Master of Untold Daos

Chapter 889: [All hearts and minds]

The gale is a battle drum, and a thousand miles is a lonely grave.

General, a star closest to the Yan Guodi star.

The land price of this star is the most expensive except for the emperor.

Originally, according to the plan of anger, above this star, it is necessary to establish a lot of courtyards, sell them, and raise military funds, but Chen Ming once ordered that a star be cast next to the emperor to bury the dead soldiers.

Although I was so sad that I was so angry, I still did it.

Here, the burial is the dying Raven Iron Rider, and the Black Raven Iron Rider.

The military of Yan State has only two armies.

In the direction of the emperor, a group of dragon crows came in the middle of the road. They landed in front of the generals and searched for their comrades in the graves that spread ten miles.

They searched for a while and finally found the grave of their comrades. Before the tomb, there was a man in a black feather robes. He reached for the tombstone and his body trembled slightly.

Everyone looked at this figure and only felt familiar. "Does this Taoist friend also come to worship him?"

Chen Ming nodded and said: "Yes."

Someone heard Chen Ming’s voice, and his voice trembled and asked: “Yes... Your Majesty?”

Chen Ming looked back and saw these Raven Iron Riders. The Raven Iron Riders saw Chen Ming’s face and quickly bowed to Chen Mingqi. “I will wait, see you!”

Chen Ming nodded slightly, then said: "Get up."

Everyone looked at Chen Ming, only to feel the shock of his heart, Chen Ming is now an identity, actually alone, personally come to worship the dead soldiers!

Chen Ming’s hand fell on the tombstone and reached out to explore the epitaph. There was only one simple sentence:

[With the Kings, the three students are fortunate]

Chen Ming reached out and touched the engraving of this sentence and asked: "Who is this sentence?"

From the dragon crows behind Chen Ming, one person walked out and patted the chest and said: "I engraved, Li Changan at the end of the dying, told me that he must write this sentence on his tombstone! Can follow the next battle, is Yan The wishes of all the soldiers in the country are also the soldiers of Yan Kingdom, the most happy thing in the heart!"

"The world is invincible, only my dragon crow!"

Chen Ming smiled and nodded, then said: "I understand."

He took out a jug of wine from his sleeve and said: "Li Changan, you have a good wine before birth. I know it. When I was in the army, I wouldn’t let you drink more. Now you can drink more, you can’t drink it. ""

He poured the wine in the grave of Li Chang'an, and then said: "You have three sons, the second child is very outstanding. I want him to join the jay iron ride. He is a very brave soldier. I believe he will be able to do well. of."

Chen Ming said that the Raven Iron Rider behind it was the beginning of tears.

Your Majesty, remember them, keep remembering them.

The news that Chen Ming was here to pay homage to the dead soldiers was quickly circulated. On the top of the emperor, almost everyone knew this.

More and more Raven Iron Riders who are resting at home are coming here, and the family of the dying Raven Iron Riders are also coming non-stop, and the practitioners above the Emperor Star, the families of the Raven Iron Riders are all Come here.

However, for a long time, behind Chen Ming, it is already crowded.

Even the whistling, they were all alarmed and quickly arrived here.

He and the trails were left behind, and in the crowd, Chen Ming, who was going to pay homage to the soldiers in the distance, smiled and said: "This may be the reason why you have to make the best of the world."

The sigh sighed: "This world, you can meet your majesty, it is your blessing."

Three days later, Chen Ming’s body has been a practitioner for the day.

Chen Ming poured the wine on the last tombstone, and the memorial was completed. At the moment he turned around, in the crowd, suddenly three young people rushed out and they rushed toward Chen Ming.

Among the crowd, someone recognized them.

"That is the three sons of Li Chang'an!"

"They are rushing to their knees, what are they going to do?"

"I don't know, look!"

Li Chang’an’s second son was in front of him, and the three men stumbled in front of Chen Ming’s: “I’m Li, I’m willing to be loyal to my generation for generations!”

Chen Ming gave a slight glimpse. To be honest, he did not think so much.

In the past, in this case, the world is somewhat unreal.

But after Linger’s death, after Qinglong’s broken arm, Chen Mingcai thought that this was a living person.

They have given up their lives for their own will.

He came to worship one or two, and this is all right.

However, this is not over yet. Since the appearance of the Li family, another family has fallen in front of Chen Ming. "I am Ouyang, I hope that the next generation will be loyal to my Majesty!"

Then, more people appeared, and they slammed in front of Chen Ming. "I am Xiao, I will be loyal to my generation for generations!"

"I am a family, I will be loyal to my Majesty for generations!"

"My royal family, I hope that the next generation will be loyal to your majesty!"

"My gold family, I hope that the next generation will be loyal to your Majesty!"


However, in the past quarter of an hour, in front of Chen Ming, it was already a black man who had collapsed for dozens of miles. "I will wait for generations to be loyal to all generations!"

The Raven Iron Riders were also deeply infected. They stumbled in front of Chen Ming: "I am willing to be a sword, clear up the innocence!"

"Hey, you have achieved an achievement [everything in the heart], [the emperor] was promoted to "the emperor" lv2."

Chen Ming glanced at the effect, the effect is [control] +3.

Chen Ming looked at the endless crowd, Shen Sheng said: "This life does not stop the world, I am against the kings!"

Under the infection of the family of the Raven Iron Rider and the Raven Iron Rider, the Yan Guo people who came to this place are all in Qi Qi, and the mountain shouts: "Yi Xia Shou and Tian Qi, and the sky is not old!"

Chen Ming quickly waved: "Get up."

He looked at the sky and smiled: "And look at this world, there are a few people who are my opponents!"

Yan Guo occupied the country of the central government, half of the world, under the prestige of Chen Ming, the flag of the Yan State, all surrendered.

Soon, under the arrangement of tens of thousands of people, the interior of the Yan State was on the right track, collecting weapons, and all the practices were under the control of Yan State.

The entire Yan State is a thriving scene.

Ten years later.

In a robber's nest, the robbers drunk in the hall, a black figure fell, took out the dagger in his sleeve, and slashed the neck of the robber leader.

"Who is, I dare to come to our wolf valley to let go!"

"Give me up!"

"kill him!"

The man in black, waving the dagger in his hand, twirling in the crowd, blood, blooming like a flower, this is a feast of death.

After an hour, all the robbers fell, leaving only the black man.

The black man untied his mask and revealed a face. Wei Buchen wiped the blood on his body. "Master, where are you?"

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