Master of Trading Star Card Game

Chapter 198: Cards will also be pregnant?

Xie Mingzhe is dying of death.

The home of the first night of the night capital lost, he has been psychologically prepared, after all, the ruling, the home of the temple, they also lost, want to win the home of the six giants, at this stage is almost impossible to complete the task.

But he did not expect this kind of loss.

The tactical awareness of Yan Jingshan made Xie Mingzhe convinced, from the choice of scenes to the treatment of bee colonies at critical moments, and then to all the locusts in the late period, suddenly sent the Spider Queen to eat his teammates and become the king. Every time a situation that looks inferior, he can be quickly resolved, and the disadvantage is an advantage.

This is the real powerful command.

It is worthy of the small hair of Tang Muzhou. The tactical thinking of the two people is different, but it is also very strong.

In the second game, Xie Mingzhe originally prepared the tactics of Zhou Yu and Lu Xun's fire attack system. He wanted to rely on the group attack to suppress the worms in the night capital quickly, but the "on-the-spot tactics" tactics of Yan Jingshan appeared. Strategy, but the opposite is to win!

Once he used a large number of attack cards to kill the opposite locusts, Zhai Jingshan could send a card to eat his teammates and turn into a smashing king, which in turn hit a wave of poisonous attack damage.

What should I do?

The ghoul of Guisi Rui is the more dead bodies on the scene. The stronger the attack power after swallowing the corpse, the more you can deal with this card, you can use the bell to catch the ghost and directly banish. However, at the beginning, Xie Mingzhe did not make a stag beetle, and he could not directly drop the king of Jingjingshan to death.

Once you let Yan Jingshan raise the king, the last 8 games of Nirvana in the last game is the consequence.

Unless the locust card is completely killed in one breath, let the corpse corpse disappear quickly, instead of letting the spider queen eat it after the disability, this requires the firepower of the group attack to be more fierce - the second game can not delay the late, must speed quick decision!

In all the scenes of Nirvana, the battle of Chibi is the negative effect map of the full scene fire, slowly burning, the rhythm is medium.

There is actually a fast-paced map – the Yihong Night Banquet.

Grand View Garden series scene map, when the original production, Jia Baoyu's residence Yihongyuan, when the game began to a certain node, suddenly speed up - full scene crit rate, crit damage increased greatly!

Xie Mingzhe remembers that Chen Hao once said that he loves this scene most, because it can make a terrible injury in an instant.

Perhaps you can use this map to instantly clear the scene, and all the poisonous insects of the night capital will be seconds, then you will not give the opportunity to raise the king. However, the map that was originally prepared before the game was a battle of Chibi. Suddenly, the teammates might not adapt.

However, this picture is very familiar due to the relatively early production time.

When Xie Mingzhe thought of this, he took a deep breath and looked at his teammates. "In the second game, if you continue to burn in the battle of Chibi, the opposite side may raise a king like you. I think it is better to change the map. , try to play a wave of flow - Yihong night banquet, do you think it is feasible?"

Yu Ke has become accustomed to Xie Mingzhe's sudden whimsy. The last time he hit the temple, he suddenly changed his effect. He had no opinion at all. He said: "It doesn't matter, I am familiar with this map anyway!"

Qin Xuan did not speak, nodded and agreed.

Chen Wei patted Xie Mingzhe's shoulder and encouraged: "According to your thoughts, my brother also said that the command needs to be continually adjusted, and the idea can be adjusted at any time according to the opponent's tactics. Since the fire attack strategy of the Chibi battle does not work, it may be possible to change The Red Night Banquet tried to make a wave."

Xie Mingzhe seriously said: "Thank you all."

Commanding the temporary change of scenes, this is also a great test for teammates, but everyone supports him, which gives Xie Mingzhe more confidence: "The card group remains the same, still the practice that I have practiced before, I Will be stuck in the start of the Yihong night banquet, everyone remembers to stay in key skills, a wave of clearance, when the time to see the situation copy group attack."

At the beginning of the second game, Xie Mingzhe submitted the map - Yihongyuan of the Grand View Garden series.

Seeing such a long map name, the fans are very confused: "What about this series?" "How many scenes did Nirvana do? Is there any other map in the Grand View Garden series?" "I know that Fat Unwill not let us down." Nirvana's home is definitely fun!"

Yan Jingshan is a sensible person. He is not affected by Xie Mingzhe's various strange skill descriptions. He has no reaction when he sees the long map name. He only looks at the map environment seriously and quickly finds out the key. .

He said to his teammates: "A wave of maps, there is a rhythm explosion point, it seems that they want a wave of clearance. Leave the protection skills, bring a whole group of invincible cards, put invincible at the beginning of the night banquet, across the opposite Collective outbreaks."

Auxiliary player Lin Quan immediately nodded: "Know the team!"

In the private room, when I saw this map appear, Chen Qianlin’s mouth was slightly raised. Tang Muzhou found that Master’s expression changed, but he said: “Is not going to make his own claim, temporarily change the map?”

Chen Qianlin said: "He is very smart. This map is indeed the best choice for the breeding model."

Tang Muzhou has some doubts: "Zhu Jingshan is not stupid, and certainly I can see it. I guess he will send a gold plaque to directly release the invincible protection skills of the group of gold shells; or just a mocking card to mock the audience at the beginning of the night banquet, sacrifice Protect your teammates yourself. In this way, the younger brother’s plan will be lost.”

Chen Qianlin said; "It's not that simple. You will know when you look at it."

Game start.

In the early days of the night, I played very hard and wanted to directly kill Nirvana before the night banquet, but Xie Mingzhe had already prepared for it, sent mocking cards and resurrection cards, and ridiculed with Sun Ce’s high-speed group, which resisted two waves of damage. Sacrifice yourself to protect all teammates.

When Sun Ce is killed, Zhou Yu will trigger the linkage technique and damage bonus.

Nirvana deliberately puts a group attack skill to keep the blood volume of the locust card at around 50%. At this time, if the spider queen eats other mites, it is not cost-effective. Spider Queen's card, must be played in the end of the game to have an effect, if you play too early, eat teammates but can not kill other opponents' cards, it is equivalent to self-disarming.

Lujingshan is waiting for an opportunity.

Nirvana is waiting.

Over time, the NPCs of Yihongyuan had a good dinner, and the scene gradually turned from a bright evening to a night.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, Yi Hong’s courtyard suddenly became bright and shining.

- Scene events, Yihong night banquet!

At the moment when the night banquet opened, Li Jingshan immediately gave the assistants a golden plaque and the group was invincible. He knows that Nirvana has left a lot of control skills and group attack skills, fearing that Nirvana will quickly control and clear the field at this moment.

The reaction speed of Lijingshan is very fast, however...

Nirvana did not immediately fight back.

The audience found that Xie Mingzhe suddenly summoned a card before the start of the night banquet - to send Guanyin.

Then, a certain plant card of Chen Yu was still in place, with a soft luster on his body.

At the beginning of the night banquet, the top of the plant's card shows a line of words: "In pregnancy, the baby will be born, immune to all attacks and control, countdown 9, 8, 7..."


What is the ghost in pregnancy?

Are the flowers of roses not all planted with seeds? !

How did Chen Ge’s black rose get pregnant? ? ?

The author has something to say:

Black Rose: MMP... I am a shame in the plant world!

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