Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 514: Single knife town million lion

Zhang Mingdao: "But Master, this fairy is too much! I am a disciple under my door!"

Chen Ming felt a failure. "Look at Master, me, the disciples under the door, three thousand. You have collected a group of wastes, and you have received a disciple. It is a face that has been lost as a teacher, a teacher, and a heartache!"

Zhang Mingdao: "Master, what do you mean, do we follow your specifications?"

Chen Ming waved: "You can't afford to accept 3,000 apprentices. However, as my apprentice to Chen Ming, everyone does not accept hundreds of apprentices. You are so embarrassed to say that my apprentice? Don't think that I I don't know, you guys are ruined, and you follow the five divisions to do business, sell medicinal herbs, and have a rich oil spill!"

"On the barbarians side, once the lion king tribe has stabilized, they will be sent to me! Anyway, you have also practiced in Yanshan recently, teaching disciples, and also a kind of practice. These two things do not affect each other. See Look at your two brothers, the disciples are thousands of people, and teach a fairy! Look at you, teacher, heartbroken!"

Many famous disciples nodded and said: "Master is right!"

The second brother is a master in the flight training class. Can you be like us?

Although we are puzzled, we dare not ask.

Zhang Ming looked at Chen Ming’s angry look and immediately rode his own Scorpio beast and said: “Teacher and sister, go, catch the fairy!”

More than 3,000 disciples followed Zhang Ming to catch the fairy beast. Chen Ming is returning to his own palace at this time. Don’t say that this group of small guys is a good house for their temporary construction. They are all one of them. Filial piety.

Walking into his own palace, Chen Ming glanced at the 18th Tianxian Dacheng, who was at the door. He said: "Liu Qingyun, go on rest, then, this battle, I will finish it alone, you, and Other more important things to do."

Liu Qingyun vows: "The subordinates understand!"

Chen Ming continued: "Yes, your children and grandchildren should have moved to the Yanshan branch?"

Liu Qingyun arched: "Yes, the mountain owner!"

Chen Ming nodded very satisfied, then said: "The prosperity of Yanshan, it is not enough to rely on us old guys, the outstanding children of your family, are sent to me under the name of the disciples."

Liu Qingyun showed a touch of joy, and he said, "Thank you for the mountain!"

Chen Ming continued: "

As for the several lords of Yanshan, they must accept my consent. They are still somewhat different from the registered disciples. ”

Liu Qingyun reveals a smattering look. Several of the lords are big men who may inherit Chen Ming’s seat in the future. Naturally, it is impossible to treat the same.

Liu Qingyun is the most favorite, naturally Luo Muye, he thinks that the six masters are simply skeleton and talented. Of course, it is a bit too early to think about this question at this time. Today's mountain owners, but less than a hundred years old!

It is still too early to think about these when the mountain owner is in the spring and autumn.

It is not bad to be able to worship under the door of these Yanshan disciples. After all, these Yanshan disciples are a rich oil spill!

According to the habits of Yanshan, the apprentices have always been eating masters. With the master, after worshipping under the door of Yanshan disciples, they don’t have to worry about themselves.

Moreover, their understanding seems to be far more than ordinary people, and they do not know where the mountain lord found so many good and famous disciples.

Chen Ming continued: "But I estimate that these masters do not have any ideas for collecting people at present. Their ambitions are very ambitious."

Liu Qingyun smiled and said: "This is nature. The sovereign under the door of the mountain must be different from ordinary people!"

Chen Ming waved: "Go on!"

Liu Qingyun and other Tianxian Dazheng left here. Chen Ming reached out and licked his head. The things to be done now are too many. Lingxian has no scriptures at all, and the sixth pro-disciple has always been No eyebrows.

Now the barbarian is just beginning the war.

It’s really troublesome!

However, Ling Xian is also sensible. He never mentioned to himself that he has no scriptures to repair, so that Chen Ming will not be distracted in the war.

Moreover, the attitude of the other party's death and death is also to make Chen Ming feel a little strange, knowing that it is a loss, but it is still dead, they want to drag themselves?

But what is the use of dragging yourself?

Can it be said that they still have the means to reverse the situation?

At present, there is no need to worry about the barbarian attacking himself. There are fairy beasts in the fairy road. If you want to come over, you must subdue these rioted beasts.

This is why Chen Ming asked Yanshan disciples to conquer the fairy beasts.

After a day of rest, Chen Ming once again

When I came to Xianlu, I saw that the disciples of Yanshan were arresting the fairy beasts. After all, it was the hometown of Yanshan disciples. It was a hand-to-hand, and everything went smoothly.

With Zhang Ming sitting in the town with a giant beast, Chen Ming has nothing to worry about.

Chen Ming looks at the opposite side of Xianlu. The other party is also arresting the fairy beast. In the barbarian, the fairy beast is a war machine. The warrior is dead, the fairy is still there, and the number of fairy beasts is the source of the barbarian force.

The other party obviously does not want to lose so many beasts.

Chen Ming sighed and could only kill himself by himself.

This master is not good!

Come slowly, kill for a month, how can you kill it?

Chen Ming stepped and rushed toward the other army.

Suddenly, Chen Ming, who killed the other party, was caught off guard. This time, the result was better than the last time.

But unfortunately, Chen Ming is still not blocking the other party's blockade.

However, Chen Ming is not in a hurry. Anyway, the other party has no way to take it, and slowly kills it. There will always be a day of killing.

Time is in the past, the fierce name of the thousand-faced fox is spread throughout the Lion King tribe, his reputation is getting bigger and bigger, all Khan is clear, more than a dozen Khan, besieging a veteran, is simply looking for death, nothing more than time problem.

Gradually, Thousand Face Fox has a new title, a single knife town million lion!

This is a legendary war that is destined to circulate in the Lion King tribe. One person, a knife, kills a million lions!

Everyone can't help but think that this war seems to be a raging win. He has the support of a veteran, and the wrath of the storm is still in a tireless attack.

They do not count the life and death, but also continue to succumb to the thousands of face fox **** whistling back to the Lion King's way.

There is a new veteran level. If it was before, the veterans of the Senate had come to invite the Senate, but now, the old and new Lions are about to alternate, and the Senate has no movement.

The Senate does not like to consume in the fight, but it is destined to have only one person to board the position of the Lion King. After boarding the position of the Lion King, it will certainly clean the Khan that is not surrendered. Now, it is only a little clean.

After this war, you can also see the anger and anger, who is more qualified to control the Lion King. 2k novel reading network

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