Master of the Stars

Chapter 1184: Focus (below)

In Zhang Yingying's words, she gradually became sharper: "Ms. Wen, now in Xiacheng, in terms of transcendence, not only President Ouyang and my boss, but you also specifically avoided the situation after the appearance of the fortress of the ring of blood last December... How do you say this?"

Wen Huilan smiled at her again, but turned to Ronan, who hadn't spoken for a while, and leaned back again to show respect:

"Yes, I deliberately avoided the influence of Professor Luo...because when it comes to professor you, you basically have to be clear that the situation in Xiacheng and even the world is different."

Ronan is still struggling with the structural problems of the arm armor, especially the connection with the chest and abdomen armor-the physical structure is still second, and the function may need to be changed.

Of course, he was also listening to Wen Huilan's discussion with her friends, listening to the former's praise, and he did not forget to smile and say: "Many people are more distressed, right."

"Frankly speaking, it's a terrible headache."

Wen Huilan's statement is actually getting bolder and bolder.

This sentence, I don't know whether it is describing the big backer behind her-the substantial owner of Lake City, President Gao Wenfu.

However, she still cut in from Xiacheng:

"On the side of Xiacheng, the fortress of the **** spirit ring that was born out of the sky has cut down a large amount of the cost of training talents, and it has even more miraculous effects for those with mental abilities. Now many spirits look at Xiacheng as' The Holy Land', came from a long distance, trying to move to register, just to practice in the blood circle fortress. But as far as I know, Xiacheng's policy is still very vague on this point, right?"

When cutting the paper, he curled his lips: "What kind of registration? We didn't intentionally block them. Come up if you have the ability."

Wen Huilan’s statement is very comprehensive: “Cultivation is always a systematic project, the spiritual level is active, and material needs will inevitably push up. Without the support of the association’s channels, it is too difficult to obtain enough but necessary materials... At this time, it is too fast to improve. Uncertainty is the way to die."

"So, this is also the profit point of the'Wang Xing'?" Xie Junping became more and more keen after a long debate.

Wen Huilan does not deny: "So we waited and watched nervously to see if the Xiacheng branch would come up with a policy that is conducive to immigration, and whether it would give the immigrants the same treatment.

"It seems that the decision-making level of your club is still hesitating. Perhaps it is because the equal treatment policy will greatly increase the number of registrations in a short period of time and obtain short-term benefits, but the corresponding subsidy costs will also be in the next few years. Significant increase. Not to mention the balance of interests between new and old members.

"If you can’t find a balance point, maybe it won’t take too long. As the resources around Xiacheng continue to decline, these are new registered members who come purely to increase their strength. Once they have enough benefits, they will disappear. .

"Of course, the prerequisite for this situation is that Professor Luo failed to further improve the training model of the blood circle fortress in the next few years, and failed to continuously improve efficiency and reduce costs..."

Zhang Yingying raised her eyebrows: "I seem to have more confidence in Luo BOSS."

Ronan smiled silently.

"Of course, Professor Luo is the pinnacle of the era. It is not just the **** ring fortress, but also the'slicer' and'super-configuration' on the waterfront of Techeng, and even has shaken the'Burner System'-I am more optimistic, through This model improves the conversion rate of the general resources of the secular world to the "non-combustible system." And then, it will not be surprising that any miracle will be performed."

Wen Huilan's tone of voice was natural and sincere, and she couldn't see the meaning of blowing, blowing, patting and patting. But what followed immediately was the turning point:

"For the outside world, the situation is different again.

"Many people originally thought that Xiacheng's stability, peace, and less competition with others were more like President Ouyang's idealized philosophy, combined with the illusion of forced order and order with high investment and high consumption. is certainly great. However, through resource constraints, the cannibalization can be weakened step by step...Even if there is still a strong supporter, His Majesty Wu Huang, who has in-depth cooperation with the management, may be an object to win."

Zhang Yingying sneered.

Wen Huilan leaned back and smiled and apologized, but she didn't mean to change her direction: "Regardless of whether this idea is right or wrong, it can be regarded as a reason for self-convincing, and it gives space for up-contemplation, compromise, and concession.

"But now, in Xiacheng, there are three extraordinary species, President Ouyang, His Majesty Wu Huang, and Professor Luo.

"In the foreseeable future, this'unsustainable' Xiacheng model will certainly continue to be willful; before the related costs drop significantly, it will continue to'suck blood' all over the world, with only increasing intensity; at the same time, the early stage All sorts of "profits" in Xiacheng may not continue any longer-what you want to change and what you don't want to change, for the current Xiacheng, it couldn't be simpler.

"The three extraordinary species that unite sincerely and advance and retreat together are undoubtedly the most decisive and subversive force in this world-the problem is that those extraordinary species outside of Xiacheng, especially those who maintain the order of the times Archons, I am afraid that they will not be willing to see this happen."

Zhugan laughed bitterly when he heard it: "Ms. Wen, is this the information you got, or is it a play for those big people?"

Wen Huilan pursed her lips and smiled. The traces on the corner of her left lip are profound and playful with a "guess-like" look: "No matter what others want, isn't Xiacheng ready to take precautions?"

