Master of the Stars

Chapter 1189: The other side (middle)

At this time, the five-minute silence period finally passed.

How can netizens from all walks of life wait until they see Ruiwen to speak? Although there was no more scolding war, he still couldn't wait to release his doubts. For a time, the live broadcast room was covered by dense problems.

But the biggest problem is that Long Qi is not moved at all.

He has his own rhythm.

After the sports car entered the high-speed magnetic track and began to cruise automatically, Long Qi was idle and idle, and turned on the chattering mode:

"I'm here to familiarize myself with the fried cold rice tonight... Uh, unexpected incident. The cause, it is such a **** video that is not suitable for the general public, the reaction is indeed very intense.

"Let me see what's said on the Internet... Murderer, it doesn't make much sense. You ask the police to prove it. By the way, you can prove that the ghost place exists reasonably and legally, as permitted by the city's laws.

"Riwen is a vagrant... Is this the problem? Besides, I don't know this, she doesn't know it. Did I say anything? I said I don't know.

"There is also this article, which is a psychological profile of Ruiwen. Well, it has been out of character, psychopathic, and has no normal human emotions... Nowadays Internet psychologists are really powerful. For encouragement, let the Seventh Brother let Ruiwen go back. Give everyone a smile. If you can’t laugh, let Boss Luo take your Miss Ruiwen to the hospital!

"You ask me what six ears are? Well, it's the pass of a certain high-level circle. You didn't see that I was so moved that my eyes splashed with tears? Turn around and hug my thighs and let me run wild on the earth!"

Long Qi laughed and joked, and his position was erratic, but it was not too "excessive"-in the live broadcast yesterday, everyone who knew him knew that under the handsome prince-like appearance, this was actually a nonsense lord who came just with open his mouth. I'm a little bit embarrassed.

Everyone just listens to it, and no one believes it all. But it is also convenient for the interested people to choose suitable materials among them for other purposes.

In this temporary state of euphoria, despite the fact that people in the live broadcast room kept coming to hear the news, and each had their own positions, there was no accident of mutual explosion of harmful barrage.

Because of Longqi's previous location, it was originally near the Bar Street in Dongcheng District and not far from the eastern coastline. Just as he had a "chatter" without a word, the sports car quickly came near the destination indicated by the mission.

More or less unexpected, here is a quiet and unmanned coastline, only the driveway opened on the cliffs, and the noisy waves at night.

There is no parking area here. It is only a section of the Huanhai Highway. There are vehicles passing by at high speed from time to time. The changing lights make Long Qi scratch his scalp:

"It's almost here, no one answers."

The live broadcast room was also yelling:

"The positioning is wrong!"

"Liar, where is Miss Ruiwen?"

Long Qi slowed down and wiped his scalp at the on-board camera: "It's nearby. Well, Mr. Ink has already flown down. It seems that I have to go down too..."

"Seven brothers don't think about it!"

"The average cliff height in this place is 20 meters."

"The point is that Brother Seven has no wings!"

Long Qi is worried about another thing: "If you are tall or not, let's not talk about it. What should I do with my'pet dog' and put it in the emergency lane. I must be punished to death. I don't have enough points."


After the brief embarrassment caused by the dislocation of thinking, many people in the live broadcast room gave him ideas:

"If you don't drive forward, there should be a parking area for accident vehicles."

"I've been here this way, and there is a factory not far ahead."

"That's a shipyard. It's a long way around."

"You can't go around even if you go around, and you didn't get off the road at all. That's a military area, OK?"

In the night, the ink flew up again from under the cliff, clutching the barrier, and tilted his head to look over. It seemed strange, why didn't this guy keep up.

Long Qi sighed heavily, opened the four corner flashes, drove into the emergency lane, and stopped. Then switch the live broadcast camera to the first angle of view, walk out of the car, and in the live broadcast room, amid the clamor of "Uncle traffic police, he violated a stop", with the afterglow of the headlights of the car, the probe looked down.

On the rugged and ferocious coastline, the dark shadows almost overwhelmed everything. To be sure, there is no beach to stroll down below, only the canine-toothed reefs, and the waves intertwined between the reefs.

"Stop, stop, I'm afraid of heights!"

"This is nature's rag doll making machine."

"Should we seriously consider the problem of positioning errors?"

"Involving the altitude difference, satellite maps are really untrustworthy."

Long Qi didn't respond at all to this, because the moment he looked at it, it was already clear that in the shadow formed by the cliffs and reefs, there was a shadow that seemed equally dim, but reflected the luster of life.

Feeling his gaze, the vaguely familiar outline, looking back sideways, Jing Che's gaze, it is indeed that Ruiwen is right.

"Ahhhh, Miss Ruiwen!"

"God, why are you here?"

"How did she get down?"

"This is not a good place for a date!"

The fans in the live broadcast room who shared the perspective of Dragon Seven were suddenly excited. Of course, there are also people who are simultaneously posting "murderers" and the like.

Long Qi raised his hand and was about to say hello, but suddenly a zero: Beside Ruiwen, the guy who was sitting on the reef, as if staring at the sea in a daze, who was it?

With an answer soon in his heart, Long Qi murmured subconsciously:

"Big boss."

