman” who looks exactly like herself. 】

“Nope! That’s impossible! “】

[Captain Marvel’s face is distorted, and the panic in his heart is almost indescribable. 】

【Robot! 】

[Where did this “female robot” who looks exactly like herself and even has the same ability come from?] 】

[“Boom! “】

[At this moment, the “Mechanical Scarlet Witch” suspended in the air not far from her also appeared scarlet magic that rushed straight to the sky! ] 】

[“Kill! “】

[“Ugh! “】

[In the next second, the magic power on Scarlet Witch’s body turned into a torrent and rushed straight towards Captain Marvel! ] 】

[And that “Mechanical Double Star Captain Marvel” also shot at her like a shooting star. ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[In the unbelievable exclamation of Captain Marvel, three energies collided together! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[For a time, the sky fell apart! ] 】

Earth, California mansion.

“God, he still has this ability.”

Looking at the amazing “copying” power displayed by ABC on the screen, Stark was so shocked that his eyes bulged out.

Although I don’t know who the “golden woman” is, she is obviously a human with extremely strong superpowers.

But Data Iron Man just scanned it with the Mind Gem and actually copied a mechanical version of “her”!

Even, even the superpowers are exactly the same!

Even on the battlefield, Data Iron Man can instantly “copy” enemies!

In the face of such a terrible monster, who can fight it?

[And just when countless people were stunned, the picture on the screen suddenly changed and came to the border of the solar system.] 】

[In the endless dark starry sky, a large mass of “huge humanoid darkness” that is countless times deeper than “night” is approaching the solar system at an amazing high speed.] 】

[“Roar! “?】

[I saw this humanoid darkness, close to Pluto at the very edge of the solar system! ] Then suddenly raised a hand!?]

[I saw that on the right hand of “humanoid darkness”, he was holding a pitch-black giant sword.] 】

[Compared with this giant sword and the humanoid darkness, the huge Pluto looks like a small leather ball!?]

[“Destruction! Destroy! All planets need to be destroyed! “?】

[The humanoid darkness let out a wild roar in the universe. A sword slashed down, just striking Pluto!?】

[“Boom! “?】

[The entire planet Pluto was split into two pieces by this “huge black sword”, and then gradually fell apart in the universe!?]

MCU ball, a certain fast food restaurant.

“Nope! No way. ”

Swallowing Mei looked at the TV in the fast food restaurant, and the whole person was stupid.

She recognized at a glance that this “humanoid darkness” that was several times larger than the planet was her father… Planet Devourer.

But how did Dad become like this.

And. What was the black giant sword in his hand, which he had never seen before.

PS: There is one more change tonight.

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