Master of the Stars

Chapter 1191: Calculate the cost (on)

"Ah this!"

What came out of the live broadcast room was not a barrage, but the subtle mood of the audience.

In the nearby waters, there was only one freighter traveling, the one that had just left the shipyard after "maintenance" was completed, and Mr. Vampire asked about it.

Since Ronan promised that no filming will be carried out in the military area, the ship has replaced the main line that people expected and has always appeared in the ink lens.

But now, judging from the persistent behavior of Ink, it seems that this is not a "replacement", but a "premeditated" that has existed a long time ago!

In any case, the ink did cross the surface of the sea and found a foothold where it was still moving.

Some netizens who have lived in coastal cities such as Xiacheng for many years can tell that this should be a common general cargo ship of less than 10,000 tons.

The antenna where the ink stops is the only superstructure area of ​​the cargo ship, located at the stern of the hull. There are still some cabins with lights on, and further forward, the cargo holds and lifting equipment, all the way to the bow, are very empty, and no people can be seen in the dark.

At this time, the sudden appearance of strong wind and dark clouds seems to have improved slightly. Although the sky is still gloomy and visibility is still relatively low, the wind speed is declining. It seems that it was just a strong convective weather that occurred in the offshore area just now. It came quickly. Go fast too.

The ink can also tick feathers with a thick beak comfortably, and the camera scans the corners of the freighter, turning it in the direction it came from.

The coastline is getting farther and farther, and the outline of the land is not so clear. Only the bright lights of the city further away still penetrate the cloud and water mist on the sea surface, giving the audience a relatively vague positioning.

Xiacheng gradually moved away, so that the audience in the live broadcast room had some mental changes instinctively, but it was easily melted into various ridicules:

"This should be a designated event, shouldn't it break out?"

"Has the ‘haha’ in the shipyard is not over yet?"

"Can we discuss the social identity of Mr. Vampire?"

"Hello, strong man, goodbye strong man!"

"In the live broadcast room, I only know how to play stubbornly. The discussion on Tianjie has long been crazy!"

"Hey, if it doesn't come out, the ink will go to Jicheng."

"Does it count as a smuggling?"

"The Jicheng side is ready to respond!"

"We will take good care of Master Ink."

In the serious and unscrupulous barrage, there is also a different content:

"what is that?"

At first, the barrage was unremarkable. It was mixed in a large number of barrage and drifted by unconsciously, and no one responded.

But not long after, a similar barrage floated up again, with a series of exclamation marks behind it. From then on, a bunch of "!!" and "???" symbols followed closely, mixed with embellishments such as "I rely on", so that those audiences who focused on discussions and exchanges finally began to pay attention to the live broadcast itself.

But there are others who haven't found an abnormality for a while:

"What's wrong?"

"Bottom left corner, towards the shipyard..."

"Report the result with a good look!"

No one gave a clear answer.

However, there are still more and more viewers who can see that in the depths of the cloud and water mist, there is an unclear outline, which has just been completely separated from the shadow of the shipyard’s factory area. It should also be moving and with the freighter. The direction is the same-at least the distance between each other is not stretched.

According to common sense, the thing should be a boat, but it is awkward to look at it.

Not only in the live broadcast room, but also on the freighter where the ink was sheltered, there was also a reaction.

In other words, as a large-scale operation equipment, the cargo ship is also fully equipped. The crew here seems to have discovered the abnormality earlier. Some people threw on the stern deck, pointed in that direction, and said something fiercely.

The distance is too far to hear clearly, but the weird shadow outline behind it does not change because of the fierce reaction of these people.

If you have to say yes, it seems to be a bit shorter than when it was first discovered... It is too specific for its specific shape, and it is still difficult to connect with any kind of sailing ship.

In the live footage of the ink condescending, the panic reaction of people on the cargo ship was unobstructed.

It felt like meeting a legendary pirate... even a ghost ship.

Offshore area, as for?

"Don't be like this, I'm getting nervous when I see it!"

"Have you noticed that it seems to have become smaller..."


"Damn, let's be normal!"

When talking in the live broadcast room, the crew on the cargo ship was even better. They directly called out the high-power searchlight of the same type as the shipyard and swept towards the rear.

When the first wave was adjusted, it seemed to have been swept, and there was still a faint reflection. But wait until the light beam stabilizes, and then lock the position just now, under the dark clouds of night, there is nothing.


"It's not sinking!"

Different from the speculation and discussion in the live broadcast room, there was obviously a dispute between the few people on the stern, and it seemed that they were also arguing about what it was, but it was more emotional.

At this time, the freighter accelerated again. Due to the overload, the hull made a noticeable trembling noise, which was not as stable as before.

The quarrel at the stern was even more intense. Some even pointed back at the ink and furious with their companions... It turned out that they had always known the existence of ink, but the audience in the live broadcast room really didn’t know the logic behind it.