Xie Junping felt that this was Wen Huilan implying "cooperation" and a means of sales promotion: "I said, this level of conflict can't be solved by a smuggling line, right?"

"Of course,'Wang Xing' has no ability or qualification at all to get involved in this level of game."

"That's President Gao, OK?"

"Purely personal opinion, I feel that Chairman Gao and Xia Cheng are incompatible."


Wen Huilan's frank attitude really makes people speechless.

The problem is that the attitude is frank, but the position is blurred.

Paper-cutting couldn't help asking in the group: "Is she really Gao Wenfu's agent?"

"Replacement as fake." The bamboo pole in charge of the contact endorsed it.

"Then what it says..."

"The key customer business, sales must first be to let the big customer recognize her as a person, and then take turns to get the product." Xie Junping's level of Yin and Yang language has improved significantly.

The octopus who was not there was very curious: "Does Boss Luo recognize her very much?"

"At least I really want her to talk more."

As soon as Xie Junping left a message and discussed the scene, Ronan slapped his face. At this moment, he was wearing armor in one hand, and the other hand was still empty, his voice was a bit strange, but it was harmless.

"Very wonderful."

Wen Huilan lowered her head to answer: "You are too acclaimed."

"No, I'm very inspired. I have never considered the issue of the branch model or the cost. Probably it was because I did the project before, my sister supported too much, and almost didn't worry about the money. I finally waited until it started. I'm worried, and before I have time to add more string to my mind, I enter the branch again-I really think everyone in the world is like me."

Ronan laughed at himself casually, but no one agreed.

Everyone knows that the real theme has just begun.

Ronan didn’t mean to make a long story anymore, he said very bluntly: “The only pity is that although Ms. Wen spoke very well, she still didn’t touch the point of interest to me... I can only ask more. Just a few words, Ms. Yiwen's mastery of the surrounding situation, the answers are readily available."

Wen Huilan was startled slightly, and said "Don't dare to be" when she looked down.

Ronan shook his head and smiled: "That's not going to work! Ms. Wen, when you can't educate us, talk endlessly; when we ask questions, just push back and forth."

Wen Huilan said again, "Don't dare".

With a word difference, the atmosphere is quite different.

"Oh, is this a set?" Xie Junping said in the group again, but no one responded this time.

Because Ronan didn’t give Wen Huilan any more time to adjust, he directly asked: “First, judging from the results of the interrogation of those from Taixi Company, the supply channel of'Wang Xing' in Xiacheng has been relatively stable. I want to know, The bulk of the profit here comes from the capable people in the other world, or the ordinary people in the secular society?"

Under Ronan's gaze, Wen Huilan never raised her head again. She looked at the ground, and she was vacant for half a second before answering, but her pronunciation was clear and neat:

"... Ordinary people."

"Damn, sharp!"

Xie Junping is used to speaking in the group, and he really can't help it, but Ronan's question, he really has the ability to take the lead!

The paper-cutting also suddenly realized: "Xiacheng mode, your sister! Almost let her lead the ditch! How does a business of 1,000 people compare to a business of 200 million people?"

This is completely another way of thinking.

Perhaps the description of "one thousand to two hundred million" is not precise enough, and there are still a small number of people who really consciously consume smuggled goods.

But smuggling is a special, high-priced and rare item on the one hand; on the other hand, it is ordinary, low-cost, high-volume consumables—maybe to avoid tariffs, or it may be due to quality problems.

Rare objects are of course aimed at special people; consumables must be aimed at the general public. The latter has too many possibilities, through various distribution channels, packaged into regular commodities, and enters millions of households.

This market has gone big.

Although there is no evidence to show that "Waixing" does not feel that the style of operating this business does not match; the Taixi Company, which was captured today, has nothing to do with this...

But when Ronan asked, didn't Wen Huilan also admit it?

The group of friends was still shaking, and Ronan immediately asked a second question: "What is the bulk of this part of the goods?"

"Distortion property."

"Be precise."

Wen Huilan seemed to adjust her breathing, her tone still calm: "It's mainly food and nutrition. Aberrant kinds of jerky, bone meal, herbs..."

Xie Junping directly asked on the spot: "These things are about the same as those consumed by those with the ability! The cheap and nutritious meals of our branch are not all these things?"

Paper-cutting tried to analyze: "The difference between genuine goods and wine mixed with water?"

Zhai Gong is a fine person and has knowledge of industrial production: "The nutritious meal materials of the branch must be treated in a harmless manner to prevent the possibility of genetic pollution while retaining the nutritional value. This harmless production line is located in Xiacheng. There is only one, it seems to be controlled by Lingbo. The process is complicated and expensive, and the cost is quite..."

Speaking of this, Zhai Gong suddenly thought of something and suddenly got stuck.

At this time, Luo Nan asked Wen Huilan the third question: "Have you ever made any statistics in the past few years in Xiacheng Dafali City, how much the number of'dirty people' in Xiacheng has increased? These increases are related to this. Is there any connection between the goods offered online?"

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