Master of the Stars

Chapter 1171: Moderator (middle)

"Ah, mom, come out to watch the aerial photography!"

"Tears filled my eyes, waiting for four hours for a new perspective!"

"Dragon Seven, I remember your best skills!"

A group of poor children who were suffocated cheered for a simple change of perspective. Take an attitude of appreciating artworks and look for value in the perspective of ink.

Compared with the well-equipped and full of retro luxury Longqi, the traffic ahead is also very chronological.

But those that make up the traffic flow are definitely not the types that have been carefully polished by craftsmen. Instead, a mixed fleet consisting of a large number of engineering vehicles, transport vehicles, and even pickup trucks and off-road vehicles, gallops along the mottled and undulating old asphalt road under the highway.

The outer layer of the vehicle is purely the scars portrayed by time and time, and it is also wrapped in thick sand and dust. It is thrown off layer by layer while driving at high speed, looking embarrassed and restless.

"Well, it’s rare for a fleet of earth-moving vehicles to be so mixed. The distance between small cars and large cars is a bit risky. Maybe it’s just entering? Well, one of the causes of the dusty weather has been found...Although it is outside the city, it is dust-proof. Pay attention to the cloth or something."

Dragon Seven sighed.

Many people in the live broadcast room were shocked: "These are the training exercises from the Old Car Museum, right?"

"The colors on a car are all sorts of things. Isn't it a packaged item? It can be driven and pulled the earth, bull!"

"See you for a long time! Is there such an old-fashioned construction vehicle now? Can it still be used?"

"Yes, why not! The construction sites in the outer suburbs and satellite cities are everywhere. Don't look down on them. The worse the environmental conditions, the more effective this is, and now Xiacheng also retains several traditional production lines."

The above is no longer the content of the barrage, but the Dragon Seven who consciously acts as the "anchor assistant" to explain the hot issues raised by netizens.

"However, depending on the style of these vehicles, there are too many modified patches. It should not be produced in recent years... It is a bit like a vagrant style, that is, things that vagrants rebuild and assemble in the wilderness. Some have one left. It’s skinny, but everything has changed in the bones. It’s very distinctive."

Speaking of this, Long Qi suddenly changed his conversation and took the initiative to talk to Ruiwen: "Miss Ruiwen, isn't this good?"

Without waiting for Ruiwen’s response, he said: “This is the second suggestion I want to make-interaction. If you play live broadcast without interaction, the soul of the show will be empty. So, Miss Ruiwen, you should also pay attention to netizens occasionally. Opinion! Confront everyone head-on, chat, solve any doubts, be cute, and experience everyone's enthusiasm, encouragement and even flattery by the way, oh oh, that is the true meaning of life!"

Now, even the straight guys who hate little white faces in the live broadcast room are going to slap him twice.

As for Ruiwen, after two seconds, she actually responded: "Thank you, I will consider it."

"Oh, is this promised?"


"Turn the tide, this is!"

"Seventh brother, are you an angel sent by God?"

At this moment, there is no doubt that Long Qi is the common hero of the live broadcast room and even Ruiwen's just a little fan group!

Long Qi was also a little surprised, he himself adjusted with a sigh and smile for a few seconds before speaking again: "That's really an honor..."

Ruiwen ignored him this time.

At this time, due to the direction of the satellite city highway, which is different from the old road below, the two sides have already staggered. And the ink that contributed the aerial perspective in mid-air, hovered in a circle above the convoy and flew back.

The next second, the angle of view switched, and it turned into Ruiwen's field of vision.

This is obviously what Ruiwen took the initiative to change...I think it's progress.

Long Qi is still pointing to (cuan) guide (duo) Ruiwen: "Today's live broadcast is almost over, it's better to give everyone some benefits... I mean, pick a few bullet screen messages, and answer them. Oh, everyone is very enthusiastic."

Indeed, inspired by Long Qi’s words and deeds, the frequency of questions in the live broadcast room has skyrocketed, but most of them are "Miss Ruiwen, how tall are you", "Do you think we are suitable", "Is there a fan group", "Reward" "Why don't the channels open" and so on.

The anchor next to him may answer patiently one by one, but Ruiwen has no response at all.

Fortunately, there is Dragon Seven who directly acted as the host and slowly cheeks next to her: "Well, for character reasons, Miss Ruiwen will definitely be more cautious about changing behavior patterns. Don't worry, everyone. In addition, some general issues are still waiting for Rui to go back. Ms. Wen's team will give a unified explanation, which is more standard.

"Now, do you have any questions related to today's show? I even guessed it, maybe I can answer a few. I will pick the ones that are high in praise..."

When the voice fell, there was a high praise question that broke through the critical point, and the special effects of lighting, red, and swelling appeared: "Seven brothers, seven brothers, seven brothers, did you know Miss Ruiwen before?"

"I don't know!" Long Qi replied decisively, "I just know Mr. Ink, so I greeted him from the beginning."

After only a breath of space, the barrage that is not a problem was blown up by high praise: "Liar, you are obviously super familiar with her!"

"Because Miss Ruiwen is also a celebrity in our circle...Don't you think she has a superstar appearance?"

"What circle?"

"A circle that often deals with the frontiers of the times."

"When you and Ertu struggled, what was the'old river channel' you were talking about?"