He certainly didn't really want to say it, but he was used to live broadcasting and developed bad habits. After all, that's what happened, he laughed at himself again:

"Well, I knew it, it wasn't that easy to pass today."

Long Qi sighed again, snapped his fingers weakly, and slammed the four-corner sports car behind him, closed the door automatically, swiped the low beam and high beam twice, entered the driverless mode, and turned it on. Yu Zhouzhi's light strip.

"Go home, pet dog!"

Longqi issued a preset command, and the on-board intelligence on this sports car didn't care about its owner. It started automatically, drove out of the emergency lane, and then accelerated. In a blink of an eye, it ran out of sight of the taillights.

The audience in the live broadcast room expressed their incomprehension to the operation of Dragon Seven:

"Seven brothers, if you want to pick up the beauties, you can't do it without a car!"

"Miss Ruiwen is below, how can I go there?"

"We still have to take a long detour, please!"

"It's impossible to make a detour. I just hope that I don't teach bad kids."

Long Qi faced the ink camera and completed the transfer of the camera positions. Then he raised his hands and made an apologetic gesture, as if saying goodbye. Then he directly climbed the railing and illuminated the hideous reef with a drop of nearly 30 meters. , Fell down.

For a moment in the live broadcast room, there was a clear screen-clearing effect.

When countless emotional retaliatory barrage swarmed over and almost squeezed the live broadcast room, Long Qi was already following the ink camera, with his back against the rock wall, like a gecko, continuing to slide steadily.

He chose the most conservative route, in order to take care of the fragile hearts and worldviews of netizens. This is true, the barrage in the live broadcast room is still the same as the waves that continue to slap below, in a wave of meaningless emotions. In the loop.

Long Qi didn't care about this anymore. He had already slid to the bottom of the cliff, found a foothold, and began to slap the moss shells stuck on his back.

He didn't like cleaning so much. He just adjusted his mentality slightly by cleaning his back and palms, and then walked towards the area closer to the sea.

To be precise, it is to jump over like a grid.

There is no road at all under the cliff, and some are just scattered reefs in the waves. Thousands of sand sculpture netizens in the live broadcast room now don’t have to jump off the cliff. They just walk a few steps in this environment and basically they have to reclaim the sea.

Dragon Qi now prefers to reclaim the sea.

Because what he has to face next is the most terrifying big boss in the world at the end of the century.

They actually didn't show up, although they had been staring at the sea before, but after Long Qi jumped down, he turned around, his expression was kind, and when Long Qi approached, he took the lead in saying hello:

"Hello, Mr. Long Qi, don't you need to introduce yourself?"

It's really not necessary.

Not to mention Long Qi, the netizen in the live broadcast room. Seeing this young man who has a childish face but is always used to being old-fashioned, and his voice has not been separated from the change of voice, he can also blurt out his identity:


"Riwen's brother."

Dragon Seven had considered whether he wanted to show a face of sincerity and fear in order to show respect for the world's top powerhouse. But considering the identity of the other's psychopathic master, it felt unnecessary.

He grinned like a self-deprecating grin, separated a reef, about three meters away, and paid tribute to the one who slumped:

"Mr. Luo, are you looking for me?"

Ronan spoke very straightforwardly: "It's about as stated in the title of the mission: Ruiwen goes to the wilderness to explore. I think it's not appropriate to go bare-handed, and it will have a bad orientation..."

If you say this, you will have bad guidance, okay?

God knows how the gang of people in the live room will be brainstorming.

Long Qi is not in the mood to watch the live broadcast room anymore. He can only say without conscience: "You want to be thoughtful."

Ronan smiled: "You are the guide and the main force. The equipment we prepare must match yours."

Not the main force but the coolie!

Long Qi continued to complain in his heart, but listened to Luo Nan nonchalantly: "Your version of the movement is already relatively old..."


"I mean, there is a generation gap between you and the latest generation of Deep Blue platform, and the exoskeleton system should be relatively outdated. It doesn't make much sense to match it. So I am going to adjust it for you before I set off."


He was directly exposed to his sensitive core identity and hit the pain point directly. Long Qi should have reacted, but he didn't dare to have a temper at all, and he didn't care about other aspects of the reaction, just using a short silence. Then one said one:

"The problem is, Mr. Ronan, I didn't bring out the armor."

"No need." Ronan glanced across the middle of his left ear. "It's enough to bring the control key. It's okay to have a single core, and I don't recommend you to do this."


Although the positions are different, Ronan's suggestion that even the transcendent species should be carefully weighed, can't help Dragon Qi not use his brain, even if he uses his brain, he can't understand it.

"Are you ready?"

"……what to prepare?"

"Get an exoskeleton for testing first."


"Go and get one over there."

Ronan pointed to the dark sea in the distance. In fact, there were still some lights, covering the frame of buildings on the edge of the coastline.

Long Qi tried to understand Ronan's intention: "The shipyard of the city defense army?"

Wait, it seems he has an impression of here.

I was thinking about it, a huge shadow poked its head out from the "behind" of the coastline building, and then exposed a larger volume, moving slowly on the sea.

A ship has left the port.

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