Master of Thermodynamics

Chapter 42 Experimenting with the magic spar

Seeing that the heat was almost ready, Lei Nuo snapped his fingers lightly, and the slices of meat on the slate began to turn over automatically one by one. Just after one slice of meat was switched, the next slice of meat immediately started to move, and the continuous flipping of the slices unexpectedly formed a Fantastic waves.

The young girl's pretty face showed obvious envy, she bit her lip lightly with her white teeth, and showed a frustrated look again.

Since Lei Nuo obtained [Psychic Power], it has become very convenient to use mental power to manipulate objects, and he likes to do this more and more. He uses mental power all the time when cooking.

This novel and cool "extraordinary" cooking method naturally aroused the girl's great yearning, but according to Moose, Renault's level of mental power control is not even for a powerful extraordinary person.

Perhaps only the legendary "Your Excellency", that is, an esoteric person who is stronger than an extraordinary person, can do this.

But how rare are the esotericists, there are only 10 known esotericists in the entire human world.

Even the king has to address the esoteric person with respect, they are the big figures who really stand at the top of the power pyramid, and everyone has a huge influence.

No matter how confident the girl is, she doesn't dare to hope that one day she can become a esoteric person admired by thousands of people. Therefore, she may never have the opportunity to personally experience Lei Nuo's mental power to control things.

At this time, Moose suddenly whispered: "A silver-bellied squirrel is coming from the west, and it is almost approaching us!"

Renault nodded, indicating that he understood, and then used [Psychic Power] to transfer the grilled meat slices to the "dining table", which is another stone slab.

On an extremely tall tree more than 60 meters away, a small animal with three silver lines on its abdomen was standing on a thick branch, carefully observing the three people in the distance.

Its tail hair is dense, soft and fluffy, and it looks very beautiful. There are two long black hairs behind the ears, and a pair of big black eyes, which looks very cute and cute.

Under the influence of mana, the squirrels in this world are significantly larger than their counterparts on the earth. This silver-bellied squirrel is more than half a meter tall, with a tail as long as 1 meter. The claws on its limbs are very sharp. Obviously it's not a completely harmless creature.

This silver-bellied squirrel was actually attracted by the smell of barbecue, which means that its diet also includes meat, unlike squirrels on the earth who are mainly vegetarian.

As expected of another world, even squirrels have begun to change their eating habits!

Enticed by the food, the silver-bellied squirrel couldn't help but get closer and closer. Then it jumped onto the arbor closest to the three of them, hid on a branch more than 40 meters high, and looked down at the three of them.

At this time, Lei Nuo manipulated the dagger to cut a new batch of meat slices, and started the second round of slate barbecue, and the aroma in the air became more intense.

Seeing that the three of them didn't seem to notice him, the silver-bellied squirrel couldn't help but climbed down the tree trunk for a certain distance, wanting to get closer to the barbecue below.

It just jumped onto a branch, when suddenly it felt a rope wrap around itself quickly, and was lifted up by the rope, it screamed in panic, struggling with all its limbs, trying to Get rid of the tangle of rope.

However, the rope became tighter and tighter, and soon it entangled its limbs, and the silver-bellied squirrel couldn't move anymore.

This is exactly one of the ways of using [Mind power], but this method can only be used on creatures with weak mental power, because mental power will also form an interference force field, the stronger the mental power, the larger the interference range, [Mind power] Power] cannot enter this range.

Lei Nuo raised his head and glanced at the silver-bellied squirrel. The rope immediately brought it down from the sky, and finally hovered in front of the three of them. Panicked, struggling harder.

Moose took out the magic spar from his backpack,

While saying: "I'll feed it medicine, Renault, hold on to it!" Then he held the dagger in his right hand and scraped some powder from the mana spar.

Seeing this, Lei Nuo increased the output of mental power. Under the pull of the rope, the silver-bellied squirrel's limbs were forced to open, forming a "big" shape in the air.

The poor little thing finally had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen, and the screams immediately became louder, and a pair of black eyes showed obvious panic like a human being.

But it just barked a few times, and it couldn't bark anymore. A pair of powerful hands held its head, and its mouth was forced to open, and then the little thing watched a big hand stretch out. Come over and pour water mixed with green powder into its mouth.

Then its mouth was tightly closed to prevent it from spitting out the water, and then the rope automatically wrapped around it, binding its mouth firmly.

The smell of the powder seemed to be extremely moving, the little thing's black eyes bulged, and his body began to tremble slightly.

Seeing this guy's pitiful appearance, the girl couldn't help showing a hint of sympathy.

In order to test whether the magic spar has side effects, this is the third animal experiment conducted by Lei Nuo and the others. The first two experiments were all medium and large animals. This time they decided to use small animals for the test.

The three of them were grilling the meat while observing the reaction of the silver-bellied squirrel. After half an hour, seeing that there was no abnormality in it, Lei Nuo let go of the restriction of [Psychic Power].

The moment the little thing felt the release of the restraint, he frantically broke free from the rope on his body, ran towards the nearest tree trunk, climbed up along the tree trunk, and quickly disappeared into the vast forest.

Obviously, the guy was terrified.

And this experiment probably left a huge psychological shadow on the little thing, I'm afraid it will never dare to get close to any two-legged monster in the future.

"It seems that this mana spar has no toxicity. It can be sure that its function should be detoxification, but I don't know if it has other functions." After glancing at the little guy who fled, Moose spoke first.

The girl's eyes lit up: "That means we can take it now?"

You must know that most of the high-quality mana crystals contain a certain amount of mana, and after using them, they can more or less increase the speed of mana cultivation.

Seeing that Lei Nuo's strength is getting stronger and stronger, the girl is also more and more eager to improve her strength, so after confirming that the magic spar has no side effects, she can't wait to try it.

Moose nodded: "That's right! But we'd better keep some of it as an antidote, so we can be prepared in case we get poisoned in the future!"

Renault took the initiative to say: "Uncle Moos, Angela, share this mana spar with you, I have a more suitable cultivation method for me, I don't need this."

With the help of the "Book of Thermodynamics", he can quickly increase his magic energy as long as he absorbs the "soul", and his cultivation speed is far faster than the top-level magic spar. Naturally, he doesn't like this "inferior" stuff.

During this period of time, Renault's mana has grown rapidly, and has almost reached the level of Moose. Moose and Angela have also noticed it. Even Moose, who has always been very stable, secretly envies him, let alone Say Angela.

So they accepted Renault's proposal cleanly.


After the three of them left, the gloomy forest clearing returned to calm, only two flat stone slabs still had a large piece of grease left, and a faint smell of meat wafted in the air.

At this time, a line of footprints suddenly appeared out of thin air on the soil, and quickly extended from a distance to the location of the stone slabs. After the footprints reached the stone slabs, they circled around the two stone slabs again, and then no new footprints appeared.

Suddenly there was a wave of fluctuation in the air, and an extremely dim shadow appeared next to the stone slab. It was more than 2 meters long, and it looked vaguely like some kind of canine animal.

This animal is actually invisible!

It extended its head to the slate, and moved its head slightly, as if it was licking the remaining grease on the slate.

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