"It's not about enthusiasm, it's communication. Also, please look at the map around Xiacheng... Friendly reminder that the AR topographic map tastes better."

"Do you really go to the wilderness?"

"It depends on Miss Ruiwen's will and the arrangement of her team's boss."

"Who is the big boss? Is it that ‘vampire’?"

"You don't fight the boss again, asking this is a waste."

Dragon Qi is quick to respond, and his mouth is smooth. Although he looks like a beautiful man, he doesn't care about his image. Although many people know that some of his words are just nonsense, the truthfulness is extremely poor, and they don't blame it.

As a genuine anchor, Rui Wen still only uses herself as a camera, and she doesn't say a word, but she can't stop the atmosphere in the live broadcast room from getting hotter.

After all, this is still Ruiwen's home court. Even if the host of Dragon Seven is radiant, there are still many people who just stare at Ruiwen and ask questions. Some Longqi blocks can be blocked, but some involve subjective views, which is not so easy.

For example, the one just marked red: "Why Miss Ruiwen is interested in the team just now?"

Quite normal question. However, if Ruiwen didn’t answer, some people couldn’t help guessing, and they got praised: “Vagrant style...the motorcade is full of vagrants? Is this the vagrant parade? The one who wants to enter the market square. kind?"

Homeless parade?

Zhong Man frowned, staring at the two high praise questions, a little unhappy.

Many people in the live broadcast room, including her, did not suddenly remember until then that in addition to the earthquake, there was such a hot event in Xiacheng recently.

As a native urban population, Zhong Man paid little attention to this incident, especially after the earthquake. And she doesn't want Ruiwen to be involved in this field.

It's too easy to step on thunder.

At the other end of the live broadcast room, Long Qi did not evade, and felt relaxed and took it: "On the side of the convoy, most of them are homeless people. Looking at the direction, it should be a tribe living in the fifth district... Oh, don’t mention it in person. This word, they are very sensitive to this kind of appellation that seems to look at primitive people.

"Actually, it is true. Fifty years ago, no one was more advanced and noble than anyone else. It was just that in the age of distortion, the choice and the result were different.

"Furthermore, there are actually a large number of homeless people who want to keep their farms based on the city; and there is no shortage of fielders who want to sweep the city every day. It's just that the differences in resources, organization, geography, and fortune make People’s time to enter the city has been prioritized, and sometimes the difference lies in a large-equivalent hydrogen bomb."

"Hydrogen. Bombing Kiwahahaha..."

Someone in the live broadcast room caught this stalk.

According to unofficial statistics, it may be Duanzi. At present, more than half of the main urban areas of the 88 super-large cities in the world were passively or actively scorched by large amounts of hydrogen. . .

It is said that in this way, nuclear pollution and aberrations that have been raging for a while are eliminated.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or false, Long Qi said, it adds a certain depth to the live broadcast content, and also washes away some of Zhong Man's overly frivolous and greasy impressions.

"The full name of the five inspection districts is'the fifth standard residential area for long-term observation and inspection of distortion and infection'...Why do I have the impression? Because it was the first stop when I went to the site to perform the three-gate security mission last year. At that time, the ink Mr. also went."

Long Qi still did not forget to link with Ruiwen: "I wonder if it told you?"

Ruiwen still did not respond.

Dragon Qi and the audience are used to it.

The former continued: "Also, there is absolutely no possibility for the fleet to go to the parade to rush into the card... This kind of old commercial vehicle does not have the permission to pass in the city, and even the superconducting module is not installed, and it is impossible to enter the city at all.

"Furthermore, vagrant parades are not the norm. This is not economical and requires too much manpower. The tribal life returning to the city is very stressful. Everyone, except for really ignorant children, needs to go to work to make a living. To be honest, the work of digging and transporting earth is regarded as standard fat. Well, transporting the soil from the outside to the inside... Is there any place on the edge of the city that needs to be used?"

Long Qi thought for a while and asked and answered: "It's actually very simple to figure out this kind of problem. Just ask one more sentence... Mr. Intelligence Officer, have you eaten it?"

Obviously, Long Qi directly contacted the newly separated Sanzha security Ertu intelligence officer, with a familiar and casual tone: "I ask a question! Just to remind you, I represent the will of the vast number of netizens."

"I saw it." Obviously, Ertu has been paying attention to the live broadcast room. He no longer gave Long Qi the opportunity to deliberately anger him, and directly replied, "This is the backfill earthwork required for the upgrading project of the old road in the suburbs of the recycling layer. District Taixi Company is responsible, and the procedures are complete."

"Hey, can you just talk about their company?"

"There is a logo on the car, I am surprised you didn't see it."

"Puff ha ha ha" barrage swarmed past the live broadcast room.

Long Qi is calm: "Teach you a little knowledge. I want to know the specific situation of municipal engineering construction projects within the Sanzha area. Inquiring about Sanzha security may be more effective than the administrative hotline...

The voice hasn't fallen yet, and the live broadcast perspective has been changed again. With an abrupt rhythm that the Dragon Qi didn't expect, from the side sky, the ink suddenly sank-the ink flew directly down the satellite city high speed, through the slender shadow of the viaduct, and chased the dusty earthwork convoy that appeared again.

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