Probably this seemingly absurd scene is quite boring in the eyes of ink, so this little thing jumped on the antenna and turned around, and the camera included the first half of the cargo ship.

This turn does not matter, and a large number of words "I rely on" were sprayed out in the live broadcast room.

Because at this time, the lens is aimed at... or the lens aimed at, turned out to be the muzzle of a black hole!

In the cargo area in the middle of the hull pointed to by the camera, at some unknown time, six or seven combatants wearing exoskeleton armor and armed to their teeth appeared.

One of them was aiming the airborne rifle it was carrying at this side, and it was not aroused. I don't know if it was aiming or hesitating.

One second later, another person next to him made an obvious blocking action, but the person holding the gun was extremely stable. Even if the person who dissuaded the person from moving more aggressively, he could not hold down the muzzle.

"Fly fast!"

"do not move!"

"Don't irritate the other side!"

There are reminders everywhere in the live broadcast room, and opinions are flying wildly, but for a crow, what's the point?

Anyway, the ink did not move, and the camera was still aimed at the armed personnel, and even the act of adjusting the focus, capturing some details on the opponent's exoskeleton armor.

The opponent did not pull the trigger in the end.

It is not necessarily because of self-control and the dissuasion of the companions, because at this time, the freighter is bright with a dazzling red light, and some people on the rear deck are cooperating with exhaustion:

"Down, down!"

"Right side!"

The people on the aft deck seemed to have discovered something, they all squeezed to the right side of the ship, poking their heads into the sea. High-power searchlights also hit the sea on the side, but I don't know if they found anything.

Those armed men, no longer caring about ink, went to the right side one after another, but the one who just raised the gun, and the one who discouraged him, was a few vertical jumps and rushed to the forefront of the freighter.

At this time, the beam of the high-power searchlight also cut across the sea surface on the sideboard and pointed straight ahead.

The beam of light tore through the darkness, and swept to the front of the hull in the swing, a certain contour different from the normal sea surface. It seems to be gradually zooming in... No, it is floating.


"Floating island?"


"Shen special rockery."

The "rockery" barrage was input by Zhong Man. She also knows that this concept is absurd in the current situation. But based on her years of instincts in plastic arts, she feels that there is still more like a rockery built with fragmentary stone and quite beautiful in shape...

Slowly rise from the bottom of the sea.

But only a few seconds later, as the beam of the searchlight was locked, the visibility on the sea surface improved, and the outline of the opposite side became clearer. Even seeing some structural details, Zhong Man’s facial nerves began to twitch in a disorderly manner:

The mountain is indeed a mountain.

You can go for the fragmented stone, the ghostly squad-like structure—those staggered structures with sharp edges and corners, what kind of stone is it, it is clear that it is layered, even squeezed and compacted bones. .

That's right, it was simply a bone hill rising slowly from the bottom of the sea, still swelling the sea. Under the high-power searchlight, there seemed to be a pale phosphorous fire jumping above it.


"your sister!"

"I'm blind, San is crazy!"

"The gods and Buddhas protect the body!"

"Is this really magical realism of the hell?"

The screams in the live broadcast room were repeated, and there was only worse on the cargo ship.

The searchlight that hit the Bone Hill suddenly went out.

Almost at the same time, the lights of the upper deck building went out, and all the personnel on the aft deck entered the cabin. The whole area was silent as death. The entire cargo ship, except for the armed personnel on the side and the front end, was not half-person.

Only the red light of the alarm is still flashing stubbornly.

Obviously this is a defensive measure.

However, such scenes and light and shadow effects are actually even more terrifying when they fall into the ink lens.

The freighter was still moving, quickly approaching the Bone Hill, and seemed to be about to hit it, and it seemed to be wiping past the side.

At this distance, although there is no searchlight beam, it feels clearer and clearer.

I don't know if it is because of the rise from the bottom of the sea. The sea water on the Bone Hill still has some inertia, flowing through the bone gaps of different depths and sizes.

Especially under the simultaneous blessing of the darkness and the warning light, it still faintly reveals a deep blood.

Wait, is it light or blood?

I don't know how many people held their breath at this moment.

It was also in this strange and abnormal silence that the radio equipment carried by the ink photography lens caught a certain out of control tone:

"Mr. Luo, Professor Luo!

"This shipment of our goods is shipped abroad, and the deadline you gave is still twenty-four hours!

"You haven't said no before, you can't blame it without teaching..."

It seemed that someone had lost control of their emotions, rushed to a place near the window, yelled, and was pressed back by someone covering his mouth.

The warning light was still flashing, and it rushed on the exoskeleton armor of the armed men on the side of the ship, and the flowing light waves made those few appear as stiff as dead.

At this time, there seemed to be a sound of someone on the sea, drifting along the sea breeze:

"Hello, let's just ask, is there any exoskeleton armor on the ship? I want a dark blue platform!"

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